Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell - COD: "Heroin Poisoning"

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Just catching up after 2+ weeks of being out of the country. The more I learn about this family the more fearful I am that the surviving sisters will run into a similar fate as AJ if the authorities do not DO SOMETHING to make sure they're in a stable, safe, responsible home. I think at this point pretty much everyone following can see the writing on the wall and it's NOT good.

As for JH and her atty not knowing about the video... I call horse hooey on that one. Lots of games being played here.

Just catching up after 2+ weeks of being out of the country. The more I learn about this family the more fearful I am that the surviving sisters will run into a similar fate as AJ if the authorities do not DO SOMETHING to make sure they're in a stable, safe, responsible home. I think at this point pretty much everyone following can see the writing on the wall and it's NOT good.

As for JH and her atty not knowing about the video... I call horse hooey on that one. Lots of games being played here.


Absolutely. Watch this video (around the 1:31 mark) where Nadine asks Jennifer's attorney if the had any idea about the video.

Nadine: Now, did you guys have any idea about this video?
Leckie: Umm, it wasn't in the court's file, it wasn't provided to me in any type of discovery, so we didn't ever...
Nadine: Did Jennifer know about it?
Leckie: I can't comment on that.

(My translation: Yeah, of course we knew about the video, but Mr. Hoffer doesn't have an attorney, and apparently didn't know he had to turn it over to us, so hey...we're hopping on that fortunate turn of events.) ;)

ETA: Understand that I am not finding fault with Mr. Leckie, here. He is doing what any competent attorney would do, imo. I'm just calling out the game for what it is.
Absolutely. Watch this video (around the 1:31 mark) where Nadine asks Jennifer's attorney if the had any idea about the video.

Nadine: Now, did you guys have any idea about this video?
Leckie: Umm, it wasn't in the court's file, it wasn't provided to me in any type of discovery, so we didn't ever...
Nadine: Did Jennifer know about it?
Leckie: I can't comment on that.

(My translation: Yeah, of course we knew about the video, but Mr. Hoffer doesn't have an attorney, and apparently didn't know he had to turn it over to us, so hey...we're hopping on that fortunate turn of events.) ;)

ETA: Understand that I am not finding fault with Mr. Leckie, here. He is doing what any competent attorney would do, imo. I'm just calling out the game for what it is.

Agree, anyone can accuse you of anything, there are procedures of law, and as far as I know anything that's going to be used against you in court has to be made available to you. And I would hope ZH knows that there will be questions asked of him in ref to the video. *I am against underage drinking, so I hope no one misunderstands my comment on that. But as a lawyer, I could think of many questions about the alleged video.
Absolutely. Watch this video (around the 1:31 mark) where Nadine asks Jennifer's attorney if the had any idea about the video.

Nadine: Now, did you guys have any idea about this video?
Leckie: Umm, it wasn't in the court's file, it wasn't provided to me in any type of discovery, so we didn't ever...
Nadine: Did Jennifer know about it?
Leckie: I can't comment on that.

(My translation: Yeah, of course we knew about the video, but Mr. Hoffer doesn't have an attorney, and apparently didn't know he had to turn it over to us, so hey...we're hopping on that fortunate turn of events.) ;)

ETA: Understand that I am not finding fault with Mr. Leckie, here. He is doing what any competent attorney would do, imo. I'm just calling out the game for what it is.

I watched that yesterday and heard fluent Lawyerese being spoken. It honestly infuriates me that games ARE being played. Parents who genuinely care about their children first and foremost (you know, ahead of their own self-centered desires/agenda) do what's right FOR their children - even if the children don't understand it at the time. Kids being used as pawns makes me SO angry. :gaah:
His older girl is in high school. I think she is old enough to babysit her sister while her Dad is just a few minutes away.

If I were him I would have taken my girls home first, then come back to make the video or take the pictures. He probably called LE AFTER he got the evidence.

Why would ZH take his children to his home then leave to go back a video what other people were doing? Especially if his children were not there? Whatever was going on at JH when ZH daughters were not there, is not ZH place to dictate. If he felt that something illegal was going on he should have just called NPD and let them go there and check it out. April 14th ZH posted multiple comments that he hadn't spoken with them in 5 days, that it was normally their week to be with him. That is when members here were encouraging ZH to call social services to get the children removed from their Mothers home. April 14 would be Tuesday, week of AJ Memorial on Saturday. I personally have no idea of when ZH would be picking his daughters up from their Mothers, or why he was charged on April 19th for Trespassing. (the day after AJ Memorial). Personally I am suspicious of all of it. JMHO.

I also want to caution that we were asked by mods previously to keep this thread on track. Zach's dispute with Jen is not relevant to AJ's death investigation.

Respectfully BBM, that is exactly why I asked a Mod, when it was posted up thread about JH case being continued.

arkansasmimi #533So we can speak of Jen court case now? I thought it was off limits. Just checking to keep out of trouble.

07-29-2015, 04:43 PM #534 bessie
WS Administrator
You can discuss the court case if you stick to the MSM reported facts, include links, and omit SM rumors and gossip.
I realize it can takes months or even years for someone to be charged in cases like this. But it's JMO that *possibly* there could be a delay because of any of the following reasons:

A) It's possible Wes isn't the person guilty of AJ's demise
B) It's possible Wes isn't the *only* person guilty who played a role in AJ's demise and LE/investigators are watching/investigating others closely
C) It's possible the guilty person is someone who nobody expects and/or wants to admit could be capable of being the person responsible for AJ's demise
D) LE/investigators do not have enough evidence to charge anyone with the crime

This is all just my thoughts, just my opinion, just my ideas etc.
I realize it can takes months or even years for someone to be charged in cases like this. But it's JMO that *possibly* there could be a delay because of any of the following reasons:

A) It's possible Wes isn't the person guilty of AJ's demise
B) It's possible Wes isn't the *only* person guilty who played a role in AJ's demise and LE/investigators are watching/investigating others closely
C) It's possible the guilty person is someone who nobody expects and/or wants to admit could be capable of being the person responsible for AJ's demise
D) LE/investigators do not have enough evidence to charge anyone with the crime

This is all just my thoughts, just my opinion, just my ideas etc.
I'm leaning more towards they don't have enough evidence. If LE knows who was responsible, I think they'd be hauling them in, with evidence.
If you didn't know who murdered your loved one would you reject help finding out, not utilize any media, say your job was done long ago and it is entirely up to LE only to find out?
If you didn't know who murdered your loved one would you reject help finding out, not utilize any media, say your job was done long ago and it is entirely up to LE only to find out?
Absolutely NOT
So what are yall trying to say - family has given up? Maybe they know something we don't know...
Has anybody heard anything about WH getting bond or anything at all? I've been out of town. TIA
So what are yall trying to say - family has given up? Maybe they know something we don't know...
Has anybody heard anything about WH getting bond or anything at all? I've been out of town. TIA
I'm not saying they've given up. I was just saying that I'd be screaming for answers. Maybe the family does know. I'm just saying I'd still be vocal about finding answers.
Imo, if the family knew anything, LE would have the answers, and we'd see an arrest.
I HATE that AJ's case has gone stale.
Absolutely NOT

Never in a million years would I sit quietly. That has bothered me since day one. Also, I find it hard to believe the parties just started. Has Zach really just learned of this going on?
Why would ZH take his children to his home then leave to go back a video what other people were doing? Especially if his children were not there? Whatever was going on at JH when ZH daughters were not there, is not ZH place to dictate. If he felt that something illegal was going on he should have just called NPD and let them go there and check it out. April 14th ZH posted multiple comments that he hadn't spoken with them in 5 days, that it was normally their week to be with him. That is when members here were encouraging ZH to call social services to get the children removed from their Mothers home. April 14 would be Tuesday, week of AJ Memorial on Saturday. I personally have no idea of when ZH would be picking his daughters up from their Mothers, or why he was charged on April 19th for Trespassing. (the day after AJ Memorial). Personally I am suspicious of all of it. JMHO.

Why would he video what 'other people' are doing? If those 'other people' are living with his minor children, then he has the responsibility to see what they are doing, if he thinks it is something illegal and negative, going on in the home.

Who cares if his children were 'not there' right then? They usually are there and so he has every reason to try and stop any illegal and/or immoral behavior. JMO And he does have the right to dictate what goes on in that home. His daughters live there and his stepdaughter met a cruel fate, while living there. He would be irresponsible if he did not 'dictate' what was going on, IMO.

If he had just called NPD it would not have been helpful or effective, imo. I think he did the right thing. :cow:
Why would he video what 'other people' are doing? If those 'other people' are living with his minor children, then he has the responsibility to see what they are doing, if he thinks it is something illegal and negative, going on in the home.

Who cares if his children were 'not there' right then? They usually are there and so he has every reason to try and stop any illegal and/or immoral behavior. JMO And he does have the right to dictate what goes on in that home. His daughters live there and his stepdaughter met a cruel fate, while living there. He would be irresponsible if he did not 'dictate' what was going on, IMO.

If he had just called NPD it would not have been helpful or effective, imo. I think he did the right thing. :cow:
I honestly think he did the right thing by waiting for his girls not to be there. He made sure they were safe, then went back to film what was going on. It would've been wrong to film his kids being there. I would've been mad if he'd have videod his girls being subjected to the ill ways just to prove a point.
Why would he video what 'other people' are doing? If those 'other people' are living with his minor children, then he has the responsibility to see what they are doing, if he thinks it is something illegal and negative, going on in the home.

Who cares if his children were 'not there' right then? They usually are there and so he has every reason to try and stop any illegal and/or immoral behavior. JMO And he does have the right to dictate what goes on in that home. His daughters live there and his stepdaughter met a cruel fate, while living there. He would be irresponsible if he did not 'dictate' what was going on, IMO.

If he had just called NPD it would not have been helpful or effective, imo. I think he did the right thing. :cow:
(BBM, former stepdaughter ZH and JH divorced yrs ago)Respectfully, If it were me and I was going to video alleged illegal activity going on where my kids were at I would video it when they were there and I would call the NPD and wait for them to come and have a report of such activity. While my children were there. That would be proof, that my children were around this activity, not just hearsay. If his children were not there, its not his business what goes on there or his place to dictate. No more than it would be for JH to tell him what to do at his home when the children were not there. To allegedly go back over to JH home and video while you allegedly leave your children back at your home,... if illegal activity was going on NPD or whatever should have been called and handled it. (Disclaimer I have no idea who did what or when because I was not there, and I am not a VI so it wouldn't matter if I was). Honestly, none of us know what happened. We weren't there and the only VI's that we have are ZH and TGB. TGB made a post from his Insider info, and so far haven't seen anything to discredit what he said. So I guess until we have more MSM we are just talking about something that amounts to nothing but gossip, unless TGB or ZH comes back and comments. JMHO
Are we simply assuming his girls weren't there, or is this an established fact and I just missed it?
(BBM, former stepdaughter ZH and JH divorced yrs ago)Respectfully, If it were me and I was going to video alleged illegal activity going on where my kids were at I would video it when they were there and I would call the NPD and wait for them to come and have a report of such activity. While my children were there. That would be proof, that my children were around this activity, not just hearsay. If his children were not there, its not his business what goes on there or his place to dictate. No more than it would be for JH to tell him what to do at his home when the children were not there. To allegedly go back over to JH home and video while you allegedly leave your children back at your home,... if illegal activity was going on NPD or whatever should have been called and handled it. (Disclaimer I have no idea who did what or when because I was not there, and I am not a VI so it wouldn't matter if I was). Honestly, none of us know what happened. We weren't there and the only VI's that we have are ZH and TGB. TGB made a post from his Insider info, and so far haven't seen anything to discredit what he said. So I guess until we have more MSM we are just talking about something that amounts to nothing but gossip, unless TGB or ZH comes back and comments. JMHO

Respectfully, some of us do. We just can't openly discuss it due to TOS re: SM, etc. Fact: lots of people directly connected to this case talk A LOT (and have been, all along). Way more than they should, in my opinion.
Respectfully, some of us do. We just can't openly discuss it due to TOS re: SM, etc. Fact: lots of people directly connected to this case talk A LOT (and have been, all along). Way more than they should, in my opinion.

Wait... You know for a fact the circumstances surrounding AJ's death? No snark. [emoji4]

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