Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell's Disappearance from Norfolk, VA - 3 March 2015 #2

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According to Wes, he's the one who told LE about the phone ping. In the jailhouse interview with Joe Fisher from WAVY) Wes mentions two locations of alleged phone pings they received a "tip" about. The airport (which he says JH also got a tip about) and the Tidewater/Thole area.

WH: I'm not acting before calling police, the police met me at the search, this other one, well we didn't find the cell phone, right? The police met me at the search for the cell phone - physically at the search, at the same time, and I gave them that info. We didn't find a cell phone. We posted on the Web, you know, we never found a cellphone so that, for me, was a tip that was unjustified and didn't pan out, like the airport search didn't pan out for a cell phone either, that my wife got information --
If there was a master account holder (entirely possible), wouldn't *whoever that was* have pulled up the FindMyPhone app long BEFORE a missing person's report was ever filed? Immediately after those mysterious texts that JH said wasn't sure were coming from AJ?

AJ went missing on Monday, March 2nd. All accounts tell us WH was the one who learned her phone sent a signal from the Tidewater/Thole area (which was never confirmed by LE) and a family led search (not a LE led search) was done there on the Friday, March 13th(IIRC?). Really? AJ Disappears with her phone (no charger) and 11 days later her phone pings? How many iphone5 batteries last 11 days without a charge?

Nope, not buying it.

I couldn't agree with you more Ontario Mom!

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I was reading back through some old articles, and I have a question;

On March 13th, just about 10 or so days after Angelica had disappeared, WH says that he was over near Tidewater because that was the last place that her cell phone gave a signal. I think I saw that LE did not search IOW pond until April 16th (?) for the phone & it was reported that this was the last ping from her cellphone. Was this pond near Tidewater?

And, the million$ question: how in the world did WH know where the last ping her phone gave?

The only way to get that info would be to get a court order from cell phone provider. They didn't have her apple ID, so I know they didn't search through iCloud or any other app....

Was this already covered and I missed it?

I would think they have everyone's cell phone pings, including WH 2 phones.
Just checking in... I don't want this thread to go away... AJ deserves justice, and I am grateful for this forum that provides a beacon of hope where justice is concerned. I too think that the phone ping stories out of WH's mouth were horse pucky! My husband and I are on a family plan together. We do not have access to each others phones. I think in regards to family plans, access has to be set up. It is a shame that all of the young people that hung out in in the WH household have not been truthful. Where are her true advocates? I believe WH had some impressionable young boys under his guise. As I stated in an earlier thread, WH could not be reformed. He does not have the moral compass to do so. WH was clearly doing a lot of cocaine, you can see his jaws moving back and forth during his jailhouse interview. Who knows what his frame of mind was, but the backtracking of stories reveal deception. I also think LE is just dotting their i's and crossing their t's. If you are going to build a case, you build a solid one. LE knows who is guilty, and the majority of Websleuth's posters do as well. From the great Pink Floyd, the time is gone... the song is over... that should be tattooed on WH. JMHO, have a beautiful day all
One thing I want to say is county jail is not like most people think, it is like summer camp. My son and granddaughter taught we more than I wanted to know about jail. So WH could have found out while in jail about the cell phone. NOT that I am in his camp at all.

More than 20 people were out searching for the teenager again Friday. Mr. Hadsell said her cell phone sent a signal from the area of Tidewater Drive near Thole Street in Norfolk.

Norfolk Police are continuing the search for missing teenager Anjelica “AJ” Hadsell. On Friday, Norfolk police followed up after receiving a tip that led them to Route 258 and Joyners Bridge Road in Isle of Wight. Norfolk police crews ended the search operations in Isle of Wight around 2 p.m., NewsChannel 3 has learned. Nothing was found that will help investigators, officials say.

I am not from up there so I tried to look on the map and see where these places are. From Tidewater to the lake looks like to me a drive right to the lake. From the lake is a straight drive to where AJ was found.

I also believe when her SM stopped was the last time she had her phone, which is March 1.

What I would love to know is if WH was with JH when she got the odd text from AJ phone.

And there is this....Neighbors said the home has been abandoned for about two years and that no one had been seen at the home until about three or four weeks ago. It was then that a neighbor’s friend saw a blue or black Dodge Caravan go into the driveway late at night and drive around to the back of the home with no lights on.
Where was WH?

Anjelica “AJ” Hadsell was last seen around 2:30 p.m. Monday at her parent’s home in the Tarrallton area of Norfolk, according to family members. A neighbor said he saw AJ leaving and returning to the family’s Millard Street home. The family reported her missing around 9:15 p.m. Tuesday, according to police.
What I would love to know is if WH was with JH when she got the odd text from AJ phone.

Considering WH was already living out of a motel room and it was somewhere between 4:30-5:30am on the Tuesday, I'll guess no, he wasn't there. Interestingly enough however, is the neighbor at the Isle of Wight pond search telling the media that LE told him, AJ's phone pinged there on that same Tuesday, 3/3 around 8am.
I know y'all may not agree with me, but I still believe that if AJ wasn't the one paying her bill (and there's a good chance she wasn't IMVHO), then her iPhone 5 was on a family plan. That's the only way to make the data on multiple smartphones affordable.

So, there has to be a primary or "master" account holder, who is able to access information on all accounts on the same bill, this includes Find My iPhone. I posted a link to a site with a thread about this. Even if AJ had her own iCloud log-in and password, the master account holder could've still accessed her location via Find My iPhone without her knowledge. The only way she would have been aware is if a) her status bar was activated and b) she was looking at her phone at the time the tracking/signal was sent (10 seconds or so) to see the arrow show up.

The notification of the Find My iPhone tracking being used sends a notification, but only to the email linked to the "master" account holder.

I'm posting this from memory. I'll have to go and find the link for you and ETA.

I still happen to agree with Ontario Mom, that more than likely, this was total BS from WH. But if there's any hint of truth to it, one must consider who could be the one paying the cell phone bill (and thus, have the ability to have the master iCloud account).

Thought you might find this related link an interesting read:
Using Find my iPhone to track my daughters phone

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Yes, but this would require WH to be computer saavy. My goodness, it took him 2 hours to find out what a go-pro was! :laughing:
Find Iphone has to be installed on each phone/iPad. The login info is your email address and password that is used to log into your iTunes account. You don't have to send a alert. You can watch it in real time. All you need to do is refresh your page and you can see if it's moved or not.

I'm the master acct holder and don't know of any other way of using Find Iphone other than the above. If you don't have the login info for iTunes, then IMO it can't be accessed.

There are 3 iPhones on my acct and I can access all 3 without the knowledge of the person knowing. I access my elderly mother's all the time. She some times gets confused and its a way I can check to see if she made it to her Dr. Appt, without her loosing her independence.
According to Wes, he's the one who told LE about the phone ping. In the jailhouse interview with Joe Fisher from WAVY) Wes mentions two locations of alleged phone pings they received a "tip" about. The airport (which he says JH also got a tip about) and the Tidewater/Thole area.

Where on the timeline did WH and JH getting a tip about the airport and JH contact Mel Langer?

"On March 2, the day she disappeared, Langer says AJ’s mother reached out through Facebook, asking if he’d heard from AJ. However, Langer says they hadn’t talked since last year."
"On March 2, the day she disappeared, Langer says AJ’s mother reached out through Facebook, asking if he’d heard from AJ. However, Langer says they hadn’t talked since last year."

Think it's VERY important what exactly that facebook message JH sent said.
Where on the timeline did WH and JH getting a tip about the airport and JH contact Mel Langer?

"On March 2, the day she disappeared, Langer says AJ’s mother reached out through Facebook, asking if he’d heard from AJ. However, Langer says they hadn’t talked since last year."

As far as I know, the only info we have about the airport tip/search, is what WH said in one of his interviews. He never said where the tip came from, when it came in, or when they did a search. If we're to believe WH, all that came before the Tidewater/Thole tip/search.
Thanks. Thinking more I'll guess that the airport tip (even if it maybe came from WH) came after JH had contacted Mel Langer since according to article JH contacted ML March 2 and the public hadn't been alerted yet that she was missing for tips to be called in.
But maybe WH was calling it a tip but it was more like they just had their own reason that they could say made them think AJ might be at the airport. But was that what made JH contact Mel Langer?
I think if WH meddled in this part too he pointed to the airport because the kid headed to bootcamp. But maybe he pointed to the airport because they were talking about AJ maybe had gone to Mel Langer.
Anyone else feel a kind of brain hangover after trying to think why WH did anything? Trying to apply to reason to crazy.

I don't think the airport tip matters obviously in relation to where AJ was found. I just think JH message to ML matters at this point for information about what she knew on March 2. (Or what WH was telling her)
Find Iphone has to be installed on each phone/iPad. The login info is your email address and password that is used to log into your iTunes account. You don't have to send a alert. You can watch it in real time. All you need to do is refresh your page and you can see if it's moved or not.

I'm the master acct holder and don't know of any other way of using Find Iphone other than the above. If you don't have the login info for iTunes, then IMO it can't be accessed.

There are 3 iPhones on my acct and I can access all 3 without the knowledge of the person knowing. I access my elderly mother's all the time. She some times gets confused and its a way I can check to see if she made it to her Dr. Appt, without her loosing her independence.

Thank you for explaining this in a non-tech-talk manner Sparky :)

I was also hoping someone who with master iCloud account access on a family plan with multiple iPhones would chime in



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No. He talked about the party during his interview with youknowwho, which took place on March 14 or 15:

Let me clarify that, if I can, the reason she asked me to borrow or um get some money (in her words). Today was her boyfriend’s birthday. We had a birthday party for him and let me just say it wasn’t a party, okay? It was not a celebration. It was what my daughter wants. *voice cracks* I overheard a conversation between my daughter and his mother the week prior and I heard them talking about a GoPro.

I think he said it "wasn't" a party because AJ was missing but that she would have wanted it to go on. Or some such garbage.

Birthday party for BF was Sun., 03/15/2015, same date as interview (maybe the first of two interviews) with youknowwho -- where Lucky Seven transcribed the audio. Would be helpful if date(s) of interview(s) were added to the transcript(s) of the transcribed interview(s). Not to be unappreciative of Lucky Seven's generous use of her own time to transcribe for us.

I did try to go back and listen to the audio of the interview(s) with the Cheeseburger blogger-journalist, because in listening to the audio of the interview I thought I heard WS say (paraphrasing, not verbatim): "... and let me just say that it was a PARTY [(sighing wearily at recalling it -- sounding as though he had imibed/partied too much during the party)], not a CELEBRATION." My interpretation was that he seemed to be alluding to the event as "PAR-TEE!" a blowout, bash type of party -- not a staid, formal BD celebration]. He added: "Because that was what my daughter wanted. I know that in Lucky Seven's transcription of the interview, it reads: "That is what my daughter wants," but I could have sworn that I head: past tense -- as WH has often been accused of using in speaking of AJ before the discovery of her body -- in the past tense -- "WHAT MY DAUGHTER WANTED." The audio is no longer available to us on this forum.

And one other issue with the interview with same person, the keys for the red truck. I understood WH to say that he left the keys to the truck -- the same key used to open the doors and also for the ignition -- but the point is the same, I think he was emphasizing that he did not leave a house key -- it was all very confusing and since the audio was no longer available, I couldn't listen to it again to clarify for my own purposes.

And I do apologize if I am confusing Joe Fisher interview(s) with CH interviews. That is quite possible.

I should have raised these questions earlier, but in the larger picture, it didn't seem that critical. But we know nothing is too trivial or unimportant -- you need to grasp as many of the facts as you can get. So little is actually factual.
Birthday party for BF was Sun., 03/15/2015, same date as interview (maybe the first of two interviews) with youknowwho -- where Lucky Seven transcribed the audio. Would be helpful if date(s) of interview(s) were added to the transcript(s) of the transcribed interview(s). Not to be unappreciative of Lucky Seven's generous use of her own time to transcribe for us.

I did try to go back and listen to the audio of the interview(s) with the Cheeseburger blogger-journalist, because in listening to the audio of the interview I thought I heard WS say (paraphrasing, not verbatim): "... and let me just say that it was a PARTY [(sighing wearily at recalling it -- sounding as though he had imibed/partied too much during the party)], not a CELEBRATION." My interpretation was that he seemed to be alluding to the event as "PAR-TEE!" a blowout, bash type of party -- not a staid, formal BD celebration]. He added: "Because that was what my daughter wanted. I know that in Lucky Seven's transcription of the interview, it reads: "That is what my daughter wants," but I could have sworn that I head: past tense -- as WH has often been accused of using in speaking of AJ before the discovery of her body -- in the past tense -- "WHAT MY DAUGHTER WANTED." The audio is no longer available to us on this forum.

And one other issue with the interview with same person, the keys for the red truck. I understood WH to say that he left the keys to the truck -- the same key used to open the doors and also for the ignition -- but the point is the same, I think he was emphasizing that he did not leave a house key -- it was all very confusing and since the audio was no longer available, I couldn't listen to it again to clarify for my own purposes.

And I do apologize if I am confusing Joe Fisher interview(s) with CH interviews. That is quite possible.

I should have raised these questions earlier, but in the larger picture, it didn't seem that critical. But we know nothing is too trivial or unimportant -- you need to grasp as many of the facts as you can get. So little is actually factual.

See now, when I first heard him say it, not-with-standing the sighs and pants, had this "Desire Under the Elms" sense of his ease dropping in the weeds while AJ was having a moment at a party with her BF, which evoked his resentment and disapproval and 'let me tell you' sarcasm which was a note he seemed to hit in other parts of this exchange. Thank you alexwood for taking the time.
I know this was discussed very early on but I wanted to point out again that LE has not altered their own indicated date and time of when AJ went missing on their post of her picture on the Norfolk PD FB page.

The NPD FB page initial post still states (3/5):
"Anjelica “AJ” Hadsell was last seen on March 3, 2015 around 5:30 am at her parent’s home in the Tarrallton Area of Norfolk."

Then during repeated requests for info. within the comments the NPD continually repeats the following statement of response:
"Norfolk Police are continuing the search for missing teenager Anjelica “AJ” Hadsell. The investigation into the circumstances surrounding her disappearance is continuing and anyone with information, or who has seen her since March 2, 2015, should call Norfolk Police Detectives..."
NPD repeats this comment on 3/10, 3/16, 3/20 and 4/2.

My point being that LE indicates she went missing at 530am on 5/3 but want anyone who "seen" her since 5/2 to contact LE. I find it most strange, if AJ was last seen on 5/3 at 530am at home, that LE is repeatedly mentioning interest in having anyone having seen her since 5/2 to contact them. Seems odd that there is no specifically mentioned interest in anyone having seen her after the last seen time on 5/3. Why wouldn't they specifically want to know what happened after she was last seen, instead just before? Do they already know about what happened after she was last seen on 5/3 perhaps? Just seems like an odd choice of words to use repeatedly. It puts emphasis on her whereabouts, activities and interactions on 5/2 (when all WH's late mentioning of weird meetings, drop offs and conversations w/ AJ happened?).

Also, this LE provided 5/3, 530a time directly disputes the last seen report that came from the sisters who seen her at the front door at 7am (or 730am?) on Mon, 5/2 when leaving for school. If AJ was indeed last seen on Tues. 5/3 at 530am that also makes ANY sighting, conversation or meeting up (real or made up, accurate or erroneous) with AJ on Mon. 5/2 potentially irrelevant to the actual disappearance. Maybe just relevant to her activities leading up to 5/3? If she was seen at all on 5/3 she was not really missing...yet.

Did something that occurred at some point on 5/2 lead to an early morning "issue" on 5/3 at 530am? Seems like something would have had to be going on for her to be "last seen" at home at 530am. That's pretty early for a teen on spring break and for most working folks too. Seems odd that the police want info about anyone "who has seen her since March 2, 2015" but never correct the statement on the FB page that the last sighting was at 530am on 5/3.

All the while the family continued to put forth Mon. 5/2 was the last seen time on flyers (right? I don't recall seeing anything different except the time of day 7(730)am vs. the questionable 2pm time of the sighting in the truck by smoky neighbor). Did the family possible disagree with the last seen time/date LE indicated and that was a possible reason for all the flyers indicating JH and WH as the contact phone #'s for tips? If so that would also explain why ZH's flyers were torn down, they indicated to call NPD or email him and he wouldn't be privy to this discrepancy. Especially since as a VI here ZH has also indicated 5/2 as the last seen date and confirmed his daughters seen her on 5/2 at the door in her PJ's.

So...which is it? OR does someone just want people to think that 5/3 at 530am was the last sighting? Is this why WH began to cough up word salad including meeting AJ at lunch on Tues at the gas station to give her money? Dropping off the truck key in the mailbox (because she needed the truck Tues, 5/3 right?).

We also heard it mentioned in a WAVY news video that neighbors indicated LE mentioned AJ's phone pinged near the pond searched in IOW on 5/3 around 830am IIRC. That would be only a few hours after she was last seen if 5/3 at 530am is accurate.

Have we already addressed this issue previously and made sense of it and I've forgotten? Remind me if so. :doh:

Hopeful this grand jury is hearing more than just obstruction and ammo possession evidence.
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