Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell's Disappearance from Norfolk, VA - 3 March 2015 #2

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I personally don't believe anyone's story of the last time AJ was seen alive.

The only thing that will confirm things with me in regards to when the last time AJ was seen alive would be from LE, and not their last sighting mentioned in the Missing Persons report but rather something more recent, meaning throughout their investigation and at the current time NOW of when THEY believe the last confirmed sighting was. Because IMO, at the time of the Missing Persons report, they were more than likely going off what they had been told by the person or persons filing the report. JMO

ETA: IMO, some adults are easily influenced, not to mention people of a younger age being more so easily influenced and if you're young and told something enough times by those closest to you and by those whom you are taught to respect and believe, well...then, there ya go.....
So what is the official last sighting of AJ? 7:00 a.m. before school on Monday? Now I am totally confused by what the NPD had on their webpage, although I think they meant Tuesday morning was the last text, but did they officially changed the last time anyone saw AJ to Tuesday a.m.?

Exactly Im getting confused too.
If MOM and sister saw AJ Monday morning and tues early morning she sends a text where did mom think she was? I asked this earlier and was told sister saw her at the door but that was Monday.
So where did JH think her daughter was tues night.
My questions would be.

Did Wes mention the lunch meet before the missing persons report was filled out?

After having the mpr in his hands; Did Wes immediately say this isn't right?

Did Wes ever show anybody where they were supposedly parked in said gas station.

Did Wes ever place a flyer at said gas station in memory of the last place that he supposedly seen his daughter?
IMO I don't think AJ was there when MOm and sis left for school. I think something happened to her Sunday night. All JMVOO.
Exactly Im getting confused too.
If MOM and sister saw AJ Monday morning and tues early morning she sends a text where did mom think she was? I asked this earlier and was told sister saw her at the door but that was Monday.
So where did JH think her daughter was tues night.

Agree. But i think you mean Tuesday morning before sunlight. Atleast that's when the text came in.

But my question is who text parents at 5am. That I'm not ready to come home should have been text the night before.

And who house is she prone to spend the night at?
Agree. But i think you mean Tuesday morning before sunlight. Atleast that's when the text came in.

But my question is who text parents at 5am. That I'm not ready to come home should have been text the night before.

And who house is she prone to spend the night at?

Yes your right!
So what is the official last sighting of AJ? 7:00 a.m. before school on Monday? Now I am totally confused by what the NPD had on their webpage, although I think they meant Tuesday morning was the last text, but did they officially changed the last time anyone saw AJ to Tuesday a.m.?

I once contacted npd via fb to clarify that. And they said on the 2nd.

And that was the smartest answer.

Because I asked them. If she was seen on the 3rd; than by who?

You can not say seen on the 3rd but not say who seen her. Jmo.
The whole time of last sighting shouldn't be this difficult. I've seen everywhere from last seen at 7:00 am Monday, to 2 pm Monday, to 4:30 or 5:30 am on Tues. Why is it hard to at least have the family agree when she was last seen?
My questions would be.

Did Wes mention the lunch meet before the missing persons report was filled out?

After having the mpr in his hands; Did Wes immediately say this isn't right?

Did Wes ever show anybody where they were supposedly parked in said gas station.

Did Wes ever place a flyer at said gas station in memory of the last place that he supposedly seen his daughter?

ohhhh, that is a good one. That would actually clear up a lot.
I think I would want to know what does LE consider the last confirmed reliable sighting of AJ.

I can already guess that it wasn't odd that AJ could have stayed at a friends and not been heard from overnight. I don't find it alarming that they didn't file the report until exhausting all possibilities before calling LE. The 5am text is odd only because of the timing, but that's it. I can assume LE has the cell records and the last ping was at the pond that was searched. IIRC that was an 8am ping, and I think that is a reasonable assumption, but does not mean she was still alive because it does not coincide with the last sighting, or even close.
I do not believe WS met her at the gas station or that any of that baloney happened because WS told me that already in his jailhouse interview that it could not be confirmed with video and he didn't try to convince me otherwise...which is unlike him. So the meeting didn't happen IMO.

1. When was the last time any reliable person, or friend, personally talked to, or saw AJ and does this match the time LE has as the last time AJ was seen or considered still alive?
2. DexterMorgan's question: Did Wes mention the lunch meet before the missing persons report was filled out?

I am still thinking of what else would glean the most information...
The whole time of last sighting shouldn't be this difficult. I've seen everywhere from last seen at 7:00 am Monday, to 2 pm Monday, to 4:30 or 5:30 am on Tues. Why is it hard to at least have the family agree when she was last seen?

Good question.

I honestly think that LE shares your thoughts as well. Along with every sluether.

It truly shows that news media do not fact check anymore as well.

Nancy Grace would have asked your same question.
The whole time of last sighting shouldn't be this difficult. I've seen everywhere from last seen at 7:00 am Monday, to 2 pm Monday, to 4:30 or 5:30 am on Tues. Why is it hard to at least have the family agree when she was last seen?

The last time she was physically seen by a reliable person was 730am on Monday.
AJ is a very social girl as we can see from her SM patterns and looking at her life from what we can see, and hearing from her friends. Yet not one good friend or reliable family member has said that they saw or heard from her after 730am, that morning. (They all did say it was unusual NOT to hear from her.) Zac told us that the last time AJ was seen was 730am Monday. IF his daughter believed, or heard of, that infamous gas station meeting, then Zac would have repeated to us here that she was last seen at the gas station, period. No one in that family, other than WS, wants to commit to the gas station meeting so why are we willing to?

Did LE ever release their own missing person's report or posting anywhere (and not one that came from any of the players)?
Agree. But i think you mean Tuesday morning before sunlight. Atleast that's when the text came in.

But my question is who text parents at 5am. That I'm not ready to come home should have been text the night before.

And who house is she prone to spend the night at?

I can think of one scenario where the 4-5am text makes sense. I think if Mom had texted her earlier in the night saying CALL ME and got no reply---then Mom falls asleep .....then she wakes up in a panic at 5 am realizing AJ has not replied....MOM TEXTS AGAIN asking where r U???? Finally gets a reply...from someone, maybe not AJ though...
I would have loved to see the look on the detectives face when WH finally mentioned the gas station meeting and the 2hr GoPro googling.

I would have paid money for that.

Btw: Another question.

Wes. Why did it take you 2hrs to google and realize what a Gopro was?

Why give your daughter $200 for her bf present while you are kicked out of the house and was paying rent for hotel and home.

How rich are you?
I can think of one scenario where the 4-5am text makes sense. I think if Mom had texted her earlier in the night saying CALL ME and got no reply---then Mom falls asleep .....then she wakes up in a panic at 5 am realizing AJ has not replied....MOM TEXTS AGAIN asking where r U???? Finally gets a reply...from someone, maybe not AJ though...

Plausible to a point.

You wake up in panic. Daughter still isn't home. You receive text stating not ready to come home yet.

Now you know your daughter left car at home.

What do you do?

Text back.



But i do see your point.
The whole time of last sighting shouldn't be this difficult. I've seen everywhere from last seen at 7:00 am Monday, to 2 pm Monday, to 4:30 or 5:30 am on Tues. Why is it hard to at least have the family agree when she was last seen?

I've asked myself that 100 times. And that was just yesterday. If AJ were my daughter, the SECOND I saw any misinfo in the media I'd go on a full on media blast and correct everyone with the most accurate timeline I could. I'd have dogs in my house, turn over any/all of her personal belongings they asked for, open all my social media accounts, hers too, and my life and my home would be an open book for LE.

But hey........... that's just me. My kids mean the world to me.
Although people not named as suspects, persons of interest and minors are all being mentioned here and last I checked, that's a big fat no-no. Especially if we can't link back to what we're saying because it's from a source that is considered rumor. Unless somehow I've got that wrong?

I hate this case :(
The main reason I have gone back to lurking.
I've asked myself that 100 times. And that was just yesterday. If AJ were my daughter, the SECOND I saw any misinfo in the media I'd go on a full on media blast and correct everyone with the most accurate timeline I could. I'd have dogs in my house, turn over any/all of her personal belongings they asked for, open all my social media accounts, hers too, and my life and my home would be an open book for LE.

But hey........... that's just me. My kids mean the world to me.

That's my Ontario Mom. Canada is very lucky. I totally agree with your post. Jmo
I don't really feel that WH would have to convince anyone to wait on the missing persons report.

Think about it from this point-of-view; my college age daughter is home for a visit. I had a little tiff with her sometime before her sister & I left for school/work. We got home, Miss College said she's out with friends. That's not unusual to you but I wish she would've finished my laundry! Later I get a text saying that she's not ready to come home yet - I still may feel a little heated over our tiff earlier. I knew she was going to get a birthday present for her BF on Tuesday, since his party was already planned (I'm giving WS the benefit-of-the-doubt here). So I try calling her to see what the plan is or when she'll be home. Her cell continuously goes to voicemail. I call her friends and no one has heard from her. Her friends send out messages for me to help locate her and no one has seen or heard from her. Then I realize that her boyfriend hasn't even seen or heard from her since the day before. I find that very odd. Should I call the police? I sure am going to be embarrassed when I file a report and find out there was nothing wrong. It's ok, my husband said he will find her. I have confidence in him.

My husband returns with nothing. Wow, I am really getting worried here. I know I have to wait for 24 hours to file a report. I am not sure now those texts really sounded like her. I am going to call anyways, but it's probably going to turn out to be nothing. I am going to be so embarrassed. But, what if? I better call to be safe. I'm sure everything is ok but the girls are upset and I should just call. It's been too long and this really isn't like her ....

I would like to know what that final thing was that finally caused alarm enough to finally call?

I don't think WH talked anyone out of reporting AJ MIA. I think it just naturally unfolded that way.

Please don't think I'm picking on you, but I just want to remind everyone that you do NOT have to wait 24 hours to file a MPR. You can call immediately if you suspect something alarming has happened to the person. It got my goat when in the SMMPAS petition, they said they had to wait 26 hours and that could have made a difference. AJ wasn't even reported missing (but safe) for at least 38 hours, so that makes no sense anyway. Spreading that kind of misinformation could be deadly if someone who has a loved one who is in danger; as we know, most people are killed within a few hours of being abducted.
Many people are under the impression that you have to wait 3 days or 72 hours before you can report a person missing. This is not the case. It doesn't matter if it is a child, or an adult, you can call the police and file a missing person report as soon as you know they are missing.
Plausible to a point.

You wake up in panic. Daughter still isn't home. You receive text stating not ready to come home yet.

Now you know your daughter left car at home.

What do you do?

Text back.



But i do see your point.

Sadly enough I experienced those same scary circumstances a few times. My daughter is now a healthy, happy successful 23 yr old. But at 17 and 18 she was a bit rebellious and free spirited. Ahem....:eek: She is very beautiful and looked 20 when she was 15---so it was a wild ride through her teen years. :rollercoaster: And she was a model and an actress and worked a lot, so had her own funds and was very independent. Bought her own car and had her own $ so it was rough for us for awhile. She was very responsible but also stubborn and adventurous.

I went through a few incidents when she was home from college, we got in a fight, and she would stomp off, in a huff. VERY SCARY. We took her car keys one time when we found out she had a fake ID for going to clubs---:slap: ---and she left walking at midnight when we fought about it. Luckily her best friend lived a block away. But still very scary stuff.

So all of this to say that I know exactly how JH might have felt when she had not yet heard from her independent, responsible college student, home on break. It is not the same as a high school kid that is expected to be home by midnight. It is an awkward time for parenting and they are spreading their wings and it is rough at times. So when do you call them missing or are they just angry and hanging with their boyfriend? glad we made it through that minefield.

I will say that in recent months my lovely daughter has told me how grateful she is that we were so protective and attentive. One of her childhood friends recently hung herself and DD says it is partly because she felt unloved. and unsupported by her family:cry: :rose:
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