Anna Christian Waters (Missing 1/16/1973 from Half Moon Bay, CA)

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I am sure that a drawing of the Ranch, with it's outbuildings and barns. the creek and the road just a little west and east would be invaluable. Unfortunately, even the stick men I attempt to draw would be unrecognizable.
There should be one in that manuscript ("Purisima house sketch") Unfortunately, I don't know how to post pictures on the forum. Maybe I'll ask Doogie to post it.
Guys, heck yes, give us the names, I for one would like to check into their backgrounds. Wait . .. I mean look them up on "Google".:rolleyes:

:chicken:What was the whole deal with the rooster issue? Were these local people? It seems to me getting pecked by a rooster twice still does not mean you shoot it! Did the guy have anger issues? Seriously, let's discuss the psycho rooster killer guy.
Has anyone obtained a list of CURRENT sexual predators in the area?

Although, if there was a predator living in the area at the time, they could have moved - perhaps there is a name that is recognised by the family?
Viking, I see your point. This kind of reminds me of the Scott Peterson case timeline. There was only a window of 10 minutes for Laci to disappear. What were the chances of a stranger coming within that time frame? Someone had to already be in place, whether it was a stranger, or an acquaintance. Otherwise we have to belive that Anna would have gotten into a car, no screams, no one saw anything, and been driven off.

Here is a good question that I haven't seen addressed, how many cars were in front of your residence at the time of Anna's abduction? You were not suppose to be home, Joe. Was your car outside, or did you park in a covered area, not visible? Your young friend must have come in a car. Why would a stranger risk taking her with cars there that were not usually home? Why not just come back on a day that Anna's mom was there by herself?

My other concern is one that someone else asked, but I think it was overlooked, was this, is Anna's mom sure Anna was talking to a cat/herself? Let's say that this young man friend was talking to her before he knocked on the door, or maybe someone else was. I know kids talk to themselves, heck my 11 year old talks to himself all the time. I just can't get past the fact that I keep thinking the answers are here, looking us right in the face. I don't suppose lie detectors were given to the young man? Sorry, Annasmom, I know you really believe in your heart that this young man had nothing to do with this, but I'm not sure I have ruled him out.
gardenmom said:
Thanks, Annasmom. It sures seems like all our questions were well taken care of. I get the feeling the police did a really thorough job of investigating. Do you feel that they did?
Gardenmom, I have been re-reading my notes from 1973. In July of that year, six months after Anna disappeared, we questioned every person in the 16 houses on our road and asked whether law enforcement officers had spoken with them or questioned them. Not one had been questioned. At this time, the sheriff's department does not even return Doogie's telephone calls. So although there were kind and compassionate LE people who searched for Anna, often on their own time, I have to believe that their investigation was limited and probably determined by budget considerations.
viking said:
Guys, heck yes, give us the names, I for one would like to check into their backgrounds. Wait . .. I mean look them up on "Google".:rolleyes:

:chicken:What was the whole deal with the rooster issue? Were these local people? It seems to me getting pecked by a rooster twice still does not mean you shoot it! Did the guy have anger issues? Seriously, let's discuss the psycho rooster killer guy.
Viking, I have been re-reading my notes from 1973. The carpenter was IN THE HOUSE when I heard Anna talking outside (to the cat, I thought), so that means he was in our sight when she went missing. The rooster business is a non-issue, and the blacksmith who did it in (he wrung its neck and threw it into the creek) was extensively questioned by legal authorities. I think, actually, that this event caused him great sorrow for a very long time. It is not possible to give you names. The ranch was used not only by us, but by a hunt club, a motorcycle club, and several people who boarded horses there. We didn't even know the names of these people when we were living there, and certainly 33 years later, it would not be able to get a list which would be of any value. You ask good questions. I really have to think about them. Keep asking!
Annasmom, did you see my post on the previous page re the similar incident in Montana? I realize that's a number of states away, but I wish there was a way to determine if someone who previously lived in your neighborhood (as per your notes 6 mos. after Anna's disappearance) might have later moved to Montana. While it's quite possible these two cases are total coincidences, the similarity and modus operandi are so similar as to make them almost copycat crimes.
The other child (shown in a post on the previous page) was abducted from St. Ignacius, Montana. From my map, it appears to be about 40-50 miles north of Missoula, Montana. Montana is separated from Washington State by one state, Idaho... just as Washington State is separated by just one state (Oregon) from California. The plates that Anna's brother saw were green and white, just like the license plates for Washington.

Because both areas where the abductions took place are somewhat remote, my inclination at this point is to go with someone who was a hunter. That description, IMO, would fit with the remote location and the terrain for both areas of abduction.
With regards to the friends that came to visit with their infant. Did they have any issues? Was it a remarriage? A bad divorce? What I'm getting at is could someone have followed THEM and snatched Anna in some crazy scheme of retribution? (I do realise they left before Anna went missing).

Could Anna have been "put out" over the attention shown to the baby - I know that when my mother saw me folding up my possessions into a towel and tying them to the end of a stick (for some reason I believed you had to carry your possession like that if you were running away) it was because I was feeling "emotional".

Perhaps Anna decided to head down the road and something happened - as Joe suggested - an accident perhaps? And Anna was scooped into a car?
itsreenw said:
Annasmom, I started a file on my PC for info about Anna's case and I would like to have all my facts straight so if you feel up to it, will you enlighten us with any knowledge you have regarding the questions above?

Is there a copy of the police report available? Would you be willing to post it here?
Looking through my old notes, I found that in fact I do have a copy of the police report. It says San Mateo County Sheriff's office report, 73-0484, Missing Person. Date reported 1/16/73. Time reported 1500 hours. Time last seen 1415 hours. Missing five--year-old female. Probable destination unknown. Cause of absence: Lost. (The other information has been included in various posts by Doogie and me.) Sorry I didn't remember this at the time you asked.
PonderingThings said:
With regards to the friends that came to visit with their infant. Did they have any issues? Was it a remarriage? A bad divorce? What I'm getting at is could someone have followed THEM and snatched Anna in some crazy scheme of retribution? (I do realise they left before Anna went missing).

Could Anna have been "put out" over the attention shown to the baby - I know that when my mother saw me folding up my possessions into a towel and tying them to the end of a stick (for some reason I believed you had to carry your possession like that if you were running away) it was because I was feeling "emotional".

Perhaps Anna decided to head down the road and something happened - as Joe suggested - an accident perhaps? And Anna was scooped into a car?
Funny, I have a picture of my father running away from home with his possessions on a --what did they call it? A Bindlestick? I think the baby was gone before Anna got home from school, but I'll look at my notes. She wasn't really jealous. As to the couple...I'll think about it. As far as I know, they weren't having any problems (but since I see the wife regularly, I can ask her.)
Annasmom said:
Gardenmom, I have been re-reading my notes from 1973. In July of that year, six months after Anna disappeared, we questioned every person in the 16 houses on our road and asked whether law enforcement officers had spoken with them or questioned them. Not one had been questioned. At this time, the sheriff's department does not even return Doogie's telephone calls. So although there were kind and compassionate LE people who searched for Anna, often on their own time, I have to believe that their investigation was limited and probably determined by budget considerations.
All I can do is shake my head. That seems the most obvious thing in the world to do is to ask if anyone saw anything! Sometimes people don't even know something they saw was relavent unless asked to think back on it. what a shame.
A couple of quick notes and observations:

Joe Ford mentioned on the progress that we have made recently on the forum. He is absolutely correct - we have been able to establish some facts that have eluded LE during the course of their involvement (in particular, the couple in the car).

Concerning the "pyscho rooster killer": Keep in mind the way that chickens and roosters are commonly killed by the wringing of their necks on farms. The blacksmith may have over-reacted to the annoyance of an agressive rooster, but it is a long leap to think that this fact alone should draw suspicion on him. No other "evidence" exists that he was violent or in any other way a threat to any one other than obnoxious birds.

I am always amazed at the level of intelligence and thoughtfulness of the posters here on You all ask great questions and this is exactly what we need to re-examine this case through "new eyes". Great work!
PonderingThings said:
Has anyone obtained a list of CURRENT sexual predators in the area?

Although, if there was a predator living in the area at the time, they could have moved - perhaps there is a name that is recognised by the family?
I, as no doubt others here, have recently reviewed all the posted sexual predators in the area ( an amazing number by the way). And, thank God for the Internet, what a wonderful tool. I was, however, unable to recognize any name or face that I was familiar with. The fact that they might have lived or moved to another county makes the task overwhelming. Without a specific suspect on which to focus the attempt was dismaying.
And, yes, I did research the carpenter/friend's name. He is not listed there.
Hi, I have been reading all the threads since last night and I was wondering about the teacher and the bus driver as well. has anybody ever had a chance to ask questions about the kindergarden class and the names of the children in that class or possibly the names of siblings or mothers the reason I am saying that is because annasmom said that anna made a statement one day that she wanted to change her name to brandy, I think thats what I read, and for that time period I don't know if that was really a very popular name so even if it wasn't something that anybody would think was signifigant then it could very well have been and maybe the teacher and or bus driver could shed some light on that gold/green car, or anybody that may have been hanging around the school yard stuff like that. Also what was the distance between the school and your home annasmom and how long did it take for the bus to usually get there and was it on time that day or late...any of these things could mean something. and I am gonna take a look at this "numerology" thing I don't know much about it but I want to find out what that guys obsession was with the birthdays between him and anna maybe it means something I don't know how long it will take me but I will try to help the best I can.
HeartofTexas said:
I found something called "10 Reasons Children Disappear" and found reason #9 to be particularly pertinent, albeit shocking that there are illegal adoption agencies willing to kidnap children for sale:
Heart of Texas, thank you for the referal to the website. What a scary and sad indictment of the underbelly of our society! It is almost beyond comprehension.
Joe Ford said:
Heart of Texas, thank you for the referal to the website. What a scary and sad indictment of the underbelly of our society! It is almost beyond comprehension.
Mel 36, while you wait for a response to your questions from Annasmom, I just want to thank you for your post and your interest. With over 600 previous posts to read thus far it is a challenging task. Thank you.
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