Anna Christian Waters (Missing 1/16/1973 from Half Moon Bay, CA)

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I don't know how I missed that on pages 11-14 but they were extensive. I am glad you guys looked at that the only reason I suggested it was because somtimes these people may leave some kind of clue in thier spiritual endeavors, doing things a certain way, dressing in certain colors, eating certain foods until they drive themselves nuts literaly they think they can't make a move without doing something the right way and it was wierd because before I went to those pages today I went to the one numerology website mentioned out of Canada what struck me as really odd is when the man was born 1897 and Doogie pointed out that he thought brody was born at that time and then the death date was 1964 which was when brody met up with GW isn't that rite? also isn't that Kalbarion club or what ever it is called associated with the free masons that could be the reason behind all of the secracy and as far a Brody and Waters living in a hole in the wall its no wonder from what I have learned so far is that this so called spiritual club in Canada sucks your bank account dry then drops you like yesterdays garbage.
I am also interested in finding out if there were high school boys that rode that bus with anna that lived on that route or on that road or who had stayed at a family members and went to school that year there, that might explain (if he rode the bus with anna) she isn't going to object to taking someones hand that she knows no child at that age would, one of the things to do is to check the year books and match them with possible nearby addresses you know like ask around. there is always some old lady that knows something that nobody wants to hear, I know that here in PA where I live we have a historicle society and it holds every year book from the 1800's to present. just a thought if you need to check. anyway I am going to do some more digging myself and I'll let ya know what I find, since the numerology has been extensively hashed over I might toss it around but I have some other things that I want to look at that might lead somewhere more productive.
SherlockJr said:
I found a link with pictures of the area. In the pictures, there is a creek. Is this the same creek that went through your property? If it is, can you describe how much more water was there from the rain?
SherlockJr: Yes it is the same creek that runs through the Ranch. It also supplies fresh water via pumps and holding tanks to all the residences and ranches in Purissima canyon. In my research I have discovered that there are no recorded wells in the canyon due to either a low water table or other geological difficulties. I am currently attempting to locate all the known septic tanks (abandoned or in use now) on the ranch and nearby. I now live in Florida so it is difficult for me to access the County records. Volunteers?

But to answer the question you posed: The unusual volume of rain that winter caused that otherwise calm and picturesque little creek into a raging, untamed monster. The Sheriff's Department divers, with full wetsuits, dared not even venture in without safety ropes and rescuers nearby. It is noteworthy that within a week it returned to its normal winter flow and became more easily searchable.
"Did ANYONE that you were aware of have an illness that George Waters would have treated? Odd question, but I want to know."

Oddly enough, when I first joined the family, he treated me. It was quite a coincidence.
I was playing football with the boys and cut my foot- requiring stitches. We went to the neighborhood clinic. And, sure enough, of the few doctors present, GW was chosen to work on me. He recognized Anna's brother, of course. It was strange- the whole procedure was done in a tense silence.
Joe, from those pictures can you maybe give us an idea of how far the water would have been up? and also what kinds of trees are there in the woods?thanx
Joe Ford said:
SherlockJr: Yes it is the same creek that runs through the Ranch. It also supplies fresh water via pumps and holding tanks to all the residences and ranches in Purissima canyon. In my research I have discovered that there are no recorded wells in the canyon due to either a low water table or other geological difficulties. I am currently attempting to locate all the known septic tanks (abandoned or in use now) on the ranch and nearby. I now live in Florida so it is difficult for me to access the County records. Volunteers?

But to answer the question you posed: The unusual volume of rain that winter caused that otherwise calm and picturesque little creek into a raging, untamed monster. The Sheriff's Department divers, with full wetsuits, dared not even venture in without safety ropes and rescuers nearby. It is noteworthy that within a week it returned to its normal winter flow and became more easily searchable.
"Joe, from those pictures can you maybe give us an idea of how far the water would have been up? and also what kinds of trees are there in the woods?thanx"

Mel- while the depth of the creek where it ran through the Ranch was probably not more than 3 1/2 ft. at that time the force at which it flowed is most significant. If you have ever stood at the beach with your feet in the ocean as the water receeds you would have some idea of its power.
I can't realy tell you anything about the trees because I don't know. Thanks for the questions.
would you happen to remember whatmichelles father and mothers names were? thanx.
Annasmom said:
I've never posted this before because I didn't think it had any significance other than a tragic coincidence, but another child from Anna's kindergarten class, named Michelle Gillespie, also went missing briefly in 1973, but her body was found; she apparently drowned in a puddle in the road near her house. This was never regarded as anything but an accident by either her family or Law Enforcement, but I mention it FYI. Another thing that I had forgotten was that whereas a month and even two weeks earlier, the residents at the farm included a family with three children and two noisy dogs, the Pretty Neighbor and our family of five with a puppy who was anything but a watch dog, the family with the loud dogs had moved one week before Anna disappeared. Once our morning visitors had left Jan. 16, only Joe, the Pretty Neighbor, the carpenter, and I were there.
Annasmom said:
You know, I never even knew this boy's name or what his connection was, and now we live 14 miles away with no access to the ranch. I am just remembering old gossip, that there was something odd about this fellow. I don't even know if I actually saw him. And we were so naive; we never suspected anybody. It might be helpful if I could find out who owned the property between Pimentel, the earliest known owner, and Lindsay Mickles. I'll try to think if there's a way to do that.

There is a reference book published called the "Polk Directory" that should be in the local HMB Library that lists who lived in the area by name. phone number and address. A quick trip to the library and ask for the local directory for 1972 and earlier years should yeild an answer.
With the recent interest in questioning neighbors at the time of Anna’s disappearance two people come to mind. The first is a man who I seem to remember as being in his early twenties. Local friends of ours, a few ranches west, had sublet a small house behind their own to this fellow. Our friends were out of town on a prolonged project and were not in the area at the time. I remember questioning this man briefly but without results. Neither his name nor his whereabouts is presently known. It seems to me that he left the area about a month after the incident. He is worth mentioning in the context that he is an unknown in the area with a vehicle.

The other person was strange, indeed. There is a wooded parcel of land on Verde Rd at Highway 1. Beyond a collapsing metal gate, and surrounded by a small forest of trees, a shack-like residence could be glimpsed from the road. Even before Anna’s disappearance it was a brooding, mysterious place with an odd car or two sometimes parked outside the gate.

A few weeks after Anna went missing her brother and I entered the property to see if anyone was there. In the cluttered clearing near the living quarters ( possibly a previously used farm labor dwelling), surrounded by rusting refrigerators and decaying auto hulks, we were confronted by a gaunt, unkempt man with a small axe in one hand.

I quickly explained why we were there and asked if he had any information that might be helpful. He dismissed us with a gruff negative and ordered us off the property.

About a month later, while driving by, I noticed the gate open and an air of abandonment about the place. I stopped and investigated. The tenant was gone. Cleared out except for the piles of trash and debris scattered throughout the clearing. I went through the trash. I discovered that the property was controlled by a large bank that apparently leased or rented it out to this person. I also discovered a discarded and torn envelope addressed, I believe, to the tenant with a return address somewhere in the Northwest.

I saved these items and think that Annasmom may still have them in her extensive files.
So we have one family and three individual men who sound interesting. Do you know if any of them were ever questioned by LE?
Joe what do you remember about the kid who was the son of the former owner who was hanging around?
HeartofTexas said:
Annasmom, does the name John Wickett ring a bell? His name came up a good bit on Google, and especially in connection with a 2-story barn he owned ... and in connection with a Kings Mountain Art Fair.
I don't think I ever really knew the name of the people who owned the redwood grove which was being logged. It is possible that this is the person.
Joe Ford said:
"Joe, from those pictures can you maybe give us an idea of how far the water would have been up? and also what kinds of trees are there in the woods?thanx"

Mel- while the depth of the creek where it ran through the Ranch was probably not more than 3 1/2 ft. at that time the force at which it flowed is most significant. If you have ever stood at the beach with your feet in the ocean as the water receeds you would have some idea of its power.
I can't realy tell you anything about the trees because I don't know. Thanks for the questions.
I think they are mostly scrub willow, chaparral and madrone...the usual small trees that grow along creeks out here. Further east down Purisima Creek Road, of course, there are very tall redwoods.
mel36 said:
would you happen to remember whatmichelles father and mothers names were? thanx.
I think it was Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gillespie. Not sure, though.
Joe Ford said:
Local friends of ours, a few ranches west, had sublet a small house behind their own to this fellow.

I went through the trash. I discovered that the property was controlled by a large bank that apparently leased or rented it out to this person. I also discovered a discarded and torn envelope addressed, I believe, to the tenant with a return address somewhere in the Northwest.

I saved these items and think that Annasmom may still have them in her extensive files.

I don't remember any of this, possibly because I never saw it. My "extensive files" (called the Box From Hell around here) contain a lot of papers including George Waters' bank records (which tell nothing). I may have thought this was part of that. But I really don't know any way to check on a transient, which is what these people seem to have been. Joe, was it Stan's house where the other fellow was?
mysteriew said:
So we have one family and three individual men who sound interesting. Do you know if any of them were ever questioned by LE?
Joe what do you remember about the kid who was the son of the former owner who was hanging around?
Sorry mysteriew, I have no recollection of him whatsoever. Perhaps he was lurking around while I was at work.
Annasmom said:
I don't remember any of this, possibly because I never saw it. My "extensive files" (called the Box From Hell around here) contain a lot of papers including George Waters' bank records (which tell nothing). I may have thought this was part of that. But I really don't know any way to check on a transient, which is what these people seem to have been. Joe, was it Stan's house where the other fellow was?
Annasmom- Yes, it was Stan's place. I believe Stan would know of whom we speak. Regards the "transient": that he may have been, yet there is a paper trail. A search of County Records for that time period would probably reveal the administrating bank. Prying details from them, however, is another matter. Without the weight of Law Enforcement many avenues of investigation are shut off for us. A subpena would probably be necessary.

Homeland Security has inadvertantly (we hope) given us another stumbling block. Public records, once accessible online, now require a physical search. Googling a name gives you somewhere near a half million references. Netdetective and others like it are mostly inadequate and have ascending costs.

Annasmom, I realize that it would be more than an extreme hardship for you to undertake the necessary research of County Records. Perhaps there are other individuals that would be willing? It is a dreary prospect at best. May I ask what role the detective has at this point? Not that I am suggesting that he do the research but just to avoid duplicating efforts.
I have just discovered that Jerry Brown is running for Attorney General of California. Jerry is a friend from looong ago in L.A. when his father was still Governor. Although we have been out of contact for many years I have emailed him to, hopefully, reestablish a connection. If he wins the post it may open a few doors regards the investigation.
I'm sure this one is a bit of a stretch, too, but I wonder if these cases could be connected. Susan Nason disappeared on September 22, 1969 and her body was found two months later. This case got a lot of press many years later when, in 1989, Eileen Franklin accused her father of committing the murder. Eileen said she was a witness to the murder. The father served 5 years in prison before he was released because of some kind of unconstitutional errors in the case.

The body, discovered by a patrolman for the San Francisco Watershed Department, was found 35 feet down an embankment of the San Mateo-Half Moon Bay road, about 1 1/2 miles west of Skyline Boulevard.

Foster City Police appeared pessimistic about solving the Nason case. One officer said that leads were scarce in September and "they are just as scarce now."

"This is going to be a tough case to crack," Penhold said. "But we've got the Sheriff's Office with us now."

One the day she disappeared Susan had come home from school in Foster City, a man-made island in the bay. The neighborhood is fairly isolated, with only one road in and out.

She asked her mother's permission to take a friend's gym shoes to her. She left the house about 4 p.m. and was never seen again.

Neighbors searched the many canals in Foster City and parent patrols began watching their children as they went back and forth to school, fearing the kidnapper might strike again. Divers scoured the canals but found no body.

Eight-year-old Susan Nason (“Susan”) disappeared after
school on September 22, 1969. Just over two months later, a
San Francisco Water Department employee found the girl’s
broken, decomposed remains in a ravine off Highway 92, a
route not far from Susan’s home that leads to Half Moon Bay
on the Pacific coast
Joe Ford said:
May I ask what role the detective has at this point? Not that I am suggesting that he do the research but just to avoid duplicating efforts.
The PI's involvement could be described as limited (at best). He had generously offered his assistance pro bono (i.e. free) at the point that we were searching for Once we established that the owner of this email address was not Anna, he moved on to other paying customers. I believe that we are on our own now.
HeartofTexas said:
I'm sure this one is a bit of a stretch, too, but I wonder if these cases could be connected. Susan Nason disappeared on September 22, 1969 and her body was found two months later. This case got a lot of press many years later when, in 1989, Eileen Franklin accused her father of committing the murder. Eileen said she was a witness to the murder. The father served 5 years in prison before he was released because of some kind of unconstitutional errors in the case.

The area around Highway 92 between San Mateo and Half Moon Bay is a common "dumping ground" for bodies from around the Bay Area because it is a relatively remote area in close vicinity to very populated areas. Because of its reputation as a disposal area, there most likely is not a link between these cases beyond general location.
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