Anna Christian Waters (Missing 1/16/1973 from Half Moon Bay, CA)

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Annasmom said:
I've never posted this before because I didn't think it had any significance other than a tragic coincidence, but another child from Anna's kindergarten class, named Michelle Gillespie, also went missing briefly in 1973, but her body was found; she apparently drowned in a puddle in the road near her house. This was never regarded as anything but an accident by either her family or Law Enforcement, but I mention it FYI. Another thing that I had forgotten was that whereas a month and even two weeks earlier, the residents at the farm included a family with three children and two noisy dogs, the Pretty Neighbor and our family of five with a puppy who was anything but a watch dog, the family with the loud dogs had moved one week before Anna disappeared. Once our morning visitors had left Jan. 16, only Joe, the Pretty Neighbor, the carpenter, and I were there.

I am posting this, because everyone is saying the Michelle was missing for two weeks, but Annasmom never said that (that I can see). Maybe we need to clarify before we assume Michelle was missing.
Dr. Doogie said:
I have been thinking about how two young girls from one kindergarten class would have bad things happen to them within a one-year period and am reminded of a completely unrelated series of events that happened in Half Moon Bay 2-3 years later.

During the school year that started September 1975 and ended June 1976, at least four students attending HMB High School either attempted or succeeded in committing suicide. This is in a school that the total student body numbered around 800. One student shot himself next to a pond and his body was not found until the following summer when the waters had receded (it had been assumed that he had ran away until his body was discovered). Another student shot himself dead during class with a handgun that he had snuck into school in his lunch bag. A drama student hung himself on stage hours before opening night for a play that he was involved in (unsuccessful attempt). I do not recall the details of the fourth suicide attempt other than it occured on campus and was by a female student who was unsuccessful. Needless to say, the school district had suicide counselors crawling the campus, actually pulling students into private meetings if they looked the slightest bit "depressed".

I memtion this not because of any direct bearing on Anna's case, but to demonstrate that streaks of bad things can occur among a relatively small sampling that do not indicate larger trends - probably over a ten year period including this one awful year, the suicide rate was comparable to similar demographic samples. However, based on this one year, one would conclude that HMB was the world capital of teenage suicide.

Three young girls, if you consider Nason. She may not have been from the same class, but she was at least from the same area and close in age.
But the main difference being, with Nason and Michelle- they were recovered. Michelle, possibly near her home? And Nason in a "dump site". And Anna was never located. How extensively has the area in which Nason was found, been searched?
Medusa said:
I don't know about the branch specifically, as to if it is still around.

When banks move they move the boxes. Rather, they have the company doing the new/or moving the vault move them. They move the frame - or install a new one and the boxes themselves aren't opened. Normally, the actual metal box that the customer takes into a private room/booth, is just moved and put from the spot with their number to the new spot with the same number. Generally, the lock will be removed and put in the new one if need be and the customer would just use the same key in the new location. The bank locks the boxes back in place. This is all done under bank guards or sometimes police (in a small town)

After X period of time, with non payment, the box is considered abandoned and turned over to the state. Otherwise a court order is needed. Sometimes people will pay for the box rent for many years at a time - and they could be dead or gone a long time before the box rent is past due.
Thank you Medusa for that bit of useful information. You seem to have some inside knowledge of the nuts and bolts of banking institutions. Wouldn't it have been common (or maybe even necessary) to have an account at the same branch. Would records be kept after so long a period? Records containing personal information such as Social Security number? Any idea how to pursue this?
When Brody died why didn't GW empty his safe deposit box? Those keys were found with his effects so he must have known about it.

Where was Brody being treated for cancer? Have his medical records ever been discovered or reviewed for personal information? I no longer recall, but were there payments to any medical institutions found in GW's bank statments?

The military draft had mandatory registration during his lifetime. Are those records accessible?

Although it has been suggested that he never worked a day in his life, perhaps he did in his youth. He would have needed a Social Security number and have paid taxes on earnings. Would IRS have any accessible information?
Good luck getting any info from the IRS. That info is more closely guarded than the prez I think.

But the military info should be accessible if he ever served. I think you hav to have the social security number to get it though. Richard is a whiz with military records, so you might pm him to see what you would need.
kshamgochian said:
Both my mom and Mrs. Rafello have ALWAYS believed that Anna was abducted.

I don't recall any classmate named Brandy or anyone that we played with named Brandy. I'll ask my Mom.

Hi Annasmom. Thank you for opening your heart. I hope that this forum helps to bring Anna home to your arms. Dr. Doogie, you're amazing.

Kshamgochian, how utterly wonderful to see your letter this morning. I printed it out and have had to read it several times so I could assure myself that it was really you. I didn't know that the teachers believed Anna was abducted. I think that in the past people have been afraid of hurting me by talking about it. Mrs. R. is one of the wisest people I've ever known, and her opinion has tremendous weight with me. The same for your dear mother. Regarding the Brandy business, we think maybe Anna liked the name because she heard it in a song which was popular in 1972; she probably heard it on one of the older kids' radios, on the school bus. This forum has made Anna seem so alive to me. And, yes, Doogie IS amazing.
Joe Ford said:
When Brody died why didn't GW empty his safe deposit box? Those keys were found with his effects so he must have known about it.

Where was Brody being treated for cancer? Have his medical records ever been discovered or reviewed for personal information? I no longer recall, but were there payments to any medical institutions found in GW's bank statments?

The military draft had mandatory registration during his lifetime. Are those records accessible?

Although it has been suggested that he never worked a day in his life, perhaps he did in his youth. He would have needed a Social Security number and have paid taxes on earnings. Would IRS have any accessible information?
Joe, I work for the IRS. No, the information would not be accessible at all. And no employee can just look up anyone else's SSN in the system. Because of more recent privacy laws, there is a fine and/or jail sentence for this act. However, I would think the FBI has contact probably with Criminal Investigation division of the IRS.
shadowangel said:
That's "Sargent & Greenleaf", a lock company based in Rochester.
OH, OK!!! LOL. Thanks Shadowangel. I couldn't see the second name and I still wouldn't have known the name anyway. I just saw NY on the photo and wondered why the keys would be all the way in NY.:doh:

So, we know one key is probably to a safe deposit at BofA. The other is still a mystery, right??

With permission of the family, I would like to send the pic to some Bay Area locksmiths that were in business in the early 70's. Maybe it will lead us to another bank or business GB & GW patronized. It may be too late to view the actual contents of the box (assuming it might be another safe deposit key), but I recall having to fill out paper work listing my personal info (name, address, etc) and the general contents and value of what was in our box when we stored our jewelry. There may be microfilm of the bank's records. Could reveal an alternate address or sumthin'. Let me know whatcha think, Annasmom, Annasbro, Joe or Doogie.
Joe Ford said:
When Brody died why didn't GW empty his safe deposit box? Those keys were found with his effects so he must have known about it.
Perhaps in his haste or his grief, he did not think of it.

Joe Ford said:
Where was Brody being treated for cancer? Have his medical records ever been discovered or reviewed for personal information? I no longer recall, but were there payments to any medical institutions found in GW's bank statments?
I believe that Annasmom mentioned that there was a paper trail of medical bills for Brody in the "Box from Hell". I do not know if anyone has scoured those for any SSN or such. (A side note: I really wish I had the time to review these files myself, just to get a second set of eyes on them to see if there is anything that might have been overlooked over the years. I will have to set that up with Annasmom soon.)

Joe Ford said:
The military draft had mandatory registration during his lifetime. Are those records accessible?
There are records online for military registration for WW1 and WW2 at various genealogy sites. I did find a George Brody from Mass. (the listed birthplace) who would have been about the same age as the 1923 birthdate that we have. I even saw high school yearbook photos of this George Brody - he does not resemble "our" Brody. And more to the point, this George Brody seems to still be alive (or at least was alive and still living in Mass. years after Brody had died).

Joe Ford said:
Although it has been suggested that he never worked a day in his life, perhaps he did in his youth. He would have needed a Social Security number and have paid taxes on earnings. Would IRS have any accessible information?
The assumption that he had not worked was based on the no record of him having a social security number. What makes the most sense is that "Brody" was an alias, and that he had worked under his original name prior to becoming "Brody". I find it difficult to believe that he could have functioned in the United States without a SSN - even thirty or forty years ago. Too many things that he would have been involved in would have required a SSN (including having a bank account). We really need to get the account information from BofA!
itsreenw said:
With permission of the family, I would like to send the pic to some Bay Area locksmiths that were in business in the early 70's. Maybe it will lead us to another bank or business GB & GW patronized. Could reveal an alternate address or sumthin'. Let me know whatcha think, Annasmom, Annasbro, Joe or Doogie.
Absolutely. Go for it!
Dr. Doogie I believe that Annasmom mentioned that there was a paper trail of medical bills for Brody in the "Box from Hell". I do not know if anyone has scoured those for any SSN or such. (A side note: I really wish I had the time to review these files myself said:
Doogie: I'll mail the box to you if you can stand it, but you need to call Ghostbusters before you open it.
Annasmom said:
Doogie: I'll mail the box to you if you can stand it, but you need to call Ghostbusters before you open it.
I must need to get some sleep (60 hours plus a week between two jobs and searching for Anna in my leftover time). I cannot believe that I didn't think of that myself.:bang: That sounds great. The only concern that I have is that it could get lost in transit, but the odds of that are very slim.

"Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters!"
That was my mistake and I am sorry I went back and read it annasmoms post #630 and she said that michelle went missing for a short time she only made mention of the two weeks when she was speaking of the family that was staying at the ranch I believe. again I am sorry annasmom I must have smashed the info together in my brain.:eek:
gardenmom said:
I am posting this, because everyone is saying the Michelle was missing for two weeks, but Annasmom never said that (that I can see). Maybe we need to clarify before we assume Michelle was missing.
A quick side note: the case I mentioned several posts back where I thought I might have a match between Alma Root from Auburn, CA and a Jane Doe in OK was negative - no match on the dentals.
Too bad. But, at least they know people ARE paying attention out here. BTW, I have been catching up on the posts and I am amazed at the superior minds, hearts and souls of people in the WS community. :clap: Also, in reading your and the family's posts, it's quite clear that if this case is never solved, it will not be for lack of trying!
Dr. Doogie said:
A quick side note: the case I mentioned several posts back where I thought I might have a match between Alma Root from Auburn, CA and a Jane Doe in OK was negative - no match on the dentals.
Dr. Doogie said:
I must need to get some sleep (60 hours plus a week between two jobs and searching for Anna in my leftover time). I cannot believe that I didn't think of that myself.:bang: That sounds great. The only concern that I have is that it could get lost in transit, but the odds of that are very slim.

"Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters!"
It's on the way and should arrive tomorrow (Friday) or Saturday. I have a tracking number, should it be delayed. On top is the completed disk of Searching for Anna, and also lots of pictures of keys which I think must be George Waters' keys...maybe Joe will remember, since he took the pictures. Watch out for creepy strange green clouds which might emanate from the files!
Annasmom said:
It's on the way and should arrive tomorrow (Friday) or Saturday. I have a tracking number, should it be delayed. On top is the completed disk of Searching for Anna, and also lots of pictures of keys which I think must be George Waters' keys...maybe Joe will remember, since he took the pictures. Watch out for creepy strange green clouds which might emanate from the files!
You sound almost glad to get rid of it...
Joe Ford said:
Thank you Medusa for that bit of useful information. You seem to have some inside knowledge of the nuts and bolts of banking institutions. Wouldn't it have been common (or maybe even necessary) to have an account at the same branch. Would records be kept after so long a period? Records containing personal information such as Social Security number? Any idea how to pursue this?
You're welcome. Yes, I have a bit, one from working in a couple, although it has been awhile. As to records - maybe. By law there is a time limit they have to keep records, but, some keep them longer. I think that getting a detective or other LE interested to ask may get results, since the party is dead , although they may say they need a warrent, I don't know.

On the keys - I have a family member that works for a company that installs and services the equipment that makes a bank a bank - vaults, safety dep boxes, drive up windows/tubes teller cages, etc. I had him look at the pictures of the keys and my prior post - he pointed out I was mostly correct, but, wrong on one point. Most often when safety deposit boxes are moved there is an entire unit moved - the whole section with the boxes intact.

As to the keys, he does agree the picture is of old safety deposit box keys. As to codes on them. There would be the number of the box - maybe - sometimes this is done, sometimes the number is not put on the key. The code is a lock code for the locksmith. The code is also on the actual lock. Were the key lost, the locksmith could take the number, look it up and make the new key - but, this record does not show X code for X bank. It is only for the lock. S&G is still around and one of the major companies his company uses. IF the SDB number is not know there may be no way to match the key to any specific box. Some locks and keys have no codes and if a key is lost the locksmith would have to redo the lock itself and make the new key.
Maybe I missed this, but, does anyone know if the probate record for Brody has been checked? Was his death certificate in the name Brody? Did he have a will, do we know who the heirs where? If he died without a will there should still be a probate record.
Medusa said:
Maybe I missed this, but, does anyone know if the probate record for Brody has been checked? Was his death certificate in the name Brody? Did he have a will, do we know who the heirs where? If he died without a will there should still be a probate record.
Medusa, all there seems to be is a report by the Public Guardian. The death certificate was in the name of Brody, but had no SSN or other information (the statement was given by Dr. Waters), with a highly unlikely birth date. There was no will; there were no heirs; Dr. Waters said he had no property except two safety deposit box keys to boxes in an unknown location. So there was nothing to probate--despite the unclaimed property Doogie found in Brody's name from a bank it seems likely that Brody patronized.
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