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DNA Solves
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magic-cat, it sounds like you and your daughter have the same kind o close and quirky relation ship my daughter and i share. im perpetually teasing her (now 12) that when she hots her teens she will be "too cool" to chill with me anymore. yours is 17 so thats promising for me. :)

back ON topic.... i havent had time to wade through all the annie info in the new dump. is there finally an interview for her there? i thought i read tht there was. anyone have a quick reference as to where i should look? i have 16 pdf that i downloaded right away but no idea where to start.
I makes me wonder if she has more to hide than a xanex, I mean, this happened in June and here she has not come in until FORCED in January...I would not think a xanex would compel fear like that gets my wheels a turnin' and wonderin' just what was she so fearful of speaking with LE about? She came in armed with an attorney and only upon supoena. This does not indicate to me that she had NOTHING to hide. I am disappointed, but having seen many of the "banners" she has had on that MySpace page, we should have expected it. She is ROUGH!

I'm not clear on a few things. Do we know for sure that was Annie's first interview and that she didn't come in previously? I can't imagine that the SA wouldn't have subpoenaed her earlier. Nor can I imagine that interview as covering all of what they wanted to ask her.

Is it possible that somewhere along the way Annie felt 'under the bus' then she lawyered-up and wouldn't come back for further interviews?

Not defending her, I am genuinely curious if this was indeed Annie's first interview with LE/SA, and can't imagine that it was.

ETA: Love the story with your Daughter!! I'm pretty sure mine is more afraid of me than the law, too. You go, Mama.
Something just dawned on me that I don't think has been brought up. Dante said back in Sept that he and Annie had been interviewed by LE, since the January interview has been made public a few comments have been made regarding him being less than honest in his reply.

Annie was listed as a witness for the state back in November. Why would she have been listed as a witness before she had been interviewed?
I'm not clear on a few things. Do we know for sure that was Annie's first interview and that she didn't come in previously? I can't imagine that the SA wouldn't have subpoenaed her earlier. Nor can I imagine that interview as covering all of what they wanted to ask her.

Is it possible that somewhere along the way Annie felt 'under the bus' then she lawyered-up and wouldn't come back for further interviews?

Not defending her, I am genuinely curious if this was indeed Annie's first interview with LE/SA, and can't imagine that it was.

we posted at the same time.....
You sound like a great mom Magic-cat! When the kids are grown they aren't going to remember whether the laundry got piled up or if everything was nice and tidy or if mom had 1 or 2 hot meals a day for them. They will remember whether mom was there for THEM!! And there is nothing wrong with having a HEALTHY fear of mom. They go hand in hand. Just like CHOICES and CONSEQUENCES go hand in hand.
Sometimes great parents wind up with awful kids and sometimes great kids wind up with awful parents. Unfortunately, CA was an awful parent who had an awful kid and a great grandchild paid the awful price!!:mad:
I'm not clear on a few things. Do we know for sure that was Annie's first interview and that she didn't come in previously? I can't imagine that the SA wouldn't have subpoenaed her earlier. Nor can I imagine that interview as covering all of what they wanted to ask her.

Is it possible that somewhere along the way Annie felt 'under the bus' then she lawyered-up and wouldn't come back for further interviews?

Not defending her, I am genuinely curious if this was indeed Annie's first interview with LE/SA, and can't imagine that it was.

ETA: Love the story with your Daughter!! I'm pretty sure mine is more afraid of me than the law, too. You go, Mama.

Did we get a transcript of Annie's interview, or was it just the bits of her statement included in the investigative narrative (ie, Lee warning her not to protect Casey, Annie saying she didn't give Casey xanax, Annie talking about Cindy's overlording, Annie recounting Casey's "breakdown")??

If there's a full transcript, can anyone provide me a link??
*hoping I missed this in the last set of documents, because I'd love to read her full interview*

And, I bet Annie has been interviewed more than once, but that's just my guess. :crazy:
Something just dawned on me that I don't think has been brought up. Dante said back in Sept that he and Annie had been interviewed by LE, since the January interview has been made public a few comments have been made regarding him being less than honest in his reply.

Annie was listed as a witness for the state back in November. Why would she have been listed as a witness before she had been interviewed?

'zactly, my friend. I do not think for a moment that this was Annie first, or only interview.
Did we get a transcript of Annie's interview, or was it just the bits of her statement included in the investigative narrative (ie, Lee warning her not to protect Casey, Annie saying she didn't give Casey xanax, Annie talking about Cindy's overlording, Annie recounting Casey's "breakdown")??

If there's a full transcript, can anyone provide me a link??
*hoping I missed this in the last set of documents, because I'd love to read her full interview*

And, I bet Annie has been interviewed more than once, but that's just my guess. :crazy:

I didn't see full transcripts of a complete Annie interview, just snippets.

As well, MMB raised some good points above that Annie was on the State's witness list back in the Fall. As well, Dante had indeed said that Annie had been interviewed by LE already.
I didn't see full transcripts of a complete Annie interview, just snippets.

As well, MMB raised some good points above that Annie was on the State's witness list back in the Fall. As well, Dante had indeed said that Annie had been interviewed by LE already.

Ok- thank you for clarifying about the snippets.
And yes-- I agree :)

How amazing would it be if we could just see all the interviews/docs now?? I wish!
I makes me wonder if she has more to hide than a xanex, I mean, this happened in June and here she has not come in until FORCED in January...I would not think a xanex would compel fear like that gets my wheels a turnin' and wonderin' just what was she so fearful of speaking with LE about? She came in armed with an attorney and only upon supoena. This does not indicate to me that she had NOTHING to hide. I am disappointed, but having seen many of the "banners" she has had on that MySpace page, we should have expected it. She is ROUGH!

Yes I believe the tattoo is on her. I think she did that plus the big one this past week.

While some of her banners are "harsh" i think its because she was a young girl who wasnt even talking to Casey hardly at the time of Cayleees death and she has been pillorised on the net for months - she cant be stupid she must know all these people are going to her myspace hoping to see the latest.

She put on her myspace Friday for people to let her have her life back. I think its desperately sad that these people have had to go through the crap they have and there whole lives scrutinised and judged because of Casey

Good points magic-cat, the photo of the tattoo is just a random arm picture. It is terribly disappointing she was compeled to talk to LE, I was not expecting that. If giving a Xanax to KC was her big fear then that's pretty carppy of her.

No offence but if i lived in Florida im not sure i would willingly want to talk to the police either. I think its shocking that the statements are all released to the media.

Over here anything like that is strictly private.
Something just dawned on me that I don't think has been brought up. Dante said back in Sept that he and Annie had been interviewed by LE, since the January interview has been made public a few comments have been made regarding him being less than honest in his reply.

Annie was listed as a witness for the state back in November. Why would she have been listed as a witness before she had been interviewed?

I have a hard time believing that that was Dante. Unless Tricia verified his identity??? I found it odd at the time that he came on this board to "answer" questions. Maybe it's just me though.
I will tell you this one more thing. My 2nd oldest is 17 and she knows I follow this case and we discuss it from time to time. I was nagging about Cindy and her cover-up and my daughter says "Now mommy, you know if that was ME you would have a hard time accepting it or believing it and you would not divulge everything you knew to the police" and then she said, "But you know I wouldn't do anything like that". And I said "The police would never get a shot a you if that was YOU and your baby was missing and I smelled a dead body in your car. You and I would go out in some deep dark woods and we would work it out right there." and she never missed a beat and said, "Just turn me in because I would rather face them than YOU." and I said "You mean you would fear a trip into the woods with me more than the police?" and she said "OH YEAH, definately!":rolleyes:

Magic Cat - I think you may have hit the nail right on the head with your analogy.
If, as I recall, people in Florida who are subpoenaed to give a statement are automatically offered immunity, wouldn't that mean that Annie's involvement in anything of a criminal nature (like giving meds out) would never be charged against her? I thought that was why everyone in the Anthony family was hoping for a subpoena.
Caysey's eyes look glassy, Caylee in the back seat, and Caysey not looking too good. Is it just me, or does anyone think she's pretty at all? The eyes are the heart to the soul, and she just looks blank. I still don't get the whole "irish" deal -- is Anthony an Irish name?

I looked up Irish Names from Irish Gaelic Origins and Anthony isn't one of them.

Sorry to get off-topic, JMO

I didn't see full transcripts of a complete Annie interview, just snippets.

As well, MMB raised some good points above that Annie was on the State's witness list back in the Fall. As well, Dante had indeed said that Annie had been interviewed by LE already.

I was also going to post that information! LOL! Glad that I read first. As far as having a laywer, I think Annie decided she couldn't handle her situation by herself anymore and got one to look to her own rights. After all, she was being pushed under the bus along with others.

I'm sure that her lawyer was the one who told her to wait for a subpoena before speaking to LE anymore.
No offence but if i lived in Florida im not sure i would willingly want to talk to the police either. I think its shocking that the statements are all released to the media.

Over here anything like that is strictly private.

My opinion about why Annie may have "lawyered up" for her January interview with police:
I read so much about cases like this that I become used to the idea of people being interviewed by LE, and then I suddenly had to ask myself, do I personally know anyone who has been called by police and asked to be interviewed in a MURDER investigation? Of course, the answer is no! If I were a 20-something young woman like Annie, I think the very first thing I'd do would be to call my parents and ask them, what should I do???
And their answer would probably have been something like, "We'll call a lawyer and ask what you should do." And a lawyer is going to say, I'll go with your daughter (for a fee!) And... voila! She's "lawyered up".
The important thing to remember is, innocent people sometimes feel the need for a lawyer, too.
As far as Annie possibly being on the state's witness list before they may have actually interviewed her: It is common for LE and prosecutors to make their witness list with people whose testimony is relevant to the proof, whether or not they have actually gotten to interview them yet. Of course, the prosecutor/police would make sure to interview the person some time before actually calling them to the witness stand.
I have a really hard time understanding that Casey- no matter how disturbed she is- did not confide to somebody that Caylee was dead. For a long time I've believed that one of her friends either knew or was involved at least in the disposal.

Annie seems like a good candidate.

I truly believe KC did everything on her own - I feel that she would be afraid to trust anyone - especially Annie, who backed off being a BFF due to KC's history of lying.

KC would not have confided in anyone for fear of getting caught - and I believe that holding it in caused the "night sweats" at Tony's apartment.

The subconscience cannot deal with things that the conscience avoids.
Annie claims that she and KC were "friends in passing" since Aug.`07 which is eleven months prior to Caylee being reported missing. This implies that she had no relationship with Caylee since her second B-day.

Why would Lee call her July 3?

Why on earth would she need a lawyer? -- Weird.
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