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DNA Solves
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under subpoena, and with an attorney present. Hmm??? I also thought it strange that she said KC told her that Caylee would be home by home by her 3rd Birthday. When would she have been able to tell AD this? KC was still in jail over Caylees Birthday.

There are probably calls that haven't been released.
I have never believed we heard all the calls, there is too much elapsed time in the first couple of weeks. MOO

The Annie thing surprised me on several levels, the subpoena, and the two visits with her while Casey was out including an overnight. Very strange.
I found it odd that Annie said that when she mentioned the chloroform in the trunk of KC car, KC said that she kept cleaning supplies in the trunk. That's why I believe the chloroform was not used to kill or drug Caylee, but to clean up the aftermath. I never thought that chloroform was used to kill Caylee, but after reading this I am almost positive that the chloroform came from the cleaning products used to try and clean up the mess.

Oh and lets not forget the dryer sheets, which also contains chloroform. I think that the cleaning chemicals along with the dryer sheets produced a high level of chlroform.
Annie lived at teh Sawgrass apartments? Kc would visit her daily? I didn't know that. Could the real ZFG looking at the apartment be a pure coincidence? FORGIVE ME if my ignorance annoys you.
Downing told investigators she thought that if Anthony had hurt Caylee, that she would not have acted alone because "she wasn't that smart," the report said. Investigators noted that the statement was only Downing's opinion and she didn't have any evidence to back it up.

Orlando Sentinel blog..

LOL, I have to say that Casey DID act alone because everything she did in this crime, WAS STUPID.. lol She left way too much evidence that points to her and her only. Now that is stupid..
LOL, I have to say that Casey DID act alone because everything she did in this crime, WAS STUPID.. lol She left way too much evidence that points to her and her only. Now that is stupid..

:clap: Exactly!!!
under subpoena, and with an attorney present. Hmm??? I also thought it strange that she said KC told her that Caylee would be home by home by her 3rd Birthday. When would she have been able to tell AD this? KC was still in jail over Caylees Birthday.

Dante stated when he posted on here that both he and Annie had given statements to LE on more than one occasion. So, is that a lie, or did she just have to be subpoenaed for this statement? Not that it really matters, but I'm just curious.
Annie first learned Caylee was missing when she received a message from Lee on myspace on or about 7/3/08 asking if she heard from Casey or knew where Caylee was. She sent a text message to Casey who said Lee was crazy and everything was fine. Casey never mentioned any problems or that caylee was missing. pg 15
don't you think that is odd?
Annie first learned Caylee was missing when she received a message from Lee on myspace on or about 7/3/08 asking if she heard from Casey or knew where Caylee was. She sent a text message to Casey who said Lee was crazy and everything was fine. Casey never mentioned any problems or that caylee was missing. pg 15
don't you think that is odd?

Absolutely. I think it speaks to her state of mind, (denial of guilt) and also could be interpreted as a cover up. And, it's more than odd--it's Casey.
A lot here is eye opening but this is just unbelievable. No wonder Casey is the way she is (which is not to excuse her behavior.)

I might have done the same thing to find my missing Granddaughter. I'd use her email, her cell phone, heck I'd even pose as her, wearing her ridiculously huge white sunglasses if it would help to get my GD back.
I found it odd that Annie said that when she mentioned the chloroform in the trunk of KC car, KC said that she kept cleaning supplies in the trunk. That's why I believe the chloroform was not used to kill or drug Caylee, but to clean up the aftermath. I never thought that chloroform was used to kill Caylee, but after reading this I am almost positive that the chloroform came from the cleaning products used to try and clean up the mess.

Bolded by me.

LOL, this just makes me believe even more chloroform wasn't innocently involved, those two words I bolded.
I might have done the same thing to find my missing Granddaughter. I'd use her email, her cell phone, heck I'd even pose as her, wearing her ridiculously huge white sunglasses if it would help to get my GD back.

I agree with you habitz,I would too,especially since they were not getting any kind of logical answers or explanations from KC.
Annie first learned Caylee was missing when she received a message from Lee on myspace on or about 7/3/08 asking if she heard from Casey or knew where Caylee was. She sent a text message to Casey who said Lee was crazy and everything was fine. Casey never mentioned any problems or that caylee was missing. pg 15
don't you think that is odd?

Please forgive me if this has already been stated. The Same day a CA MySpace rant...plea... That is very interesting information.thanks for pointing it out lillygator.
snipped from below:

Annie Downing had a rough couple months this Spring in the traffic area. On March 30, 2008, she received citations for both Speeding 15-19 mph over the speed limit, and for not producing her driver’s license and insurance card. While the presentation of those documents on April 18 cleared that part of the citation, the speeding ticket remained open on her record until 2 online requested and subsequently granted extensions later on July 1, 2008. Why do we care?


This might explain things
As they say in baseball, "My Oh My" This just couldn't become more thickened with speculation of either an alias or a split personality. :bang:
A lot here is eye opening but this is just unbelievable. No wonder Casey is the way she is (which is not to excuse her behavior.)

What's eye opening to me is that Cindy felt the need to go to such extremes. Casey was sitting around doing zip, zilch, nada, to help find her child. Doing absolutely nothing to contribute in any way.

And now we learn Casey was mad that her mother used her email account in an attempt to find info? Well, tough $h!# for Casey. :boohoo:

Sorry, I just can't see Cindy as a villain here, not under these circumstances.
She was so desperate for Caylee to be found alive and ok, to be living and breathing somewhere on this planet, and she gets such a bad rap for it. I will never understand it. moo
I might have done the same thing to find my missing Granddaughter. I'd use her email, her cell phone, heck I'd even pose as her, wearing her ridiculously huge white sunglasses if it would help to get my GD back.

Thanks for the visual. :clap:LOL

But you are so right....if I was in those shoes I'd go to those measures myself and then some.
Annie first learned Caylee was missing when she received a message from Lee on myspace on or about 7/3/08 asking if she heard from Casey or knew where Caylee was. She sent a text message to Casey who said Lee was crazy and everything was fine. Casey never mentioned any problems or that caylee was missing. pg 15
don't you think that is odd?

July 3 is the day that KC told Cindy she could pick up Caylee at Universal. Cindy went and KC didn't show, telling Cindy she had to go somewhere else for her job. Cindy then wrote her infamous myspace or facebook post where she says Caylee is missing.

Now we find out that Lee also considered Caylee to be missing as of July 3.

What I find odd (actually more than odd) is that Caylee's family considered her missing as of July 3, but not one of them called the police until July 15.

Nobody cared about Caylee. Nobody.
Right and then they would have to tell that Casey stole, lies and really doesn't have a job.
That would look realyyyyyyyyyyyy bad for them. They have always been afraid of her.
Thanks for the visual. :clap:LOL

But you are so right....if I was in those shoes I'd go to those measures myself and then some.

Those of you saying you'd do the same and more are forgetting how stunts like this can hamper the police. I don't believe any of you would do anything that would make it harder to investigate and find out what happened to a child.

Cindy has tampered with evidence, lied to investigators, purposely given wrong evidence in the hairbrush, refused to turn over other evidence. And now we find she didn't bother to mention the missing blanket and pretended to be Casey in writing emails.

I have to wonder what else she's done that we don't know about yet.
July 3 is the day that KC told Cindy she could pick up Caylee at Universal. Cindy went and KC didn't show, telling Cindy she had to go somewhere else for her job. Cindy then wrote her infamous myspace or facebook post where she says Caylee is missing.

Now we find out that Lee also considered Caylee to be missing as of July 3.

What I find odd (actually more than odd) is that Caylee's family considered her missing as of July 3, but not one of them called the police until July 15.

Nobody cared about Caylee. Nobody.

I know. It breaks my heart. :cry: In my list above, I didn't mention refusing to even report the child missing for a month, even when urged to do so.
One would think that Cindy would have called the police, said her grand daughter that is just 2 years old is missing, her daughter, the childs mother is coming and going from the house not answering their concerns, Cindy could have reported the car Casey was driving, etc.

Essentially Casey would have been possibly caught red handed. Plus an APB on the missing car would have shown up at Johnsons wrecker (They have all the OPD contracts) and the car never would have been released to George that fateful day of July 16th.
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