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DNA Solves
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Sorry, but IMO, all Cindy did was parade herself on television, and fill her coffers with $$$$! In an early interview, Cindy said, she would knock on every door until she found Caylee...she never knocked on one door even...all she did was sit on her A$$ at her computer and "look" for Caylee in there. I have absolutely no sympathy/empathy for Cindy. :mad:

That's YOUR perception. My perception is different.

I don't say Cindy did everything right, but it wasn't sinister. I can have empathy for someone in just about any horrific situation, even if they are illogical and they cannot clearly see what is best. And I won't apologize for it.
That's YOUR perception. My perception is different.

I don't say Cindy did everything right, but it wasn't sinister. I can have empathy for someone in just about any horrific situation, even if they are illogical and they cannot clearly see what is best. And I won't apologize for it.

No need to apologize for it-everyone has their own mind to think with and is allowed to think as they choose.

I have leaned more toward the Cindy has been milking this for every dime it's worth camp, but appreciate those who hold other points of view. Perhaps in between what we all see and believe is the truth and maybe through our diverse opinions we will be more likely to discover it. :blowkiss:
OOOOHHHH...entertains? Now you have GOT to let us in on what THAT means?:waitasec:

She means this I guess - the comment on her myspace

I have to say I feel sorry for Annie. By the comments she had on there earlier I think people are spamming her for her to accept them as friends on there. At the end of the day there is nothing to say that she was involved in any of this so she should be allowed to live her life in peace.
I guess one thing is certain that we never knew before and that is Annie did not WANT to talk and in the end they had to FORCE her in for an interview by State Supoena. She, of course, showed up with attorney in tow, and denied having ever given Casey a Xanex...well, duh...who is going to admit to that? And admitting that she gave ONE to another friend? That seems to me to be a camoflauge See, I admitted I gave one to someone else so therefore I must be telling the truth about NOT having ever given Casey one...WHATEVER! I am not buying it for one minute! She did not want to incriminate herself and she didn't. So how has she helped in the least? January 7th was when she was brought in under supoena. Did she NEVER talk with them prior to this date? Did she not think that being the one person closest to Casey that there MIGHT be something useful that she could have told LE in the very beginning? Something wrong about the whole Annie thing...something entirely wrong!
OK, sorry but if I was Annie I would totally hire an attorney. Also she says she had a PRESCRIPTION for xanax (due to an injury? not sure why it was prescribed) she says she never gave any to Casey. She said Casey was lying (again). I believe Annie, and I don't believe Annie's prescription for Xanax played a role here.
Ditto! :blowkiss:

Yup- me too! She didn't look for anything except a way to get her precious Casey out of yet another mess. Too bad she didn't just teach her about morals, consequences & responsibility when she was a child... to bad she didn't just set a good example.
She means this I guess - the comment on her myspace

I have to say I feel sorry for Annie. By the comments she had on there earlier I think people are spamming her for her to accept them as friends on there. At the end of the day there is nothing to say that she was involved in any of this so she should be allowed to live her life in peace.

I agree- I don't think she's involved. I had mad respect for her until it came out she'd hung out with Casey while she was on bail and had to be forced to talk to LE. Though I'm still not assuming that means anything, for all we know she could have been helping LE by going over there, ya know? I don't know anything about the girl but I liked Dante and he seemed to be straight up with us when he was posting here so- I'ma wait till trial.
She means this I guess - the comment on her myspace

I have to say I feel sorry for Annie. By the comments she had on there earlier I think people are spamming her for her to accept them as friends on there. At the end of the day there is nothing to say that she was involved in any of this so she should be allowed to live her life in peace.

Has anyone noticed her new Caylee tattoo?
I agree- I don't think she's involved. I had mad respect for her until it came out she'd hung out with Casey while she was on bail and had to be forced to talk to LE. Though I'm still not assuming that means anything, for all we know she could have been helping LE by going over there, ya know? I don't know anything about the girl but I liked Dante and he seemed to be straight up with us when he was posting here so- I'ma wait till trial.

And from what was released she did not say anything flattering about KC
No need to apologize for it-everyone has their own mind to think with and is allowed to think as they choose.

I have leaned more toward the Cindy has been milking this for every dime it's worth camp, but appreciate those who hold other points of view. Perhaps in between what we all see and believe is the truth and maybe through our diverse opinions we will be more likely to discover it. :blowkiss:

I think (and hope) you're on to something there, magic. :blowkiss:
OK, sorry but if I was Annie I would totally hire an attorney. Also she says she had a PRESCRIPTION for xanax (due to an injury? not sure why it was prescribed) she says she never gave any to Casey. She said Casey was lying (again). I believe Annie, and I don't believe Annie's prescription for Xanax played a role here.

She has an attorney. She was accompanied by the attorney to the interview with LE that she was FORCED by state supoena to attend. I don't believe her. She knows more than she is telling.:mad:

Has anyone noticed her new Caylee tattoo?

Yeah-I wonder if that is HER tattoo or on someone else? Does it say it is on her somewhere or do you just assume it is hers since it is her "space"? It's a strange thing for her to do I think. I wonder when she got it? Before or after she was found...:confused:

And from what was released she did not say anything flattering about KC

But she did not say anything too damaging either. She actually did not say much of anything...I am wondering if there is another interview.
Good points magic-cat, the photo of the tattoo is just a random arm picture. It is terribly disappointing she was compeled to talk to LE, I was not expecting that. If giving a Xanax to KC was her big fear then that's pretty carppy of her.
Yup- me too! She didn't look for anything except a way to get her precious Casey out of yet another mess. Too bad she didn't just teach her about morals, consequences & responsibility when she was a child... to bad she didn't just set a good example.

My parents were not perfect while raising me; in fact they they set pretty bad examples at times. From a very young age I knew they had issues...but I had no choice but to deal with the confusion and hypocrisy. It wasn't until I was grown that I realized some of their examples taught me how NOT to be as an adult. I credit myself... my own conscious and my own character for that. We all have a choice, once we are grown.

Anyway, back to Annie.. :)

we all have choices

specially when we are "ALL GROWED UP"

i have a feeling that KC was never told "NO"

its not an excuse for her, but thats why she doesnt get it,

ABOUT A PHONY NANNY - law enforcenet do this little thing we call investigations
My parents were not perfect while raising me; in fact they they set pretty bad examples at times. From a very young age I knew they had issues...but I had no choice but to deal with the confusion and hypocrisy. It wasn't until I was grown that I realized some of their examples taught me how NOT to be as an adult. I credit myself... my own conscious and my own character for that. We all have a choice, once we are grown.

Anyway, back to Annie.. :)

That sounds like a page out of my own book! I have said so many times that my mother, who was NO mother at all by the way, taught me how to BE a mother by NEVER being one to me! I have also watched VERY bad examples and learned NOT to follow them. It isn't the preferred way of growing up, but hey, it's what I got dealt, so I dealt with it...:)
We all have a choice what we will do after we grow up, and Casey is no exception.
Good points magic-cat, the photo of the tattoo is just a random arm picture. It is terribly disappointing she was compeled to talk to LE, I was not expecting that. If giving a Xanax to KC was her big fear then that's pretty carppy of her.

I makes me wonder if she has more to hide than a xanex, I mean, this happened in June and here she has not come in until FORCED in January...I would not think a xanex would compel fear like that gets my wheels a turnin' and wonderin' just what was she so fearful of speaking with LE about? She came in armed with an attorney and only upon supoena. This does not indicate to me that she had NOTHING to hide. I am disappointed, but having seen many of the "banners" she has had on that MySpace page, we should have expected it. She is ROUGH!
My parents were not perfect while raising me; in fact they they set pretty bad examples at times. From a very young age I knew they had issues...but I had no choice but to deal with the confusion and hypocrisy. It wasn't until I was grown that I realized some of their examples taught me how NOT to be as an adult. I credit myself... my own conscious and my own character for that. We all have a choice, once we are grown.

Anyway, back to Annie.. :)
:clap: :clap: :clap:

You nailed it. How we choose to live as adults is a decision we each make and really does not have to be a reflection of our parents or how we were raised. Even a child knows when those around them are behaving badly, whether friends at school or parents at home.

We don't know what made Annie lawyer up, the important thing is she tells the truth, with or without her lawyer present.

Annie said while she lived at Sawgrass (thru 2007) KC was there almost everyday, we have seen a lot of pictures of Annie with Caylee. I think of all KC's friends, Annie is the one who spent the most time with Caylee during her first 2 years and is probably more affected by Caylee's death than most of the other people KC hung with.
My parents were not perfect while raising me; in fact they they set pretty bad examples at times. From a very young age I knew they had issues...but I had no choice but to deal with the confusion and hypocrisy. It wasn't until I was grown that I realized some of their examples taught me how NOT to be as an adult. I credit myself... my own conscious and my own character for that. We all have a choice, once we are grown.

Anyway, back to Annie.. :)

ITA that we all have a choice- and have said as much since "day 1".
That sounds like a page out of my own book! I have said so many times that my mother, who was NO mother at all by the way, taught me how to BE a mother by NEVER being one to me! I have also watched VERY bad examples and learned NOT to follow them. It isn't the preferred way of growing up, but hey, it's what I got dealt, so I dealt with it...:)
We all have a choice what we will do after we grow up, and Casey is no exception.

LOL-I get the lousy parenting thing- though not all of us learn from our parents mistakes and make nothing but wise choices in life. However, I believe everyone should be held accountable for their actions.
LOL-I get the lousy parenting thing- though not all of us learn from our parents mistakes and make nothing but wise choices in life. However, I believe everyone should be held accountable for their actions.

Now don't get me wrong-I am as far from a wise and perfect parent as you can get. My edest son has been referred to as my "guinnea pig" child, on whom I made so very many of my mistakes. But, even having 6 children, I have continued to make mistakes and bad choices right up to the present day. I am HORRIBLE. I cannot keep a kid on a schedule to save my soul. I cannot keep the laundry caught up and am lucky if I get them all a hot meal made once a day. My dishes accumulate for more than 24 hours and I have made some serious errors in judgement when it came to whom I allowed my teens to be friends with. I stay up too late, and am grouchy in the morning. I am scattered and chaotic and overwhelmed at times. You get my meaning...I am a MESS as a human, much less as a parent, but the one thing that all of my kids know is that I love them, and I expect them to be decent and moral human beings while they are making their way. Of course, sometimes, they aren't, and many times, I have not been either...but I AM there for them if they need me, and I AM willing to listen if they need me to, and I AM willing to put them in their place if need be. They know there is a line, and although my line may not be as narrow as some peoples, I do have one, and they know there will be reprecussions should they cross my very wide and permissive line. :) I have learned by the trial by fire method of what mistakes NOT to make AGAIN!

But having said all of that, even at my lowest and worst day of depression or sadness or anger, I would never bring harm to my children on purpose and it would never enter my head to KILL one of them.

I will tell you this one more thing. My 2nd oldest is 17 and she knows I follow this case and we discuss it from time to time. I was nagging about Cindy and her cover-up and my daughter says "Now mommy, you know if that was ME you would have a hard time accepting it or believing it and you would not divulge everything you knew to the police" and then she said, "But you know I wouldn't do anything like that". And I said "The police would never get a shot a you if that was YOU and your baby was missing and I smelled a dead body in your car. You and I would go out in some deep dark woods and we would work it out right there." and she never missed a beat and said, "Just turn me in because I would rather face them than YOU." and I said "You mean you would fear a trip into the woods with me more than the police?" and she said "OH YEAH, definately!":rolleyes:
Now don't get me wrong-I am as far from a wise and perfect parent as you can get. My edest son has been referred to as my "guinnea pig" child, on whom I made so very many of my mistakes. But, even having 6 children, I have continued to make mistakes and bad choices right up to the present day. I am HORRIBLE. I cannot keep a kid on a schedule to save my soul. I cannot keep the laundry caught up and am lucky if I get them all a hot meal made once a day. My dishes accumulate for more than 24 hours and I have made some serious errors in judgement when it came to whom I allowed my teens to be friends with. I stay up too late, and am grouchy in the morning. I am scattered and chaotic and overwhelmed at times. You get my meaning...I am a MESS as a human, much less as a parent, but the one thing that all of my kids know is that I love them, and I expect them to be decent and moral human beings while they are making their way. Of course, sometimes, they aren't, and many times, I have not been either...but I AM there for them if they need me, and I AM willing to listen if they need me to, and I AM willing to put them in their place if need be. They know there is a line, and although my line may not be as narrow as some peoples, I do have one, and they know there will be reprecussions should they cross my very wide and permissive line. :) I have learned by the trial by fire method of what mistakes NOT to make AGAIN!

But having said all of that, even at my lowest and worst day of depression or sadness or anger, I would never bring harm to my children on purpose and it would never enter my head to KILL one of them.

I will tell you this one more thing. My 2nd oldest is 17 and she knows I follow this case and we discuss it from time to time. I was nagging about Cindy and her cover-up and my daughter says "Now mommy, you know if that was ME you would have a hard time accepting it or believing it and you would not divulge everything you knew to the police" and then she said, "But you know I wouldn't do anything like that". And I said "The police would never get a shot a you if that was YOU and your baby was missing and I smelled a dead body in your car. You and I would go out in some deep dark woods and we would work it out right there." and she never missed a beat and said, "Just turn me in because I would rather face them than YOU." and I said "You mean you would fear a trip into the woods with me more than the police?" and she said "OH YEAH, definately!":rolleyes:

LOL- I like that :blowkiss:!! Our kids need to know that they will be held accountable in this life, IMO
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