Another Baby For Katie?

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No, I said she's too fat to be on the runway.:chicken:
That I might disagree with only to the degree the clothes on a hanger represent the same look as those pencil thin models. I think she looks great from the neck down...
We dont even hae such a thing as size zero over here. I would say the average British woman would be a size 12, 14 or 16 and depending on height thats healthy! A lot of them actresses are just ugly thin to us here. Stick Insects! Most guys I know dont even find that look attractive....they want a little more Junk in the Trunk:crazy:
Are you saying my standards are twisted because in my opinion she is overweight?
I am saying the standards that equate 5'9 size 6 overweight are.

I'm 5'9 size 8 and by your standards I am really fat & overweight etc....I disagree.:)
It's like Tom gave Katie a "magic aging" potion. She went from looking very young to looking like Jackie O on a bad day. She looks like she's 50 - and she has bags and dark circles under her eyes and her face looks puffy. Every photo I see, she looks OLDER. Tom looks younger and Katie looks older. If this is what happens to you when you are "Theta Clear" bring on the Thetans!

I think Katie looks horrid and she is definitely "pudgy" and kinda flabby in an unhealthy way. She is way too young to look the way she does - not even 30 yet. Her arms, and neck and lower legs are sorta bony and un-toned and her mid-section is lumpy and all her fat is in her stomach and butt - she hides it well, but she has that "pear" shape. She and Tom both have a tendency to get pear-shape pudgy and flabby - and then they go on a crash diet and exercise with a trainer every day and lose it - then yo-yo again. Their lifestyle is far from healthy - constant travel, moving around, changing sleep and meal times and late nights. It's no wonder they have trouble staying fit and healthy.

If Katie is pregnant I hope she focuses on her health and maintaining healthy habits and NOT how she "looks" or what Tom (or any of US) think. A healthy pregnancy and baby is ALL that matters no matter whether you're a big Star, Scientologist or just the gal next door. It wouldn't surprise ME if she has another baby - she says she wants more kids close in age and Nicole did just have a baby and Angelina and J-Lo have TWINS (2 fers). Gotta keep up with the Hollywood Neighbors ya know.

My Opinion
I am saying the standards that equate 5'9 size 6 overweight are.

I'm 5'9 size 8 and by your standards I am really fat & overweight etc....I disagree.:)

I would never say that about you Rino, and I wouldn't let anybody else say it either.

Katie Holmes IMO is in a different situation. She's not just an average housewife. She may want to pick up her career again someday, who knows? Granted she doesn't need the money but a lot of them do it just because they want to, not for the money.
But what I'm saying is I think she looks like she has retained some of the baby weight just like we all did and it looks to me like she just hasn't lost it all yet. She looks out of shape to me too for someone her age. Until I see some other pictures I'm going to have to stand by my opinion. It's not about whether or not i think size 0 is appropriate. I think it's insane! But that's what is going on in Hollywood now and if you're not that, you're overweight, and those are the standards Hollywood people live by. I didn't say i agreed with it. IMO she's still got baby weight to lose but i think she looks like an average person now. Not movie star thin like the rest of Hollywood.
It's like Tom gave Katie a "magic aging" potion. She went from looking very young to looking like Jackie O on a bad day. She looks like she's 50 - and she has bags and dark circles under her eyes and her face looks puffy. Every photo I see, she looks OLDER. Tom looks younger and Katie looks older. If this is what happens to you when you are "Theta Clear" bring on the Thetans!

I think Katie looks horrid and she is definitely "pudgy" and kinda flabby in an unhealthy way. She is way too young to look the way she does - not even 30 yet. Her arms, and neck and lower legs are sorta bony and un-toned and her mid-section is lumpy and all her fat is in her stomach and butt - she hides it well, but she has that "pear" shape. She and Tom both have a tendency to get pear-shape pudgy and flabby - and then they go on a crash diet and exercise with a trainer every day and lose it - then yo-yo again. Their lifestyle is far from healthy - constant travel, moving around, changing sleep and meal times and late nights. It's no wonder they have trouble staying fit and healthy.

If Katie is pregnant I hope she focuses on her health and maintaining healthy habits and NOT how she "looks" or what Tom (or any of US) think. A healthy pregnancy and baby is ALL that matters no matter whether you're a big Star, Scientologist or just the gal next door. It wouldn't surprise ME if she has another baby - she says she wants more kids close in age and Nicole did just have a baby and Angelina and J-Lo have TWINS (2 fers). Gotta keep up with the Hollywood Neighbors ya know.

My Opinion

We must have been posting at the same time but I just wanted to pop in here and say thank goodness someone else sees what i see! I'm not crazy! All i needed was one person to agree with me. Now I know there are others that just don't want to get into the fray.:)
The only reason why size "0" is more common now is because they are making clothes bigger and that goes all the way down to the size 0s. Size 0 now is basically what a 2 or 4 used to be and that applies to the other sizes as well, as far as not being what they used to be.

eta - the "skinny" jeans that she's wearing are probably not the best for her shape, but she still isn't fat
I also think she looks very old and tired.

She's been rehearsing in NYC for some show on Broadway that she's going to be in - I highly doubt she would get pregnant before her Broadway debut.
We must have been posting at the same time but I just wanted to pop in here and say thank goodness someone else sees what i see! I'm not crazy! All i needed was one person to agree with me. Now I know there are others that just don't want to get into the fray.:)

I agree with you Trixie, in that she looks terrible compared to the Katie Pre-Cruise. She was so cute and bubbly, lively and her eyes sparkled before she met him. My sister and I were big Dawson Creek fans, and she was so different then. Her body was youthful and fit compared to how pudgy and unfit it looks now. That stomach is weird !

Now she looks so tired and beat, the smile is very big but if you look at her eyes there is no sparkle anymore. It is all for show, for the cameras, but she looks unhappy. I looked at several other photos in that thread and she looks even worse in the ones where she is hugging Tommy boy, she looks like his daughter and she is huge next to him. UGH

I wouldn't call her fat , but she does look very bloated and unhealthy. I guess all the stress of living with tommy has taken a big toll on her youth and beauty.
The lifeless look is probably a Tom-related thing. Look at Nicole Kidman now. She looks much healthier and happy. I even started to like her better after that whole thing ended with him.

The jeans are wierd. But, for whatever reason, it is a trend to wear the hip-hugger jeans literally down on your hips no matter what a person's shape is. It is gross, but she is a lot smaller than some people I've seen sporting them.
Okay I gave you all the benifit of the doubt that I might be crazy and went back and looked at those same pictures again. I'm not crazy, this girl is overweight! Look at the pictures with her wearing jeans, where she is on one side of Tom and Sarah Jessica Parker is standing on the other side. Look at those picures! This girl has wide hips and fat thighs! And look at the cellulite on the belly in the belly shot! I'm SOOO not crazy. By Hollywood standards, and mine, Katie is chubby!!!! It makes me wonder what does chubby mean to everybody here that thinks Katie is skinny?!:eek:
that's crazy talk! this is why people die trying to stay thin. size 6 is not fat LOL
I would be willing to look at some different pictures to see what you all see but for me I just have to stand by my opinion.
Jeana (DP) size 6 isn't small in Hollywood. I know. that's crazy, but they aim for size 0 and double 0. It has gotten ridiculous. I think Katie looks like a normal person with a toddler. But her body is no longer movie star pretty. I think she's lost that part but she's young and if she's crazy she can starve herself back into that size ZERO everybody else around her wears.

Hi trixie,

I admire you for wanting to stand by your opinion. I wondered what you thought about these two pics...these pics are from a few months ago.
Hi trixie,

I admire you for wanting to stand by your opinion. I wondered what you thought about these two pics...these pics are from a few months ago.

Hi Glow! These are the same pictures we are talking about. I think she looks out of shape and a bit chunky. I also think she looks like a normal person and not like a starving hollywood actress. Do you have some different pictures?
I don't think Katie is that attractive at all. And I think she is way too skinny. I think Nicole Kidman is way more beautiful and classy.
Nicole is skinny also but it looks good on her and now that her and Keith have had their baby I hope she keeps some of the weight she looked a lil more healthy then.
Okay this is just a good natured gentle slap on the hand, but how often have MANY of us complained about celebrity and the need to be thin and beautiful? Now some of us are doing the same thing. While I agree I liked Katie before better, I still think despite the weird hair cut she's still pretty. Her eyes to me are quite beautiful.

I'm plain as dirt and carry quite a few extra pounds, but I think I'm still a nice person worth knowing. Those who call me a friend feel blessed to so so. That's what should count. I know in society in general it doesn't, but it should be the ONLY thing that matters.
Hi Glow! These are the same pictures we are talking about. I think she looks out of shape and a bit chunky. I also think she looks like a normal person and not like a starving hollywood actress. Do you have some different pictures?

Well darn, I tried to go back in that link and post a couple of pics from then. It was pic # 146 and #147 . If you go to the link and go down on the bottom right and hit menu you can use the arrow to fast forward thru so you dont have to hit on each pic. What I noticed was that she looked a lot sleeker in Jan. and Feb. then she started wearing clothes that seemed baggier and busier :)

See what you think!
Katie has not looked healthy in a long time. Her skin is shallow and her face has an unhealthy bloat to it. In addition to that her skin is pinched along the cheekbones and sunken along her mouth. She looks emaciated IMO. Does anyone remember what a bone pile Kidman was towards the end of their marriage? I wonder if Tommy Girl just likes his woman very thin and unfeminine.

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