Another New Lawyer for Casey - Dorothy Sims

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I think the defenses best bet would be to thoroughly expose the family dysfunction so jurors will have a bit of empathy and/or sympathy for KC. They really need to turn the tables on George and Cindy. I personally don't think the death sentence is warranted here, but I do think a life sentence is appropriate. I think the death penalty should be reserved for the most heinous worst of the worst. Not to say the murder wasn't heinous...all murders are...but there are some killers that just stand apart from the rest, and KC is just another baby killer (with alot of media attention because of her whacky family dynamics and their very public campaign to save her.) JMO. I would be surprised as h3ll if she got the DP.
I think she is going to be used along the same lines of that "witness" that ALyon put on the witness stand to say that women are mistreated ... blah blah blah ....
"She traveled the nation at her own expense meeting authors of various psychological tests and interviewing them about examples of how their tests were abused in the wrong hands.
Speaking at an international conference on misuse of psychological tests
Dorothy began publishing on the subject in various state and national legal journals. She has lectured extensively on medical/legal issues with focus on direct and cross-examination of medical experts hired by the defense.....Dorothy Sims flew to D.C. to meet with the president of the National Organization for Women to discuss the misuse of certain psychological tests when applied to women"
I am disappointed for Caylee ... that this woman would use her vast talents and knowledge to assist the defense of Caylee's murderer... deeply sad.....
I think the defenses best bet would be to thoroughly expose the family dysfunction so jurors will have a bit of empathy and/or sympathy for KC. They really need to turn the tables on George and Cindy. I personally don't think the death sentence is warranted here, but I do think a life sentence is appropriate. I think the death penalty should be reserved for the most heinous worst of the worst. Not to say the murder wasn't heinous...all murders are...but there are some killers that just stand apart from the rest, and KC is just another baby killer (with alot of media attention because of her whacky family dynamics and their very public campaign to save her.) JMO. I would be surprised as h3ll if she got the DP.

I'm having trouble with this one - the death penalty should be reserved for the most heinous worst of the worst. I think killing your own child in such a brutal way, then throwing her body in the trash, to be further abused by scavengers is the worst of the worst.

I do think ICA may get LWOP but only because we've become more immune to murder. We are constantly exposed to it in the media, that we've become insensitive to the horror of it. For example, I live in a city where 7 years ago, a drive by shooting was unheard of - we would have been shocked and outraged. Now, we have twenty or so a year and we hardly raise an eyebrow.

And we've become a more civilized and gentle people, in at least rhetoric. So I think people may not be personally "comfortable" with giving ICA the death penalty, that may be there is a small chance she can be rehabilitated, even though to be on the jury you must be vetted for the ability to vote the DP.
You got me thinking here about this new attorney. If she is hired just to discredit some others testimony(s), WHY did she have the long visit with ICA? I think they are still reaching for some 'reason' why she did what she did. A head injury? Seizure disorder? A lack of O2, maybe caused by her over-bearing mother's hands wringing her neck? There is more to this attorney's visit

I think the defenses best bet would be to thoroughly expose the family dysfunction so jurors will have a bit of empathy and/or sympathy for KC. They really need to turn the tables on George and Cindy. I personally don't think the death sentence is warranted here, but I do think a life sentence is appropriate. I think the death penalty should be reserved for the most heinous worst of the worst. Not to say the murder wasn't heinous...all murders are...but there are some killers that just stand apart from the rest, and KC is just another baby killer (with alot of media attention because of her whacky family dynamics and their very public campaign to save her.) JMO. I would be surprised as h3ll if she got the DP.

"....She devotes an average of 8 hours per week to assisting other lawyers at no cost in pro bono cases...."

"...Her new book..."

BBM There we go, tied up in a nice, neat bow.
I'm having trouble with this one - the death penalty should be reserved for the most heinous worst of the worst. I think killing your own child in such a brutal way, then throwing her body in the trash, to be further abused by scavengers is the worst of the worst.

I do think ICA may get LWOP but only because we've become more immune to murder. We are constantly exposed to it in the media, that we've become insensitive to the horror of it. For example, I live in a city where 7 years ago, a drive by shooting was unheard of - we would have been shocked and outraged. Now, we have twenty or so a year and we hardly raise an eyebrow.

And we've become a more civilized and gentle people, in at least rhetoric. So I think people may not be personally "comfortable" with giving ICA the death penalty, that may be there is a small chance she can be rehabilitated, even though to be on the jury you must be vetted for the ability to vote the DP.
Possibility of rehabilitation. That is what the premise of the death penalty is all about. (Whether we like it or not) We can't send every killer to death row. Some quite OBVIOUSLY cannot be rehabilitated.. and the DP is reserved for these individuals. You are right...murders are happening every day and are prosecuted.. seriously though.. we can't execute them all. Me personally? I'd take the DP over life in a hot minute. Life sentences are no slap on the wrist picnic. Pure hell.
There is another entry to the Court Docket today, we have Sims notice of appearance, I wonder what this is:

Murder Docket Updated:

09/09/2010 Notice of Appearance as Co-Counsel
OK, I can see this BUT! Did Aunt Mim take her 2 year old daughter away from home, family and everyone she knew, only to return alone 31 days later with ridiculous lies about the whereabouts of said 2 year old? Then have the skeletal remains show up 6 months later, literally feet from her home - with her little skull wrapped in duct tape (special, rare duct tape! - matching a roll found in the family home)

Unless crazy Aunt Mim was involved in a similar story, I can't see the hardest, most jaded adult, not wanting ICA's head on a platter for this - I think this jury is going to be THAT repulsed by the photos from the dump site, that ICA is TOAST! All of them will want to be there to see her put out of her miserable existence.

We do all want the killer held accountable for the repulsive crime that happened to Caylee, that goes without saying. But there's no proof released (so far) that Casey is the one who did that to her. Casey is obviously not the only person who could have taped Caylee's face or put her body in the trunk of the Pontiac, or at that site. And no forensic evidence (released so far) connects Casey to the action of taping Caylee or placing her remains at the site, no hair, dna on the tape etc that match Casey. She didn't have exclusive access to anything found with Caylee. Meanwhile there was hair from someone else on the Disney bag (that had the gatorade bottle with the syringe that had steroids and chloroform in it) and there is DNA from someone else on the tape.
We have to keep in mind there was absolutely no history of abuse or neglect. Caylee was a healthy, happy, well adjusted toddler all the way up to the June 15 video. All witnesses said that Caylee was very bonded to Casey and vice versa.
Regarding mental illness or some kind of medical delirium or disorientation, IMO there's plenty of indications that Casey could be delusional or delirious or confused in some way, or even traumatized for all I know. For example, her illogical statements to LE, inability to provide basic information for the weeks in question, confusion of past and present events, still thought she worked at Universal and frequented Sawgrass etc, her belief that she had a movie star as her coworker, and about one of her co-workers being a "different" Jeff Hopkins. The fact that she told one story about Caylee's going missing at Sawgrass, then very shortly after told a different story (Jay Blanchard Park) and apparently didn't see any problem with telling two different stories. The way the video of Caylee talking about her book seemed to have morphed in Casey's mind into a phone call she'd received from Caylee in which she talked about her book. A sane person would know all these things would very quickly be disproved, and would only make her look bad for saying them. Her theme that someone had given her a sort of verbal script to tell police, her theme that others had stolen her life, etc. Her failure to report the disappearance, her vagueness and illogical thinking processes and actions during the missing weeks and after, her completely inappropriate affect in mid-July, no urgency, no concern, preoccupied with trivial things, very flat voice and affect, very thin, vacant expression, etc. (Old friends said this was not like the Casey they knew at all, big change.) And on and on.

The detectives noticed how strange her statements were and asked her if she'd ever been committed at the mental hospital before. One of the defense attorneys also wanted to pursue the mental health angle (he left the team when this was not done.) Also, on the purely medical side, there's the history of (apparently untreated) seizures. I'm also curious about the way her eyes jiggle and wonder what the cause is. Personally, I do think it likely that either medical issues or mental health issues could be involved. Might not have anything to do with her being a killer. MOO
There is another entry to the Court Docket today, we have Sims notice of appearance, I wonder what this is:

Murder Docket Updated:

09/09/2010 Notice of Appearance as Co-Counsel

I wonder also!
Possibility of rehabilitation. That is what the premise of the death penalty is all about. (Whether we like it or not) We can't send every killer to death row. Some quite OBVIOUSLY cannot be rehabilitated.. and the DP is reserved for these individuals. You are right...murders are happening every day and are prosecuted.. seriously though.. we can't execute them all. Me personally? I'd take the DP over life in a hot minute. Life sentences are no slap on the wrist picnic. Pure hell.

BBM. And that is exactly what Casey deserves. Nothing but pure hell for what she did to Caylee. Killing her would be too nice. No, let her rot for life in prison and have to deal with why she's in there everyday until she dies.

And back on topic, Dorothy Sims is now Co-Counsel? How many Co-Counsel can you have? Or does this mean someone else is on the way out? I can't imagine that Baez is going to be allowed to keep adding lawyers. I mean, seriously. Doesn't he have to get this approved first?
Possibility of rehabilitation. That is what the premise of the death penalty is all about. (Whether we like it or not) We can't send every killer to death row. Some quite OBVIOUSLY cannot be rehabilitated.. and the DP is reserved for these individuals. You are right...murders are happening every day and are prosecuted.. seriously though.. we can't execute them all. Me personally? I'd take the DP over life in a hot minute. Life sentences are no slap on the wrist picnic. Pure hell.

so would I Pip. Of course there are many ethical questions about actually executing people/taking human lives. It puts a burden on us if we do that, makes us killers, too. (I can't say I'm absolutely opposed though. I'm still not sure.)
But I think being caged for life is a much worse fate (not to mention the kind of abuse and violence that goes on in prisons.) Obviously we have no choice with some dangerous people except to keep them somewhere where they can't hurt others. I personally believe a lot more dangerous criminals should be kept off the streets permanently, certainly anyone who has murdered someone, and I don't personally believe most dangerous people can be rehabilitated (with the exception of some young offenders who have simply reacted to their terrible environment and haven't had a chance to be normal yet.)

But sadly, some people are just very damaged and dangerous for various reasons. Personally I think all prisoners should be incarcerated humanely, we shouldn't become like them and allow abuse or anything like that to go on in the prisons. Locking them up and keeping them from hurting others is adequate.

But as for me, I'm claustrophic, so I would take the DP and pray to see God and my loved ones who have already passed on. :)
Possibility of rehabilitation. That is what the premise of the death penalty is all about. (Whether we like it or not) We can't send every killer to death row. Some quite OBVIOUSLY cannot be rehabilitated.. and the DP is reserved for these individuals. You are right...murders are happening every day and are prosecuted.. seriously though.. we can't execute them all. Me personally? I'd take the DP over life in a hot minute. Life sentences are no slap on the wrist picnic. Pure hell.

Oh yeah! I'd definitely put ICA on the list of unable to rehabilitate. I'm okay with her getting LWOP if the DP doesn't come through, but less than that? No way!
If I'd done what ICA did to my baby - I would be praying for the DP. How else would I live with that! All this stuff about self forgiveness? Uh Uh - no way to make that better and get on with my life.
Since one can't state HOW Caylee died, would go against seeking the DP conviction, KWIM??? JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Justice for Caylee
MMMmmm... Not necessarily. We still don't know how Laci Peterson died- my personal theory is that he strangled her with the lamp cord- and he still got the Death Penalty.
OK, I can see this BUT! Did Aunt Mim take her 2 year old daughter away from home, family and everyone she knew, only to return alone 31 days later with ridiculous lies about the whereabouts of said 2 year old? Then have the skeletal remains show up 6 months later, literally feet from her home - with her little skull wrapped in duct tape (special, rare duct tape! - matching a roll found in the family home)

Unless crazy Aunt Mim was involved in a similar story, I can't see the hardest, most jaded adult, not wanting ICA's head on a platter for this - I think this jury is going to be THAT repulsed by the photos from the dump site, that ICA is TOAST! All of them will want to be there to see her put out of her miserable existence.
There is scientific rationale why a blood soaked leather glove would shrink considerably and no longer fit the person who they belonged too or why it would be 1000 times more difficult to insert a latex glove covered hand into the crunchy shrunken glove but the jury ignored all logic and reason in favour of the catchy phrase 'If the glove doesn't fit, you can't convict'. So the jury didn't. That crime scene was far more horrific IMO.
Jesse G says he doesn't even know who this KC is. So with a clever lawyer you start with the states most credible witnesses and use them in your favour.
Hey I'm with you and want her to fry but I'm just speculating what this lawyer may be here for and I don't think it's helping LKB with forensics. I expect the ICA defense to make me want to vomit. Nobody can really understand how any young mother could do this. A Mental Health defense would be an explanation. I'm not saying it's right but hey even Cindy says KC is cut from the same cloth is her and we all know Cindy's crazy.
She just has to claim of hearing voices or having visual hallucinations. The voice told her not to tell the Psychiatrists, making their initial assessments nul and void per the defense. KC was so sick, she didn't even have the awareness to ask for help and Cindy the devoted RN who could have noticed the psychological distress was prevented from visiting.

Maybe I'm completely off base. I'm just preparing for the worst.
I used to watch her show before they moved it from TLC to another cable channel that I don't get - really miss watching her; she's the epitome of professionalism. I agree the defense will have a hard time disputing her findings.

Not to get OT but I LOVE Dr. G. Watch her every Monday night. I often wonder if she'll do a CA case when the trial is over (probably not though) - but it would be a very good watch.


We do all want the killer held accountable for the repulsive crime that happened to Caylee, that goes without saying. But there's no proof released (so far) that Casey is the one who did that to her. Casey is obviously not the only person who could have taped Caylee's face or put her body in the trunk of the Pontiac, or at that site. And no forensic evidence (released so far) connects Casey to the action of taping Caylee or placing her remains at the site, no hair, dna on the tape etc that match Casey. She didn't have exclusive access to anything found with Caylee. Meanwhile there was hair from someone else on the Disney bag (that had the gatorade bottle with the syringe that had steroids and chloroform in it) and there is DNA from someone else on the tape.

Snipped for length:

Most of these above points have been discussed thoroughly in the appropriate threads. As a question though who else could have placed Caylee in the trunk with out Caseys knowledge or approval? You say it's obvious that someone else could have I don't see it as such.

The hair was found on a bag in a public area on an item that may or may not be evidence in the case. Much as the wallet that was found in the same area.

Interesting you mention the DNA because the tape did not have a single ounce of Caylee's DNA on it. So if that was DNA from a possible perp and not an FBI lab tech you would think that some of Caylee's DNA would also be found.

Sorry for the brief OT mods. I will bump the appropriate threads for this discussion.
^ can I just say that a theory of innocence which one has to bend ones mind into the shape of a pretzel to understand is not reasonable doubt. Just because it's possible that someone else could have had access to the car (that Casey was driving at the time might I add, and had complained in a recorded text that it had a smell of death to it also) doesn't mean that is probable or reasonable. Arguments like this will need to be backed up with witness testimony or other evidence in court to have any effect on a jury, and we are yet to see anything of the sort.
I know the Defense doesn't have to prove how this baby died, but if I was on the jury, and all the Defense did was try to chop holes in the State's evidence, and offer some mental health stuff during mitigation - I sure wouldn't be convinced that ICA was "innocent" or "not guilty".

During the first phase of the trial, I'd be watching and listening and :waitasec: thinking, just how did this baby die? If it's not the way the State is trying to prove, then why aren't you providing some evidence, witnesses or even ICA herself to explain this death. Yes, I also know the defendant isn't required to testify in their own defense, but just listening to a bunch of experts say maybe it didn't happen that way, or maybe that evidence doesn't really show that just wouldn't be good enough for me. If they couldn't give me answers, I'd come up with my own conclusions.

Guess that explains why I don't get called for jury duty. Well, I did once, but I had shingles. It's contagious, LOL.

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