Anthony Family Opposition to Tim Miller/TES

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Hard to type when I am this mad:furious::furious::furious:

So I will counter LA and his evil ways with a little money and alot of Love and Prayers being sent TES and TM's way:blowkiss:

Amen to that and I think LA's little stunt is going to seriously backfire on him. He just made a lot a people very angry.
i guess there is no doubt that they don't want Caylee found... this BS shows really where their fears lie.
I wonder if Baez attempts at getting KC out to look for Caylee was for a more ominous reason than "looking" for her.
What a messed up family!
To attack a kind hearted man (Tim) and so many kind people who don't even know Caylee is reprehensible.....
They know Caylee is dead, but if TES finds her then Casey's in deep doo doo. They're trying to protect a murderer.
Let the A's ignore the facts, and I think this statement has made people looking for the truth to donate more to finding Caylee, if she is alive the A's are doing a poor job of finding and bringing her home.

Tim Miller has put up with worse bs from this family and I applaud his efforts in continuing to bring closure for all of us who have grown to love this little child. I do not think Tim would waste his time and money searching for Caylee if he did not believe she was no longer with us.

Each time I try to muster up a little sympathy for this family, someone makes such an assinine statement which takes it away again. I can not believe Tim Miller would at anytime make a comment to LA that should upset him personally................ or for that matter anyone. Denial at this point is a crock! It is more like covering their own azz's.
THEY ARE PURE......:furious: :praying::furious:
Question: is dear Tim and TES in Orlando right now physically searching? If so, does anyone know exactly where they are searching or is that something they tend to keep quiet about? Do they only search on specific days or is it a continous search? Thanks!!! I want this baby found so badly and it seems there has not been the kind of effort by LE that I have seen in other cases. I can understand why, given the lapse of time in reporting Caylee missing and the multitude of possibilities but I hate to think of her lying there not found. Thank God for Tim and TES. This family is beyond me. How they can criticize such a lovely man and such a wonderful organization is amazing to me. One other question. Have there been any searches of landfills? If this is where Caylee is, I doubt she'll ever be found. I hope that is not the case.
This is just horrible and unbelievable.. oh wait. The A's are unbelivable.

God Bless little Caylee.

Question: is dear Tim and TES in Orlando right now physically searching? If so, does anyone know exactly where they are searching or is that something they tend to keep quiet about? Do they only search on specific days or is it a continous search? Thanks!!! I want this baby found so badly and it seems there has not been the kind of effort by LE that I have seen in other cases. I can understand why, given the lapse of time in reporting Caylee missing and the multitude of possibilities but I hate to think of her lying there not found. Thank God for Tim and TES. This family is beyond me. How they can criticize such a lovely man and such a wonderful organization is amazing to me. One other question. Have there been any searches of landfills? If this is where Caylee is, I doubt she'll ever be found. I hope that is not the case.

Tim will arrive in Orlando next week. Searching resumes next Saturday, 8 Nov. Not sure where the command center will be or where exactly the searches will be. If ANYONE can find Caylee, TIM can find Caylee. TES website says to check for updates re: command post.

I"m beside myself at the A's. Tim has a heart of gold. I can't imagine what kind of delusional parallel universe these people are living in...
I really wish this family would shut up and just go away, I have never seen such an ungrateful family like this in my life, and hope to never again.

@$#%&^*# :furious: THIS thread made me come out of lurking mode. I am fuming!!

How DARE Lee say such a thing.

Tim and TES are above the board.......the Anthony's are not fit to breathe the same air as he does.

Tim is a gentle, quiet, unassuming soul, who, by the way, turned his personal tragedy into a greater good and has brought countless greiving families support and closure.

I pray to God that Tim is not hurt by this and I pray that he NEVER encounters another family as *advertiser censored**ed up as these.

Sorry for the rant!!
Why are any of us suprised by this? Has Lee or any other member of the Anthony family gone out and SEARCHED for Caylee once? Have any one of them risked life and limb to go and help with the possible recovery of her remains? Have any one of them gone door to door in Orlando and the surrounding area and showed everyone who answered the door Caylee's picture and asked them to be on the lookout for her? Has any member of that family done ANYTHING to HELP bring Caylee home? I answer with a resounding NO NOT ONE OF THEM ONE TIME HAS DONE A THING TO FIND CAYLEE... They have busied themselves with TV deals and book deals and movie deals and personal FREE assistants, and donation stands and trust funds and defense funds...They are MUCH too busy with their new life of fame and fortune to worry about the sweet little girl that placed them in the spotlight. I am FURIOUS beyond words with this entire family and PRAY, most fervently, that sweet innocent little 2 year old defenseless Caylee Marie will be found and brought to REST in PEACE.

Way to go Lee (NOT!:furious::furious:)...good one(NOT!:furious::furious:). Caylee IS the deceased person whom they now seek. She is not the Caylee you knew any longer, granted, but the shell of her, the receptacle that held her heart and soul is out there somewhere and if you loved her one single ounce, you would move heaven and earth to find her and give her back her dignity!:mad::mad::mad:
@$#%&^*# :furious: THIS thread made me come out of lurking mode. I am fuming!!

How DARE Lee say such a thing.

Tim and TES are above the board.......the Anthony's are not fit to breathe the same air as he does.

Tim is a gentle, quiet, unassuming soul, who, by the way, turned his personal tragedy into a greater good and has brought countless greiving families support and closure.

I pray to God that Tim is not hurt by this and I pray that he NEVER encounters another family as *advertiser censored**ed up as these.

Sorry for the rant!!

I wish we could all somehow relay our support to Tim Miller, just so he knows even in the face of dealing with this EVIL INHUMAN family, there are thousands and thousands of us that are 100% behind him and appreciative of every single thing he is sacrificing to find this little girl, when her own family doesn't even lift one damn FINGER!! :furious:
Part of Lee's email is:

"In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones. Don't even get me started on Tim Miller personally."

Are You Kidding Me?????

Poor Lee, he probably can't get a date now! :)

Tim Miller and TXEQ will begin there search 11/08. Tim and LP do not need the Anthony's approval.
All I can say is, that whereEVER Caylee is, it's a much better place than being in the evil clutches of that family.


That sweet angel NEVER had a chance
This is just horrible and unbelievable.. oh wait. The A's are unbelivable.

God Bless little Caylee.


IMO, The Anthony's resent Tim and TES for 2 reasons, first, finding a dead Caylee means Casey's goose is cooked.
Second, they resent TES because they feel that every dollar that's donated to TES is a dollar out of their own pockets. They are still searching for a new"command center" to park the trailer and set out the money's killing them that they haven't been able to collect lately. jmo
This really angers me! I don't understand any of this family!
If Lee is truely convinced that Caylee is alive, and I don't believe that's the case here, why would he do such a thing? The money goes to support this group of searchers and they have helped many many people! They have brought people home alive, not just the dead!

The search is about Caylee! And this is supposed to be all about Caylee, isn't it?

I know Cindy said she would never speak to Tim Miller again... why are they all so against this man? This family has alot of nerve and they are the first to spew such venom at a humanitarian such as Tim Miller!
What in the heck is wrong with these people?
"Casey Anthony family members" Stated... And insulting to any family who may suffer a missing child, the authorities refuse to mount an official search, and instead allow an out of state group to collect tens-of-thousands of dollars in a nationwide fundraising campaign, without a single accounting on where that money is going."

I just need to say, Take a good long look at the family members recent missing children!!!

If anyone is insulting it's the A's behavior and ingratitude they have shown throughout this whole ordeal.

"Silence is golden, Duct tape is Silver"
If they know she is alive what are they worried about? I wonder why they only publicly attack Tim when there are so many other organized searches that have gone on? Is it possible that they know Tim and his group bring in the big numbers of people to help and because of that, they are the most likely to find her? I bet they don't even thank the searchers when they find her remains and allow the family to give her a proper burial.

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