Anthony Family Opposition to Tim Miller/TES

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Well that just makes me sick. And I was sticking up for them saying theyre just in denial. Now Im mad. How can anyone mock Tim Miller and all the work the searchers do? :furious:
I can't wait to hear what all of these clowns are going to say WHEN Tim finds her remains!

First, they will say it's not really Caylee.
THEN they will blame someone else.
THEN, when Casey is convicted, they will say it was wrongly so and they will support her appeals and stand by her until they are all dead and buried.
IMO, The Anthony's resent Tim and TES for 2 reasons, first, finding a dead Caylee means Casey's goose is cooked.
Second, they resent TES because they feel that every dollar that's donated to TES is a dollar out of their own pockets. They are still searching for a new"command center" to park the trailer and set out the money's killing them that they haven't been able to collect lately. jmo

:clap::clap::clap: Thanks for saying just what I wanted to say Whiteangora!

They will be sitting in their air conditioned house or out in Walmart parking lot begging money that they do NOTHING with...

Reprehensible people...
I keep trying to post, but I just cannot find the words. This pathetic, dispicable family has simply become too much for me to bear.
God bless Tim Miller
Part of Lee's email is:

"In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones. Don't even get me started on Tim Miller personally."

Are You Kidding Me?????

I wonder how the Kesse family feel about derailing donations and support for TES?

Wasn't the TES plan to search for BOTH Jennifer and Caylee while in Orlando?

It isn't all just about the A's
I was so upset I forgot to finish my sentence...:mad:

I just need to say, Take a good long look at the family members recent missing children!!!
Those tears are real, they have co-operated with LE, and welcomed any help. Do not compare other missing children or their family members to your delusional world. Those people are real and those pleas are genuine. Oh and one other thing, they're children ARE Missing! Not a figment of a criminal's imagination
Interesting that Lee questions where the funds are going...Aren't they the ones without proper non profit status. Aren't they the one's whose collections have been questioned?

Once Caylee is found they can't beg for another red cent!
First, they will say it's not really Caylee.
THEN they will blame someone else.
THEN, when Casey is convicted, they will say it was wrongly so and they will support her appeals and stand by her until they are all dead and buried.
I agree 100%. And I think they will refuse the remains, saying they are not Caylee'!
And how sad will that be?
Thank you for this, Janis! I have been shocked beyond belief by this family!

I think I might just print your post and tape it on every surface in my house!

Thank you for saying that :blowkiss: I truly am having a hard time getting my emotions under control about this case! I almost feel like this is something happening to me personally,you know? It's crazy to feel that way about people I've never even met (thank GOD!).
Once Caylee is found I for one will continue to donate to TES in helping other families who need his services. Caylee's death will not be in vain, indirectly she will bring closure to many families who are affected by tradegy, whether this family appreciates TIM, I honestly do not think he cares. He is too much of a gentleman to allow the petty stuff to bring him down. KUDOS to TES for all their hard work.
Why are any of us suprised by this? Has Lee or any other member of the Anthony family gone out and SEARCHED for Caylee once? Have any one of them risked life and limb to go and help with the possible recovery of her remains? Have any one of them gone door to door in Orlando and the surrounding area and showed everyone who answered the door Caylee's picture and asked them to be on the lookout for her? Has any member of that family done ANYTHING to HELP bring Caylee home? I answer with a resounding NO NOT ONE OF THEM ONE TIME HAS DONE A THING TO FIND CAYLEE... They have busied themselves with TV deals and book deals and movie deals and personal FREE assistants, and donation stands and trust funds and defense funds...They are MUCH too busy with their new life of fame and fortune to worry about the sweet little girl that placed them in the spotlight. I am FURIOUS beyond words with this entire family and PRAY, most fervently, that sweet innocent little 2 year old defenseless Caylee Marie will be found and brought to REST in PEACE.

Way to go Lee (NOT!:furious::furious:)...good one(NOT!:furious::furious:). Caylee IS the deceased person whom they now seek. She is not the Caylee you knew any longer, granted, but the shell of her, the receptacle that held her heart and soul is out there somewhere and if you loved her one single ounce, you would move heaven and earth to find her and give her back her dignity!:mad::mad::mad:
Great post magic-cat.:blowkiss:
Part of Lee's email is:

"In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones. Don't even get me started on Tim Miller personally."

Are You Kidding Me?????

Don't even get me started on your sister, LA!! If it wasn't for her, Caylee wouldn't be in this mess - even if she was found alive today you have your sister to thank for everything that has happened! Grrr, these people have no idea what taking personal responsibility and owning up to your actions means.

I think I need to head to the rants thread!
Interesting that Lee questions where the funds are going...Aren't they the ones without proper non profit status. Aren't they the one's whose collections have been questioned?

Once Caylee is found they can't beg for another red cent!

It is probably a contest to the Anthony's.They are obviously jealous that people are donating to Tim and his group. At least someone is out there looking for Caylee, and it ain't the A's.
Thank you for saying that :blowkiss: I truly am having a hard time getting my emotions under control about this case! I almost feel like this is something happening to me personally,you know? It's crazy to feel that way about people I've never even met (thank GOD!).
Janis I fee exactly the same way. I need to step away from this case, and not even come here and read each day, but I can't! I have grown too emotionally involved in the whole mess! Like you, I have taken it personally.
It literally makes me sick the way all of this family has behaved from the start!
Poor little Caylee, she never at a snowball's chance in he!! of normalcy in any direction!
It breaks my heart. I would loved to have had that little girl and raised her with my others.
The Anthony family is a waste--oxygen thieves.

At least they are staying true to form based on these ill thought actions, if I was them I'd want to craft a perception of cooperation, seek to defuse the antagonism and, calm things down as they head towards a trial for KC.

This was an overt aggressive act that was un-warranted.

It begs the question with the PR attacking TES as well, is this a distraction away from the fact that there is no developments and news on the Caylee alive search -- so lets buy time and divert everyone.
Amen to that and I think LA's little stunt is going to seriously backfire on him. He just made a lot a people very angry.

He sure has my blood boiling! :furious: Sounds like Lee does'nt want little Caylee found. What is HE hiding? I don't trust him, never will. Maybe we will get to see him high-five Casey when they are cell mates! God bless Tim as TES!
I am sending TES money because this family is so flippin evil.

And, to top it off, people wondered why some people were upset CA & GA went to that Missing Children's thing at the governors??? REALLY????

Give me a break. Yeah, Caylee is missing.BECAUSE SHE IS DEAD AT THE HANDS OF CASEY!!! They are despicable human beings, and if I hear, "Well, they're in denial, they are blindsided by grief", Im going to puke.

These people will stop at nothing to save their murdering spawn, OBVIOUSLY!!!

If they wont help to give that baby a decent burial, why would people be surprised they dont want TES to help?
Well you're right! Why should we be surprised at all.
And I for one think it is an insult to the other families, that CA and GA were at the Missing Children's gathering. They went to garner media attention. Plain and simple. jmo.
He sure has my blood boiling! :furious: Sounds like Lee does'nt want little Caylee found. What is HE hiding? I don't trust him, never will. Maybe we will get to see him high-five Casey when they are cell mates! God bless Tim as TES!

Oh, and I forgot something...Go back into hiding LEE! We liked it so much better when you weren't out in the public eye putting your foot in your mouth!
I was probably one of the last hold outs as seeing the family as victims too. I was soo wrong. These people make me physically sick. Honestly, I was ready for a good nights sleep until I read Lee's email..What a hateful bunch of monsters! What about the Kesse family? Of course with the A's being the center of the universe and everything they have probably forgotten about them. Who am I kidding? They never once thought of them. The only thing they think about is how to keep the needle out of KC's arm.

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