Anthony Family Opposition to Tim Miller/TES

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I would like to see this email that Lee "allegedly" sent out.

As reported at:

In related news, Caylee Anthony's uncle, Lee Anthony, is allegedly opposed to EquuSearch's involvement in the case. Yesterday, Lee allegedly sent an email to a group of EquuSearch supporters that read in part:

"In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones. Don't even get me started on Tim Miller personally."

If they have a portion of what Lee "allegedly" sent out why haven't we seen this email anywhere?
"In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones".

Hey Lee, since you claim TM has done NOTHING, perhaps you could LIST EVERYTHING your sister has done to find HER OWN CHILD ?????

"wasting time & money".......let's see, KC WASTED 31 days,......& no telling how much MONEY has been spent investigating EVERY LIE that came fom KS's mouth.

Wow. I am furious:furious:. Boldened by me. I had sympathy for LA but that is GONE!

As far as KC talking with Scott Peterson... WOW! I cannot even imagine what that convo would be like...

KC- "So I should have reported it right away?"
SP- "Yes, and then you should have gone to the vigil and called Tone. Really this whole thing was Tone and Ambers fault. We're the victims"
KC-"You're hot"
SP-"You are so hot too"
SP-"You did not bury the little girl at Fusion did you? That was my downfall. I actually told LE I was at the location the bodies were found."
KC-"Do you believe our mother's? They are sooooo gullible. I cannot believe they believe all our lies and get on TV."
SP-"Everybody is so mean to us, don't they know we just wanted to be free. What is a murder or two?"
KC-"You're hot."
SP-"You're so hot too"
I was wondering, why is LA so cocky? Is it possible that he moved the body to a better location? That would explain why he wouldn't take a lie detecter test. I mean Im sure that one of the questions on the test would be "Do you know where Caylee is now?"

I just think it might be significant that we hadn't seen LA in a while. Maybe he was testing the media and the LE to make sure that they didn't follow him in his absence so he can move the body? Maybe he is thinking that the odds are better know if he say moved Caylee out of the state or to a different location.

I have often wondered if they have moved the body. I wonder if LE had someone following him. The minute KC wanted out I worried about this. Please tell me this is not a possibility.
That is if her father is not identified............HE will then make the choices of how ALL money in her name is spent.

Well then I hope they identify the father & that he is alive. In addition to donating to TES, I would donate for a fund to pay armed guards to keep the Anthony's from Caylee's funeral.
Do the Anthony's not realize everytime they open their mouths they are putting another nail in KC's coffin. It is way past the time for them to understand they can NOT control LE, Tim, LP, & most importantly how the public views this family. They can not control the facts nor the evidence. The public didn't create the monster that killed her child. They will win no friends or gather any sympathy for their treatment of TES.
I would like to see this email that Lee "allegedly" sent out.

As reported at:

In related news, Caylee Anthony's uncle, Lee Anthony, is allegedly opposed to EquuSearch's involvement in the case. Yesterday, Lee allegedly sent an email to a group of EquuSearch supporters that read in part:

"In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones. Don't even get me started on Tim Miller personally."

If they have a portion of what Lee "allegedly" sent out why haven't we seen this email anywhere?

I would also like to see more, only so I can see what made him make such a statement in that context. Seems rather out of the blue :waitasec:
The A's need to read the book, "how to win friends and influence people". I think so many people out there want to feel empathy for the A's but are unable to because they are so UNLIKABLE.

It frustrates me that I feel so much disgust and actual dislike for the grandparents. I consider myself a very caring person, but I blame them for making me feel such rage...I don't know the word I'm looking for but I don't like the feelings I have for them.

I think, what kind of person am I that feels animosity for grandparents of a dead grandchild. This case is tearing me up inside.

The final straw for me was 2 things: #1 The A's attending the meeting with the governor and families of missing dare them consider themselves the same as the other families? I bet the other families would LOVE to have TES help them. #2 Lee asking people NOT to donate to TES and the Todd Black press release about equusearch.
CA was on national TV telling everyone to get off their azz and look for Caylee.

This is to CA and the rest of her family.

I will on Nov 8 get off my azz along with my family and friends and "Proudly" search for your missing granddaughter.

I will "Proudly" stand beside TES, LE, WS searchers, and civilian searchers and search for your missing granddaughter.

I would like to say that I "Proudly" donated to your search, but I have "Proudly" donated to TES, in hopes that "WE" searchers will bring Caylee home where she belongs.

I will disregard any emails and any press releases from the family of Caylee Anthony, you have only infuriated and pizzed off those that have grown to love your granddaughter and what does that mean?

It means you are not in control, you will get your search as you wanted, but it will not be on your terms. You will get the donations you are asking for, but they will not be going to finance your search, they will be going to TES and most of all I hope and pray you get your granddaughter back, but I don't be the outcome will be good.
Let's not forget the Anthony's THEMSELVES searched in their own backyard the night of 7/16.......even before LE did.

So I guess the A's were looking for a *live* Caylee that had simply been playing/hiding in their own backyard for the last 31 days ????

Right. She was hiding underneath the playhouse.
CA was on national TV telling everyone to get off their azz and look for Caylee.

This is to CA and the rest of her family.

I will on Nov 8 get off my azz along with my family and friends and "Proudly" search for your missing granddaughter.

I will "Proudly" stand beside TES, LE, WS searchers, and civilian searchers and search for your missing granddaughter.

I would like to say that I "Proudly" donated to your search, but I have "Proudly" donated to TES, in hopes that "WE" searchers will bring Caylee home where she belongs.

I will disregard any emails and any press releases from the family of Caylee Anthony, you have only infuriated and pizzed off those that have grown to love your granddaughter and what does that mean?

It means you are not in control, you will get your search as you wanted, but it will not be on your terms. You will get the donations you are asking for, but they will not be going to finance your search, they will be going to TES and most of all I hope and pray you get your granddaughter back, but I don't be the outcome will be good.


I so wish I could walk right beside you, but I will be with you and all of the other self-less searchers in heart, thought and mind.
I would like to see this email that Lee "allegedly" sent out.

As reported at:

In related news, Caylee Anthony's uncle, Lee Anthony, is allegedly opposed to EquuSearch's involvement in the case. Yesterday, Lee allegedly sent an email to a group of EquuSearch supporters that read in part:

"In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones. Don't even get me started on Tim Miller personally."

If they have a portion of what Lee "allegedly" sent out why haven't we seen this email anywhere?

I agree.
Part of Lee's email is:

"In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones. Don't even get me started on Tim Miller personally."

Give it up Lee. It is Casey who has failed Caylee and no one else!!! Tell your sister to open her mouth and give us some leads as to where to look for the "alive" Caylee and you will have thousands on it immediately!!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Love it!
Interesting that Lee questions where the funds are going...Aren't they the ones without proper non profit status. Aren't they the one's whose collections have been questioned?

Once Caylee is found they can't beg for another red cent!

And I believe that is the exact reason they don't want TES out there looking for Caylee. As long as they say they are looking for a live Caylee they can still beg for donations.
I find this family completely appalling! I, in the begining had such hopes that LA was a stand up kind of guy. You know the level headed one of the bunch. Now he has sunk to the lowest of lows in my book! Tim Miller is a fine man who has a heart of GOLD!

The A's did not deserve this child Caylee!

Tim, I hope you and your team brings this baby home on November 8th!
There are so many things I can't say on here, but what is wrong with this family? LA trying to insinuate something about TM by saying he won't say what he thinks of him personally. Here is what I think, TM and all the volunteers care more for Caylee then her own family does. That is such a sad reality. What has the family done? KC is out renting videos with her boyfriend, CA is waving hammers at people, LA is busy attacking any person who wants do right by Caylee, and George runs around town trying to find places to set up for donations. I have never seen a family act this way when there is a missing child. Most families if given the opprotunity are on tv pleading for help to find the child and speaking to the child. They are out there looking for the child. Not once have I seen this from the family. They claim Caylee is in Purto Rico, Texas and on and on. They have no problem hopping on a plane to do tv interviews, why are they not flying around looking for Caylee. This family makes me want to puke. It's more important to save face then to bring little Caylee home. The Anthony's need to remember while they are pointing fingers at others, there are always three pointing back at them.
I'd love to know how Lee A got a hold of the email addresses of the people who donated money to TES?
I can't imagine how utterly stunned the Anthonys would be if the biological father is identified and stepped up to the plate and took control!!!!

And maybe, just maybe, LE has identified the father...............
Oooooooooh, that would be good!
Sounds like the Anthony's are getting nervous & desparate again- TES must be heading in the right direction!!! Go Tim! :clap::clap::clap:
I would like to see this email that Lee "allegedly" sent out.

As reported at:

In related news, Caylee Anthony's uncle, Lee Anthony, is allegedly opposed to EquuSearch's involvement in the case. Yesterday, Lee allegedly sent an email to a group of EquuSearch supporters that read in part:

"In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones. Don't even get me started on Tim Miller personally."

If they have a portion of what Lee "allegedly" sent out why haven't we seen this email anywhere?

I have tried the link posted on WS to the Lee e-mail numerous times yesterday and today, always unsuccessfully. I have not seen any mention of it on any of the Orlando media websites. Just wondering if this is bogus? Has anyone here seen the e-mail in its entirety? If so, please provide a "good" link.

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