Anthony Family "suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings"

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I have been supportive of the A's this whole time. I have been heartbroken for them and the pain and confusion they must have been going through.
However, there comes a time when the *advertiser censored* clownery has to stop. It IS time for them to wake up and move on for this poor baby. I do NOT want to hear anymore SPIN.
I am praying there are prints on that duct tape and the bag. I am also praying that what they found in that bag ties directly back to the house, matching sheet to a comforter set, something!
Sadly, at this point, I can no longer support the A's. Until they come to grips with this and what their "monster" has done, I just can't anymore.
How could it be discovered long ago when it was under water until 10 days ago? If you would read all the info available you would see this. In the last 10 days since the water receded no one has been searching in the area until the utility man happened upon the bag that was able to be seen after the water receded. No big brains required to see or understand this. No big shenanigans going on. There is plenty of plausible explanation.

So it was buried and then under water, correct? And when the waer receded it unburied itself how?

I DO read and pay attention to the onfo here. Maybe I miss some but I don't live on this website. So when I ask a question just an answer would be appreciated to help me understand.

I still find it very, very strange that it was not found long ago.

If I were a juror it would be an important question. And I am sure LE would have a plausable explanation.

At this moment I have no LE info to go on so I ponder and ask how.
And I know somebody has just got to say 'wait and see, they will hang her from the evidence'.
not so fast, there were many of us in that thread that were trying to state the facts (as we saw them)...casey killed caylee (accidental, intentional..different theories raised) and she put casey's body where it was ultimately found..the area flooded soon after..because the body was likely buried it remained unseen until the floods dislodged it from the earth, it didn't float very far because of the dense underbrush but once the flood waters receded (within the last two weeks) the bag settled on the ground leaving the depression under it and where it laid until the meter reader found it.
TM tried to search it but couldn't because 1) it was flooded and 2) the second time they came to search it was still too wet and a fence was erected.

it really is as simple as that, many of us dislike the A's for one reason or another but please don't lump us in to the "NO MATTER WHAT this family does you all find fault!" category, because it's simple NOT TRUE!!
well when i read alot of the posts .. i see nothing nice being said about them no matter what they do ..if they arnt out there looking they are guilty if they are there they are trying to get rid of evidence . im only stating my opinion on this and what i see so much of . im not trying to offend anyone either . but if you go back and read through threads you see the same remarks about how guilty they are and how they should face charges and how they are covering for kc sure mabey they are, but no matter what the thread is about concerning little caylee. you see it . everyone is so angry with them and rightfully so .. my point is yes in these threads you do see it .at least i do .these people lost a baby they loved dearly . and thier DAUGHTER killed her .. think about how that would make you feel if that was your daughter i would bet if they could take back all of it they would . and i hope they do when they realize that casey didnt do this by accident.. . no matter how upset we are with the family casey did this ,and she is playing her parents bigtime and ca knows it now she probably knew it after the 911 call but doesnt want to accept it . however since her gd is already dead, she doesnt want her daughter the one she carried for 9 months and loved for 22 years dead either .. that is alot of time to bond with someone and to love them .. however it doesnt mean you have to like the person they have become .that may account for cindy bashing kc before all this happened .. this is just moo im not trying to upset anyone in anyway
Well, I think a lot of us think the location of the body is suspicious. We even have a thread on it.
Why is it odd that they would question it also? I am cornfused.
GEEEEZZZZZZZ - we have a whole thread of many pages discussing the "circumstances under which the discovery was made"! Why are we bashing the Anthonys so badly here? I don't get it. If we question anything, it is all well and good because we are "sleuthers" but if the Anthonys question anything it is spin, denial and obstruction. Get a GRIP! They are the family and if anyone has a right to question the discovery, they do! If anyone has a right to HOPE that this is not Caylee, they do!

Take a break,


Hope is one thing but blatant disregard and ignorance is another.
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: If ONLY they had gotten off THEIR @sses and looked for a deceased Caylee...she would not have rotted away in what is practically their own backyard!!!!
kinda goes back to the "I will knock on every door" schmeel at the start when no doors were knocked on except the doors to every sound studio in Florida imhoo of course
Casey did this all by herself.
Casey killed Caylee and dumped her little body like garbage on the side of the road.
Casey is a monster and should ROT in prison in GEN POP for the rest of her life. Death would be too easy.
I want her to suffer they way she made this child suffer.

These remains ARE Caylee. I would bet my life on it. Who else could it be? There are no other 2-3 yo's missing in the area.
No, that is not true. I have been one of Casey's and the Anthony's worst critics, but early this morning I decided to back off of all of the Anthony's except for Casey. My reason? Because they DID love Caylee very much and it had to have hurt to hear about her little skull rolling out of that garbage bag.

I intend to stay backed off of them for a few days UNLESS they get back on TV spouting nonsense. I am trying very hard to be decent.

ETA: No way will I EVER back off of Casey, tho.

I guess I shouldn't have put you all....sorry.:blowkiss:
I am happy that you have had a change of heart toward them for now.
This post is not directed at you!

A few things I want to add...
Unless someone has a grandchild they have no clue the love you have for them.
It surpasses the love you have for your child!
I try to look past some of the dumb things that George and Cindy have done
for that reason alone.
I would imagine that when you lose someone that important in your life
it devastates you.

No one that I have seen on this board has lost a grandchild under
these conditions so I just don't see how people can be so hard on them.
Can anyone imagine what they are dealing with?
I know I can't.
I do know that Cindy sounded devastated in the 911 call when she reported
Caylee missing.
I do know I heard George say he would give his life for this little girl.
I do know I heard George say that he knew what the smell was… but that he
couldn’t let his gut go there.
I also saw the way Cindy asked Casey to look her in the eyes and I could
tell by the look on Cindy's face she knew Casey was lying.
You can tell by looking at both of them this has taken it’s toll.
I hope the reason they were acting the way there were is because they
wanted Casey to think they were on her side…. hoping that she just may
tell them what happened so they could find Caylee!

It makes me sad to read here because there is so much hate towards this family.
And I know that some will say "I don't hate" but truth is that any bad
feelings towards this family is hate.
I know that hate in your heart can make you a very unhappy person.
I know that so much hate can eat you up inside and make you say and do
things that you never thought you would.
I also think that the Anthony’s are dealing with hate and that is why
they act the way they do.

Truth is... it's not up us to judge.. it's up to God... the same God who
answered all our prayers that this little girl be brought home!
How is it that we can pray to him and ask for blessings, and we can give thanks to him
for prayers answered... but we ignore the fact that his son died for ALL our sins?
Yes that includes Casey’s!
I understand the hate towards Casey because I feel the same way
toward her... but let's give the Anthony's time and see what they do
before we treat them like they are the ones who committed this crime!

I have a feeling that when it is proven that this little girl is Caylee
and Casey is found guilty their love for Caylee will over shine their
love for their daughter!

Happy Holidays to all in the true spirit of Christmas!
And may God bless all of you!:blowkiss:
Well, I think a lot of us think the location of the body is suspicious. We even have a thread on it.
Why is it odd that they would question it also? I am cornfused.
me too .. its ok if everyone else questions it but if they do it means something .. at least that is what it seems like to me
I also agree with them seeing the body to ID it. I think they need the reality to hit them in the face. Caylee is never coming back.
Anything new re that Caylee sighting in California?They didn't say anything about that.Isn't it why they flew over there in the first place?
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: If ONLY they had gotten off THEIR @sses and looked for a deceased Caylee...she would not have rotted away in what is practically their own backyard!!!!

I think we know why they didn't get off their azzes and search...they already knew.JMO
I think they should take George and Cindy to make a positive ID on the remains. SHOW them.

You know, if this was me - it would be the only thing that would work. In fact I would be demanding it. I know it is gruesome, but I love my child/grandchildren so much that I would never, ever, never take the word of someone else, not even with DNA. I would need to see with my own eyes before I would really believe. I would be saying "science/smience" - means nothing to me........ ALSO, I would have demanded to be allowed to go with the remains, where ever they went, including to the FBI lab.

I know just from following cases on this website how hard it is for me to give up hope and I don't even know these people/children. If it was one of mine - I would have to see them with my own eyes. Otherwise, no matter what happened, I would look for that child in every new person I saw that had any resemblance whatsoever for the rest of my life.

I know the family has not acted with a lot of integrity here, but I don't think that erases the pain and loss they are feeling and I send them prayers of peace and wishes that might come to grips with this and be able to move forward and maybe at some point in the future find a way to keep Caylee's memory alive in the most positive of lights.

So it was buried and then under water, correct? And when the waer receded it unburied itself how?

I DO read and pay attention to the onfo here. Maybe I miss some but I don't live on this website. So when I ask a question just an answer would be appreciated to help me understand.

I still find it very, very strange that it was not found long ago.

If I were a juror it would be an important question. And I am sure LE would have a plausable explanation.

At this moment I have no LE info to go on so I ponder and ask how.
And I know somebody has just got to say 'wait and see, they will hang her from the evidence'.

IIRC, it was related that the bag wasn't buried in the spot where it was found, but submerged under water at an earlier time. This was discerned by the indentation that was left behind.
me too .. its ok if everyone else questions it but if they do it means something .. at least that is what it seems like to me
it is because they are under the websleuth's microscope. They are part of the case. And they have done some interesting things in the last six months.
'The Anthony Family' in this context means CA and spokesperson MB.

And I just have to say, "Told ya so."

Many of us posted yesterday that this would be an inevitable response:

"It's been searched dry, it's been searched wet, it's been searched in between. It's been searched over by Tim Miller [of Texas EquuSearch] twice, who we hold in high regards with his professional organization," Bart told News 13.

So, they're implying that someone JUST put Caylee's remains there recently? Wonder who would have done that?

Thoughts? Anyone? Anyone?

Yep. The meter readers nonexistent sister once had an apartment next to the nonexistent ZFG at the nonexistent apartment complex, and as a result, met KC..who ended up hiring her at her nonexistent job at Universal.
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: If ONLY they had gotten off THEIR @sses and looked for a deceased Caylee...she would not have rotted away in what is practically their own backyard!!!!

They didn't look because they DID NOT want to find her, nor did they want anyone else to find her!

They wanted to create a new life around being grandparents of a missing grandchild, and "Caylee is Alive" - with books, foundations, interviews, donations, etc.
So it was buried and then under water, correct? And when the waer receded it unburied itself how?

I DO read and pay attention to the onfo here. Maybe I miss some but I don't live on this website. So when I ask a question just an answer would be appreciated to help me understand.

I still find it very, very strange that it was not found long ago.

If I were a juror it would be an important question. And I am sure LE would have a plausable explanation.

At this moment I have no LE info to go on so I ponder and ask how.
And I know somebody has just got to say 'wait and see, they will hang her from the evidence'.

From what I understand is that the bag was "most likely" disposed of and possibly even buried when the area was NOT flooded. Once the body/bag was placed/buried in this location flooding occurred. Searchers did NOT search this area as it was under water. They may have searched around the water but did not search under the water. The water has receded and the bag was now visible. Did KC place the bag there immediately or did an accomplice place it there after KC was in jail is up to LE to determine and I am quite confident they will be able to determine approximately how long this bag/remains were in the location they were found.
I believe all of our frustration is due to the fact that the ANT's are calling finding this bag/remains suspicious. If it was under water all this time and only now has the water level gone down it make perfect sense that the bag/remains would not have been found until very recently.
Has anyone in the Orlando area or otherwise seen the newscoverage of neighbors adjacent to the site of the discovery being interviewed? A relative in FL. told me that several of the neighbors who have property that backs to the exact area are EXTREMELY angry and upset that people are saying that area was flooded in July. They say that it remained dry until August 25 or 26. They neighbors are also saying that they regularly walk and let their own dogs into that area and that any dog would have been drawn to the bag. I've looked for the video but can't find it...essentially the neighbors are saying that the bag was placed there probably the very day the meter reader discovered it.
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