Anthony Family "suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings"

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'The Anthony Family' in this context means CA and spokesperson MB.

And I just have to say, "Told ya so."

Many of us posted yesterday that this would be an inevitable response:

"It's been searched dry, it's been searched wet, it's been searched in between. It's been searched over by Tim Miller [of Texas EquuSearch] twice, who we hold in high regards with his professional organization," Bart told News 13.

So, they're implying that someone JUST put Caylee's remains there recently? Wonder who would have done that?

Thoughts? Anyone? Anyone?

I haven't read the whole thread yet, but didn't I see that the meter man's last name is Gonzalez? They are gonna try to use that as if he is connected to ZFG and say he planted it.
I will get the second and third rounds... and Q wanna get the 4th? Who's next? :crazy:

OH he!! I'll buy KC her own bottle and throw in a refill on her pitcher if it will make her tell the truth. Now as we work on those rounds whose going to stay sober and take notes?
Mark my words, if the Anthony's say "Is this our caylee?" many would say , "oh my God of course it is her you BLEEP BLEEP people"!

So the Anthony's are holding out until positive ID. Hate to say it but I would also. They may know on an intellectual level but holding out that one sliver of hope in their heart. I don;t have a problem with that, who would? So as they try and accept thaqt this is their granddaughter, their first question was the same as ours..this is really weird that the body was right there all this time and no one found it. Most of our questions are being answered, but that was the initial reaction of many.

My question is, why is it out of line for them to wonder if it is Caylee and if so how did she get there?
These are the questions running through the average persons mind.

I am staying as neutral and fair as possible to discuss the case in a logical, factual way. So I don't get this thread at all. But that is JMHO of course.

I getcha, JBean. :)
Seems like that was the case in the Chandra Levy case too.

Yesss!!! Exactly what I was thinking......we didn't hear the Levy's saying ANYTHING even remotely close to this. AND, that park area where she was found was searched as well....pretty rigorously IIRC. I DO know on LKL, the reporter, Jessica D, said the area was dry and was vigorously shaking her head "NO" when the ADA (??) from Florida said it was under water.....except while Jessica was shaking her head they cut the sound off....LOL does anyone REALLY know if this EXACT area was wet or dry??? The kid who lives there said it WAS under water.

ETA : Even if the area was searched and she was not's like the saying "it was so close it could have bit ya in the butt".
AND.....we don't know, MAYBE the pesticides/pool chemicals, taken from the home, were used to hide the smell/or thinking it would speed up decomp. So people can't say "if it were there so long why didn't anyone smell it" when someone was walking on the street by that area. JMO
He was brought to the scene to help them figure out exactly what areas around there were searched and what the conditions were for the searches, if I remember hearing correctly. He may have been 'near' the crime scene, but I doubt if he was anywhere near the actual site. Watch the footage, a lot of people are around the Mobile Command Center and near the area - but you see very few people actually going into the woods where the actual find was. So I doubt very much if Tim Miller was 'at' the actual find location, he was just inside the area of the street that LE cordoned off.

ITA. Also TM's policy is when they do find a body or anything suspicious, is to imediately back out of the area and hand it over to LE. So I think he's got a good grip on how to respect a crime scene.
I haven't read the whole thread yet, but didn't I see that the meter man's last name is Gonzalez? They are gonna try to use that as if he is connected to ZFG and say he planted it.

Implicating an untracable nanny is different than suggesting that some random unrelated person is guilty of a crime. Particularly if they have no evidence. Wouldn't this be grounds for slander or libel? Just look at the current case brought against Casey by ZFG. This would not be wise IMO.
I haven't read the whole thread yet, but didn't I see that the meter man's last name is Gonzalez? They are gonna try to use that as if he is connected to ZFG and say he planted it.
They will put him through extensive questioning over the find. I am sure they will suggest a LDT, collect his DNA samples, his fingerprints, etc. Of course, if his name is G...they are going to dive into his family for any unexpected surprises because the defense sure will!!
OH he!! I'll buy KC her own bottle and throw in a refill on her pitcher if it will make her tell the truth. Now as we work on those rounds whose going to stay sober and take notes?
I volunteer (taking out my notepad, video camera, and getting the "nanny cam" ready, too. I just like the irony with that one. :p)!!
Brini, you said this "They act like people defending an image."

And I couldn't agree more and it also lends understanding to this whole thread title, "Anthony Family "suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings"

This is the enabling family of a narcissistic sociopath with otherwise undiagnosed (officially anyway) personality disorders. This enabling behavior, I am sure, is not new to them. They are used to having an image of their daughter and her behavior explained away or forgiven. It is a really sad, and in this case tragic, example.

The enabling behavior of this family has estranged them from extended family (CA's brother just to name one). Casey's has left in her path a wake of destruction and hurt...included betrayed friends, people with real names and connections to her that were spun into hurtful lies, and ultimately a dead daughter.

The enabling behavior of this family is currently defending an image...just as you put it so well Brini. I think their image of Casey is the only true thing they have of her. To see what is truly on her insides would be the death of them. They are not ready or unable to ever see it.
What part of TM saying they searched but it was called off because of the conditions do they not understand???? I knew this would happen, I think we all knew this would happen.

Don't let it bother you. Michelle Bart never has and never will know what she's talking about, she's horribly misinformed on the entire case.
Aside from the d team and their tactics there will be many detractors right here trying to plant the same bs. Just go with the flow, we know what's what and LE is doing an excellent job!
Great job, Okie!!! WTG! Pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?!

It sure does. Good job Okie!

So the A's don't have access to the info we do? Answers are there, which begs the question, why say the find is suspicious? To plant reasonable doubt is why.
OH he!! I'll buy KC her own bottle and throw in a refill on her pitcher if it will make her tell the truth. Now as we work on those rounds whose going to stay sober and take notes? think those drugs she is getting in the hooscow could let her lips wag a bit? Nah....I think we do need to set up a whole bar complete with shot girls.
Maybe they have more to fear than defending their "image" now the body has been found and evidence related back to their house.

And perhaps that evidence is something that they would obviously have noticed missing and failed to mention - especially since CA likes to 'clean' etc. Such as, how did they not notice if a towel or something part of a set that they had for a long time was missing, etc...

In other words, perhaps what's missing ties back to the house so blatantly that they know LE is increasingly suspicious that they withheld pertinent information, etc.
He was brought to the scene to help them figure out exactly what areas around there were searched and what the conditions were for the searches, if I remember hearing correctly. He may have been 'near' the crime scene, but I doubt if he was anywhere near the actual site. Watch the footage, a lot of people are around the Mobile Command Center and near the area - but you see very few people actually going into the woods where the actual find was. So I doubt very much if Tim Miller was 'at' the actual find location, he was just inside the area of the street that LE cordoned off.

Tim said after the remains had been removed he saw the actual spot, it had an indentation. 'Like if you put something with a little weight on the ground and left it there a while, if you pick it up you can see the indentation it left.' (Not word for word but very close to it.)
Implicating an untracable nanny is different than suggesting that some random unrelated person is guilty of a crime. Particularly if they have no evidence. Wouldn't this be grounds for slander or libel?

I'd say it would, I don't know much about law. I bet they have thought about it, though.
No, I haven't. I sure would like to. Do you have a link?
I DO remember the interview with the teenager who lives directly behind the crime scene. There were pics he took through the chain link fence between his house and the scene on one of the FL sites... he said that area was most often a swamp and had only recently cleared where he could walk though (to the fence line). There was a video of him walking the path up to the fence. The original headline was something like: "Teen Has First Crime Scene Photos".
If the A's and "Dream Team" read here, here ya go:
According to Equusearch, volunteers tried to search the area, but it was underwater. When they returned, the area was blocked by a chain-link fence.
A Texas-based search team looking for Caylee had searched the area where the remains were found, but the wooded area was flooded at the time. Albritton of Texas EquuSearch, which has organized efforts to find Caylee’s remains, said the team could not search the site south of Suburban Drive in September because it was flooded from record summer rains.
When the searchers returned in November, the property had been fenced off, she said.
When asked whether the area in question had been previously searched by investigators, Solomons said “there have been extensive searches in that entire area in and around the neighboorhood surrounding the Anthony home. You can walk right past a significant piece of evidence or the remains of somebody you are looking for”. Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary echoed those remarks at an afternoon news conference. "This area was a flooded area during previous searches." said Beary
A member of EquuSearch -- one of the volunteer groups -- said they did not check the wooded lot at the edge of the outlying suburb in early September
because it was submerged from heavy rains. When they returned in November, the site had been fenced off.,0,311925.story
sept. 8
We soon learned EquuSearch's ground search had been temporarily suspended.Tim Miller, founder and director of Texas EquuSearch, said 2,500 volunteers have searched as best as they could but there was too much standing water."It's a very difficult choice to make," he said. "If Caylee's out there, we are going to find her."
Sept. 5
The founder of a group organizing daily Central Florida searches for missing Caylee Anthony, Tim Miller, said he was furious with Cindy Anthony after what he said was a lack of cooperation."I'm pissed off," Equusearch's Miller said. "I feel as though we have been used in this and we are not getting any cooperation. We have done everything Cindy Anthony has asked us to do."
This is informative thank you. . I will certainly make an exception to the cross posting rule if you want to post this in the "This location is too strange thread" It would really answer the questions of a lot of our posters that think the location of the body raises questions.
If the A's and "Dream Team" read here, here ya go:
According to Equusearch, volunteers tried to search the area, but it was underwater. When they returned, the area was blocked by a chain-link fence.
A Texas-based search team looking for Caylee had searched the area where the remains were found, but the wooded area was flooded at the time. Albritton of Texas EquuSearch, which has organized efforts to find Caylee’s remains, said the team could not search the site south of Suburban Drive in September because it was flooded from record summer rains.
When the searchers returned in November, the property had been fenced off, she said.
When asked whether the area in question had been previously searched by investigators, Solomons said “there have been extensive searches in that entire area in and around the neighboorhood surrounding the Anthony home. You can walk right past a significant piece of evidence or the remains of somebody you are looking for”. Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary echoed those remarks at an afternoon news conference. "This area was a flooded area during previous searches." said Beary
A member of EquuSearch -- one of the volunteer groups -- said they did not check the wooded lot at the edge of the outlying suburb in early September
because it was submerged from heavy rains. When they returned in November, the site had been fenced off.,0,311925.story
sept. 8
We soon learned EquuSearch's ground search had been temporarily suspended.Tim Miller, founder and director of Texas EquuSearch, said 2,500 volunteers have searched as best as they could but there was too much standing water."It's a very difficult choice to make," he said. "If Caylee's out there, we are going to find her."
Sept. 5
The founder of a group organizing daily Central Florida searches for missing Caylee Anthony, Tim Miller, said he was furious with Cindy Anthony after what he said was a lack of cooperation."I'm pissed off," Equusearch's Miller said. "I feel as though we have been used in this and we are not getting any cooperation. We have done everything Cindy Anthony has asked us to do."

Thank you! I hope that CA, GA, LA, JB and the rest of them (scheme team) read this.
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