Anthony Family "suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings"

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Didnt KC say early on . One day when she got drunk enough she might tell her story...I'll buy the first drink...

Drink? I was thinking more along the lines of a gallon jug and a funnel.
They have stated that they don't believe the science that says Caylee was dead in the back of the car. It wouldn't be a stretch to think they will use the same argument about her body. I hope they don't. But I think it's possible they will.
I think they will too and thus why all the science experts empanneled. However, I am hopeful because I think the state is going to be able to connect the car, the house, the crime scene, the back yard, and Casey in one fell swoop.
Yes - I honestly understand why Jose chooses to defend Casey and bring up the only issues he can in this unbelievable nightmare of a case. He is trying to say and do the only things he can to help his client. Dumb as they might appear to be to some...he is doing his job.

My BOLD. Just wondering how long it took JB to acquire a taste for the Bat Boop he has to swallow in a case such as this - so he can do his job??
Everything and everyone is suspicious, except their " spiteful ***** " (a Casey quote) of a daughter and her proven lies. I will never believe this is grief...
Hi JBean,

As Websleuths we're coming from a totally different perspective from the Anthonys right now. For one thing, most of us here have already accepted that Caylee is deceased. The Anthonys have been very public about their belief that Caylee is still living. Logically the next step for a Websleuth would be to question how and when the remains were placed. The logical question for the Anthonys should be "Is this our Caylee?" not " How did Caylee's body get there? That's suspicious."

There is a whole missing step between these two questions and that is grief. JMHO.
Mark my words, if the Anthony's say "Is this our caylee?" many would say , "oh my God of course it is her you BLEEP BLEEP people"!

So the Anthony's are holding out until positive ID. Hate to say it but I would also. They may know on an intellectual level but holding out that one sliver of hope in their heart. I don;t have a problem with that, who would? So as they try and accept thaqt this is their granddaughter, their first question was the same as ours..this is really weird that the body was right there all this time and no one found it. Most of our questions are being answered, but that was the initial reaction of many.

My question is, why is it out of line for them to wonder if it is Caylee and if so how did she get there?
These are the questions running through the average persons mind.

I am staying as neutral and fair as possible to discuss the case in a logical, factual way. So I don't get this thread at all. But that is JMHO of course.
I'm trying to search for it but my cousin can't remember which station interviewed them. She says she has been overwhelmed the the coverage down there and hasn't been paying close attention to the various sources. She also said that the man living closest to the find stated that TES was NEVER there. The site is literally in his yard, he says that if the bag had been there someone would have found it. He said there are kids and people walking dogs as well as teens hanging out in the very spot all of the time.

Oh well, Cindy still "says" the Pontiac smelled from rotting food.
The man who lives so close might have been away from his home when a search was conducted. I believe Tim when he says he was close to the find area.
They were busy at the Ritz-Carlton.

Some of that duct tape might be better employed over CA's mouth.

OMG! That remark was worth waking up for!:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Guys please go back and check your posts for name calling. If you are guilty please remove.
Yes - I honestly understand why Jose chooses to defend Casey and bring up the only issues he can in this unbelievable nightmare of a case. He is trying to say and do the only things he can to help his client. Dumb as they might appear to be to some...he is doing his job.

My BOLD. Just wondering how long it took JB to acquire a taste for the Bat Boop he has to swallow in a case such as this - so he can do his job??

Bat Boop. LOL. That's a new one on me! I am sure as an attorney he has learned to swallow alot of comments he would like to make. And made alot of comments he knew were really quite alot of b***. But that's his job - to spin things in his client's favor. That's what he being paid for. Oh whoops - forgot...don't think he's being paid is he? LOL
The whole time people were seaching, one after another of the searchers talked about how difficult the search was, about how dense the vegitation, about how dicey the landscape was and about how it was difficult to see the ground. One after another mentioned how easy it would be to miss something, and noted how wet it was. Tim himself commisserated in several interviews I saw about how so much more of the areas was under water at the time they were looking than for the conditions present when Caylee went missing. I think I heard the police say the same thing. It's why Tim called off one, possibly two searches.
It was underwater from the storms this summer. That area wasn't able to be searched for that reason.
There's no confusion. It's simple. Shortly after she dumped the body, the storms came & covered her tracks, till now.

It was also fenced off, for awhile. It was fenced when TM came back.
The Defense have had time to recover from the shock and are starting to intro the tentative theory of a frame up, should LE not come back with direct evidence connecting KC.

Of course it is suspicious. Everything is suspicious to the A family that points to KC as the perp. After all, there is the vast conspiracy that even involves FBI as not being trusted and wanting to frame KC and the A family.

At least now there isn't just one single hair with a death band together with some decomposition air samples -- now there is a gold mine of forensics and the prosecution should take their time to process them.

They hold all of the cards and the Defense is obviously desperate, given they were parading around the perimeter of the crime scene yesterday and visiting the A home to see what was taken. They are like a pack of Wolves desperate to know what the LE have so that they can get the spin out.

It was VERY telling they conceded it was likely Caylee and wanted to participate together with KC's reaction, rather than having the confidence to say they doubt this is Caylee or immediately respond it is the kidnapper. They need to tread carefully because they don't know yet, don't know cause of death and what evidence there is connecting to KC. So they need to tread carefully and throw some gentle spin for now.
Mark my words, if the Anthony's say "Is this our caylee?" many would say , "oh my God of course it is her you BLEEP BLEEP people"!

So the Anthony's are holding out until positive ID. Hate to say it but I would also. They may know on an intellectual level but holding out that one sliver of hope in their heart. I don;t have a problem with that, who would? So as they try and accept thaqt this is their granddaughter, their first question was the same as ours..this is really weird that the body was right there all this time and no one found it. Most of our questions are being answered, but that was the initial reaction of many.

My question is, why is it out of line for them to wonder if it is Caylee and if so how did she get there?
These are the questions running through the average persons mind.

I am staying as neutral and fair as possible to discuss the case in a logical, factual way. So I don't get this thread at all. But that is JMHO of course.

well put JBean. I wish I could remain objective in this case. My outrage definately has thrown nuetrality out the window.
I agree that it seems to be the elephant in the room at the moment. How was this body missed when it was so close to the home? But I am sure LE started looking into that almost immediately. They will know exactly what areas they were or were not ale to search because of water. They will ask Tim Miller where he searched. I am sure they already know by now. I sure hope that it was covered with water this whole time or that is one big giant OOPS by LE.

Maybe that's what KC was getting at when she made the statement, "They haven't even found her clothes!" She knew where she dumped Caylee and possibly she disposed of Caylee's clothes in the same woods. KC was surprised she hadn't been busted yet. :mad:
I dunno..I think this them being them, but maybe also a "tit-for-tat" with SAO...suspicious of findings because we havent been told its her for sure.

Great gameplan so far for LE/SAO/FBI

I forsee them finishing up and turning over the crime scene upon completion of a torrential rainstorm thus making them even more reliant on LE's findings...

And I still would love a doc dump or release of info on contents of bag just to keep up the heat on them..make them fight this from everyside..keep coming at them...wear them down. Bring them on their knees to the negotiating table...then tell them they'll give them a deal..

LPWOP for KC & immunity for GA/CA/LA (*only if proven not involved in murder, only obstruction ) IF and only IF GA & CA testify against their daughter
sure doesn't explain the "depression" and killed off vegetation that tim described.. he compared it to a log sitting in underbrush for six months.

And he SAW the site; I would trust his description. And as you mentioned before, the area being completely covered in water until very recently.
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