Anthony Family "suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings"

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ohhh SS.... now wouldn't that be?! Sherrif did have a grin just wanting to burst forth from his authoratative look during that interview. His face was screaming slam dunk to me. (and loved the red shirt with sew on badge)

I just loved it when asked if they found anything important he said "ABSOLUTELY" like he was mocking KC.
Okay so they're susupicious of the findings but they weren't suspicious when they couldn't see their grandaughter for a month..yeah okay.
wouldn't it be just complete poetry for the blackjack to be in that bag?????????!!!!!!!
What is a retention pond?

Retention ponds are created / used for the purposes of storm / rainwater runoff, so that the neighborhood storm drains don't overflow. Retention ponds are sometimes tied to the local Aquifers so that the water can be cleaned and filtered then re-used, or, the Acquifer may be tied to a drain system that carries the storm water out to sea. We have 3 huge retention ponds in my neighborhood alone (approx. 230 houses in my sub-division), and yes, retention ponds have alligators, fish, snakes and all other kinds of creatures in them.

There are also "natural area" retention ponds that are not necessarily pre-dug by construction / subdivision pre-planning. If you look at the area right behind the A' home, where it looks like a miniature lake, this is a pre-plan construction/subdivision retention pond. The area where the remains were found appear to be a "natural area retention pond" where it wasn't pre-planned or put there on purpose for the community. It's just a natural wooded area that happens to be lower in sea level than the streets, subdivisions and wooded area surrounding it.

Since we are at sea level here in Central Florida, we have retention ponds everywhere (pre-planned and natural area).
Before even aknowledging this body is Caylee's, they use it to spin a Casey defense. From the first day, the A's sold Caylee out to save their daughter, and they are still doing so.

From Aug 1 on Larry King Live:

Larry King: Do you have any thoughts, Cindy, as to what happened to your granddaughter?

Cindy Anthony: My thoughts are a lot clearer now than they were that night that I made three 911 calls. I'm very confident that Casey will be exonerated of all charges once we find Caylee, so that's why our focus is on trying to find our granddaughter.

The sound of Cindy's voice saying that has rung over and over and over in my head all these months. It was so shocking to me that she didn't want to find Caylee because she loved her so much, but to have Casey cleared.

When I heard this, it was the moment that this case gripped my heart and my soul. Caylee needed to be found because she was a human being, a valued person, someone who mattered because she was who she was.

It was the moment my heart went cold towards Cindy, and I determined that I would spend time every single day of my life doing something, anything, towards finding Caylee. I had to. I had to affirm that this baby I never knew mattered, just because she had existed.

No two year old, no baby, could possibly have ever done anything in their life to hurt any other human being. And this baby, in particular, had such a huge capacity to bring joy to others, from her beautiful smile, to her precocious sense of humor evident in the looks she gave to people and to the camera, to her sweet singing voice ("You are My Sunshine"), to her compassion for others that was developed far beyond her years ("You tired, Poppa?").

Caylee was a person, and a phenomenal person despite her very young age. That her own grandmother could and did wipe all that away in a heartbeat, and reduce her to a pawn, and do so to protect and defend not only a murderer, but the murderer of Caylee herself, was more than I could bear. It remains more than I can bear.

Caylee matters. I want to grab Cindy and shake her and scream that at her again and again. Caylee matters.

Caylee had more heart and more soul and more capacity to love and care in her little self than Cindy will ever have in the tip of her little finger's nail.

Sorry to rave and rant, everybody. This has all been brewing inside me for so long, and just makes me want to scream, and is the source of all my tears for this precious baby. I think I really needed to get it all out, and your post, SusieQ, for some reason just brought it all to a head in me.
THANKS OKIE! THANKS AGAIN! I have one to add that I had already posted earlier superimposing GA lkl interview with similar part of his fbi interview on the same subject: start watching at 4:59
WOW the eye contact or lack of eye contact, very telling.
The wording GA used was odd:
"I never really realized how long it would take for garbage to smell for 19 or 18 days in a car in florida"
Thanks for the Video Link.
IMO A lot of Very suspicious circumstances
I just loved it when asked if they found anything important he said "ABSOLUTELY" like he was mocking KC.

I caught that as well and got a good chuckle. That is exactly how they need to handle these people IMO. The defense can spew goodness knows what and they cannot, a little shot like this every now and then IMO is a great thing.
Okay so they're susupicious of the findings but they weren't suspicious when they couldn't see their grandaughter for a month..yeah okay.
GREAT POINT! And actually that is also another mincing of words. When she is being interviewed by LE she and her daughter both said they were never away from home more than one to two nights. CA told LE on the record she WAS concerned. In fact, refer back to that post she made on her myspace (Cythina's) about how worried and upset she was.
According to the spokesperson, the Anthonys are suspicious because the area has been searched before - gee, seems like I've read similar things here on this forum over the last few days. As a matter of fact, we have a whole thread about it. I guess that's different though. :waitasec:
Retention ponds are created / used for the purposes of storm / rainwater runoff, so that the neighborhood storm drains don't overflow. Retention ponds are sometimes tied to the local Aquifers so that the water can be cleaned and filtered then re-used, or, the Acquifer may be tied to a drain system that carries the storm water out to sea. We have 3 huge retention ponds in my neighborhood alone (approx. 230 houses in my sub-division), and yes, retention ponds have alligators, fish, snakes and all other kinds of creatures in them.

There are also "natural area" retention ponds that are not necessarily pre-dug by construction / subdivision pre-planning. If you look at the area right behind the A' home, where it looks like a miniature lake, this is a pre-plan construction/subdivision retention pond. The area where the remains were found appear to be a "natural area retention pond" where it wasn't pre-planned or put there on purpose for the community. It's just a natural wooded area that happens to be lower in sea level than the streets, subdivisions and wooded area surrounding it.

Since we are at sea level here in Central Florida, we have retention ponds everywhere (pre-planned and natural area).
Thank you! (jbean here is another one to cross post in strage place thread)
Thank you! I hope that CA, GA, LA, JB and the rest of them (scheme team) read this.[/quote

Ahhhh they know all this - it just doesn't matter to them. They have to keep doubt and suspicion in the forefront.
<snipped from original post by BeanE>
From Aug 1 on Larry King Live:
Larry King: Do you have any thoughts, Cindy, as to what happened to your granddaughter?

Cindy Anthony: My thoughts are a lot clearer now than they were that night that I made three 911 calls. I'm very confident that Casey will be exonerated of all charges once we find Caylee, so that's why our focus is on trying to find our granddaughter.
Very good post and I don't think you are ranting. Poor Little Caylee - the "out of sight out of mind" attitude is so very sad
Retention ponds are created / used for the purposes of storm / rainwater runoff, so that the neighborhood storm drains don't overflow. Retention ponds are sometimes tied to the local Aquifers so that the water can be cleaned and filtered then re-used, or, the Acquifer may be tied to a drain system that carries the storm water out to sea.

Thank you. Does water stay in the ponds a long time if they have drains like you described?

Also, again, what was the LE and TES search time lines in that area?
lol, that really would be confusing, as if I'm not already confuzzled enough. ;)
Something to keep in mind for the future though, thanks.

I think JBean is busy cooking up ways to get back at us for all the work we create for her. :)
According to the spokesperson, the Anthonys are suspicious because the area has been searched before - gee, seems like I've read similar things here on this forum over the last few days. As a matter of fact, we have a whole thread about it. I guess that's different though. :waitasec:
Hi Chilly! This thread title : Anthony Family "suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings" is
discussing what their spokesperson and legal team had to say r/g some elements of their suspicion of the circumstances including:
1-it had been searched over and over wet and dry by both tm and le.
2-this may not be caylee but another child
3-they are still believing in an alive caylee

the other thread (which is discussing some similar elements) is about that the site is "strange" in general. (note for websleuth record....I do not think the site is strange at all)
I DO remember the interview with the teenager who lives directly behind the crime scene. There were pics he took through the chain link fence between his house and the scene on one of the FL sites... he said that area was most often a swamp and had only recently cleared where he could walk though (to the fence line). There was a video of him walking the path up to the fence. The original headline was something like: "Teen Has First Crime Scene Photos".

It was up early afternoon of the initial search, I haven't seen it since. If it's no longer around it's possible LE had it pulled. He got closer than anyone one dared with a camera man on his heels. He pointed out all the under brush that is normally 2' high, now all died down. And the water up to his thigh until about 10 days prior.
Well, the only question in my mind is why was it not discovered a long, long time ago?

If it's Caylee it has nothing to do with the facts of the case and the direction everything is headed.

There just is no plausible explanation as to how it was missed that close to her home.

How long did the areas remain flooded after the storm? What was the date of the storm that caused the flooding?

LucyLu - this has been discussed a lot. Here is what you missed along the way:

The area is very low and holds water. It stays flooded with water run off for most of the year. The August Hurricane poured even more water in the area. In fact the water only began to recede 7-10 days before the bag was found. A neighborhood teen videotaped the area behind his house and stated that just days ago he would have been knee deep at the spot where he was standing.

The area was under 3 feet of water when TES tried to search. They lost an ATV in the deep water at that time. TM pulled out of the area because he didn't want anyone to plod through the water and possibly step on or otherwise disturb any potential evidence.

On a second search attempt, a fence had been constructed by potential developers, sealing the area in question from the road and it was still flooded, therefore no search could be conducted.

As the water receded, the bag was exposed.

Hi Chilly! This thread title : Anthony Family "suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings" is
discussing what their spokesperson and legal team had to say r/g some elements of their suspicion of the circumstances including:
1-it had been searched over and over wet and dry by both tm and le.
2-this may not be caylee but another child
3-they are still believing in an alive caylee

the other thread (which is discussing some similar elements) is about that the site is "strange" in general. (note for websleuth record....I do not think the site is strange at all)

Oh, I don't see anything in the article that prompted this thread about the Anthony's saying the body is not Caylee or that Caylee is still alive. I admit, I didn't bother to read the entire thread. I have read many many posts questioning why the body was not found in prior searches, I see nothing different about the Anthony's questioning the same thing...that's if Michelle Bart is actually even speaking for them. People haven't found her to be too credible up until now.
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