Anthony's admit to Conflicting Statements Seek Full Immunity

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Should George and Cindy be granted full immunity in exchange for truth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 200 26.9%
  • No

    Votes: 123 16.5%
  • No and go after them for obstruction of justice!

    Votes: 421 56.6%

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if you are wanting to tell the truth.. do it for your grandbaby, do it for your own conscience.. don't do it just to save your hide!

If nothing more they owe it to their grandbaby who did nothing more than love them with all of her heart.. let her rest in peace, let justice be served in the name of her memory.
Again, my heart go out to them for the loss of their grandchild.
I still feel they did Caylee a great injustice by not taking into consideration that the child may be dead, so they could retrieve her little body for proper burial.
Having said that, I say no immunity.
This is a seperate issue, with nothing to do with grieving grandparents.
This is out and out breaking the law.
They knew from day one they were breaking the law.
They created a lot of the nonsense that went on in this case that could have been avoided, just by telling the truth.
The money this has cost the taxpayers is unreal.
The TV time for the coverage that could have gone to other families that are being honest and want LE's help is overwehming.
The emotional stress this has cost so many innocent people is indecent.
The A's wait until their number is up and only then beg for mercy.
For them and their daughter, this has been one big game.
If you want to play, you have to pay.
Sorry, can't buy it.
What can they possible have to offer as a bargaining tool?
KC surely didn't tell them how she killed Caylee.
I just feel that Cindy is too much like Casey, in that she will never actually admit real truth to anyone, even LE, if it makes her or her family look bad in any way.

That I agree with. Also if CA/GA get FULL immunity then other liars will do the same to LE. Sorry but they never co-operated and now plan to tell the truth? Did CA/GA wake up and finally realize that there is NO ZANNY???? New lawyer realizes he doesn't have a way to defend GA/CA?????
this is one of many posts I have seen that I agree with. The last line says it all - their lives are destroyed - forever. Nothing, no prison sentence, etc. is going to be any worse than what they are facing now and will live with the rest of their lives. I dont think anyone on WS would deny that from all the pictures we have seen of this family before this happened, G&A were loving, doting grandparents.

People are given immunity all the time for a lot of different reasons, giving George and Cindy immunity here will not wreak havoc on the justice system in the future, either here in Florida or across the nation.

I doubt OCSO will charge them with anything, and I don't think the FBI will either. Why bother, why waste the time and money involved in charging them for anything - I don't think the Anthoys had anything to do with the death of Caylee, or covering up the fact that Casey did it, I don't think they have anything to say that would dramatically change the course of or the outcome of this case. OCSO and FBI knew exactly what they were dealing with when they dealt with the Anthonys.

Your comments make a lot of sense. I think immunity is a good idea, depending on what they were involved in. We still don't know to what extent they were involved. Their lying has cost the county a lot of money, I'm sure, and part of the reason to charge a person for a crime is to deter others from the same crime in the future.

It is a tough decision for LE all the way around, IMO.

Since I don't believe they are capable of telling the truth, I voted "No" and since they wasted so much money and resources I voted to prosecute them also.

Tim Miller wasted so much money that could have been used to find missing people who had family who wanted them found. If the anthony's go on to make money or profit in any way, this will make me ill. I believe they asked for whatever they get that comes about as a direct result of their own action or inaction.
If they get immunity, I can only hope that it includes a clause that they cannot make any money over Caylee's name. That is there is any book or movies or other deals that any monies received over and above the cost of Caylee's burial must be donated to charity.

Snipped for length.

They have already made $$ while many spent time and money.
I would like to see thier accounts frozen and the money either returned or given to parties such as equisearch (sp?).
I am floored just floored.
Did your kids grow up with consequences that fit the deed? Mine did too. Thank GOD we will never be in this position because we raised responsible adults.

If God forbid mine were ever faced with the after math of destruction caused by their own hand, I believe they would tell the truth.

My niece who is 19 years old was raised to always tell the truth, not to take advantage of anyone, and was always made to face the consequences of her actions. She had never been through the terrible twos, never been in trouble a day in her life, then all of a sudden she went into a department store and stole a $40 shirt. She was made to suffer the consequenses of her actions by the law, but never once was her parents to blame for what she did.
It can happen, even those with the proper raisings sometimes do things unimaginable.
I would like to feel like my kids are being raised with the morals I try to instill in them, and hope they always do right by other people, and I too would refuse to believe that my child could do something so wrong..matter of fact, I would probably be just like the Anthony's saying, prove it to me..
I don't think the Anthony's knew that this situation would ever arise.
I voted no, but don't think they should be prosecuted on the same level as Casey as they aren't accessories to the actual murder.

and I don't think George should be prosecuted on the same level as Cindy and Lee who appear more conniving.

maybe i am just feeling compassionate that they have finally shut up and stopped spewing idiocy?
This ENTIRE family has literally and figuratively thrown Caylee away like a bag of garbage in order to save themselves. And this is just the next phase of that.
The only reason we're going to (MAYBE) get the truth from the Anthony's now is so they don't face charges. Nothing about this is for Caylee. NOTHING.

This is such a travesty, but true. I has been six months of denial, implicating of others, destruction of potentially valuable evidence, stonewalling of authorities, and most importantly-- bold faced lies. If this were anyone else would immunity even be a question? I'm not even saying I want to see the family charged, because I don't know how I feel about that, even though I am appalled by their actions. I simpy don't think they should be rewarded for doing what is right, and what they should have been doing "from day one".
Tim Miller wasted so much money that could have been used to find missing people who had family who wanted them found. If the anthony's go on to make money or profit in any way, this will make me ill. I believe they asked for whatever they get that comes about as a direct result of their own action or inaction.

What a great thing to add to an immunity deal! That they are never ever allowed to profit from this case in any shape or form!!!
What a great thing to add to an immunity deal! That they are never ever allowed to profit from this case in any shape or form!!!

YES, YES, AND YES!!!:woohoo:
Snipped for length.

They have already made $$ while many spent time and money.
I would like to see thier accounts frozen and the money either returned or given to parties such as equisearch (sp?).
I am floored just floored.

A ha!
<<(you hear Cindy reply, "Casey..." in a pleading tone so full of exhausted exasperation.)>>

And Casey replies back "mom" in a condescending tone. I'm glad you mentioned this. I've been thinking about that ever since I saw it on NG. To me that just says it all. When I heard CA say that and the tone of her voice and then Casey's reply, it just pretty much told me everything.
Not "no"... but h*ll to the NO!! It is a very sad day when the grandparents of this beautiful child agree to stop giving conflicting statements (which, as many have noted, is different from telling the truth) only IF granted immunity. Eff that. TELL THE TRUTH because it is the right thing to do to honor Caylee!!! The thing that they should have done all along. KC be d*mned. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. :furious:
If the A's gave the OCSO and FBI "conflicting" statements how does that help find Caylee?

It doesn't.

End of story.
this is one of many posts I have seen that I agree with. The last line says it all - their lives are destroyed - forever. Nothing, no prison sentence, etc. is going to be any worse than what they are facing now and will live with the rest of their lives. I dont think anyone on WS would deny that from all the pictures we have seen of this family before this happened, G&A were loving, doting grandparents.

People are given immunity all the time for a lot of different reasons, giving George and Cindy immunity here will not wreak havoc on the justice system in the future, either here in Florida or across the nation.

I doubt OCSO will charge them with anything, and I don't think the FBI will either. Why bother, why waste the time and money involved in charging them for anything - I don't think the Anthoys had anything to do with the death of Caylee, or covering up the fact that Casey did it, I don't think they have anything to say that would dramatically change the course of or the outcome of this case. OCSO and FBI knew exactly what they were dealing with when they dealt with the Anthonys.

Bolding mine.

"I" do NOT know they were loving, doting grandparents. I know I've seen pictures, but pictures are seldom taken when someone is screaming or acting bad. I have no personal knowledge of them being loving or doting. Buying things and creating a picture-perfect bedroom does not speak love to me - it says control and obsession, but that's just me.

I also don't know if anything the Anthonys did, said, or may have covered up will dramatically change the course or outcome of this case, but then none of us do. I guess we'll have to wait and see what facts LE brings out. Until then, what do the innocent, grieving grandparents NEED with immunity?

My opinion only
I'm thinking that CA knows it over now, that she can't save KC. It's all beginning to seep in......Caylee is dead, and they didn't/couldn't protect her. She's gone forever, and most likely at the hands of their daughter. It's too late for everything. Too late to take the lies back.

The enormity of all of this would be the end of me. There would be nothing left, no reason to go on.... Although the Anthony's own actions got them to this point, I say give them the immunity. I wouldn't even take their statements (I wouldn't believe them anyway), but I'd give them the immunity...because, really, they have been punished enough in this lifetime. (And will continue to be punished via testimony throughout the trial).
What a great thing to add to an immunity deal! That they are never ever allowed to profit from this case in any shape or form!!!

I think I am going to look for an email for the prosecution. I don't want to influence what the decision is for the immunity so much as I want to make sure that if they get immunity that they cannot ever profit from the case.

I am going to ask that if immunity is given, that a clause be included that any monies the Anthony's recieve in the future that are due to or related to the Caylee Anthony/Casey Anthony case can only be used for the burial of Caylee Anthony and that any amounts in excess of that be donated to a children's charity.

It would really po me if they got immunity then later I heard that CA was writing a book. And if you recall, there has been mention of that.
This doesn't make sense - the only reason you ask for immunity is if you've done something wrong. All they would have to have said about conflicting statements is that they misspoke or they weren't aware of some facts when they gave their initial statements - something is seriously wrong here and I'll bet it has something to do with what they found with the body. I wonder if they gave another official statement to the police after they were picked up at the airport? I noticed that the police didn't give them any time to read/hear/see any news media reports. Why weren't they allowed in the house during the search the last time? They were there all the other times, what made this one so different?
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