Anthony's Computer Forensics

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:crazy: Ha, I have no intentions of actually going to any sites GA visited. :hand: It would however explain a whole lot and put the visions of what GA/CA/LA/KC were like and doing privately prior to July 15 into perspective; on paper.

Friend of mine just divorced due to her hubbies online sex chat and *advertiser censored* obsession. So I have learned quite a bit from her. :angel: Many sites give you free trailers of movies and offer options to pay a fee for the whole movie or pay a fee to do live chat with a webcam. George did state in his FBI interview that he lost money to a Nigerian scam and several theories were bantied about regarding one of the names in KC's fake Universal e-mails as one that is commonly listed when doing google searches on Nigerian scams. The Frank M thread as well as the Jeff and Juliet from universal thread has info regarding those theories for anyone interested. I think is is entirely likely that their was some *advertiser censored* surfing going on and that coupled with the "bad" photo and others we have heard about but not seen support the theory that someone was interested in something relating to *advertiser censored*. Do i think it was GA? Possible. Do I think it was KC? Likely. Additionally, with a boyfriend going to Full Sail and friends that use high tech computers for DJ gigs, etc.....I would think it would be rather easy for her to find out how to wipe out the computer. Of course, in typical KC fashion she failed to acknowledge that she would have to take it a step further. She always seems to stop short of follow through even in covering her crimes.
Friend of mine just divorced due to her hubbies online sex chat and *advertiser censored* obsession. So I have learned quite a bit from her. :angel: Many sites give you free trailers of movies and offer options to pay a fee for the whole movie or pay a fee to do live chat with a webcam. George did state in his FBI interview that he lost money to a Nigerian scam and several theories were bantied about regarding one of the names in KC's fake Universal e-mails as one that is commonly listed when doing google searches on Nigerian scams. The Frank M thread as well as the Jeff and Juliet from universal thread has info regarding those theories for anyone interested. I think is is entirely likely that their was some *advertiser censored* surfing going on and that coupled with the "bad" photo and others we have heard about but not seen support the theory that someone was interested in something relating to *advertiser censored*. Do i think it was GA? Possible. Do I think it was KC? Likely. Additionally, with a boyfriend going to Full Sail and friends that use high tech computers for DJ gigs, etc.....I would think it would be rather easy for her to find out how to wipe out the computer. Of course, in typical KC fashion she failed to acknowledge that she would have to take it a step further. She always seems to stop short of follow through even in covering her crimes.

Seeing the complete surfing history of both the tower and the laptop would show the A's viewing habits. I don't need to log on to any of the sites they visited. I can easily find out the IP address as well as who owns the site without ever going to the website by viewing the history. Granted, it gets a little harder to track a website owner who is using yahoo or msn, but it can be done. The one thing about the internet that people don't realize is it is nothing but a virtual paper trail from the time a site is registered to the server. One just needs the tools to do it and it's legal.

One can always use a state gov site to also discover who owns a particular company as well as non-profit groups. You just need to know how to read the codes. It takes some time; but like an onion, you continue to peel back the layers until you find the true owner(s).

By the way my professional opinion is that LE and the FBI already have done this which is why I am not worried about. Curious, yep but not worried it hasn't been done yet. We will see them later than sooner. I can wait.

As to whether GA surfed *advertiser censored* sites, don't believe one needs to ask that question when one already knows the answer :rolleyes: but for those who don't; CA. Need one say more :gum:
This is what I think. We see only 4 files from 1 to 2, 2 files from 2 to 3 and 4 files from 4 to 5. I think that is system activity. My personal interpretation of the laptop activity is that it appears she left it at the Anthony home when she left on the 16th. When she came back on the 17th she took it and (it appears) began to transfer files between it and the desktop because there is a corresponding high activity on both computers at the same time period.

BUT, that's my layman's interpretation. I have passed a screencap of the data to some one who can offer a more experienced opinion, and I will share whatever I find out.

What she said.

The laptop activity shows nothing after 4PM on the 16th, very light activity just after midnight on the 17th (wee hours of the morning), and nothing until a huge spike at >2PM on the 17th. Nothing from 3 - 4 PM, and then another spike after 4PM ... soon after which KC went to pick up Tony from the apartment hunting trip.

Unsure how Encase would record DVD-burning activity. Should show as file accesses (due to a copy). Guessing that is what we are seeing from 2 -3 PM on the 17th.

BTW, from 1 - 3 PM on the 16th we see very light activity as Val noted above.
What she said.

The laptop activity shows nothing after 4PM on the 16th, very light activity just after midnight on the 17th (wee hours of the morning), and nothing until a huge spike at >2PM on the 17th. Nothing from 3 - 4 PM, and then another spike after 4PM ... soon after which KC went to pick up Tony from the apartment hunting trip.

Unsure how Encase would record DVD-burning activity. Should show as file accesses (due to a copy). Guessing that is what we are seeing from 2 -3 PM on the 17th.

BTW, from 1 - 3 PM on the 16th we see very light activity as Val noted above.

Just one correction, JWG! There was "off the chart" activity on the laptop from 3 to 4 on the 17th (that's the highest activity period for the day until you get to 11 pm at night) - note the ellipse ... (that means too much to display!)
Just one correction, JWG! There was "off the chart" activity on the laptop from 3 to 4 on the 17th (that's the highest activity period for the day until you get to 11 pm at night) - note the ellipse ... (that means too much to display!)

Doh!! :doh: That damn ellipse is so hard to see for an old guy like me.

You are right...OFF THE CHART.
That's no lie. I had to take a brillo pad to my hard drive after I started researching the URLs in the history. O_O

I would like to point out that every so often it appears there was a visit to a online pay service during these little jaunts. Makes you wonder if on occasion there wasn't SOME form of transaction occur...whatever that may have been.

BBM-I read this and threw up in my mouth a little.....!
Looking at the dates on the IMs:

On May 13, Casey told Ryan maybe she could come visit him on her "vacation," which would be May 16 through the "end of the month."

On May 26, Casey told Ryan her vacation "starts on Wednesday" (May 28) and Cindy's vacation would start that weekend (which was true). This is the date of the IM's you quoted above. She made plans to go visit Ryan (in Jacksonville) the weekend of June 7-8 (which would have been the end of Cindy's vacation). So I assume she meant she would not have "the kid" because "the kid" would be with Cindy. Ryan said he would get that weekend off work.

Friday night, June 6, Casey was at TonyL's place and got a call from the Anthony home phone at 3:45 in the morning (the morning of Sat. June 7). She left Tony's around 4:30 am and went home. Maybe Cindy said no more overnight babysitting that weekend? Looks like Casey stayed home the rest of the weekend.

Saturday June 7 Ryan called Casey around 2:30 pm (maybe, "Um, where are you?")--although Casey had called him around 9 pm Friday night while she was driving from Tony's place to Fusian, so maybe she had already left a message excusing herself from the visit.

Ryan says he was in town (Orlando) the following weekend (June 14-15, just before Caylee was killed) and Casey was supposed to come to his aunt's house but she didn't. BUT he says he saw her in person a "couple of weeks" earlier. :waitasec:

Do you have a link for the statement that Cindy was mad about watching Caylee during her vacation week? I'm not sure if I've seen that before.

I still owe you a link to the person that indicated CA was mad at KC for "dumping" Caylee on her during her vacation week....Now I am not sure if it was CA or LA, or maybe even SP-But I will keep my ears open as I listen to old interviews and post as soon as I find it.
Makes me wonder if George didn't squander the family fortune on a Nigerian scam or gambling, but rather on too many of those little jaunts. JMO

Yeah, that Nigerian thing seems like way too convenient of an excuse/lie. I could definitely see him looking/paying for a more stimulating relationship. Even brief, superficial, stimuli had to be so much more alluring than what he's stuck with.
Wanted to bring up something on this that LE knows that we don't. First off, on the ellipse, they can click that and it drills down to show all the files in that hour. Second, for each hour they can click on every single one of those blocks (files) and get the exact file name, path, timetag, etc. So, on the thought that from, say, 2 to 4 pm on the 17th there may have been files being transferred between the two computers, they will easily know if that is true because they know the exact files for each computer. If they are the same file names being accessed during that's a transfer.

From this prior post of mine

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Computer Forensics[/ame]

I explain what the different colored squares mean (created, accessed, written, etc.) Unfortunately, because of the fact there is so many files accessed on the laptop from 2 to 4 on the 17th, we can't see the squares so we don't know what is happening. But LE can when they click the ellipse.

We know the video made it onto the laptop. Was the video on the desktop as well? Do we know that part? Because it would make sense to me that the video would be downloaded from the camera to the desktop first instead of to a laptop that apparently was assigned to CA from her work, if I'm understanding correctly.

It's a 50/50 shot, if in fact a transfer was taking place, as to which way it was going. If this is the day KC showed up to get things to vamoose for good then I can see her absconding with CA's work laptop and dumping all of CA's files from it to the desktop. At the same time, I can see her transferring all her little important (ouch, I bit my tongue) icons and crap from the desktop to the laptop before leaving. Probably a good assumption is that there were transfers both ways!

I'm not sure that any of this is important...I may have just wandered off chasing the animals, but I find it interesting for some unknown reason. lmao
I still owe you a link to the person that indicated CA was mad at KC for "dumping" Caylee on her during her vacation week....Now I am not sure if it was CA or LA, or maybe even SP-But I will keep my ears open as I listen to old interviews and post as soon as I find it.

Co-worker maybe? I also seem to remember something about that.
FWIW, I remember that line too, but also don't remember who/where from.

What we need is a searchable database, with all transcripts and documents entered in, cross-referencing SA page numbers, doc dump date, etc. Any techies have the time and know-how to put one together? :)

I believe that was from one of CA's co-workers statements regarding how CA was acting weird.
Thanks all, here is the quote demonstrating CA's frustration that she had to have Caylee all the time, and had to take Caylee on her birthday week:

Page 6 of pdf, page 3067:

It sounds like she was telling her coworker that she was annoyed because she wanted to spend the week with BOTH Casey and Caylee, but only got to see Caylee that week. I don't think she was annoyed to have Caylee--just that the "girls' bonding week" or whatever she thought it would be didn't materialize.
I was never blessed with children. They could have 'dumped' Caylee on me, anytime. :sick:
Bringing this over from the June 15 Details thread, as it is more appropriate here than there.

I was asked about the computer forensics file that was released a year ago but never uploaded by media. Muzikman :rocker: was kind enough to send me a copy a while ago. Others have recently begged :bowdown: me for a copy.

I had trouble with filedropper :banghead: and some others getting a link back after uploading the file. I finally got the file uploaded here. :thumb:

If you have trouble with that link, then try this one. In this second link you need to supply them an email address, and they will email you the link from which to download. That's how I got the first link.

Have fun. :dance:

Warning: the file is 100MB compressed.

BUMP. Did anyone ever upload this file elsewhere? I've tried both links, but neither results in an email for a download link.

In CA's deposition (part 2, page 13) she is asked if she ever did a computer search for missing children's organizations prior to July 15. She says she did not.

I recall early on that the news reported KC had been doing such searches prior to Caylee being reported missing. When we finally got the computer forensic file released in September 2008, the cookie files seemed to indicate that the searches took place on July 16, consistent with Cindy (and as we know now, KC) setting up the myspace page for a missing Caylee.

But obviously LE found something else. I don't think the SA asked that question without a very valid reason for doing so.
In CA's deposition (part 2, page 13) she is asked if she ever did a computer search for missing children's organizations prior to July 15. She says she did not.

I recall early on that the news reported KC had been doing such searches prior to Caylee being reported missing. When we finally got the computer forensic file released in September 2008, the cookie files seemed to indicate that the searches took place on July 16, consistent with Cindy (and as we know now, KC) setting up the myspace page for a missing Caylee.

But obviously LE found something else. I don't think the SA asked that question without a very valid reason for doing so.

Since CA's new game plan is to say she searched for "chlorophyll", perhaps it is a way to to get her to cop to the fact she was not on the computer then; didn't the missing child org searches come about the same time as the chloroform, household weapons search?
It sounds like she was telling her coworker that she was annoyed because she wanted to spend the week with BOTH Casey and Caylee, but only got to see Caylee that week. I don't think she was annoyed to have Caylee--just that the "girls' bonding week" or whatever she thought it would be didn't materialize.

you're right on this one, but I think the info I remember of her being more "mad" came from Shirley, maybe even in an e-mail to her sister (SP's sister). It may have only been SP's opinion, but I remember a remark more to the effect that CA had wanted to go to Ft. Myer with GA but had to put it off b/c KC left Caylee there.

ETA-The distinction here could be very well how CA makes all distinctions-When talking within her family (except to her own husband), she complains about KC, but when talking to the media or GA, KC is just fine, or it's no biggie, or KC did not make waves-and then CA proceeds to put her own positive spin on everything.

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