Anthony's Computer Forensics

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I feel sure that Orange Co. will have a certified forensics examiner on the stand to explain to the jury the where, when and what as far as the computers used by Casey and her family. Hard drives don't lie. Hey that should be a bumper sticker...
respectfully snipped

There are only so many pieces of evidence that the defense can toss to coincidence so please have your pick, but you can't have them all. If you want to say that the computer evidence is a coincidence then fine - let's say it is and maybe it was computer virus that made the searches appear to be linked to planning a murder and then an actual murder did occur and this was a coincidence. But you can't claim everything is a coincidence.

1. The smell of the death in the car was pizza not death and it is only a coincidence that CA claimed the pizza smelled of a dead body and it turned out that a dead body was in the car.

2. It was just a mere coincidence that KC claimed ZG lived at Sawgrass and that there was actually a ZG that was looking to move in to sawgrass.

3. The computer searches on chloroform and the actual finding of chloroform are a mere coincidence caused by a computer virus.

4. KC's comment about Caylee being near home and her body actually being found steps from the home is just a coincidence.

5. DC rummaging through the woods looking for a bag in almost the same spot Caylee was later found was just a coincidence.

6. A bottle found in the woods containing chloroform is a coincidence to the chain of chloroform connections, to the car, the computer and now the woods.

7. KC not being upset when a possible body was found by the water in the park and her being upset by the body found near her parents home was just a coincidence.

8. Not calling LE on the day Caylee went missing but getting a tattoo about how sweet your life is was just a coincidence not at all connected.

9. Losing your phone/blackjack SIM card whateva it was that contained all of the contact info needed to find your daughter is a huge unfortunate coincidence.

10. KC's mother by coincidence happened to wash major items that were potential evidence on the very day it was discovered a child was kidnapped is just again an unfortunate coincidence.

shall I go on????????

Coincidence: a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance.

THEY ARE NOT ALL MERE CHANCE. There are so many more.

Love it Mendara! Have you posted this on the coincidence thread?
The One Tree Hill episode called "Hundred" in which the nanny kidnaps the 4 year old aired originally on March 18th '08

ETA: I am finding that the chloroform and neck breaking searches were on the 17th, so before this episode aired!

I thought it was the 100th episode of One Tree Hill she watched. No wonder I haven't been able to find it! Surprising how you discover new information when you least expect it! Thank you!
The One Tree Hill episode called "Hundred" in which the nanny kidnaps the 4 year old aired originally on March 18th '08

ETA: I am finding that the chloroform and neck breaking searches were on the 17th, so before this episode aired!

I wonder what the preview was like and when it aired (or if the upcoming episode was featured in a commercial). If any of the elements of that episode were aired before the program, that might have sparked her interest in googling before she watched it. Or, if the world chloroform was mentioned in a preview, it may have reminded her of the little photobucket pic that RM had. Now neck-breaking - that would be a little hard to explain...
I wonder what the preview was like and when it aired (or if the upcoming episode was featured in a commercial). If any of the elements of that episode were aired before the program, that might have sparked her interest in googling before she watched it. Or, if the world chloroform was mentioned in a preview, it may have reminded her of the little photobucket pic that RM had. Now neck-breaking - that would be a little hard to explain...

I don't remember there being anything to do with chloroform in that episode. I watched it a while back. I wonder if that's just a rumor or can someone point me to where it is in that episode?

The nanny does dye the kidnapped child's hair in that episode. KC later made a point of saying that Caylee's hair could have been dyed, so people should focus on her face when looking for her. A definite connection there. IMO
I took a (fourth :eek:) look at the Google searches from March, 2008, and noticed something I thought I would pass along.

First off, the file containing the searches actually contained a list of tags that had the word "google" in them. Many of those tags were references to searches, but many were also referrals to Google ads from other websites. Such as Myspace. :)

In other words, KC did perform searches on Google for chloroform and household weapons, but she also visited Myspace pages that ran Google syndicated ads, and those pages showed up in that report. :detective: I was interested in the Myspace pages. Who was she visiting as she searched for chloroform, neck breaking, and the like? :waitasec:

Here are the results of my first-pass analysis, with basically no sleuthing done other than a cursory review. I have attempted to put the Myspace visits into a broader context - that of the infamous Google searches as well as known Photobucket activity. Lot's of sleuthing remains. :applause:

Note: The bolded number is the myspace friend ID. The activity is listed in chronological order. For example, on March 5:

  • KC spent some time on Photobucket
  • She then went to musician "Karmina" Myspace
  • Finally, she performed a Google search on "myspace content box generator"
March 5

  • Photobucket activity
  • 4896138 - Karmina - music
  • Myspace content box generator search
March 6

  • 5715142 - Kate Voegele - artist/musician
  • 333525997 - alterbridge43 - "classic rock", Buffalo, NY - Join 2/12/2008
  • 10108314 - Natasha Bedingfield - artist/musician
  • 306535277 - User not found - Join 12/30/2007
  • 319177755 - User not found - Join 1/19/2008
  • 347867848 - User not found - Join 3/3/2008
  • 215759866 - Radiohead - artist/musician
  • 346313521 - User not found - Join 3/1/2008
  • Photobucket activity
  • Hide myspace search
March 7

  • 32651695 - John Mayer - artist/musician
March 12

  • 207720756 - BiRTHDAY GiRL - artist/musician
  • 14830333 - Birthday Party Records - artist/musician
  • 58171614 - Now That’s What I Call Music! - Music
  • 130061148 - User not found - Join 11/17/2006
March 13

  • Photobucket activity
  • 18868132- Shaggy - artist/musician
March 17

  • Photobucket activity
  • 151289170 - St. Patricks chillness
  • 324869455 - St. Patrick’s Day Celtic Sojourn - artist/musician
  • 54689357 - st. Patrick´s - artist/musician
  • 352353447 - User not found - Join 3/9/2008
  • 354429888 - User not found - Join 3/13/2008
  • first chloroform searches
March 18

  • 191749597 - N.E.R.D: No One Ever Really Dies!
March 19

  • 191749597 - artist/musician
  • One Tree Hill Searches
More Google searches occurred on March 21, but no known Myspace visits.

What stands out to me - and this is purely conjecture - are the several visits to Myspace pages that were created but days before KC visited them, but no longer exist today. A suspicious person might think she was experimenting with the creation of alternate Myspace pages and then checking them out from her own page.

But only a suspicious person would believe that. :slap:

ETA: Join dates were determined by looking at the first valid Myspace ID sequentially before or after the one in question, and checking their sign-up dates.
You, my friend are brilliant! Your parents must be so proud!

LOL, Well I'm PROUD! O WOW JWG.. I think you are onto something here by George (no pun intended, ok well sorta :innocent:) TWA is are brilliant! I wonder if anyone in LE or SA office is as brilliant?! hmmm..
Note: The bolded number is the myspace friend ID. The activity is listed in chronological order. For example, on March 5:

  • KC spent some time on Photobucket
  • She then went to musician "Karmina" Myspace
  • Finally, she performed a Google search on "myspace content box generator"
March 5

  • Photobucket activity
  • 4896138 - Karmina - music
  • Myspace content box generator search
March 6

  • 5715142 - Kate Voegele - artist/musician
  • 333525997 - alterbridge43 - "classic rock", Buffalo, NY - Join 2/12/2008
  • 10108314 - Natasha Bedingfield - artist/musician
  • 306535277 - User not found - Join 12/30/2007
  • 319177755 - User not found - Join 1/19/2008
  • 347867848 - User not found - Join 3/3/2008
  • 215759866 - Radiohead - artist/musician
  • 346313521 - User not found - Join 3/1/2008
  • Photobucket activity
  • Hide myspace search

(Snipped and bolded/italicized/underlined by me, with mad quote respect, for space and emphasis)

So am I reading this right, that she did a google search for the term "hide myspace" ???
I did not know about that search. Kinda looks like she was trying to find out exactly how to hide on myspace...JWG, I agree with many here that you are brilliant!
The One Tree Hill episode called "Hundred" in which the nanny kidnaps the 4 year old aired originally on March 18th '08

ETA: I am finding that the chloroform and neck breaking searches were on the 17th, so before this episode aired!

Wow, this is weird. Someone has probably mentioned this before but I am listening to the Tracy Mclaughlan interview again and she said that Cindy told her about Ricardo's facebook account with the chloroform image on it and that Cindy told her it was uploaded on 18 April 2008.

If true, then Casey or "someone" knew about chloroform a month before Ricardo uploaded this image to his facebook account. The searches on on the Anthony computer were done a month prior and therefore they didn't get the idea from Ricardo.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that the "hide myspace search" was not an effort to hide myspace but to hide the searching that she did through the google box on myspace.
I took a (fourth :eek:) look at the Google searches from March, 2008, and noticed something I thought I would pass along.

First off, the file containing the searches actually contained a list of tags that had the word "google" in them. Many of those tags were references to searches, but many were also referrals to Google ads from other websites. Such as Myspace. :)

In other words, KC did perform searches on Google for chloroform and household weapons, but she also visited Myspace pages that ran Google syndicated ads, and those pages showed up in that report. :detective: I was interested in the Myspace pages. Who was she visiting as she searched for chloroform, neck breaking, and the like? :waitasec:

Here are the results of my first-pass analysis, with basically no sleuthing done other than a cursory review. I have attempted to put the Myspace visits into a broader context - that of the infamous Google searches as well as known Photobucket activity. Lot's of sleuthing remains. :applause:

Note: The bolded number is the myspace friend ID. The activity is listed in chronological order. For example, on March 5:

  • KC spent some time on Photobucket
  • She then went to musician "Karmina" Myspace
  • Finally, she performed a Google search on "myspace content box generator"
March 5

  • Photobucket activity
  • 4896138 - Karmina - music
  • Myspace content box generator search
March 6

  • 5715142 - Kate Voegele - artist/musician
  • 333525997 - alterbridge43 - "classic rock", Buffalo, NY - Join 2/12/2008
  • 10108314 - Natasha Bedingfield - artist/musician
  • 306535277 - User not found - Join 12/30/2007
  • 319177755 - User not found - Join 1/19/2008
  • 347867848 - User not found - Join 3/3/2008
  • 215759866 - Radiohead - artist/musician
  • 346313521 - User not found - Join 3/1/2008
  • Photobucket activity
  • Hide myspace search
March 7

  • 32651695 - John Mayer - artist/musician
March 12

  • 207720756 - BiRTHDAY GiRL - artist/musician
  • 14830333 - Birthday Party Records - artist/musician
  • 58171614 - Now That’s What I Call Music! - Music
  • 130061148 - User not found - Join 11/17/2006
March 13

  • Photobucket activity
  • 18868132- Shaggy - artist/musician
March 17

  • Photobucket activity
  • 151289170 - St. Patricks chillness
  • 324869455 - St. Patrick’s Day Celtic Sojourn - artist/musician
  • 54689357 - st. Patrick´s - artist/musician
  • 352353447 - User not found - Join 3/9/2008
  • 354429888 - User not found - Join 3/13/2008
  • first chloroform searches
March 18

  • 191749597 - N.E.R.D: No One Ever Really Dies!
March 19

  • 191749597 - artist/musician
  • One Tree Hill Searches
More Google searches occurred on March 21, but no known Myspace visits.

What stands out to me - and this is purely conjecture - are the several visits to Myspace pages that were created but days before KC visited them, but no longer exist today. A suspicious person might think she was experimenting with the creation of alternate Myspace pages and then checking them out from her own page.

But only a suspicious person would believe that. :slap:

ETA: Join dates were determined by looking at the first valid Myspace ID sequentially before or after the one in question, and checking their sign-up dates.

Please send this to Yuri at once. He wont think it is condescending, he welcomes the help I trust. We are all working towards one goal. You have this buttoned down, TIGHT!!! Great work!
Hide Myspace search is just a code to kind of clean up the look of your myspace page

Hides the search bar on myspace

There are numerous codes for myspace users
Hide last log in
Hide friends list
Hide about me section

I also do not think Casey deleted all her photos on Myspace or facebook.
You can hide your photos from certain users or from all users.
Hide Myspace search is just a code to kind of clean up the look of your myspace page

Hides the search bar on myspace

There are numerous codes for myspace users
Hide last log in
Hide friends list
Hide about me section

I also do not think Casey deleted all her photos on Myspace or facebook.
You can hide your photos from certain users or from all users.

I avoid myspace, so I'm not too familiar with it. It was my impression from JWG's post that she googled the term "hide myspace," not "hide myspace search." To me that makes a difference because "hide myspace" typed into the google search bar is different than searching how to hide your myspace searches. Does that make sense? JWG, do you have any clarification you can offer on this? To recap, my questions are:
1) Did she search "hide myspace" or did she search "hide myspace search"
2) Was the above search done on google, as in typed in to the google search bar?
I avoid myspace, so I'm not too familiar with it. It was my impression from JWG's post that she googled the term "hide myspace," not "hide myspace search." To me that makes a difference because "hide myspace" typed into the google search bar is different than searching how to hide your myspace searches. Does that make sense? JWG, do you have any clarification you can offer on this? To recap, my questions are:
1) Did she search "hide myspace" or did she search "hide myspace search"
2) Was the above search done on google, as in typed in to the google search bar?

From JWG

March 6

5715142 - Kate Voegele - artist/musician
333525997 - alterbridge43 - "classic rock", Buffalo, NY - Join 2/12/2008
10108314 - Natasha Bedingfield - artist/musician
306535277 - User not found - Join 12/30/2007
319177755 - User not found - Join 1/19/2008
347867848 - User not found - Join 3/3/2008
215759866 - Radiohead - artist/musician
346313521 - User not found - Join 3/1/2008
Photobucket activity
Hide myspace search

It appears she was trying to get a code for hiding search bar on her page.

Also real quick
Just a example: you can google members joining MYSPACE on exact days you found.

Google Myspace Member Since {DATE HERE}
comes up a little like this..

[ame=""]myspace member Since 3/9/2008 - Google Search[/ame]

[ame=""] myspace member Since 3/9/2008 - Google Search[/ame]

Wow thats 102,000 searches of Members from just that day I picked! lol
I'm not going through that list!You can also try adding Caseyomarie in a search like that,if she had left a message or was on friends list it may be cached!
Also you can ad Florida at the end{just thinking most of her friends would be Florida} and google breaks it down further like this.

[ame=""] myspace member Since 3/13/2008 florida - Google Search[/ame]
From JWG

March 6

5715142 - Kate Voegele - artist/musician
333525997 - alterbridge43 - "classic rock", Buffalo, NY - Join 2/12/2008
10108314 - Natasha Bedingfield - artist/musician
306535277 - User not found - Join 12/30/2007
319177755 - User not found - Join 1/19/2008
347867848 - User not found - Join 3/3/2008
215759866 - Radiohead - artist/musician
346313521 - User not found - Join 3/1/2008
Photobucket activity
Hide myspace search

It appears she was trying to get a code for hiding search bar on her page.

Also real quick
Just a example: you can google members joining MYSPACE on exact days you found.

Google Myspace Member Since {DATE HERE}
comes up a little like this..

myspace member Since 3/9/2008 - Google Search myspace member Since 3/9/2008 - Google Search

Wow thats 102,000 searches of Members from just that day I picked! lol
I'm not going through that list!You can also try adding Caseyomarie in a search like that,if she had left a message or was on friends list it may be cached!
Also you can ad Florida at the end{just thinking most of her friends would be Florida} and google breaks it down further like this. myspace member Since 3/13/2008 florida - Google Search

Thank you for helping clarify. However, despite your efforts, I'm still confused:) I read JWG's lists as adding the word "search" or "searches" to the search terms to identify them to us as searches. For example, JWG listed "One Tree Hill Searches," which I took to mean a google search for "One Tree Hill." So on the same note, "hide myspace search" seemed to me to be a search with the search term "hide myspace" on it, not a search for "hide myspace search." JWG, where are you? Please clarify:)

ETA: Okay, here is what JWG stated about the list:

Note: The bolded number is the myspace friend ID. The activity is listed in chronological order. For example, on March 5:

  • KC spent some time on Photobucket
  • She then went to musician "Karmina" Myspace
  • Finally, she performed a Google search on "myspace content box generator"
March 5

  • Photobucket activity
  • 4896138 - Karmina - music
  • Myspace content box generator search
So the google search for "myspace content box generator" is listed on the list as "myspace content box generator search," with the word "search" italicized to indicate that the word "search" was the activity, not that she included the word "search" in the search term. Hence, my thinking that she searched "hide myspace," not "hide myspace search"

Okay, dang it, gotta go back to work:(
I deciphered the "Google Searches" spreadsheet released by LE this April, and have attempted to replicate it here using descriptions (I hope) everyone can follow. I'm not always successful :doh:, but hopefully someone can make heads-or-tails of what I found. I am posting this with minimal commentary, and will leave it to the sleuths on this site to speculate on what it all really means. :waitasec:

Oh, and I added links, so if you want to see what sites KC visited, just click away. Of course, I cannot guarantee the content of the sites haven't changed in the past 20 months. :whistle:

March 5
Start 2:41 PM

Start 3:46 PM

March 6
Start 9:08 AM

Start 2:50 PM

March 7
Start 11:27 AM

Start 5:22 PM

March 8 (Saturday)
Start 8:33 AM

March 11
Start 11:11 AM

  • Search "casey anthony" (results 1 - 10)
  • Search "casey anthony" (results 11 - 20)
  • Search "casey anthony" (results 21 - 30)
  • Search "casey anthony" (results 31 - 40)
  • Search "casey anthony" (results 41 - 50)
  • Search "casey anthony" (results 51 - 60)
  • Search "casey marie anthony" (results 1 - 10)
  • Search "casey marie anthony" (results 11 - 20)
  • Search "colonial high school" (results 1 - 10)
March 12 (One week before KC's birthday)
Start 12:50 PM

March 13
Start 9:42

Start 10:44

  • Search "lost numbers" (results 1 - 10)
Start 11:17

March 15 (Saturday)
Start 11:00 PM

  • Search "fleas" (results 1 - 10)
  • Search "getting rid of fleas" (results 1 - 10)
March 17 (St. Patrick's Day)
Start 9:35 AM

Start 1:43 PM

  • Google auto-correct search "chloroform" (results 1 - 10)
  • Search "chloraform" (results 1 - 10)
  • Search "alcohol" (results 1 - 10)
  • Search "acetone" (results 1 - 10)
  • Search "peroxide" (results 1 - 10)
March 18 (100th One Tree Hill Episode)
Start 12:30 PM

March 19 (KC birthday)
Start 8:42 AM

Start 10:30 AM

  • Search "one tree hill" (results 1 - 10)
  • Search "one tree hill" (results 1 - 10)
  • Search "one tree hill 100th episode" (results 1 - 10)
  • Visit
  • Search "one tree hill 100th episode" (results 11 - 20)
March 21
Start 2:16 PM

Happy sleuthing !! :dance:

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