Anthony's Deceptions and Seeking Full Immunity#3 Poll Added

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Would the GP's be totally candid and truthful if provided full immunity?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 7.2%
  • No

    Votes: 518 79.8%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 84 12.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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If they are granted immunity they will be getting a lot more than they deserve monetarily.

If they receive anything monetarily, I hope people protest and don't purchase it and write letters. To be profiting off of the loss of their granddaughter is terrible. With the talk shows and magazines, that is how they make their living, but that is their granddaughter...
I voted no. From what we've see over the months, lying and obscuring the truth seems to be a way of life for all members of the Anthony family. I have no doubt that this has been a method of coping with issues within the family for many many years.

Casey didn't just become a lying, manipulative, murderous, sociopath in the last year. I'm sure there's been many behavioral problems with Casey from a very early age. The immediate family, with Cindy leading the way, has sought to put on a public front of a happy, normal family. But in private, within the family, they were dealing with many serious issues.

If the video-taped jailhouse visits are any indication of how George and Cindy dealt with Casey over the years, it's clear that they allowed Casey to be in charge and manipulate them. It's doubtful that they ever disciplined Casey, making her take responsibility for her actions and suffering the consequences.

The only indication we have that Cindy ever took any decisive steps to doing something constructive, is the report that she was seeing a counselor who had recommended kicking Casey out of the house and Cindy seeking custody of Caylee. But this was in the months leading up to Caylee's disappearance and death, and was far too late.

So, I can't see George and Cindy doing a complete turnabout and now telling the truth. They need a professional counselor to deal with all the issues they've swept under the carpet for more than 20 years.
I seriously doubt immunity would stop Cindy from lying. She can't seem to stop herself. I don't think she knows the difference. The fact that their attorney is even seeking it tells me they are as guilty as guilty can be. Innocent people don't ask for immunity. They don't need it.
Their granddaughter is dead at the hands of their daughter, and they allowed the baby to rot away until there was no skin on her bones, and they want immunity for this??? Cindy has covered for Casey since the initial arrest and didn't lift one finger to help LE find Caylee. She jabbed George in the ribs on TV when he was telling about the last time he saw Caylee, a jab that told him to change his story. He said he was watching the news, after the jab, his story changed to watching his "favorite cooking show on the FOOD Network.

Cindy refused to give the searchers anything of Caylee's so the dogs could follow her scent. She washed the clothing that had been in Casey's car while little Caylee was in there decomposing, clothing belonging to Casey, which smelled of "a dead body". The family refused to take lie detector tests at Lee's insistence. Cindy claimed hundreds of people were sighting Caylee all over the country and telephoning her about it instead of calling Law Enforcement. She exposed many innocent children to interrogation and exposure on television. Why, oh why, should this deceptive family have immunity for THEIR CRIMES? Their crimes were letting a baby rot away while protecting her killer, leading LE astray, lying to OCSO and FBI, wasting precious resources with false sightings and inaccurate information, obstructing justice with lies and withholding information, including not telling the truth about the actions leading up to Caylee's murder, so many things I can't remember them all. Worst of all, they knew what Casey was capable of but didn't think it important to protect the child or help LE find her little body before it became bones.

Immunity for these lying people doesn't guarantee they will tell any part of the real truth. I say NO IMMUNITY and CHARGE them with obstruction of justice and anything else necessary to see justice for Caylee.

If they had fully cooperated in the beginning, they wouldn't need immunity now.:behindbar
BeanE said it all so well...better than I could have, I'm sure.

I voted NO because I feel this family cannot or will not tell the truth. Everything is either embellished or totally fabricated. Casey has been in and out of jail because of lies and she might possibly spend the rest of her life there because of lies. Do not the parents get that this whole case is full of lies from Casey? As parents, you would think they would want to stop the lies, tell the truth, get on the stand, shout the truth, no matter what the outcome? Caylee is dead and nothing will bring her back - Caylee's memory deserves the truth as a legacy.

How can Cindy and George walk the earth, remain gainfully employed, associate with friends and family yet need immunity to be honest people?
Lies are still lies no matter how old you are - I was raised to tell the truth and I tried to do the same by my children. Can you imagine a child in your family asking for immunity if they knew something about drugs in the home, money disappearing, underage drinking, etc.? Cindy and George could always take the 5th on the stand under questioning --that would speak louder than words.
From what we've see over the months, lying and obscuring the truth seems to be a way of life for all members of the Anthony family. I have no doubt that this has been a method of coping with issues within the family for many many years.

Casey didn't just become a lying, manipulative, murderous, sociopath in the last year. I'm sure there's been many behavioral problems with Casey from a very early age. The immediate family, with Cindy leading the way, has sought to put on a public front of a happy, normal family. But in private, within the family, they were dealing with many serious issues.

If the video-taped jailhouse visits are any indication of how George and Cindy dealt with Casey over the years, it's clear that they allowed Casey to be in charge and manipulate them. It's doubtful that they ever disciplined Casey, making her take responsibility for her actions and suffering the consequences.

The only indication we have that Cindy ever took any decisive steps to doing something constructive, is the report that she was seeing a counselor who had recommended kicking Casey out of the house and Cindy seeking custody of Caylee. But this was in the months leading up to Caylee's disappearance and death, and was far too late.

So, I can't see George and Cindy doing a complete turnabout and now telling the truth. They need a professional counselor to deal with all the issues they've swept under the carpet for more than 20 years.

(respectfully snipped; bold mine) ITA with all bolded above. Furthermore, postponing their granddaughter's funeral in order to stall or "buy time" before allowing themselves to be further questioned would be as distasteful to me as the suggestion of any profitting from their granddaughter's death--hopefully these are just rumors. JMO
They are incapable of telling the truth. Whether it be a blatant lie or by omission, they will never share the whole story in the interest of justice for Caylee if it means they have to help send Casey to prison.
Hi Pirate! I feel the same.They will not go completely against KC..I dont think they know how to tell the complete truth!I voted no.
So caylee's finally found, then news reports of possibility fingerprints could still be on duct tape. then the house is searched again, and they suddenly want full immunity. and lee gets a lawyer.

what if they were granted immunity for testimony, but it turned out they had a hand in moving the body? would that immunity protect them from ever being charged for that?

sorry if this has been asked before, there's so many pages of threads to read through!
I voted not sure simply because I don't feel the same way about George as I do Cindy. IMO, Cindy will lie till the cows come home and George is more likely to be honest. I think GA has wanted to be honest from "day 31" but Cindy has manipulated him out of it.
From WESH today: George and Cindy Anthony, grandparents of Caylee Anthony, have agreed to cooperate with prosecutors as long as they are guaranteed immunity, according to their attorney.

Sources said they are going to be asked to help convict their daughter, Casey Anthony, who sits in jail charged with first-degree murder.

So they are basically admitting they have not cooperated nor have they told the truth prior to asking for immunity - and now they will cooperate only if they get immunity

No, plain and simple - they have tried to derail this whole investigation - NOW everyone wants immunity for testimony

So in my opinion - you want immunity for the truth and to cooperate with authorities - then you are guilty
if the anthony's were going to finally tell the truth and make this about caylee instead of casey i don't believe they would be asking for immunity. they would just offer whatever info they have in order to get justice for caylee
I voted not sure simply because I don't feel the same way about George as I do Cindy. IMO, Cindy will lie till the cows come home and George is more likely to be honest. I think GA has wanted to be honest from "day 31" but Cindy has manipulated him out of it.

I voted no, but I do agree with you. I think GA's testimony in front of the Grand Jury would be very interesting. I do not believe he lied. I think it is revealing that he has not seen his daughter for how many weeks now? Over the holidays? It is my opinon that he has known since the beginning that KC killed his precious granddaughter and I do not think the immunity request is as much for him as for CA.

I cannot remember where I heard this, but didn't LP say that he did not even speak to kC when she was out on bond? Maybe I imagined that.
I voted NO.

A leopard doesn't change its spots. Especially a lying leopard, or two, or three.

Their credibilty is shot imo. Why would anyone believe them at any time, especially after a free pass? :eek:
I voted NO. These people have no conscience and should be charged with
obstruction of justice. How dare they blatantly lie to both Le and the FBI
as they did?
I picture them today sitting home thinking up new lies to cover up the old
lies that have been found out.
They do not deserve immunity. They deserve jail time for perpetrating a
fraud on the public and covering up the murder of their granddaughter!
I did not vote because GA & CA are lumped together.

The comments and public statements that George has made have not been the same as statements that he has given to LE. I do not know the reason for this but I suspect it is because of his dysfunctional relationship with Cindy. From the few interviews that we have had access to George’s private statements to LE appear to have been consistent. If there were evidence that shows that George has been truthful with LE even though he has lied to the public I would be more inclined to grant him immunity. If LE has evidence that he has not be forthright with them and has lied or misconstrued his statements to obstruct justice or aide and abet than he should suffer any consequences and be charged for what he is guilty of.

The comments and public statements that Cindy’s has made should be treated the same way as George’s are. If she was upfront and truthful with LE and the only thing she was guilty off was lying to the public than I would say yes to immunity. Unfortunately at this time when you review the official statements that Cindy has made to LE it is quite clear at least in my opinion that she has held back and misconstrued information from the get go. Her reasons for this may be she is attempting to protect Casey but in my opinion that falls into obstruction of justice or aiding and abetting a criminal and if LE has evidence that implicates her in this then she also should be charged for whatever she is guilty of.

If one is talking about actions, such as purposely giving LE the wrong hairbrush to mislead or make an investigation more difficult than in my opinion that person should be charge with OJ. Purposely washing clothing from the car and it was done to destroy evidence that may have led to a better determination of a crime and who was responsible should also be considered OJ and possible AA. Outright lies to LE should also be cause for charges. Not being able to give exact times and dates as long as being honest about the content of a conversation or the details of an event should not be considered OJ or AA. What has to happen is to find out what was done or said and when it was done or said and under what premise or circumstance is was done or said.

Blanket immunity, in my opinion should not be granted.

Public and media comments that are less than honest are not the same as less than honest statements to LE. Although greatly annoying, frustrating to listen to and downright confusing and for me personaly just plain wrong this has not be pre-establish as being a crime. [I think this should be but society has on many past occasions allowed this behavior to be considered normal and has not sought any type of penalty against it, i.e. politicians, famous personailtites, corporate heads and high profile attorneys.]
You cannot change the rules of the game during the game.
If there were laws that make it clear that it is a crime to lie to the media and the public during the course of an investigation and you are found to have done just that then any pre-determined charges should be leveled against you for not obeying the law.

I for one think that it is time to make such a law in every state on every level. The FBI can charge you with lying to them during an investigation and they have done so. Martha Stewart comes to mind. If this was law across the boards’ maybe crimes would get solved faster with a lot less victims that are created by the lies along the way. I also think that lying to the public and using the media to perpetrate those lies should also be a chargeable offense.
I am sneaking on here to add my 2 cents worth! I have company through Saturday.

I say no immunity for any of them! They have led everyone on a wild goose chase that Caylee is alive and was seen at the airport, she was seen at the mall. The Anthony's go to California because she was sighted there, and incidentally, Larry King just happens to ask them to be on the show.

They have NOT put Caylee first, and this is about justice for Caylee, not immunity for anyone who was complicit before or after the fact. Casey = Murderer (imo), All other Anthony's = complicit in a coverup and 100% FOR Casey.

Again, this is about justice for Caylee as far as I am concerned. Anyone who lied to or try to mislead LE or the FBI should be charged. Anyone who tried to purposely derail the investigation should be charged. I say no free passes for anyone! Of course this is just my own opinion and one of just one person.
I voted no. BeanE covered much of it really well. Add to that, I am deeply concerned about why exactky they are requesting immunity from prosecution to know tell the truth. Exactly what are the terms of the immunity they are asking, because any sort of blanket immunity is highly suspect.

They do not need to have an immunity deal to tell the truth. But having a deal in place allows them to continue to attempt to rig the system for KC's benefit. Can anyone not see GA falling on his sword and offering up a confession to murder in order to save his precious princess?

If the State Attorney offers them anything it should be an extremely narrow and limited deal. And ANY deviations from its terms results in full prosecution of all involved as accomplises after the fact.
So caylee's finally found, then news reports of possibility fingerprints could still be on duct tape. then the house is searched again, and they suddenly want full immunity. and lee gets a lawyer.

what if they were granted immunity for testimony, but it turned out they had a hand in moving the body? would that immunity protect them from ever being charged for that?

sorry if this has been asked before, there's so many pages of threads to read through!

Their attorney would have to specifically outline what they being granted immunity for, false statements, obstruction, evidence tampering, whatever it is they are worried about and then a deal would have to be arranged. It will never be a situation where they get "full immunity" and then spring some story on the state. The deal will of course all stipulate if they lie about anything or are uncooperative with prosecution immunity disappears.
That is a heart wrenching video. And I am sure CA is suffering and GA more so. However, that does not excuse CA's antics and her lying and her distortions. The statement that they made through their attorney that they still believe "the Nanny done it" and now the seeking of immunity means that they are in fact not commited to getting justice for Caylee, but for covering their own asses and worse yet, mitigating the natural consequences for KC of her actions. Does the caveat that "they already lost Caylee and they don't want to lose KC, too" make it right? The standards of the law apply (in theory if not always in practice) equally, and making CA and GA feel better about things is not really something that should be considered in the process.

If LE has evidence that they the As have lied or covered up in any way they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Period.

Well said, Print Gal. You said it so well, I don't need to add more.
Friday is totaly correct. As far as the sympathy video goes, I only saw one pic of CA bent over in church and appeared to be crying other than that, it has been asked hear on W/S if there are any pics of CA begging for Caylee's return with or without tears. I'm just trying to figure out how I can empathize with thCA &GA but my head just can't wrap around any of this . Therfore no empathy, no compassion because I haven't been through what they have been through. Ther must be truth to find before any of us can offer those words with there true meaning. I guess it would be ok to pity them.
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