Anthony's expected to release statement UPDATE PRESSER CANCELLED

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DNA Solves
Probably will tell us that they can't tell us all the information they have that will prove CL is alive and KC didn't hurt her until KC's 1st Degree murder trial because for some reason (that I cannot fathom) they want to wait until the trial to clear her name????? That's my guess.

Yes, cuz we all know, kidnappers are nice to little children, so Caylee will be safe till then. :furious::furious:

I never knew how much I could loath anyone till now.
Mom's Home. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

This thread has the potential to turn into the 2008 WEBSLEUTHS B!TCHFEST CHALLENGE CUP.

Please, it is so easy to be negative about these people. If you have something constructive to say about the upcoming statement then go for it.
If not, then please wait to discuss the actual statement.


Mom's Home. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

This thread has the potential to turn into the 2008 WEBSLEUTHS B!TCHFEST CHALLENGE CUP.

Please, it is so easy to be negative about these people. If you have something constructive to say about the upcoming statement then go for it.
If not, then please wait to discuss the actual statement.



ok, sorry Tricia!! I won't add anymore. I was really curious if anyone had heard what this new breaking news might be...:waitasec:
Mom's Home. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

This thread has the potential to turn into the 2008 WEBSLEUTHS B!TCHFEST CHALLENGE CUP.

Please, it is so easy to be negative about these people. If you have something constructive to say about the upcoming statement then go for it.
If not, then please wait to discuss the actual statement.



Yes m'am. :blushing:

You made me laugh with "Mom's home". That was great! I will behave, I promise. :)
Currently on NG website that Anthony's have proof that Caylee is alive
Tuesday Nov. 18, 2008

2:56 PM ET - Is Caylee Anthony still alive? According to her family...yes! Grandparents George and Cindy say they have credible tips and evidence Caylee is alive. The Anthonys and their new spokesperson are set to hold a new conference to announce the evidence they say proves Caylee is still out there.
Currently on NG website that Anthony's have proof that Caylee is alive
Tuesday Nov. 18, 2008

2:56 PM ET - Is Caylee Anthony still alive? According to her family...yes! Grandparents George and Cindy say they have credible tips and evidence Caylee is alive. The Anthonys and their new spokesperson are set to hold a new conference to announce the evidence they say proves Caylee is still out there.

I'm trying not to be mean, but I keep coming back to a simple question of WHY?

If you have ACTUAL evidence WHY wait, take time to set up a press conference, instead of just taking the evidence to LE?

WHY spend one more day than you already have without that precious child?
Currently on NG website that Anthony's have proof that Caylee is alive
Tuesday Nov. 18, 2008

2:56 PM ET - Is Caylee Anthony still alive? According to her family...yes! Grandparents George and Cindy say they have credible tips and evidence Caylee is alive. The Anthonys and their new spokesperson are set to hold a new conference to announce the evidence they say proves Caylee is still out there.

If they had even so much as "credible tips" -- much less actual "proof" or "evidence" -- LE would be on it like white on rice and the Anthonys wouldn't dare risk Caylee's safety by blabbing it before Caylee could be rescued. I imagine this will be more vague information of alleged sightings, without enough detail given for anyone to actually track it down and prove or disprove it.

I agree with the poster who said there must be some damning evidence to be released very shortly and this is an attempt at pre-release damage control. Either that, or the new spokesperson wants a turn at trying to pull the wool over the public's eye, thinking she can do a better job than previous handlers.
I'm trying not to be mean, but I keep coming back to a simple question of WHY?

If you have ACTUAL evidence WHY wait, take time to set up a press conference, instead of just taking the evidence to LE?

WHY spend one more day than you already have without that precious child?

I believe we will hear those exact words come out of NG mouth tonight
I'm trying not to be mean, but I keep coming back to a simple question of WHY?

If you have ACTUAL evidence WHY wait, take time to set up a press conference, instead of just taking the evidence to LE?

WHY spend one more day than you already have without that precious child?

Because they don't. "Evidence" to them are just theories they cook up in their own media-hungry, money-grubbing brains. IMO.
Probably just remind us: "They haven't even found the clothes she was wearing."
A "credible tip" is just a tip.

Evidence would be proof of life. Unfortunately, the Anthonys are in short supply there.
The parents of Casey Anthony, the 22-year-old Orlando mother accused of killing her three-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony, are expected to release a statement later this week that will explain why they have continued to search for the young girl.

DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT THIS COULD BE? I'm sure it's something ridiculous, but I'm a little curious as to what they have to say.
I believe that presser was supposed to be on Monday and they postponed it. I have a feeling it will not occur given the recent exposure of the Anthony's friends. Doesn't their spokesperson, Bart also work for KF??? I think the entire group has left the sltate and that we will not hear from them again soon.
I believe that presser was supposed to be on Monday and they postponed it. I have a feeling it will not occur given the recent exposure of the Anthony's friends. Doesn't their spokesperson, Bart also work for KF??? I think the entire group has left the sltate and that we will not hear from them again soon.

Isn't Bart someone who was recently hired BY Kid Finders? She was originally from Calif, iirc.

Or am I totally confoosed? lol
Isn't Bart someone who was recently hired BY Kid Finders? She was originally from Calif, iirc.

Or am I totally confoosed? lol
She wrote on her blog a couple of months ago explaining how she came to be involved.
I contacted the Anthony family three months ago to lend some support in however we could with media communication, public relations, research, technical support, however I could lend my company, our clients and our expertise to lending a helping hand for no other reason then to help bring this sweet little girl home. I never expected to still be looking for her, nor did I expect to believe she is still alive, but strange how life happens....

Caylee's grandfather [George] had Kid Finder's Network contact me, Kid Finder's Network the non-profit organization on the scene since day one when a local reporter contacted them to get involved, the same organization the flyers, t-shirts, and many other resources have been contributed by and the same organization not only working to find Caylee but many other children from Florida's Sunshine State: when you hear the stories, see the faces, listen to the families, and yes, hear the missing links of finding their loved ones, I would say the state of Florida should be so lucky to have organizations like Kid Finders among others out there helping to find the children of the state I was born and raised in. Things do happen for a reason, and being introduced to an organization that dedicates themselves to doing this kind of work, I can say without hesitation my summer has been given a new direction.
Poor thing has no clue about the direction she's now going.

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