Anthony's expected to release statement UPDATE PRESSER CANCELLED

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I did hear that another document dump is imminent and the Prosecution had wanted the gag order in place first, it was validated on Fox News, by Judge N?

It is interesting that the A's have backed up from a presser on Monday, to delayed while MN is on travel, to a statement. I assume that the statement is instead of the presser?

I would want to see dated 'proof of life', that the kidnapper is proving that Caylee is alive this week.

As I said previously, I do see this as the start of a weekly PR campaign to try to influence and seed the future jury pool.

Obviously if they were close and Caylee was coming home soon, no need for a presser just present Caylee for the world to see.

A presser that takes a lot of prep to craft the info correctly, seek followers / believers and, be VERY cautious on questions is for the Defense of KC.
Unless they can provide a "living Caylee", then I can't imagine how this will be any different than what we've already heard.
In my wildest dreams I hope for them to say

"We were wrong, according to the overwhelming evidence we believe Casey killed our beloved baby granddaughter. We are sorry for behavior these last months and hope you can forgive us. Please help us find her body so she can be buried properly."

Yeah, I said in my wildest dreams :rolleyes:
I keep coming back, to ok, she's alive, so where is that last place KC left her or saw her, and with whom, because she didn't leave her with a long-term babysitter named ZFG at ZFG's apartment at the Sawgrass, where she'd left her many times before. So where DID she leave her, with whom, or who took her from where EXACTLY? If Caylee was kidnapped, why should the public help find her when her own mother won't? How CAN we when we don't have a clue about what happened!!? Why the freaking guessing game where KC tells nobody nothin' and we all have to guess all the facts to find a living little girl? If Zanny isn't Zanny, who is Zanny? If Caylee wasn't left at the Sawgrass, where was she left? Who are these scary people threatening little children and families? Script? It's like a big game and Team Anthony is mad at the world because we don't want to play, but I don't wanna play. I just want the little girl's own mother to co-operate with the police and tell them the truth. Why is that too much to ask?
wonder how Baez feels about this so called evidence. wonder if it fits in with his defense spin.
A "credible tip" is just a tip.

Evidence would be proof of life. Unfortunately, the Anthonys are in short supply there.

I have to question also WHERE have they searched? No one has seen them "search" anywhere. Someone I don't think that Caylee will be found in some TV studio which seems to be the only places that Cindy has gone.
I am sick of CA. I wish the media would not even give her airtime. She has nothing of value to say in my opinion. That is unless she shows up with Caylee.

I just do not understand how they can do what they do and go on as if nothing is wrong in their lives. I wouldbe a basket case and no way would I be all over the news unless I was begging for help or the so called kidnappers to bring her home. I would appreciate everyone looking for my child dead or alive. I would want closure.
Currently on NG website that Anthony's have proof that Caylee is alive
Tuesday Nov. 18, 2008

2:56 PM ET - Is Caylee Anthony still alive? According to her family...yes! Grandparents George and Cindy say they have credible tips and evidence Caylee is alive. The Anthonys and their new spokesperson are set to hold a new conference to announce the evidence they say proves Caylee is still out there.

ok, stupid question, i know. But if the tips are "credible", why wouldn't they have passed them on to FBI/LE. It seems like having a presser would be counter-productive to their original claim that they (KC) felt Caylee would be in harms way if anything was divulged.
ok, stupid question, i know. But if the tips are "credible", why wouldn't they have passed them on to FBI/LE. It seems like having a presser would be counter-productive to their original claim that they (KC) felt Caylee would be in harms way if anything was divulged.

I think that question is on a lot of our minds.
It would lead me to believe that there is NOTHING credible. JMO, of course.
wow if I had credible evidence my granddaughter was alive and my daughter was in jail for murder charges I would be shouting it from the rooftops. they must be waiting for the doctored photos to get back from processing? can't think of any reason to wait, unless it was just to spread lies.
I have to question also WHERE have they searched? No one has seen them "search" anywhere. Someone I don't think that Caylee will be found in some TV studio which seems to be the only places that Cindy has gone.

I just posted this on the Nancy Grace thread...but it should be over here...What could actually be considered "hard evidence" that someone is alive other than actually producing an alive child? What other evidence is there?
I just posted this on the Nancy Grace thread...but it should be over here...What could actually be considered "hard evidence" that someone is alive other than actually producing an alive child? What other evidence is there?

maybe they meant "hard evidence to believe"
I really have a problem with this whole presser thing. If they have evidence that Caylee is alive why not run to OCSO with it? Why in the world would they let their daughter sit in jail on a murder charge if you have proof she is innocent???
I really have a problem with this whole presser thing. If they have evidence that Caylee is alive why not run to OCSO with it? Why in the world would they let their daughter sit in jail on a murder charge if you have proof she is innocent???

Bottom line is....they don't.

When the presser finally happens, all we will hear are more lies and more spin. Bet my life on it.
Can't wait to hear what the spin will be on this one!!

I'm trying not to be mean, but I keep coming back to a simple question of WHY?

If you have ACTUAL evidence WHY wait, take time to set up a press conference, instead of just taking the evidence to LE?

WHY spend one more day than you already have without that precious child?

I find it amazing, anyone would say the have concrete evidence Caylee is alive but instead of running to LE with the clues, they are holding a news conference? I dunno, maybe they have gone to LE & Caylee will appear before our very eyes at the news conference. :rolleyes: The only thing I know for sure is most of us will be watching it!:crazy:
Oh I just cant wait to hear what Cindy says this time- actually I am SICK of listening to her. I am so sick of that pizza theory they keep playing over and over- Shes grasping at straws now.

..........................."The parents of Casey Anthony, the 22-year-old Orlando mother accused of killing her three-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony, are expected to release a statement later this week that will explain why they have continued to search for the young girl.

The statement will likely be released by Michelle Bart, the new family spokesperson who took over for Larry Garrison who quit the position last week."

Interesting........MICHELLE BART is the new "family spokesperson" - Two days ago she was KFN's spokesperson............She is making all the rounds. LOL

Since KFN packed up and left in a blaze of heat........I guess she needed a new job.
Bottom line is....they don't.

When the presser finally happens, all we will hear are more lies and more spin. Bet my life on it.

I am betting it gets called off with all the info on KFN which came out today.

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