Anthony's expected to release statement UPDATE PRESSER CANCELLED

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If they had even so much as "credible tips" -- much less actual "proof" or "evidence" -- LE would be on it like white on rice and the Anthonys wouldn't dare risk Caylee's safety by blabbing it before Caylee could be rescued. I imagine this will be more vague information of alleged sightings, without enough detail given for anyone to actually track it down and prove or disprove it.

I agree with the poster who said there must be some damning evidence to be released very shortly and this is an attempt at pre-release damage control. Either that, or the new spokesperson wants a turn at trying to pull the wool over the public's eye, thinking she can do a better job than previous handlers.

Baez usually get his document dump a day or two ahead of the public, doesn't he? Just sayin'.:rolleyes:
I actually am interested in a presser from them. I hate these interviews where they have about 90 seconds, the "talent" asks one or two softball questions, and Cindy uses up all of the time rambling off on some tangent.

I would like to see what is said when they have time to say what they want without being interrupted by a commercial break and aren't being snipped into news teasers. I want to know exactly what the working theory is for now - do they still believe that Casey knows who has Caylee, or has that belief changed? If they think she knows, why do they think she won't tell anyone? If it has changed, what changed their minds? What convinces them that Caylee is alive? Even if they know in their hearts that Casey did not harm her daughter, how do they know that a kidnapper would not have harmed Caylee since there has been no ransom demand or other indication of why this person took her?

Personally I am dying to hear what they have to say and hope they spend a lot of time making a long statement and taking questions. I hope it doesn't get hostile, because when they are relaxed and open is when the most information comes out.
I would love nothing more than for this child to be alive- BUT! Can't help feeling this is just another stall tactic! Anything to try and cast a shadow of doubt. Court dates are nearing fast! Some people have a way of saying the same thing over and over, they just reword it each time. We'll see!

They will report- " OUR PI has located Kaylee and is bringing her home for Thanksgiving"
Next Report- "Oops! They were abducted by aliens"

I agree 100 % with M. Klass- why wait!

Would anyone wait 4-5 months allowing a little child to be in the hands of God knows who? Going through God knows what? I'm not buying it!
In the news:

"The Anthonys said they have proof that Caylee is alive, and they plan on holding a news conference later this week to discuss the details.

"Meanwhile, investigators are still trying to get more information out of George and Cindy with little success," D'Onofrio said. "They believe they have a lot of information they're keeping from them. Detectives still want to talk to Cindy about the smelly clothes in Casey's car she washed. They also believe George and Lee know more than they're willing to share."' (SNIP)
In the news:

"The Anthonys said they have proof that Caylee is alive, and they plan on holding a news conference later this week to discuss the details.

"Meanwhile, investigators are still trying to get more information out of George and Cindy with little success," D'Onofrio said. "They believe they have a lot of information they're keeping from them. Detectives still want to talk to Cindy about the smelly clothes in Casey's car she washed. They also believe George and Lee know more than they're willing to share."' (SNIP)

I'm waiting.........

woooooohooooo - wouldn't it be nice if obstruction charges were coming down the pike.......
Dunno why obstruction charges were not sought right off the bat.
Maybe they will do something after the trial. Who knows.
I have noticed that when there is a "sighting"
CA spins it as Caylee has been seen here or there

Meanwhile what it really is someone thinks they see a little girl that looks like Caylee

To me whether credible or not whether verified or not , to her its Caylee
In the news:

"The Anthonys said they have proof that Caylee is alive, and they plan on holding a news conference later this week to discuss the details.

"Meanwhile, investigators are still trying to get more information out of George and Cindy with little success," D'Onofrio said. "They believe they have a lot of information they're keeping from them. Detectives still want to talk to Cindy about the smelly clothes in Casey's car she washed. They also believe George and Lee know more than they're willing to share."' (SNIP)

in one of the articles last weekend it mentioned that they really needed more presser is about the $$$$$$$$$ (more, more & more)

also stated that they would be waiting for MN to return from out of town to "field questions"--to the Q&A time...after reading this I'm thinking.....

jmo always
I just think if it's anything less than producing an alive Caylee at the's just a lot of babble. Besides, won't she be in "danger" by her "abductors" if they talk about it???? Hmmmm?
"We have proof Caylee is alive...There is a woman in Oregon who said she was pumping gas and she saw a little girl that looked just like Caylee. She even said her mom was a sociopath. So, it must be her! Please get off your butts and go to Oregon! I have an appt. at the salon to do something about this hair. But then I'm going. Come on, George."
"We have proof Caylee is alive...There is a woman in Oregon who said she was pumping gas and she saw a little girl that looked just like Caylee. She even said her mom was a sociopath. So, it must be her! Please get off your butts and go to Oregon! I have an appt. at the salon to do something about this hair. But then I'm going. Come on, George."

LOL! .." And then last summer at band camp...a little girl who looked just like her was seen....."

Were do they get the guts to stand there and bold face lie.
I'm appalled.
I will hand this to them they do have b@lls!
"We have proof Caylee is alive...There is a woman in Oregon who said she was pumping gas and she saw a little girl that looked just like Caylee. She even said her mom was a sociopath. So, it must be her! Please get off your butts and go to Oregon! I have an appt. at the salon to do something about this hair. But then I'm going. Come on, George."

LMAO!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :)
If they know where she is....... then for Pity Sake .... GO GET HER ALREADY!!
Take the whole FBI department and GO GET HER! I'm sure they will help!

Why do we have to wait for a stupid press conference?

If you ask me, it is all about a smoke screen, a reasonable doubt, donations, and media limelight.

I bet they will say.... "Caylee is with her bio dad's family". Just watch. And my answer to that is.... "If she is with "family", then no one will hurt her if you go get her."

just my opinions as always.
in one of the articles last weekend it mentioned that they really needed more presser is about the $$$$$$$$$ (more, more & more)

also stated that they would be waiting for MN to return from out of town to "field questions"--to the Q&A time...after reading this I'm thinking.....

jmo always

I didn't like that guy (MN) from KFN when I saw how he acted on Murt's video at JBP. I would rather give my money to TM.
They have any proof except from people who "think" they see Caylee. This happens all the time in high profile cases. And the news conference is just being done to deter attenteon from finding Caylees remians and so people dont think Casey is guilty.
If they know where she is....... then for Pity Sake .... GO GET HER ALREADY!!
Take the whole FBI department and GO GET HER! I'm sure they will help!

Why do we have to wait for a stupid press conference?

If you ask me, it is all about a smoke screen, a reasonable doubt, donations, and media limelight.

I bet they will say.... "Caylee is with her bio dad's family". Just watch. And my answer to that is.... "If she is with "family", then no one will hurt her if you go get her."
just my opinions as always.

Now that's a good one! That's one scenario we havent' heard from them yet. If that were the case, I hope LE would then haul them all down to the jail and say "put up or shut up" ENOUGH
snip from above link:

According to reports the statement from Cindy and George Anthony will detail why they have continued searching for Caylee Anthony despite the overwhelming evidence that has suggested the young girl is dead.

Whoa, Cindy, what happened to...."there is no evidence?"

I'm sure those are the words of the reporter; it's a subjective opinion about the evidence. Because there are lots of people who think the words "could be" and "possibly" really aren't all that definitive. And that's as strong as the evidence gets right now.

I'm trying not to be mean, but I keep coming back to a simple question of WHY?

If you have ACTUAL evidence WHY wait, take time to set up a press conference, instead of just taking the evidence to LE?

WHY spend one more day than you already have without that precious child?

Who says they haven't told LE? One can inform LE AND hold a press conference, can't one?

Probably just remind us: "They haven't even found the clothes she was wearing."

In all fairness, that's hearsay, with nothing concrete to prove it ever happened.

I have to question also WHERE have they searched? No one has seen them "search" anywhere. Someone I don't think that Caylee will be found in some TV studio which seems to be the only places that Cindy has gone.

The Anthony family has employed a private eye who has personally run down every lead they've received. They ARE conducting searches, they just aren't looking for a body.
I'm sure those are the words of the reporter; it's a subjective opinion about the evidence. Because there are lots of people who think the words "could be" and "possibly" really aren't all that definitive. And that's as strong as the evidence gets right now.

Who says they haven't told LE? One can inform LE AND hold a press conference, can't one?

In all fairness, that's hearsay, with nothing concrete to prove it ever happened.

The Anthony family has employed a private eye who has personally run down every lead they've received. They ARE conducting searches, they just aren't looking for a body.

I don't believe a WORD of it.............If they had not KNOWN she was already dead they would have been at Sawgrass apartments when KC told them she left Caylee there.

They are so transparent and they better tell where that baby is or they are both going to die from their stress of lying and covering up.

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