Anthony's expected to release statement UPDATE PRESSER CANCELLED

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
One more thing I have to add is CA said in her interview with LE that "Zanny" might be Jesse or Amy. Come on?? Zanny was supposedly Caylee's babysitter for almost two years according to Casey and CA and GA never ever even met their Grandchild's babysitter. I'm sorry, but that's obsurd to me. If I had a Grandchild I would really be interested in who was watching my Grandchild. I think it's odd that CA and GA never really questioned or investigated who Caylee was really with. Maybe I'm going to be the Granny from H*ll, but I'm sorry you can't be too careful in this day and age. I'd rather be a pest to my Son and his wife and know who's watching my Grandchild than to keep quiet and possibly have some perp watching the child. That also just proves to me there is NO Zanny! You know that CA would have said that Caylee spoke of Zanny all the time and she says no such thing.
I know. Some guy (he didn't want to give his name) in one of the states of the US (he didn't really want to say which one) saw someone who he was sure was Caylee. She was with some woman who looked like her name could be ZFG and Caylee didn't seem to have on the same clothes she was wearing when last seen, whatever those were. She was wearing something else, a dress or a pair of pants and a t-shirt, or maybe it could have been a sweatsuit. He saw her somewhere in the state he's in but can't say exactly where. He does think it might have been close to a Starbucks. They drove away in a car but he is blind without glasses and wasn't wearing them so he couldn't get the license plate number. He would have called the police but he doesn't have a cell phone. When he got home and called the authorities a few days later, LE blew him off. They gave him some lame excuse about not having enough information to go on, so he called the Anthonys which provides this new compelling evidence that Caylee is alive and that the police aren't searching for an alive Caylee!

So he didn't have his glasses on to see the license plate number, yet he "recognized" Caylee. He didn't give his name. Come on - sounds like a phony story from the get-go. If he really thought it was Caylee, he might be a hero.
One more thing I have to add is CA said in her interview with LE that "Zanny" might be Jesse or Amy. Come on?? Zanny was supposedly Caylee's babysitter for almost two years according to Casey and CA and GA never ever even met their Grandchild's babysitter. I'm sorry, but that's obsurd to me. If I had a Grandchild I would really be interested in who was watching my Grandchild. I think it's odd that CA and GA never really questioned or investigated who Caylee was really with. Maybe I'm going to be the Granny from H*ll, but I'm sorry you can't be too careful in this day and age. I'd rather be a pest to my Son and his wife and know who's watching my Grandchild than to keep quiet and possibly have some perp watching the child. That also just proves to me there is NO Zanny! You know that CA would have said that Caylee spoke of Zanny all the time and she says no such thing.

I agree. I think Casey's babysitter for the two years was Cindy, not some invisible Zanny that there is no connection to - through the person who allegedly dated Zanny (never heard of her) and who son (he has no children) Zanny babysat.
Here's something interesting.... Dom Casey's PI business is called D & A Investigations but look at what's coming up at Corpwiki

D & A Construction Consulting, Inc

Incorporated by Dominic A. Casey, D & A Construction Consulting, Inc is located at 2735 W State Road 434 Longwood, FL 32779. D & A Construction Consulting, Inc was incorporated on Monday, April 02, 2007 in the State of FL and is currently active. Dominic Casey represents D & A Construction Consulting, Inc as their registered agent.

D & A Construction Consulting, Inc

Mailing Address:

2735 W State Road 434
Longwood, FL 32779
Seminole County
2 Companies at this address


Every time we turn around there's another link to construction with this crazy case.[/QUOTE]

Just curious, what does the A stand for in D & A?
One more thing I have to add is CA said in her interview with LE that "Zanny" might be Jesse or Amy. Come on?? Zanny was supposedly Caylee's babysitter for almost two years according to Casey and CA and GA never ever even met their Grandchild's babysitter. I'm sorry, but that's obsurd to me. If I had a Grandchild I would really be interested in who was watching my Grandchild. I think it's odd that CA and GA never really questioned or investigated who Caylee was really with. Maybe I'm going to be the Granny from H*ll, but I'm sorry you can't be too careful in this day and age. I'd rather be a pest to my Son and his wife and know who's watching my Grandchild than to keep quiet and possibly have some perp watching the child. That also just proves to me there is NO Zanny! You know that CA would have said that Caylee spoke of Zanny all the time and she says no such thing.

So Cindy repeatedly says she KNEW Zenaida was real (she even has a picture somewhere!) BUT since this story doesn't check out AT ALL, she now has to say well obviously someone else is the Zanny in the kidnapping story.....

And yet.... Cindy also wants us to believe her when she says Casey is telling the truth even though her own mother is forced to lie to cover HER LIES.
D & A Construction Consulting, Inc

Mailing Address:

2735 W State Road 434
Longwood, FL 32779
Seminole County
2 Companies at this address


Every time we turn around there's another link to construction with this crazy case.[/QUOTE]

Just curious, what does the A stand for in D & A?
You already know my take on the evidence. I don't like George and Cindy; don't even know 'em. But I do have empathy for them. And when I put myself in their shoes, I think I probably WOULD continue to hold out hope until faced with irrefutable evidence that my grandchild was dead.

As for why they don't search themselves, I can't say for certain. But the Anthony's are very polarizing, don't you agree? When they show up, they have supporters and they have people who just hate them and blame them for Caylee's death and everything connected to it.

I think they probably send an emissary because he will not be so divisive, more people may open up to him than would to them, and that would make him much more effective.

If it's any consolation I do agree with you.

I know many people are empathizing with this case and actually feel grief and sympathy for Caylee and have read many that say they hurt as if it was their own little girl or as if they knew her.

I have shed tears watching NG and seeing some of the beautiful tributes for this precious little girl. I myself get frustrated when people say the little three year old girl, because I don't believe Caylee ever turned three. I internally correct the reporters and say 2 year old every time I hear something on this case.

I have felt a bit of anger at the Anthony's for some of the things they have said and realized that is wrong of me. I went back and watched tapes on Cindy & George and listened to them with my HEART and with empathy.

These people are not well at all. However, Cindy & George did not kill Caylee.

Try wrapping your minds over the fact the child you brought into this world, the little girl that was once a newborn, a toddler, a young child, a teen, that had a child when she was still young, taking her own child's life? Take into account you talked your child into keeping that child, even though she did not want too. Now take into account that you noticed something has changed in your child and that your child is a bit off, and you didn't get her the help she really needed. Then that beautiful baby of yours, end's up killing her own child.

So what would you do? Some of the posts I have read and some of the people I have heard calling into certain talk shows makes me wonder. It's as though some people would like to see this entire family wiped off this earth completely. That is Mob Mentality.

This isn't the case of a man killing his wife, and the man's family standing behind their son and drinking the "koolaid" these are Grandparents who have lost their Granddaughter and they lost their daughter too. I think they deserve some slack to believe what they need to believe to survive at this point. I also believe it is best they have other's handle the search, and they need an attorney, and I think a psychotherapist to help them deal. If it is found they indeed were part of a cover up, then they deserve their due process, but until there is proof these people were involved in any way, some sort of empathy towards these people would be nice.

I don't know why Cindy & George are doing, saying, acting the way they are, but then again, I do know they loved their granddaughter very very much, nobody can deny that after hearing the 911 tape of Cindy and nobody can deny that listening to any of the things George has said. If anyone thinks these two grandparents did not absolutely love their granddaughter then they are delusional.

I also don't know why people that have never met Caylee or the Anthony's are saying and acting the way they are, including myself, everyone has strong opinions about this case.

I pray Caylee is found and I also I hope Cindy & George can get the emotional help that they need in dealing with Casey & the loss of their granddaughter.

I don't know if they will ever be able to move on with their lives even if they had proof. They are victims that have become villains in so many people's eyes and I feel sad for them.
If it's any consolation I do agree with you.

I know many people are empathizing with this case and actually feel grief and sympathy for Caylee and have read many that say they hurt as if it was their own little girl or as if they knew her.

I have shed tears watching NG and seeing some of the beautiful tributes for this precious little girl. I myself get frustrated when people say the little three year old girl, because I don't believe Caylee ever turned three. I internally correct the reporters and say 2 year old every time I hear something on this case.

I have felt a bit of anger at the Anthony's for some of the things they have said and realized that is wrong of me. I went back and watched tapes on Cindy & George and listened to them with my HEART and with empathy.

These people are not well at all. However, Cindy & George did not kill Caylee.

Try wrapping your minds over the fact the child you brought into this world, the little girl that was once a newborn, a toddler, a young child, a teen, that had a child when she was still young, taking her own child's life? Take into account you talked your child into keeping that child, even though she did not want too. Now take into account that you noticed something has changed in your child and that your child is a bit off, and you didn't get her the help she really needed. Then that beautiful baby of yours, end's up killing her own child.

So what would you do? Some of the posts I have read and some of the people I have heard calling into certain talk shows makes me wonder. It's as though some people would like to see this entire family wiped off this earth completely. That is Mob Mentality.

This isn't the case of a man killing his wife, and the man's family standing behind their son and drinking the "koolaid" these are Grandparents who have lost their Granddaughter and they lost their daughter too. I think they deserve some slack to believe what they need to believe to survive at this point. I also believe it is best they have other's handle the search, and they need an attorney, and I think a psychotherapist to help them deal. If it is found they indeed were part of a cover up, then they deserve their due process, but until there is proof these people were involved in any way, some sort of empathy towards these people would be nice.

I don't know why Cindy & George are doing, saying, acting the way they are, but then again, I do know they loved their granddaughter very very much, nobody can deny that after hearing the 911 tape of Cindy and nobody can deny that listening to any of the things George has said. If anyone thinks these two grandparents did not absolutely love their granddaughter then they are delusional.

I also don't know why people that have never met Caylee or the Anthony's are saying and acting the way they are, including myself, everyone has strong opinions about this case.

I pray Caylee is found and I also I hope Cindy & George can get the emotional help that they need in dealing with Casey & the loss of their granddaughter.

I don't know if they will ever be able to move on with their lives even if they had proof. They are victims that have become villains in so many people's eyes and I feel sad for them.


Very eloquently stated. I, myself, am guilty of spewing anger towards the entire family. I guess I just cannot imagine denial running that deep. Therefore, the next conclusion is "cover up". I guess if you stop and truly put yourself in the grandparents' shoes (and when I do that and think of my own children in KC's place) I find it very hard to believe that one of them could hurt their own child. Therefore, I guess, until I had proof positive, I would hold on to every last bit of hope in my being. I find it so hard to believe, though, that with all of circumstantial evidence, they don't believe KC did SOMETHING. As a parent, I was never one of those that would say "oh, no...not MY child. My child would NEVER do that". But those instances were for small stuff that kids do - not MURDER. So, if I were put in that place, what would I say? I truly don't know.

As an add on: I think the reason I seem to jump to the "cover up" theory is the character of CA that has been portrayed. The stealing of the money out of Casey's wallet, all of her "mis-truths" where her story keeps changing, the fact that I have never seen one plea on television for the safe return of Caylee. Not normal behavior in my opinion.
One more thing I have to add is CA said in her interview with LE that "Zanny" might be Jesse or Amy. Come on?? Zanny was supposedly Caylee's babysitter for almost two years according to Casey and CA and GA never ever even met their Grandchild's babysitter. I'm sorry, but that's obsurd to me. If I had a Grandchild I would really be interested in who was watching my Grandchild. I think it's odd that CA and GA never really questioned or investigated who Caylee was really with. Maybe I'm going to be the Granny from H*ll, but I'm sorry you can't be too careful in this day and age. I'd rather be a pest to my Son and his wife and know who's watching my Grandchild than to keep quiet and possibly have some perp watching the child. That also just proves to me there is NO Zanny! You know that CA would have said that Caylee spoke of Zanny all the time and she says no such thing.

This is one of my biggest beefs about the case - with Cindy being so involved with Caylee and her upbringing - I have a very hard time even reasoning that Cindy did not meet the babysitter, never saw the babysitter, never once wondered who this person was - I'm sorry it does not wash with me at all - Something is very hinky with this whole Zanny thing

For Caylee not to talk about Zanny well I'm not sure about that - my daughters didn't talk about their daycare provider much as I can remember, it's been a very long time since - tho when I picked up my daughters they always had some project to bring home - and I find that strange - Caylee didn't draw anything? Color anything? I find that wierd
Sounds to me like another document dump is on the way!

: )

That is exactly what I tought. Either a doc dump or LE is going to make some kind of statement.
Here's something interesting.... Dom Casey's PI business is called D & A Investigations but look at what's coming up at Corpwiki

D & A Construction Consulting, Inc

Incorporated by Dominic A. Casey, D & A Construction Consulting, Inc is located at 2735 W State Road 434 Longwood, FL 32779. D & A Construction Consulting, Inc was incorporated on Monday, April 02, 2007 in the State of FL and is currently active. Dominic Casey represents D & A Construction Consulting, Inc as their registered agent.

D & A Construction Consulting, Inc

Mailing Address:

2735 W State Road 434
Longwood, FL 32779
Seminole County
2 Companies at this address


Every time we turn around there's another link to construction with this crazy case.

Just curious, what does the A stand for in D & A?[/QUOTE]

The A stands for Anthony
So he didn't have his glasses on to see the license plate number, yet he "recognized" Caylee. He didn't give his name. Come on - sounds like a phony story from the get-go. If he really thought it was Caylee, he might be a hero.

Gaia, I think that was a joke.

If it's any consolation I do agree with you.

I know many people are empathizing with this case and actually feel grief and sympathy for Caylee and have read many that say they hurt as if it was their own little girl or as if they knew her.

snipped just to save space. Thank you. It is heartening to know that empathy is not completely dead.


Very eloquently stated. I, myself, am guilty of spewing anger towards the entire family.

Term WAS eloquent, wasn't she?
If it's any consolation I do agree with you.

I know many people are empathizing with this case and actually feel grief and sympathy for Caylee and have read many that say they hurt as if it was their own little girl or as if they knew her.

I have shed tears watching NG and seeing some of the beautiful tributes for this precious little girl. I myself get frustrated when people say the little three year old girl, because I don't believe Caylee ever turned three. I internally correct the reporters and say 2 year old every time I hear something on this case.

I have felt a bit of anger at the Anthony's for some of the things they have said and realized that is wrong of me. I went back and watched tapes on Cindy & George and listened to them with my HEART and with empathy.

These people are not well at all. However, Cindy & George did not kill Caylee.

Try wrapping your minds over the fact the child you brought into this world, the little girl that was once a newborn, a toddler, a young child, a teen, that had a child when she was still young, taking her own child's life? Take into account you talked your child into keeping that child, even though she did not want too. Now take into account that you noticed something has changed in your child and that your child is a bit off, and you didn't get her the help she really needed. Then that beautiful baby of yours, end's up killing her own child.

So what would you do? Some of the posts I have read and some of the people I have heard calling into certain talk shows makes me wonder. It's as though some people would like to see this entire family wiped off this earth completely. That is Mob Mentality.
This isn't the case of a man killing his wife, and the man's family standing behind their son and drinking the "koolaid" these are Grandparents who have lost their Granddaughter and they lost their daughter too. I think they deserve some slack to believe what they need to believe to survive at this point. I also believe it is best they have other's handle the search, and they need an attorney, and I think a psychotherapist to help them deal. If it is found they indeed were part of a cover up, then they deserve their due process, but until there is proof these people were involved in any way, some sort of empathy towards these people would be nice.
I don't know why Cindy & George are doing, saying, acting the way they are, but then again, I do know they loved their granddaughter very very much, nobody can deny that after hearing the 911 tape of Cindy and nobody can deny that listening to any of the things George has said. If anyone thinks these two grandparents did not absolutely love their granddaughter then they are delusional.

I also don't know why people that have never met Caylee or the Anthony's are saying and acting the way they are, including myself, everyone has strong opinions about this case.

I pray Caylee is found and I also I hope Cindy & George can get the emotional help that they need in dealing with Casey & the loss of their granddaughter.

I don't know if they will ever be able to move on with their lives even if they had proof. They are victims that have become villains in so many people's eyes and I feel sad for them.

Underlining mine...

I do not feel that it is wrong to feel anger toward them. Even Jesus Christ himself felt what is called righteous anger and he was far superior to me...I feel that it is perfectly justified. I do feel compassion for them as well, but I do feel anger that they have not once, not one single time, made a plea for the supposed kidnappers to return their beloved Caylee. If they truly believed in their own spin, then I would be behind them all the way. If they were pleading for her every time they were in front of a camera and shedding tears for missing her, then I would go with them to the ends of the earth and back again, BUT that is not the case. Not once during this entire fiasco, as that IS what it has evolved into, have they ever said PLEASE, WHOEVER HAS OUR CAYLEE, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF MERCY, BRING HER BACK...They do not believe what they SAY...They are saying things that are not TRUTH inside of their own hearts. I know this because if it were truth we would have heard them BEG for the kidnappers to return their granddaughter. We have not heard that once-not one single solitary time.

I do know that they are not well and I do know that they did not personally kill poor Caylee. But what they have done defies all logic and reason, even considering the circumstances. I guarantee you if they had approached this from the angle of the TRUTH instead of the SPIN then they would have the support of MILLIONS of people worldwide. They chose this for themselves the moment that they began to cover up and lie for and about Casey. Mother of the Year? She never even bought her baby a pack of DIAPERS while she was on this earth. That does not say Mother of the Year to me and the falseness of it leaves a bitter taste in my soul...

They INVITED the Mob Mentality when they chose to bring out hammers and baseball bats and cause every sort of commotion that they COULD to take the emphasis OFF of the fact that their daughter killed their grandchild. They spent countless hours putting up police type tape and no trespassing signs and destroying the private property of PEACEFUL PROTESTERS. They played the blame game and have blamed everyone but the one responsible. They have blamed LE, the press, the public, the friends, the boyfriends, everyone and anyone they could point a finger at except the one that was sleeping under their roof. They could have gone out and faced the cameras in their sorrow rather than in their ANGER and DENIAL of any wrongdoing by their daughter. Of course their was wrongdoing: She did not report her own child missing for 31 days. It begins and ends right there. They never even could come to terms with the fact that was wrong, so beyond that what are we to expect them to see as wrong? They said and did all the wrong things and sent out an invitation to the MOB in so doing.

Each time some "slack" is given they choose to take it up with lies and falseness. If one time they had admitted anything was wrong in the entire situation then it would have been a different outcome for them. But even now, 5 months later, they still have not admitted that their daughter was doing wrong when she did not report HER daughter missing. She was doing wrong when she was out partying her butt off and her daughter was missing and UNREPORTED to anyone. They have not admitted it was wrong for her to do any of the things that she has done and actually have completely denied that she HAS done anything wrong, and when faced with a mountain of falseness and lies and deceptions and innuendo such as they have built from the beginning, it becomes pretty difficult to give them much more "slack". If you give them slack they hang themselves with it and compound an already horrible situation.

They are victims that have become villains because that is what they CHOOSE each and every day that they LIVE THIS LIE. They are victims who have become villains every time they say Casey did no wrong, and the press are maggots, and if Caylee is dead it will be everyone elses fault except the one that the blame belongs firmly upon, and that is their daughter, Casey. Feeling empathy and seeing what is right before ones eyes are two entirely different matters. I CAN and DO feel empathy for their loss...But I have no sympathy for what they are doing, because in the path that they have chosen, Caylee is NOWHERE to be FOUND. Caylee has ceased to be the CENTER of this to them, and the only one who matters now is CASEY, which is sad, considering she is the villain who is responsible for every single bit of this entire mess.

If George and Cindy want empathy and compassion then they need to stand in TRUTH and in DIGNITY and not spin LIES and FALSEHHOOD...
They were probably on their way to McDonald's so check out everyone in the US. I'm sure she's at one of them!:crazy:

I am confused. :confused: I had thought we had unaminously agreed that Caylee can be found down the grassy lane by the tree where the German Shepherd dog pees - right?
If George and Cindy want empathy and compassion then they need to stand in TRUTH and in DIGNITY and not spin LIES and FALSEHHOOD...

Respectfully snipped.

Wow! Well said. This is a very hard and tough topic but I do agree. I feel much empathy and pain for KC's parents and they would have all the support in the world -- but they took a different path and they completely understand the cost and benefit of the path they have chosen..........

Human nature wants to forgive, sympathize, forget the past, move on but every time the storm calms such that folks can open their hearts . . . a new hurricane storm is created.

If the focus was actually on Caylee I'd be more open . . . but it is all about KC.
The parents of Casey Anthony, the 22-year-old Orlando mother accused of killing her three-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony, are expected to release a statement later this week that will explain why they have continued to search for the young girl.

DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT THIS COULD BE? I'm sure it's something ridiculous, but I'm a little curious as to what they have to say.

MaryAnn, I just posted the reason they believe Caylee is still alive on the Nancy Grace thread.
In her home tour, Cindy gave today, she said people are beginning to send Christmas gifts for Caylee. In Cindyland, that's proof enough - you don't send gifts to people who are no longer alive.
Magic Cat I do agree with many things you said. I agree that there is justified anger but I seriously think people would stone this family if they could get away with it. I was sickened by the mobs outside the home screaming and purposely trying to push Cindy & George's buttons. That's NOT justified anger, that's mob mentality.

As I stated earlier in my post I have no clue why Cindy & George are acting the way they are acting or saying the things they have. I myself have been just as dumbfounded as you and other's when she mentioned the "Mother of the Year Award." I agree Casey is guilty, I agree the family is dysfunction and screwed up. It seems sometimes there is more focus on Cindy & George than on Caylee at times online and on TV.

The Anthony's really have lost more than a granddaughter and daughter. It's obvious they know the truth, compassion comes with realizing they have lost it and cannot deal with it.

I believe Casey is Guilty, I believe Cindy, George & Lee KNOW she's guilty, I believe they know Caylee is dead. I believe they are out of their minds, I believe they loved their granddaughter very much and I believe it should be okay that other people feel some compassion for them as human beings and don't feel the need to bash them non-stop.

What really has had me bothered lately is the fact that if anyone, says anything even remotely compassionate towards the Anthony's people pounce. I have seen it over and over again.

I believe people should be equally allowed to state something in the ways of compassion towards the family without being jumped on and being called "Cindy" like I saw in this particular thread.

That is what made me speak up today.
Underlining mine...

Respectfully snipped... I do feel compassion for them as well, but I do feel anger that they have not once, not one single time, made a plea for the supposed kidnappers to return their beloved Caylee. Respectfully snipped...


I think you hit the nail on the head and are right that George and Cindy know the truth. IMO, George and Cindy have known there is no hope for Caylee ever since they heard Casey's far-fetched stories.

But keep in mind, George and Cindy clearly would have thrown Casey to the wolves to get Caylee back. Cindy was the one to call LE. George pulled LE aside and said they were afraid Casey had harmed Caylee. They were more than willing to rat Casey out then.

Only, Caylee is gone.

Casey is like a mad-dog that once was a cute puppy.

Even if the dog bites somebody, you still feel bad for the dog when it has to be put down.

I think George and Cindy running on parental instinct now. IMO, she is their wounded offspring that is being threatened.

I also feel bad for Casey's parents. I don't like their actions but they have lost two people they love.

Magic Cat I do agree with many things you said. I agree that there is justified anger but I seriously think people would stone this family if they could get away with it. I was sickened by the mobs outside the home screaming and purposely trying to push Cindy & George's buttons. That's NOT justified anger, that's mob mentality.

As I stated earlier in my post I have no clue why Cindy & George are acting the way they are acting or saying the things they have. I myself have been just as dumbfounded as you and other's when she mentioned the "Mother of the Year Award." I agree Casey is guilty, I agree the family is dysfunction and screwed up. It seems sometimes there is more focus on Cindy & George than on Caylee at times online and on TV.

The Anthony's really have lost more than a granddaughter and daughter. It's obvious they know the truth, compassion comes with realizing they have lost it and cannot deal with it.

I believe Casey is Guilty, I believe Cindy, George & Lee KNOW she's guilty, I believe they know Caylee is dead. I believe they are out of their minds, I believe they loved their granddaughter very much and I believe it should be okay that other people feel some compassion for them as human beings and don't feel the need to bash them non-stop.

What really has had me bothered lately is the fact that if anyone, says anything even remotely compassionate towards the Anthony's people pounce. I have seen it over and over again.

I believe people should be equally allowed to state something in the ways of compassion towards the family without being jumped on and being called "Cindy" like I saw in this particular thread.

That is what made me speak up today.
Thank you.:clap::clap::clap:

You have expressed my feelings better than I ever could have said it.

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