Any psychic sleuthers? Would like opinions (visions,auditory,feelings,PSYCHIC dreams)

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If there are so Many so called Psychics in this world why can't any of them find Caylee?

Or Trenton Duckett or Natalie Hollaway or any of the other 1000's of missing children in this country?

Why do they always give extremely vague clues that could be attributed to almost anything or anywhere?

Such as "Caylee's near the water" or "The man Hid me"

Sorry but in my opinion there is no such thing as a Psychic

Because psychic abilities do not function that way. It is not a controlled thing, like say, making a sandwich...It comes as it comes, in bits and pieces, in a flash, in a dream, in symbols and in many other ways and is often cryptic and hard to interpret precisely...It isn't like a is more like an impression...

So if you do not think they exist why are you reading the thread that ASKS for psychic impressions? There are plenty of other "concrete" threads for anyone who does not my own opinion...:)
This is my first post, but I have been so obsessed with this case since it broke. My daughter,who is soon to be eight years old has shown psychic abilities since she was four years old. I remember when this case first broke and I was watching NG, my daughter looked at me with a scared look on her face and said, "Mommy, that little girl is dead and her mommy did it". I was shocked and asked her why she would say that. My daughter told me that Amanda told her. Amanda is a young spirit that had been visiting my daughter. There is so much more, but to be honest, it can be pretty overwhelming and there are so many skeptics out there. I find myself at times telling my daughter not to talk about her gift at school because some people may not understand. She says, "Mommy, God gave me this gift to help people and I don't care what people think." So there ya go. I would love to hear any other psychic thoughts out there.

My 12 year old niece has some psychic ability from a very young age and it started with an imaginary friend, so we thought. She keeps her "Gift" in the family and it comes and goes. I have asked her about this she says she can turn it on and off. I have specifically asked her about this case and she told me she has no opinion because according to her "Guides" this basically does not concern her. She was not being mean or anything like that, but letting me know she is given info and messages that are for her benefit.

So for psychics solving cases, I guess they are treated like the children are in some ways, they are given messages that they are supposed to get.
" I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do believe in spooks."
The cowardly lion from The Wizard of Oz...

Because psychic abilities do not function that way. It is not a controlled thing, like say, making a sandwich...It comes as it comes, in bits and pieces, in a flash, in a dream, in symbols and in many other ways and is often cryptic and hard to interpret precisely...It isn't like a is more like an impression...

So if you do not think they exist why are you reading the thread that ASKS for psychic impressions? There are plenty of other "concrete" threads for anyone who does not my own opinion...:)

I would love to hear more of what your daughter said about Caylee.:)

ME TOO!!!!
To tell you the truth, I have no opinion either way... psychics or not. I believe there is a world beyond this one, as I am Christian. I have often wondered about psychic abilities, but I have none. BUT I am certainly not closed minded, I am always eager to listen with an open mind!!
I wonder if Sandra Bellanger has any insight into what has happened to little you all remember how "right on" she was with the Laci Peterson case?

I posted about her awhile back, wondering the same thing. I emailed her also but never heard back.
This is my first post, but I have been so obsessed with this case since it broke. My daughter,who is soon to be eight years old has shown psychic abilities since she was four years old.


And good for you for protecting your daughter. You may want to learn about and even contact psychic Chip Coffey. Chip works with young kids (and there's a new show about this on A&E featuring him with various kids) to help them not feel so alone, connect with other kids who also have the 'gift,' learn how to use their gifts, and the parents are also assisted, along with the kids, by a lovely psychologist who works with Chip on this. The idea is to bring healing and community for kids who have these abilities and feel they have to hide what they do. Many parents are fearful/unsupportive and Chip works to help them too. Anyway, Google him and check out his show--it's very good and touching and you might find it to be a valuable resource! :)
I wonder if Sandra Bellanger has any insight into what has happened to little you all remember how "right on" she was with the Laci Peterson case?

I remember Sandra Bellanger's work VERY well in the Laci case. She does EVP recordings and gets messages from what she calls 'the folks.' Her predictions were eerily accurate in the Laci fact Sharon Rocha refers to a very helpful psychic in her book about Laci, and though she doesn't name Sandra directly, that is who she is referring to.

I remember Sandra was reticent to speak out too much at the time of Laci's case. I mean she would post things but then she would kind of disappear for periods of time too and be out of touch--she was in school then, as I recall. But the recordings she shared were pretty interesting and the details turned out to be fairly accurate, especially when she predicted exactly where Laci's body was dumped in the SF Bay--turned out to be pretty much where she said it happened, based on expert testimony.

I wish they'd get psychic Allison Dubois on this case. She is the psychic who the show 'Medium' with Patricia Arquette is based on. I read both her books. This woman is amazing in her abilities.
I am and here is what first came to me.

My theory:

1. The child died at home by accidental drowning.

2. The mother freaked out and hid the body in the trunk of her car.

3. Then the mother borrowed the shovel with plans to bury the child.

4. The mother found that when she opened the trunk to dispose of the body the trunk smelled very bad.

5. The mother then threw the naked body of the child into the water near the airport and then the body was eaten by an Alligator (so the body will never be found).

6. The mother did this after remembering hearing her father tell stories of murder victims being disposed of in this manner.

(dead bodies being feed to alligators to destroy the evidence)..(He is a retired cop)

7. The mother then threw the clothing and back packs (that by then smelled of death) into a dumpster at a store.

8. The car by that time reeked of death and knowing this the mother was fearful of her parents or her boyfriend smelling the

death so she ditched the car close to her boyfriends house under the guise of a breakdown and called him for a ride and just

went on with her life as if nothing had happened.

9. She then began to lie to her mother and boyfriend about the child's were abouts until the car was retrieved by her

parents who then notified LE about the smell of death in the car and the missing child.

I like the medium on the program "Paranormal State." There is a difference between being a "psychic" and being a "medium" from my understanding--I heard this on a radio program interviewing Elisabeth Barron.
Okok, how do we believe you are a psychic? You were very vague with that portion..Not trying to put you down, just need to make sure you know? I've seen some of your other posts, so I am a bit skeptical.
I am going to destroy any credibility I have...sigh
Here goes: First, I lied before and said that I have no psychic abilities (on a different thread). That is because I am trying to make a name for myself as an investigator not a psychic. I do get impressions and a good deal of the time they are right. Not all the time. The one thing I can say is that I am never half right. I am either dead wrong, or right on.
Now there was a night a few weeks ago that my fiancee and I had the same dream. That one really has never happened. We have never dreamt the same thing. EVER. In three years together.
We both saw the streets Winchester and Roosevelt. I thought it was an intersection, he thought that it was just two streets close together. That was the only thing that was different. From our point of view in the dream, we were sitting in the passenger seat of a car and the woman driving looked a lot like Casey. Our original impression was that we were in the state of New York (where neither of us has ever been.) We both saw a white sign with the words "Rememberance Center on it in green lettering. The woman driving the car saw the sign and started to cry. That's the end of it. We have both had the dream a couple more times, yet not on the same night again. The feeling of being in New York has faded, but the rest of the dream is still extremely vivid for both of us.
For the record, you may do with this what you wish. Please don't call me crazy, I am only sharing what happened to me, I have no idea what it means. Normally when I get a feeling or an impression, it comes out of nowhere and not that I can remember have I ever had anything come to me in a dream. Usually I will just blurt something out an dnot know why. There is never conscious thought involved. The first time I was about 4 and my mom was talking to a guy that she knew. I was standing next to her holding her hand and when her friend walked away, I said "That man wanted to take my pants down." My mother told I was wrong, until he was arrested for molesting his children two years later. And that is how it happens, I open my mouth to say one thing and something different comes out of my mouth.
So like I said make of my dreams what you will. I only told the other story to show that this is not a new thing.
I also would like to hear from legit psychic, I do believe, I have been to one who was keenly on target it was eerie, I have experienced strange things, but I have never seen a ghost I do believe in Guardian Angels protecting us I have been protected.

I have worn out two or three Guardian Angels.......and they get old really fast watching over me. LOL
What do you think your dream meant?

If you meant me :) I am not sure. I am new to the whole dream thing and I don't know much about decoding dreams. I know that they don't always mean what they seem to mean. And like I said, I have never gotten anything in a dream before, so I don't know. It could mean that Casey did see these things after getting rid of Caylee, or on the way, or it could just mean that I think about this case so much that it is imprinted on my subconscious. And that would have been the end of it, if my fiancee hadn't had the same dream. That part still gets me. And when he told me about it, I didn't coach him at all.
This is my first post, but I have been so obsessed with this case since it broke. My daughter,who is soon to be eight years old has shown psychic abilities since she was four years old. I remember when this case first broke and I was watching NG, my daughter looked at me with a scared look on her face and said, "Mommy, that little girl is dead and her mommy did it". I was shocked and asked her why she would say that. My daughter told me that Amanda told her. Amanda is a young spirit that had been visiting my daughter. There is so much more, but to be honest, it can be pretty overwhelming and there are so many skeptics out there. I find myself at times telling my daughter not to talk about her gift at school because some people may not understand. She says, "Mommy, God gave me this gift to help people and I don't care what people think." So there ya go. I would love to hear any other psychic thoughts out there.

Shar, you have to check out the "Paranormal State" episode: Season 1, Sixth Sense--the young boy has these abilities and it will convince anyone.
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