Any psychic sleuthers? Would like opinions (visions,auditory,feelings,PSYCHIC dreams)

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Wow, prayin 4 Grace, this is the first time I have been able to see anything in inlblots that have been posted here. I only looked at the first one but this is what I see:

2 people, side view
I can clearly see their arms, first impression was they were male
then I thought I saw wings, like butterfly wings, but after staring for a while it seems they are too far down, then the thought popped in that they almost look a fin on the back
I'm going back to look again.

TY Alyzabeth for posting those for me. Between school, gymnastics, supper,baths and homework I've been busy busy busy...I've also been trying to keep up with the Dante thread too! lol

Anyway...just a brief background on the inkblots. I saw Alyzabeths ink blots on here a couple of days ago and decided I'd try it. My daughter saw me with the paint and wanted to do one too. She has no knowledge of everything going on in the Caylee...just that shes a little girl thats lost.

Now, my daughter, I believe has some type of gift. I dont know what it is exactly but things have been happening for about 3 yrs now and I know no other way to say it. She started out with what I initially thought was an imaginary friend. This friend has told her some things that have turned out to be true and has also acted sort of like a guardian angel....a protective sort of thing. Maybe it is I dunno. But I do know she is very intuitive and can sense things about other people that she should have no way of knowing.

Now...back to the ink blots. She wanted to do one too so I told her to think of Caylee as hard as she could while dribbling the paint. We did it together and Alyzabeth has posted them. I'll let you draw your own conclusions but what I saw really freaked me out. My daughter also told me somethings that she felt, but I'm not going to post her thoughts until some of you have a chance to look and see for yourself. I dont post often guys so be gentle :)
Yes. The story says it could have come from far away, but 706 miles is a long way. Regardless, it indicates that some child is no longer with us.

Wow....I used to live there for about 5 years! I know the area pretty well. Did they say where exactly?
One the first inkblot of Prayin's, after looking again I thought it resembled a frog, but couldnt make anything else out of them. Im horrible at this, lol.
Wow,okay, I looked at the 2nd one (was this the one your daughter did?) here is what I saw:

the top blue/red, the blue things look like face masks to me and the way the red is connected it almost looks like blood dripping from the side of the head

the next blue/red things look like a heart to me

when I get to the bottom with the yellow/blue/red it looks like a women (yellow) laying her head on a mans (blue/red) chest

anyone else?
One the first inkblot of Prayin's, after looking again I thought it resembled a frog, but couldnt make anything else out of them. Im horrible at this, lol.

don't feel bad misfit, this is the FIRST and ONLY time I have been able to see anything!:waitasec:
Wow, prayin 4 Grace, this is the first time I have been able to see anything in inlblots that have been posted here. I only looked at the first one but this is what I see:

2 people, side view
I can clearly see their arms, first impression was they were male
then I thought I saw wings, like butterfly wings, but after staring for a while it seems they are too far down, then the thought popped in that they almost look a fin on the back
I'm going back to look again.

Hey Lovejac! Yes thats exactly what I saw. Two men with something between them. When I looked closer at the crease section I made out some very odd things but I dont know if anyone else can see them or not.

The second one...if you'll look at the bottom images....I see a profile of a man carrying a baby in profile. The face is red with yellow being the background. Then I see "broken hearts" then above that I see two sad faces leaning their heads on something ...not sure what but it reminds me of female genitals. Maybe you guys will something else...I dunno

My daughter looked at the pics when we finished and the first thing she said was "She's in a ditch isnt she Mommy?" I told her I didnt know and asked her why she said that. She said "I just know". While looking at the first pic she told me that that was two people that loved her carrying her and that she was dead. I really didnt want her to think about things like that so I got her occupied doing something else. There were a few other things but thats basically the gist of it. Sorry for the long post! :)
Please go to the soccer field… to the edge of the slope where the purse was dumped… you will find one of her shoes at the edge of the water hung up under a large stick… walk along the water’s edge the direction the current flows… keep walking until you feel as if you have gone too far… and continue walking 100 yards from that point… look down… you will see her hair floating at the edge of the water… she is there waiting to be found. You must wait until the water again recedes from the storm… but… she is there and floated there during the night last night. August 19th.

Hopefully this will bring Caylee home so the grandparents can rest again.


This is part of the post that I am speaking of. Each time I reread it, I get chills. I STRONGLY feel she is there, or was for a temporary burial. Casey said this was the baby's fav park.

Princess; remember to edit YOUR post to remove the link. I can't do it and I don't want you on time out or banned. You only have so much time to edit.
Wow,okay, I looked at the 2nd one (was this the one your daughter did?) here is what I saw:

the top blue/red, the blue things look like face masks to me and the way the red is connected it almost looks like blood dripping from the side of the head

the next blue/red things look like a heart to me

when I get to the bottom with the yellow/blue/red it looks like a women (yellow) laying her head on a mans (blue/red) chest

anyone else?

Sorry Lovejac...I was typing while you were! lol

I see preety much the same thing but I see a man holding a face, blue shirt etc...I may be the only one who sees it but I see a sharp nose hairline for the man.
Thanks for sharing the inkblots, Prayin'. I havent been able to distinguish anything from them, would you or anyone else mind sharing what you see in them?

Sorry misfit! I missed your post! Wasnt ignoring you or anything! :)
Praying 4 Grace, what do you make of the 'wings' or 'fins" in the first pic? I'm going back to the first one again to look at the middle part again. I am just soooo happy I can finally see something!
Over 36 hours no sleep:

Two Guardian Angels definitely high up in the hierarchy. Portrayed as males, cradling a female child in protection and love for your dd's (Told you I am totally off the wall tonight)
Feeling of peace, safety and security

For your gdd's: (Gruesome, if squeamish go no further) Dismembered/decomposed child in pieces OR puppies and hearts, female child

Maybe I should look again when I've had some sleep. Won't be around tomorrow until late..have to stay with my Mommie:):) She's at that stage in life where she can't stay on her own anymore and sis has to work.

Sorry misfit! I missed your post! Wasnt ignoring you or anything! :)

I decided to go back through the posts that are on here ( I have got up to page 4). Here are some more interesting things I discovered from the posts that are linked to the map.

1.) There was a lot of talk about Sedona. There is a Sedona Creek.
2.) There was mention of Lacy Peterson. There is a Lacy Ct. near Samantha Ct.
3.) There is a J Street ( J. Blanchard Park?)
4.) There is Butterfly Palm Way (that butterfly on Cindy's shirt always has my attention)
5.) Jack Brack Rd. ( similar to the missing black jack )
6.) Albany Ave. (Zanny in New York)
7.) Lots of mention of Alligators. Alligator Lake and an Alligator Rd.

Now I know some of these are just silly coincedences, but alot of those street names in that location match alot of what we have talked about.
Sorry Lovejac...I was typing while you were! lol

I see preety much the same thing but I see a man holding a face, blue shirt etc...I may be the only one who sees it but I see a sharp nose hairline for the man.

Ya know, now red thing in between the blue masks looks like lungs to me now...hmmm:waitasec: anyone else? also P4G, is the yellow the baby and do you see it being carried cradled or over shoulder?
Hey Lovejac! Yes thats exactly what I saw. Two men with something between them. When I looked closer at the crease section I made out some very odd things but I dont know if anyone else can see them or not.

The second one...if you'll look at the bottom images....I see a profile of a man carrying a baby in profile. The face is red with yellow being the background. Then I see "broken hearts" then above that I see two sad faces leaning their heads on something ...not sure what but it reminds me of female genitals. Maybe you guys will something else...I dunno

My daughter looked at the pics when we finished and the first thing she said was "She's in a ditch isnt she Mommy?" I told her I didnt know and asked her why she said that. She said "I just know". While looking at the first pic she told me that that was two people that loved her carrying her and that she was dead. I really didnt want her to think about things like that so I got her occupied doing something else. There were a few other things but thats basically the gist of it. Sorry for the long post! :)
Looks like two angelsface to face to me carry something and thier wings are taking them up..
Praying 4 Grace, what do you make of the 'wings' or 'fins" in the first pic? I'm going back to the first one again to look at the middle part again. I am just soooo happy I can finally see something!

I'm not sure Lovejac...I have absolutely no experience with ink blots. My first thought was angel wings but it could be something water related I suppose! lol I dunno
Looks like two angelsface to face to me carry something and thier wings are taking them up..

Thats what I thought to but I didnt want to post it until others had looked at it. Can you guys see anything in the crease of the first one because I did. Just curious :)
Thats what I thought to but I didnt want to post it until others had looked at it. Can you guys see anything in the crease of the first one because I did. Just curious :)

I'm going to step away from the screen for a minute and come back to look at the crease! my eyes are crossing!!!! :crazy:
Wow....I used to live there for about 5 years! I know the area pretty well. Did they say where exactly?

I just saw in another article that the homeowners live in the northern part of the "Hester Heights" subdivision. They did say there were no missing children in the immediate area.
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