Any real mother knows the truth

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Jul 28, 2008
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which is that Casey is responsible for the death of Caylee Marie Anthony.

and this is why:

A real mom doesn't remove 100s of her missing daughters photographs from the internet

A real mom doesn't wait 31 days to report her child missing (and then only because she is forced to) for any reason - script or no script

A real mom doesn't buy new clothes and go clubbing and have a fantastic time when she believes her child has been kidnapped

A real mom doesn't respond to her best friend's tears about her missing child with, "Oh, my God. Calling you guys, a huge waste!"

Here is what a REAL MOM does: (*copied, not mine)

A mother loves her children unconditionally. She accepts her children and teaches them the value of an honest opinion, because her children are the most important thing in the world to her. Her family is her highest priority. She will not sacrifice her children's safety and well-being for the sake of a man, a job, or anything else. She will protect her children no matter what. This is not negotiable.

A mother will teach her children morals, spending quality time with each of her children. Her children will understand the difference between right and wrong. She will teach respect for oneself and others and her children will learn the difference between truth and deception. They will know to really understand someone, it is best to know the person for who they are and to understand someone else's perspective.

She will teach her children to be non-judgmental, to accept people for what they look like and not based on the color of their skin. A mother will teach manners to her children, knowing that someday soon they too will have to survive in the world without her to hold their hands every step of the way. She will be there for her children when they come to her for advice, and will always be honest with them. A mother will share laughter with her children and will also teach the value of an education. A mother will always put her children first. Always. Above all, a mother will realize she is human and will make mistakes. No one is perfect and this is the way we all must learn. A mother will forgive her children when they make mistakes but she will also forgive herself when she makes mistakes. Mothers must think with their brains and their hearts and in doing so, they will develop the skills they need to be the best mothers possible. After all, most importantly, a mother is a person who leads by example. It doesn't matter what she says because her actions speak louder than her words. Long after her words are forgotten, the things she has done will be remembered always.
I agree with just about everything you just posted, Susie.
Except the part about the online pictures.
Last year when I realized that my myspace was getting hits by a lot of people I didn't know, I went in and removed almost all of my children's pictures from my albums.
Myspace is such a playground for pedophiles, I just didn't like the idea of weirdos being able to see my pumpkinheads. In fact, I think I only left a couple of them up and even those are years old so that no perv would recognize them from myspace.
I agree with just about everything you just posted, Susie.
Except the part about the online pictures.
Last year when I realized that my myspace was getting hits by a lot of people I didn't know, I went in and removed almost all of my children's pictures from my albums.
Myspace is such a playground for pedophiles, I just didn't like the idea of weirdos being able to see my pumpkinheads. In fact, I think I only left a couple of them up and even those are years old so that no perv would recognize them from myspace.

She removed them from online albums? I was under the impression it was from her computer.
The 31 days. No one could go 31 days. 13 years ago my daughter went missing from a neighbors house 4 houses away and to this day I remember the feeling, my head felt like it was on top of my shoulders spinning, heart racing, sheer unadulterated panic. I wanted to scream but it just wouldn't come out, everyone and everything moving in slow motion. I was paralyzed with fear. In a matter of just a few minutes neighbors and friends on the hunt for my precious child had walked home, didn't tell me, went to her room and fell asleep, while chaos ensued outside. I kept telling my neighbor call the police, call the police...calmer heads prevailed in this instance but that was my first thought I wanted the police there right then..matter of fact I wanted them there 5 minutes ago. I remember that day like it was yesterday. There is no way, under any circumstances I would wait to call police.
I agree with that 100%.

Any mother would be trying to help LE, not steer them away.

She removed them from online albums? I was under the impression it was from her computer.

That strikes me more as a clue. As if she didn't want anyone to see who was in the picture with little caylee or when the photo was taken. Because she did not remove all of the photo's of her.
This is why this case has disturbed me so greatly - I just can not comprehend KC's mindset. My kids are older now (17 and 20) and still live at home - I start to panic when it's been a couple of hours and I can't get in touch with them - much less if they were babies!!! Yes Caylee was still a baby - a child too young to take care of herself at all - I would have demanded the police find my child immediately - Not 24 hours later - not 2 days later - certainly not 31 days later (and only with force) - they would have started looking immediately - or they would have one crazy mother on their hands.
Have you ever tried to visit a myspace page that has that many photos? It would take a long time to load and is a pain in the butt.
I have 2 people that I am very close to that have wayyyyyy too many photos and I don't go to their pages because of it.
If she was using her myspace page to get the word out about Caylee being lost, I can see why she would try to remove things that would make it load super slow.
I agree with just about everything you just posted, Susie.
Except the part about the online pictures.
Last year when I realized that my myspace was getting hits by a lot of people I didn't know, I went in and removed almost all of my children's pictures from my albums.
Myspace is such a playground for pedophiles, I just didn't like the idea of weirdos being able to see my pumpkinheads. In fact, I think I only left a couple of them up and even those are years old so that no perv would recognize them from myspace.

While I did not remove mine from myspace, I did set them to private so that only myself and my friends can see them.
You don't need to remove your kids pics from MySpace either set your profile to private or the folder your kids pictures are in to friends only. But she specifically said "A real mom doesn't remove 100s of her MISSING daughter's photographs from the internet." Therein lies the difference. I would assume most people whose children go missing would post MORE pictures online than they had posted before they went missing... perhaps I am wrong in that assumption but the more views and angles of my child's face they see, the more likely (in my opinion) it is that SOMEONE will recognize her and call police. Like they did with Shasta Groene (although I think the waitress recognized her from a Missing Child poster.)
I would revise the whole picture thing to be.....

A real mom doesn't put pictures of her child all over the internet for possible predators to view and possibly compromise the child to begin with.

Kathy in Texas
Have you ever tried to visit a myspace page that has that many photos? It would take a long time to load and is a pain in the butt.
I have 2 people that I am very close to that have wayyyyyy too many photos and I don't go to their pages because of it.
If she was using her myspace page to get the word out about Caylee being lost, I can see why she would try to remove things that would make it load super slow.

She did it when Caylee was missing but before she told anyone.
Caylee should have been living with the grandparents, at least temporarily because Casey was not equipped to be a real mother at that point. I truly wonder if the grandparents would have taken Caylee temporarily. It seems that they just wanted to live the role of grandparents and not assume that responsiblity and that is what they should have been; then they wanted Casey to be more responsible and assume her responsiblity as a single mother and abandon the single friends. And of course, where's the father? So, it became impossible to reconcile.
You don't need to remove your kids pics from MySpace either set your profile to private or the folder your kids pictures are in to friends only. But she specifically said "A real mom doesn't remove 100s of her MISSING daughter's photographs from the internet." Therein lies the difference. I would assume most people whose children go missing would post MORE pictures online than they had posted before they went missing... perhaps I am wrong in that assumption but the more views and angles of my child's face they see, the more likely (in my opinion) it is that SOMEONE will recognize her and call police. Like they did with Shasta Groene (although I think the waitress recognized her from a Missing Child poster.)
My computer was stolen will all the pictures that I had of my grnadkids on it. Whoever stole the computer was free to have it but I wanted the pictures back. They are not replaceable.
The 31 days. No one could go 31 days. 13 years ago my daughter went missing from a neighbors house 4 houses away and to this day I remember the feeling, my head felt like it was on top of my shoulders spinning, heart racing, sheer unadulterated panic. I wanted to scream but it just wouldn't come out, everyone and everything moving in slow motion. I was paralyzed with fear. In a matter of just a few minutes neighbors and friends on the hunt for my precious child had walked home, didn't tell me, went to her room and fell asleep, while chaos ensued outside. I kept telling my neighbor call the police, call the police...calmer heads prevailed in this instance but that was my first thought I wanted the police there right then..matter of fact I wanted them there 5 minutes ago. I remember that day like it was yesterday. There is no way, under any circumstances I would wait to call police.

That is so true. We moved from RI to CA 15 yrs ago for about a year and we rented a townhouse in a fairly large complex. My son was 7 at the time. One day he decided to play with some friends, but failed to tell me & I had no idea where he was. Because I knew noone in the state of CA, nevermind the condo complex, I panicked and asked anyone I saw if they saw a little boy with brown hair, this tall, etc. Each time I asked my voice got more & more shaky. I am very quiet, but I was yelling his name all over the place. He finally strolled out of the friend's condo wondering why I was so upset. I will never ever forget that horrible feeling of terror. I really thought I would not make it. I proceeded to read him the riot act to never go anywhere without showing me exactly where it is & letting me meet the parent who is home. Because we are from New England and knew not a soul, he could have been whisked away for us never to see him again and we wouldn't even know where to look. That is why I KNOW KC harmed her daughter.
Yes. Also if your child was kidnapped, do you go online and post messages on your friend's pages as cheerful as ever?

One time at a public pool, my son was running to catch my dad who was going into the pool, he was 3. I was on the outside of the gated pool about to take a bite of my hotdog. I watched my dad emerg but my son was nowhere to be seen, my father lost him in the matter of moments, walking through the men's bathroom into the pool area. I calmly called out "Dad where is the baby?" still holding my hot dog, my dad whipped his head around and grew pale, he rushed into the bathrooma nd I fully expected him to come out holding my baby, but instead he came out flushed and shook his head that he wasn't in there. I suddenly felt dizzy and my vision blurred - according to witnesses - I threw the hot dog and ran like a lunatic, the hot dog hitting another person in the face - I ran screaming his name into the men's bathroom. It was sheer terror as I thought he was kidnapped.

I remember I saw his little life flash before my eyes! I soon found him standing under a shower behind a rather larged man who was shocked by me running in there.

He simply said, "mamma i was stinky"

It was the worse day of my life and it was only 2 minutes. I can't imagine 84 days. It has been 84 days.
Have you ever tried to visit a myspace page that has that many photos? It would take a long time to load and is a pain in the butt.
I have 2 people that I am very close to that have wayyyyyy too many photos and I don't go to their pages because of it.
If she was using her myspace page to get the word out about Caylee being lost, I can see why she would try to remove things that would make it load super slow.

She was getting the word out that there was a party at Fusian. She has yet to tell the truth or make any effort to find her daughter. Removing the pics was an "out of sight, out of mind" thang.
I do not go to Myspace. I am a bit old for it.
If one of my kids was missing I can guarantee you that partying, shopping, eating, getting a lawyer for myself, or not telling people the truth about the last time I saw him/her.

The very LAST thing on my mind would be a lawyer, I'd be at the police staion 24/7 BEGGING them to find my baby. I'd be all over the media if I could begging for everyone to help me find my child and I'd be so medicated it wouldn't even be funny.

A REAL mom sees her child as an extention of themselves, like an arm, and wouldn't EVER be whole enough to do much of anything for a really long time, and when she did? She'd be doing it broken, losing a child would make me feel never whole again.
She was getting the word out that there was a party at Fusian. She has yet to tell the truth or make any effort to find her daughter. Removing the pics was an "out of sight, out of mind" thang.
I do not go to Myspace. I am a bit old for it.

I guess that makes even more sense to remove them then.

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