AP: Casey Anthony Speaks in 1st Interview Since Daughter's Murder Case - 7 March 2017

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Well I hope no one watches and the 3 part series fizzles with no audience. You could not pay me to watch her lying liar who lies hag face...well maybe for a million dollars but otherwise no.

12 years later and she's still a lying a$$ baby murderer. No shame, still as unconcerned and defiant as ever. She may be "sleeping well" these days (her words, not mine), but trust....her day is coming. Notice how now she says she went to bed with Caylee and woke up, she was gone, she's still blaming George, but now she claims that she can't remember anything.

I can only imagine how she is paying her rent with her sleezy, live-in defense team member.
She sees a parallel to OJ...ha, yep, both disgusting .
Not surprised
I was thinking this is the lead up to something else


Now comes word that Investigation Discovery will offer “Casey Anthony: An American Murder Mystery” about her trial and the death of her daughter, Caylee.

The channel billed it as “a special three-night television event” that will unfold at 10 p.m. April 9, 10 and 11.

ID said the program will contain new evidence and new footage of Casey.

New evidence? I love ID but no, just no. Unless the new evidence is her "foolproof suffocation" searches. UGH
All this news...her protesting, the Judge speaking out and today's grossness was a leading up to this: "A 3 Night TV event."

George and Cindy Anthony, Casey’s parents, are featured. They offer “a unique look into the inner-working of the Anthony family and how the trial of Casey still haunts them today,” the channel said.

There are interviews with Clint House, a former friend and confidant of Casey’s; Judge Belvin Perry Jr., who presided over the trial; Russ Huekler, an alternate juror; and Kevin Beary, the former Orange County sheriff

So this is where Perry's comment comes from. And I'm bothered that it says the Anthony's are haunted by Casey's trial, not by Caylee's death. But we know that Casey is still blaming George so I can't imagine they are on good terms...

This must be the 25k deal she made.
For 6 years, I believe it was the good people on this board...and Caylee's Warriors everywhere...that ensured that this horrible excuse for a human being would stay under her rock. I don't imagine people will allow her to surface too often. It's been almost 9 years since Caylee died. Folks haven't forgotten. I know that I haven't. It will always be about Caylee.
I hate this baby murdering narcissistic psychopath! She DISGUSTS me! How in the hell she ever got away with this crime is beyond me. The justice system at it's absolute worst IMHO. That poor baby will never have justice. The whole family sickens me honestly. They are going to ride the money train for the rest of their lives.
And what Casey said at the end of the interview regarding what she thinks about others opinions speaks volumes. Typical psychopath. She slept fine the whole month the child was missing before it was reported to the police.
[FONT=&quot]"I don't give a s*** about what anyone thinks about me, I never will," she said. "I'm OK with myself, I sleep pretty good at night."

There's a lot of words I would like to say and things I would love to call her... but I really like being a member here so I will refrain. [/FONT]
For 6 years, I believe it was the good people on this board...and Caylee's Warriors everywhere...that ensured that this horrible excuse for a human being would stay under her rock. I don't imagine people will allow her to surface too often. It's been almost 9 years since Caylee died. Folks haven't forgotten. I know that I haven't. It will always be about Caylee.

Hi RR!

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And just like the old days it's the top story right now on HLN. Ashleigh Banfield instead of NG ([emoji106])

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"she enjoys taking pictures - mostly of squirrels..."

we're still being played here.:gaah:

my god my heart rate just shot through the roof

Always a "dig" :pullhair: as I'm sure it's a reference to the smell that was in the car - referred to as dead squirrel in testimony.
This is the message that I just sent to ID on their homepage:
Although ID channel has been one of my favorites, I regret to say that I will no longer be watching. The news that you are doing a 3-night mini-series about the murder of Caylee Anthony and her murderer, Casey Anthony, with her parents, George and Cindy, being featured was a huge disappointment to me. That family does not deserve the publicity that will be generated because of this program. I will now be a former watcher of the ID Channel.

(I hope they get Many, many more like this!!!)
Okay I was already staying home sick from work today. Little did I know I was about to feel worse. Ugh.

My family to this day won't mention her name around me because they "don't understand why I'm so emotional about it."

You guys get it. She's so awful. She still doesn't know what happened? The only words I ever want to hear from her are "I killed Caylee and now I'm going to pay to stay in prison forever."

Why did I even click that link?

My husband called me at work to tell me the verdict because, although he was not at all engaged in Caylee's story, he knew how immersed I was and certain of a guilty verdict I was.

And he wanted me to hear it from him. Sweet man.

He also got us takeout that night because he knew I would be on the laptop all night. I was. :(
So now she's an internet sleuth for Pat McKenna... okay. lol

And, I am not surprised in the least that she empathizes with OJ Simpson. Go ahead girl... Good thing you don't give a damn what anyone thinks about you.

She's goinjg skydiving folks for her 31st birthday. Just sayin' :angel:

If she can empathize with OJ Simpson, than I am pretty sure would empathize with Jerry Sandusky, Lori Drew, Charles Manson, Jodi Arias, Omar Mateen, Bernie Madoff, Osama bin Laden, or any loathsome and dangerous figure. :crazy:
The new way to fsme and money. Kill your child. I blame the media if they continue with this monster. Just say NO!
She's still boring. And transparent. And guilty. I would be willing to bet that this evening every single picture of Caylee has been removed from her walls.
We all used to be on top of this and would have never allowed these pics/interviews/ tv shows/payouts to happen. We have dropped the ball.
I'm unable to discuss Casey Anthony like a civilized human being, she makes my blood boil. I truly hate her.
But I'm glad to see she isn't living the "beautiful life" lol!
She's such a waste of a human being. I can't wait until karma kicks her in the arse.
I really despise her.
I haven't been to the Today Show website but I think I listened to the one on the Daily Mail


Just now catching up....

Wowowowowowowow I cant even listen to this horseshit. :facepalm: She sounds so smug, I just want to slap her. :gaah:

What hell is this? I would like some of what she is on, please. I can't remember the details like y'all do (FOG!) but daaaaaayum, this is all so surreal. A waste.... a huge waste.

Bright side? It sure is good to see some of our long-lost WSers show up and weigh in. :rocker:
This is a bizarro-world article. She's forever a self-centered, egotistical maniac who killed her child. Say what you want-- if you didn't care and was so happy in life, we'd never hear from you again. Go away.

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I refuse to watch it or click on the link. Nope. I will never get over this case. Ever. It still hurts to this day and here she goes rubbing salt into fresh wounds. My own niece just turned 12-years-old today (as Caylee would have been 12-years-old in August) and it hurts my heart to think of everything Caylee would have accomplished had she been given the chance.

I will refrain from saying what I really wish on that piece of <self imposed modslip>.

R.I.P. Sweet Caylee.

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