Aphrodite Jones, JonBenet, and Lou Smit?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Get a barf bag ready, I just read this very ignorant article. I also emailed the reporter and pointed him to Alan Pendergast's wonderful report.. Apparently, San Agustin has not give up on the "accomplice" theory....like in the Gigax fraud.


I haven't figured out how to contact Aphrodite except by leaving something on her blog and I do not have a facebook account, I think you have to have one to leave a comment.
Get a barf bag ready, I just read this very ignorant article. I also emailed the reporter and pointed him to Alan Pendergast's wonderful report.. Apparently, San Agustin has not give up on the "accomplice" theory....like in the Gigax fraud.


I haven't figured out how to contact Aphrodite except by leaving something on her blog and I do not have a facebook account, I think you have to have one to leave a comment.

Heyya Amalie.

"The last clue I want to mention, revealed in this groundbreaking special, was the questionable suicide of 26 year old Michael Helgot, the day after Alex Hunter`s stunning press conference, when he said the search for the killer is narrowing to one. You`ll want to rewind the tape to the blonde-haired suspect scene several times over. A stun-gun was found. High Tech boots were found."

How does MH keep resurfacing as a suspect
if JBR crime scene dna is as yet unidentified?

JR, Like the Biblical Job?

THE OTHER SIDE OF SUFFERING is a spiritual memoir of John Ramsey's climb out of emotional and spiritual darkness and what he learned about the nature of spiritual growth. Like the Biblical Job, the author has been tried by fire several times over. From the often-overlooked loss of his first daughter in a 1992 car accident, through the murder of JonBenet Ramsey and the resulting "trial by media,' to the final loss of his wife in 2006 to cancer, THE OTHER SIDE OF SUFFERING is the story of how John Ramsey has emerged from his own spiritual darkness.
Audio and Video
I watched the show and something struck me during watching it.

What if both sides here are right.

The DNA being of no value as it was deposited by an innocent source.

The only thing that cleared that scum Carr was the DNA did not match.

The woman at the pageant who talked to a man who said he was her father. Has she identified anyone or better yet as the BPD or DA's office shown her photographs of people. I would show a photo of Helgoth, Carr, Santa's drug using son, The Ramsey's other son, and any person of interest.

Because of this case I am all for a two pronged investigation anytime a child is murdered. If the parents did it convict them but if they didn't then no time is wasted in finding a responsible 3rd party.
I watched the show and something struck me during watching it.

What if both sides here are right.

The DNA being of no value as it was deposited by an innocent source.

The only thing that cleared that scum Carr was the DNA did not match.

The woman at the pageant who talked to a man who said he was her father. Has she identified anyone or better yet as the BPD or DA's office shown her photographs of people. I would show a photo of Helgoth, Carr, Santa's drug using son, The Ramsey's other son, and any person of interest.

Because of this case I am all for a two pronged investigation anytime a child is murdered. If the parents did it convict them but if they didn't then no time is wasted in finding a responsible 3rd party.

Cathy R you are absolutely right. And the police did do the two prong investigation. The only problem was all the evidence, the hard core logical evidence, pointed right back at the Ramseys.

I will shout this out for as long as I live, "THERE WAS NO INTRUDER. IT WAS SOMEONE IN THE HOUSE THAT NIGHT." Now, was it murder? An accident? Was everyone involved? I don't know. Wish I did.
On The Today Show, Aphrodite said she talked to John before the show aired. They also showed brand new home videos of JBR on it, and who else could have provided them besides John? I'm surprised he didn't go on camera.

John has a book coming out in May 2012 but I don't think this special is connected to that. I'm sure John will promote the book, but that will probably be in March-May 2012, not more than a year in advance. This is a big case, so it makes sense why ID would want to do a show about it. I don't think there's a connection between the book and the special, for the simple fact that the special aired way before the book's release date.

Also, I feel that I know so much about this case that watching specials about it has almost became boring in a way. I love discussing the case here, but we go into the deep details of it, while on all these shows, they talk more about the basics. It is like: I already know Patsy's story about finding the RN on the spiral staircase!
I watched the show and something struck me during watching it.

What if both sides here are right.

The DNA being of no value as it was deposited by an innocent source.

The only thing that cleared that scum Carr was the DNA did not match.

The woman at the pageant who talked to a man who said he was her father. Has she identified anyone or better yet as the BPD or DA's office shown her photographs of people. I would show a photo of Helgoth, Carr, Santa's drug using son, The Ramsey's other son, and any person of interest.

Because of this case I am all for a two pronged investigation anytime a child is murdered. If the parents did it convict them but if they didn't then no time is wasted in finding a responsible 3rd party.

Cathy, the dna is not the only thing that cleared Karr. His ex-wife provided evidence that he was in Georgia that day/night. Nowhere near Boulder. One more reason ML should have lost her job. His whereabouts that night could have been proven without bringing that piece of pond scum back to the states.
I agree that the show was a joke; did John Ramsey pay to have it made, it makes you wonder, it sure was a Ramsey-slanted show and who else has the motive.

I am surprised that the ID channel would want to present a show that was so clearly one-sided.

I have never felt the parents were cleared, in any way.
Well, folks, I am every bit as disappointed as the rest of you. I did send Ms Jones an email expressing my disappointment. Asked her did she not care about justice for this child because if she had, she would not have used these very questionable sources. I also asked her to read here and at FFJ if she truly wants to hear facts and not Ramsey spin. Maybe, just maybe, she will take a look. After last night though, I think it's pretty clear which side of the fence Ms Jones is sitting. The sad part is all the people who watched and believed this garbage. Tricia, it is my opinion that the Wall of Shame has a new occupant!

Yes she will be our new "Wall of Shame" recipient.

As soon as I finish my letter to Ms. Jones I'll post it here.

What we are going to do is take that fiasco of a show and tear it apart line by line to show the bias, the lies, and laziness of it all.

Let me ask you something, do you think it is fair to characterize what Jones did in the show as:

• misrepresenting the evidence;
• suppressing true evidence;
• didn't reveal facts;
• and out-and-out lied.

Is that a fair description in your opinion? If not let me know.
• misrepresenting the evidence;
• suppressing true evidence;
• didn't reveal facts;
• and out-and-out lied.

Is that a fair description in your opinion? If not let me know.

Answer: E, all of the above.

She really dropped the ball on this one, in more ways than one. In the previews of the episode, she kept her voice somewhat at an even tone, but the more I listened, the clearer it became. Don't know if I can watch any more of her shows.

Wonder what it would have been like if ID.TV had been around. Think of all the scientific and medical breakthroughs that have been made since JBR was murdered in her home.
Answer: E, all of the above.

She really dropped the ball on this one, in more ways than one. In the previews of the episode, she kept her voice somewhat at an even tone, but the more I listened, the clearer it became. Don't know if I can watch any more of her shows.

Wonder what it would have been like if ID.TV had been around. Think of all the scientific and medical breakthroughs that have been made since JBR was murdered in her home.

Thanks Jaded Cat and welcome to Websleuths.

I feel the description is accurate as well but I would like others to weigh in. Tell me either way. I welcome all opinions.
I agree that the show was a joke; did John Ramsey pay to have it made, it makes you wonder, it sure was a Ramsey-slanted show and who else has the motive.

I am surprised that the ID channel would want to present a show that was so clearly one-sided.

I have never felt the parents were cleared, in any way.

I don't know if John paid to have the show made, but there are plenty of IDI's out there, and they've multiplied since the DNA announcement. It's not that far fetched that someone at Aphrodite's show or at ID decided to feature JonBenet's case, and because their personal belief is that Patsy and John were innocent and were destroyed by the media, they applied that belief to the show they have control over. There was an obvious connection between the show and RST, but I couldn't say whether money was involved. It could have been more of a, "Do a pro-Ramsey show and we'll give you videos and pictures of JonBenet," rather than, "Here's X amount of dollars, do a show telling everyone how an intruder murdered JonBenet,"

I also believe that they PURPOSELY said the house tour was a few days before JonBenet's murder to put ideas into viewers' minds. This was not just some intern making a mistake when searching for information. I have never seen the media say that the house tour was right before her murder; it's always stated that it happened in 1994 so I don't see how that could have been a mistake.
Well, folks, I am every bit as disappointed as the rest of you. I did send Ms Jones an email expressing my disappointment. Asked her did she not care about justice for this child because if she had, she would not have used these very questionable sources.

You have her e-mail address?

Give it to me!


The sad part is all the people who watched and believed this garbage. Tricia, it is my opinion that the Wall of Shame has a new occupant!

Hi all first time poster hear but, it struck me as funny how AJs show went out just under a year before John Ramseys new book comes out.

Any one else think its strange or is it just me??

Smurf! You made it! :great:
I don't know if John paid to have the show made, but there are plenty of IDI's out there, and they've multiplied since the DNA announcement. It's not that far fetched that someone at Aphrodite's show or at ID decided to feature JonBenet's case, and because their personal belief is that Patsy and John were innocent and were destroyed by the media, they applied that belief to the show they have control over. There was an obvious connection between the show and RST, but I couldn't say whether money was involved. It could have been more of a, "Do a pro-Ramsey show and we'll give you videos and pictures of JonBenet," rather than, "Here's X amount of dollars, do a show telling everyone how an intruder murdered JonBenet,"

I also believe that they PURPOSELY said the house tour was a few days before JonBenet's murder to put ideas into viewers' minds. This was not just some intern making a mistake when searching for information. I have never seen the media say that the house tour was right before her murder; it's always stated that it happened in 1994 so I don't see how that could have been a mistake.

John Ramsey was cited as a source in the credits for providing video and pictures (Thank you Why_Nut for that info). Could one assume he is the person who gave the mis-information to the shows producers? Perhaps. Perhaps it was just lazy journalism or maybe something more dark. Perhaps an out and out lie.

The thing is Aphrodite Jones's credibility is shot. I am going to make sure the members and readers of both forums, WS and FFJ, know the truth about this show.

With over 37 thousand combined members plus the hundreds of thousands of true crime buffs who read at the forums a lot of Jone's core crowd is going to see exactly how mis-guided and wrong that show was. How poorly her research skills are.

The truth will not paint Aphrodite Jones in a good light at all.

In my opinion how can we trust her books or anything else she has done or ever does from now on?

When you see just how much information was bogus in that story it will be shocking.
Hi all first time poster hear but, it struck me as funny how AJs show went out just under a year before John Ramseys new book comes out.

Any one else think its strange or is it just me??

Welcome Smurf.

OK, this is how busy I've been. I had no idea John was writing a book. I have heard whispers about it but didn't know it was a done deal.
I watched the show and something struck me during watching it.

What if both sides here are right.

The DNA being of no value as it was deposited by an innocent source.

The only thing that cleared that scum Carr was the DNA did not match.

Excellent thinking, CathyR. I've often said that IDI has painted themselves into a corner by placing so much value on the DNA. Because if it doesn't match, even if a lot of other evidence does, the suspect goes free and clear. It's like I always say: investigators have to focus on putting together a complete case rather than relying on technology to do the work for them.

But one correction, even though you are essentially right: Karr was not cleared because he DNA did not match. That's a popular idea, but it's not true. ML stated publicly that she was willing to pursue Karr along other lines even after his DNA came back negative. The problem was--and ML also stated this--that his story was constructed in such a way that literally every single thing would HAVE to match in order for him to be the killer. I hope that makes sense.

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