GUILTY AR - Anne Pressly, 26, raped & murdered, Little Rock, 20 Oct 2008 #1

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I guess the missing item that she had just purchased is the bracelet. Sorry, the video I saw yesterday made it seem like they were going to keep that detail private for awhile.
The tidiness of the house makes me believe that it was someone familiar with the layout of the house, and that it was someone who knew how Anne lived.

Also, didn't the dogs have access to the backyard through a doggie door? Granted, they couldn't have lifted the latch on the gate, but, they could have been lured there and let out.

A person can fit through a doggie door. Believe me, I have done it. If you have one for a medium to large size dog, try it. Convinced me put in a new door on my back door!
Wow, I can't believe they haven't interviewed all of her neighbors and even neighbors in the adjoning blocks. That's unreal. And I would definitely think that the construction workers would have been some of the first ones questioned, especially since they were working on a house directly behind her. That's very strange.

That's ridiculous. Just like in the Jennifer Kesse case where they never looked further into the construction workers. At least in this case the contractor seems on top of things and is in communication with his employees, instead of just hiring random day labor people. He sounds like he would be cooperative with any information they may need.
Carla~ I am sorry about your sister and what happened to you. I cannot imagine how horrific it is for you to deal with such sorrow. Bless both of you. :(

You touched on her possibly taking out the garbage. There is another group that circulates the neighborhoods in the wee hours. I would like to find out their routine: The company (even the city will subcontract trash services), how often they picked up her trash, and the times. Is there any way to find out this kind of information?

The bracelet will become a major piece of the puzzle. I am sure they are scouring every pawn shop in the surrounding areas. However, it may have been kept as a trophy depending on what type of killer they are dealing with. His savagery is clear, but his motive is not.

There are several types of stalkers which do not fit into such neat compartments. One could be a man she saw daily at work who developed an obsession. Another could be the guy from high school she had once shunned accidently. There is a vast world of sick people out there and because of her occupation...her suspect list is basically endless except you can exclude females if it was a sexual assault as reported via JW. It doesn't narrow it down much.

I don't know about the mutilation reports and am not going to speculate. There is already enough going on with this case to show the level of violence and rage from the perp directed towards Anne. I do think she was surprised in her bed and why there are no signs of struggle elsewhere in the home. I don't think it was because he was invited into her bed either. Someone would know about even a clandestine relationship as what we feel is "secret" never really can be. There are always signs or leaks especially in a smaller city like LR. People talk.

If there was a pet door then it would remove letting the dogs in and out before bed as a possible way for him to have overpowered her at the door. Dogs who are basically easy going can get quickly traumatized and run to hide. Not all dogs will stay to protect their owners during or after such a violent attack.
I agree w/this I had been wondering the same thing. Maybe she asked her mother not to stay over because she was expecting company? If it were someone she worked with, maybe they were needing to keep it hush hush since they worked together, or maybe he was the one obsessed with her? If he were married all the more reason for both of them not to say anything to anyone. I think she knew her killer and I think her dogs knew him too. Most dogs will not leave there humans if they sense danger especially if it were from a stranger. I think whoever killed her was there all night and she knew them and trusted them, they let her dogs out and then attacked her, probably turned the light on when the newspaper was thrown at the door.
Of course this is all speculation and theory.
I wish LE would relaease more details unless they have a POI and don't want to scare him off, especially if he works in the media.

I thought about that too; supposedly her mother used to stay with her; this time she didn't.. maybe she had plans to have someone over?..
Personally, my dog wouldn't leave me if there was danger; and i know she would attack a threat if she sensed they were dangerous to me or immediate family. Cocker Spaniels are usually very yappy; then again if the neighbors were used to it; maybe they'd not think anything of it. I don't know if the dog door was left open or not. I would like to think they would have made an extreme fuss if they didn't know the person. Yet who knows, most likely they weren't trained in specifics and may have been the biggest lapdogs to everyone they meet.
It would be something if the police got a line up of suspects and then just let the dogs "sniff them out" by their reactions.
It would be something if the police got a line up of suspects and then just let the dogs "sniff them out" by their reactions.
You know...that isn't a bad idea. While it may not lead to a could give them some insight as to ethnicity or other characteristics the dogs would be fearful of if they experienced the trauma.
I always thought my dogs would stay and protect me too, but I found out something different one day. I was walking in my own woods when a neighbor was trespassing at the same time. My dogs "outed" the neighbor as being there, but ran off. I was shocked as they were both big dogs, one was even a Shepard mix. The guy had a big buck knife and a handgun, so my dogs knew danger and ran. The neighbor was probably trying to poach a deer, I was glad when he moved.
I doubt Ann "willingly bedded down" with her killer that night, she had to get up early for work and she was not known to be dating anyone. .

OF course if it was someone she hypothetically did bring home for a sleep over, that would sort of kill any motive like a spurned boyfriend, etc.
I'm guessing she was stalked, the murderer slithered through the pet door, then waited for her in the bedroom. Maybe the killer took the bracelet as a souvenir.
My initial thoughts were someone came in the doggy door then opened the back door when they left. Or she left the door unlocked and they came and went that way, etc.

I do not in any way really believe she let anyone in.

I believe she was surprised in bed.

Did she actually "walk" the dogs, as on a leash or turn them loose in the back yard via teh doggy door? If she did walk them someone would know if she walked them at night or not. If that were normal.

I still say IF the person that used the credit card was the killer, he might live near the gas station where the card was used, or drive past it to/from home, work, etc.
Hi Guys~
Catching up on the news. I really believe this man will be local to the area. Either he will live near Ann or he will have a friend, family member, girlfriend etc... that lives near Anne's house. I wish LE would release some info. on the car that had to have been seen in the video. Surely they know if it was a car, SUV etc................
From that same article where the contractor (Moore) is talking about how no one has questioned him or his staff, her neighborhood is described as having a "low" occupancy.

Police did comment on extra patrols, especially on Moore's street behind Pressly's, where occupancy is low.

Not only is Moore's house vacant, so is the house next door directly behind Pressly's house and there's no one across the street because this house has been torn down. Neighbors fear it's the perfect area to commit a crime, especially at night."

"If it was premeditated in any way this spot would lend itself to somebody trying to pursue something."
Thanks Lilly Rush,
From that same article the neighbor asked his contractors: "I asked them point blank if they had been approached or questioned by the police and everyone I asked which was everyone indicated they hadn't"

This is unforgivable!
Comments under the above article include one from "bassgurl":
"I've submitted tips to ABC News and KATV about what appears to be large bruise marks shaped like fingerprints on her arm in that picture of her with Robin Roberts that everyone keeps showing. No one responded. That pic was taken a couple weeks before she was murdered. The position of those marks make it look like someone forcefully yanked her by her left arm. Yet no response"

Anne had bruises on her arm? Maybe she bruised easily and got them working out. They still need to get checked out.
I believe she left the party around 9:30. If it was someone new she was dating, she might have kept it to herself until she saw whether or not it was going to develop into a relationship. Or if she was dating someone from work, she might have kept it quiet. Could she have been dating a married man? Did she leave the party alone or with someone? Did she spend a lot of time talking to a particular man at the party?

I believe the function she attended that night was work-related...I know that there were definitely people she worked with who were at the party. If she spent time with someone there or left with someone, I think her co-workers would have noticed.

Plus, if she is close enough with her parents that they give her wake-up calls, I'm sure they would know if she was seeing someone/interested in someone.
I believe the function she attended that night was work-related...I know that there were definitely people she worked with who were at the party. If she spent time with someone there or left with someone, I think her co-workers would have noticed.

Plus, if she is close enough with her parents that they give her wake-up calls, I'm sure they would know if she was seeing someone/interested in someone.

It was a birthday party and her mother was with her.
Thanks Lilly Rush,
From that same article the neighbor asked his contractors: "I asked them point blank if they had been approached or questioned by the police and everyone I asked which was everyone indicated they hadn't"

This is unforgivable!

It is possible the authorities haven't questioned the contractors because they have a good idea of who the suspect is (or isn't). Maybe, like a lot of crimes, they don't have enough evidence at this time to go any further with charges.
There was a teenage girl almost beaten to death in my quiet and very nice neighborhood on 9/11 in Albuquerque..she was beaten about the face and head w/a shovel...everyone thought "stalker" or "domestic" at first, but mom came home for lunch early and actually saw the guy, police say if the mom hadn't come home that literally one more blow would have killed her one knows who it is and the whole thing is turning out to be a complete mystery, this poor family never returned to their home and are moving...see link to her website below for details and sketch of perp. The only reason I mention this is that I started thinking that when my family heads back east (N.C.) to visit family, we always stop in Little's really a straight shot from Albuquerque....just started thinking about those people that go door to door selling magazines or whatever that travel all over...I know, completely out of left field, but I had to share because these crimes against these two beautiful souls haunt me...

Kelly, You may have done this already, since you posted this on October 28th. But, I really think that would a great tip to send into police. You never know, the guy could have crossed state lines and went to Arkansas to get away from suspicion that was on him in New Mexico.
It is possible the authorities haven't questioned the contractors because they have a good idea of who the suspect is (or isn't). Maybe, like a lot of crimes, they don't have enough evidence at this time to go any further with charges.

Even if they did have a suspect, they would need to interview these guys to find out if they noticed anything.

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