GUILTY AR - Anne Pressly, 26, raped & murdered, Little Rock, 20 Oct 2008 #2

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There was blood on the ceiling.... per Patti Cannady

im sick. i can barely watch it in bed iwth my g/f and cats snuggling me. at least my wifi is working.

The other woman is very very very brave.

Part of me is sad Anne fought back. That maybe killed her. Yet part of me is glad she did fight back, even if it meant...
You guys - I am just SICK!!! Just sick! I have tears in my eyes and pain in my heart. Why WHy Why!!!!! I effing hate him! He needs his D>>> cut off while he's aware...sorry - just venting. Such a WASTE of a beautiful talented girl I mean, what did he want...SEX??? Didn't he have a woman at his disposal to give him this??!!!

Sorry - I will take a time out...I'm so PISSED>>>>>>>>>>
I agree, poor Mrs. Canndady. I absolutely cannot imagine finding anyone in that situation, let alone my own daughter. I'm 23 and very close with my mom - much like Anne was with hers; we talk everyday. That is just so sad.

I found it interesting that Mrs. Cannady said all the lights were on when she went inside the house. I would think if he attacked her once she was in bed, the lights probably wouldn't be on. Although, I guess it's possible he turned them on after the fact when he was looking for things to take.

It's disgusting that he was masturbating in public in front of that gym. It's really disturbing to know he's been around the Little Rock area for a while now. Really gives me the creeps actually.
im sick. i can barely watch it in bed iwth my g/f and cats snuggling me. at least my wifi is working.

The other woman is very very very brave.

Part of me is sad Anne fought back. That maybe killed her. Yet part of me is glad she did fight back, even if it meant...

Ok, CL, let's think of it like this...she died b/c she fought back......however, the classic rapist this may well have been her fate b/c of his mindset.

I just really want to do something to commerate her... So Sad
You guys - I am just SICK!!! Just sick! I have tears in my eyes and pain in my heart. Why WHy Why!!!!! I effing hate him! He needs his D>>> cut off while he's aware...sorry - just venting. Such a WASTE of a beautiful talented girl I mean, what did he want...SEX??? Didn't he have a woman at his disposal to give him this??!!!

Sorry - I will take a time out...I'm so PISSED>>>>>>>>>>

Generally, rape is about control and domination rather than the actual sex act. Sometimes, it's also about violence.

I, too, watched and remarked to my husband that I was sick over thinking she might have lived if she hadn't fought back. But my next sentence was that this may have been an inevitable escalation of violence that turned into overkill when she saw him or did fight back.

He is obviously not the brightest criminal... how many people have seen him and how many places has he left DNA? Thankfully he's idiotic enough to leave a trail.
What strikes me about the ?only? previous victim is someone in a blog (can't remember which) said she is not from LR. She could have remained anonymous and faded into the background. She chose to stay in LR because of her extreme dedication to her students. Kudos...from one teacher to another. God bless her and thank God she had the courage to report the rape--if not, Anne's killer may not have been found.
Ok, CL, let's think of it like this...she died b/c she fought back......however, the classic rapist this may well have been her fate b/c of his mindset.

I just really want to do something to commerate her... So Sad

oh i realize that. as a rape and assault survivor. i fought back to some extent, and was badly beated. but lived, my siter did not fight and was killed. thats what makes this case very important to me personally. although i have no connection with Anne at all (sadly).

The show was good though and im glad i watched
Generally, rape is about control and domination rather than the actual sex act. Sometimes, it's also about violence.

rape is not about sex and is not a sex act. it can actually occur without "intercourse" as in rape with an object, etc.
I agree, poor Mrs. Canndady. I absolutely cannot imagine finding anyone in that situation, let alone my own daughter. I'm 23 and very close with my mom - much like Anne was with hers; we talk everyday. That is just so sad.

I found it interesting that Mrs. Cannady said all the lights were on when she went inside the house. I would think if he attacked her once she was in bed, the lights probably wouldn't be on. Although, I guess it's possible he turned them on after the fact when he was looking for things to take.

It's disgusting that he was masturbating in public in front of that gym. It's really disturbing to know he's been around the Little Rock area for a while now. Really gives me the creeps actually.

I gotta tell you folks who don't live here that it appears from the tv show the spot where he masturbated is right on the main street there that runs into the Heights neighborhood. It's not like he was back in the alley. I do wonder if this gym staff reported him to authorities at the time.

That gym was very close to Anne's home. He could have followed her once, twice, or whatever and saw where she lived. This makes me glad that my gym, albeit close to my home, is a mile away and not a place where someone could easily follow me. I do have creeps who, well, give me the creeps at the gym at times.
I gotta tell you folks who don't live here that it appears from the tv show the spot where he masturbated is right on the main street there that runs into the Heights neighborhood. It's not like he was back in the alley. I do wonder if this gym staff reported him to authorities at the time.

Good Morning~
The incident of public exposure (near the gym) was not turned into LE. The incident was turned into a local neighbohood crime watch program. (or something of that nature) I did not understand why someone would not turn in that sort of incident to LE.
Garner didn't make a police report, but alerted the Heights Neighborhood Association. A month after Anne Pressly was murdered, Little Rock Police came calling.

Here is the link to the info. I posted above.

So sad, had they reported it before Anne was attacked, maybe he would not have still been lurking around that area...although there would surely have been another victim somewhere else.
That gym was very close to Anne's home. He could have followed her once, twice, or whatever and saw where she lived. This makes me glad that my gym, albeit close to my home, is a mile away and not a place where someone could easily follow me. I do have creeps who, well, give me the creeps at the gym at times.
You're right, it was very close. This shows how close. The "A" & blue dot show where the gym is located; the other blue dot is appox where Anne's house is.

He was seen lurking around that gym twice prior to Anne's death. I think he definitely saw her and followed her home at least a few times. Ugh, it's disgusting. I know a lot of people consider that whole area "the heart of Little Rock" ...
So sad, had they reported it before Anne was attacked, maybe he would not have still been lurking around that area...although there would surely have been another victim somewhere else.

My thoughts exactly. I am not a judgemental person. But, in this incident, I have to wonder, WHY??? Why, wasn't that encounter / act called into LE? I have never had the experience of seeing someone expose themselves. If I did I think I would call LE immediately.
im willing to bet anything that this creep vance is involved with MUCH more than is known. im sure he hasnt just assaulted Anne and the brave teacher. Between L and L, burglary, loitering, passing stolen goods, rape he has been a busy dude.
You're right, it was very close. This He was seen lurking around that gym twice prior to Anne's death. I think he definitely saw her and followed her home at least a few times. Ugh, it's disgusting. I know a lot of people consider that whole area "the heart of Little Rock" ...

Was this the gym where anne went? It had been said there were two gyms close by.

It is maddening that they didnt tell LE about the guy beating off in the parking lot.
im willing to bet anything that this creep vance is involved with MUCH more than is known. im sure he hasnt just assaulted Anne and the brave teacher. Between L and L, burglary, loitering, passing stolen goods, rape he has been a busy dude.

Hi Carla~
I agree. This creep has a long history of 'creepiness'. It is already beginning to come out about some of his exploits. I am so glad he is off the streets. I was not home last night and did not DVR the 20/20 show. Part of me is glad but, part of me wishes I could have seen it. I am glad that you had your partner w/ you when you watched it. I hope you are doing okay today.
It was a good show. Some like the walk through of the house with Anne's mom was I think leftover from another show. Pretty much the focus was on the teacher and her assault. She was very brave for going to the police when her attack happened, and being active/proactive now. It has to be hard being in the public light even after just what she went through, let alone now being linked to Anne's death. Plus Vance was basically her next door neighbor?!?!?! It really took her assault, Anne's death and the DNA from that crime, and the voluntary swab Vance gave to link everything together, sadly.
I don't know why I do it, but I google Anne every little while during the day and when I first get up to see if there is any new news or details. But it always brings me so down.

Oh Carla, I am so sorry that this case really brings you down. I am glad they caught Vance and I am praying that Patti and Guy get a truthful answer from the jerk. What helps me is knowing that Anne is in heaven now and in Jesus arms enjoying it there where it is all happy and peaceful you know. And one day Patti and Guy will be reunited there. I look at it this way, God called her home sooner because he had a job in heaven for her to do and needed her there.
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