GUILTY AR - Anne Pressly, 26, raped & murdered, Little Rock, 20 Oct 2008 #2

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Well, I heard a really strange rumor for the first time today; apparently lots of locals have heard it as well. I know beaglebrd said that she'd heard a rumor someone was hired to beat Anne up.

I was told Jermaine Taylor's wife hired this guy to beat Anne up because she'd been messing around with him. What?! I was immediately very skeptical of this rumor and didn't believe it. It seems really far-fetched and a little ridiculous.

When I got home I did some googling and came up with this:

Just as I thought, this is only a RUMOR and apparently it's been spreading quickly; it might have been reported on a local radio station and supposedly a TV station in Dallas.

Had anyone else heard this? I'm a local, but the first time I heard about this was today...

This Rumor = FICTION
Well, I heard a really strange rumor for the first time today; apparently lots of locals have heard it as well. I know beaglebrd said that she'd heard a rumor someone was hired to beat Anne up.

I was told Jermaine Taylor's wife hired this guy to beat Anne up because she'd been messing around with him. What?! I was immediately very skeptical of this rumor and didn't believe it. It seems really far-fetched and a little ridiculous.

When I got home I did some googling and came up with this:

Just as I thought, this is only a RUMOR and apparently it's been spreading quickly; it might have been reported on a local radio station and supposedly a TV station in Dallas.

Had anyone else heard this? I'm a local, but the first time I heard about this was today...

This Rumor = FICTION

That rumor started last week and has spread like wildfire. It's supposedly NOT true, although I did hear that there may be some charges against the boxer and his wife unrelated to AP. This too could be a rumor. This link contains a statement from law enforcement attempting to stop the rumor, IMO.
Aside from the "rumor" regarding JT's possible involvement, there is also rumors that Anne was pregnant with JT's child (I'm almost embarrssed to type that) It does however make me wonder why all of those hospital workers were peeking at her medical records.

While JT means nothing to me (I know very little about boxing) apparently he is a pretty BFD in Arkansas and I'm sure if they looked and saw that Anne was pregnant this would certainly be leaked and people would start talking about it.

I will assume it's all a nasty rumor, but I still believe this murder is much greater than the LE would like to lead everyone to believe and I from the beginging believed a VERY angry woman was involved.

Do we have any idea if Vance has a connection with JT's wife? And where exactly was he in LR when he was arrested?
Hi~ I had thought of two important "what about" questions at work today, now I can only remember one, so until I think of the other one... Did Anne really receive email from Vance? Whatever happened with that? I haven't heard anymore since that came out.
Did he have bites and scratches on him?
adding... I've been thinking along those lines too, gooniequeen. If he was for hire, maybe he'll talk...
Well LR PD issued a statement today saying they did not expect any further arrests, so it seems Vance was working alone and not put up to it, etc. Although additional charges could be leveled against him.

Personally I dont believe the various rumors. I had questioned some of them previouosly, as the sites that post them do not seem reliable (like the neo Nazi sites).
Here's how it happened.. the DNA from Anne's crime scene was put into data base with no hit.

"Then last week, police got a hit. The DNA from Pressly’s house matched the DNA of a nameless suspect in an April rape in Marianna, the Lee County seat, about 100 miles east of Little Rock.

Little Rock detectives called Marianna’s sole detective, who gave them the name of a suspect on the basis of details of the Pressly case. "

It was a case of good detective work & DNA.

Kudos to the detectives who came together to solve this case. So many go unsolved, and I feared this case would be one of them.
I'm local and completely embarrassed to hear people spreading these incredibly asinine rumors around town. You hear them everywhere. I don't believe any of it. At all.

Anyone that knows JT or Erica knows that is just fiction.

Also, someone commented on the people looking at medical records. There doesn't have to be a reason. I have worked at three hospitals (including St V) and if anyone came in to any of the facilities that was well known people tried to dig. Everyone wants the gossip. Some people would go too far and look at records. ( Really, really stupid.. they can easily track it.) Trust me, this isn't the first case that people have been fired for viewing meds recs unauthorized.
I agree, KTSB. The rumors are unsubstantiated and as with any high profile case are rampant. It is better to ignore them unless a connection is made to actually explore the possibilities.
I found the rumors to be upsetting and I never believed them. I think, honestly, that the case is pretty "simple". Sure there are some holes in what is known publically, but that will come out at trial time. Im not sure how long that takes in Ark. Here it can be months/a year. I don't think there was any big conspiracy, any huge amount of planning. Probably some luck on Vance's part like maybe finding an unlocked door. If you remove all the weird rumor stuff... like 2 black males, genital mutilation, things written on the walls, fetish items stolen, etc. it does look more like (sadly) just another horrible, brutal assault. For whatever reason the killer wigged out. Maybe Anne fought back, maybe he was on drugs, who knows.

I guess there is no way to have a happy resolution either. It is sad however you look at it. You might want to think her death was part of some big scheme and that lots of people will fall over it, face justice, etc. But the reality is probably that it was just a 1 on 1 incident beteween her and this 2 bit . It might be what is scarier becuase it is the kind of thing that can happen 2 you or I.
I found the rumors to be upsetting and I never believed them. I think, honestly, that the case is pretty "simple". Sure there are some holes in what is known publically, but that will come out at trial time. Im not sure how long that takes in Ark. Here it can be months/a year. I don't think there was any big conspiracy, any huge amount of planning. Probably some luck on Vance's part like maybe finding an unlocked door. If you remove all the weird rumor stuff... like 2 black males, genital mutilation, things written on the walls, fetish items stolen, etc. it does look more like (sadly) just another horrible, brutal assault. For whatever reason the killer wigged out. Maybe Anne fought back, maybe he was on drugs, who knows.

I guess there is no way to have a happy resolution either. It is sad however you look at it. You might want to think her death was part of some big scheme and that lots of people will fall over it, face justice, etc. But the reality is probably that it was just a 1 on 1 incident beteween her and this 2 bit . It might be what is scarier becuase it is the kind of thing that can happen 2 you or I.

I think you are exactly right in your assessment. At least that is what I believe to be true as well. Sad, sad, sad any way you look at it.
vance sure got around a lot...

If he tried that crap here in Florida someone would have shot him.

That's a shame that they didn't write up a criminal report and haul him in at least for trespassing. Maybe then they could have taken his dna and got him on that first rape/home invasion before he could get to anyone else.

I think the above article alone is proof to counter the rumors out there. This guy is a criminal, plain and simple. He obviously didn't need to have any personal tie(s) to anyone to commit a crime against them.
The thing that bothers me is the rumors. Usually, where there's smoke, there's fire. I don't think LE would refuse to deny or confirm unless there's something very unusual going on here.
If any of the rumors are true, I would suspect LE will try to get a guilty plea from the defendant so that they won't have to be made public.
I think the above article alone is proof to counter the rumors out there. This guy is a criminal, plain and simple. He obviously didn't need to have any personal tie(s) to anyone to commit a crime against them.

I agree. Many of us look for a connection to Vance and Anne. Maybe if we find one, we can say, "Well, I won't do that so I will be safe." The fact may be that Vance is just a low-life criminal who looked for an opportunity to commit his crimes. Anne was in the wrong place at the wrong time and he got her. If he was checking out the neighborhood it wouldn't take too long to find out that a single woman lived in that house. He could tap on the door or window and if the dogs barked and no one was home to quiet them, then he knew the house was empty and his for the taking. Maybe he even spotted Anne coming home and being a rapist, decided to commit that crime as well. Horrific random crimes like burglery or rape or even murder do happen. I'm not buying the rumors out there either. I think this was just a criminal doing what he does and I am glad he is off the streets.
Yep, and in the other cases, his plans were often foiled by attentive neighbors. The one lady didn't even know he was back in her yard until her neighbor called her. Anne was at a disadvantage with at least two of the houses nearest to her being vacant. A savvy criminal would have picked up on that too.
That's interesting because I had been thinking the same thing during the discussion of whether she was dating anybody and her being a particularly religious person. I think you could be right.

Her mother said "that monster stole my daughter's innocence" in regards to the rape. My first impression of that statement is that Anne was a virgin. :mad:

I was offline all through the holiday weekend and just couldn't believe it when I saw yesterday that they had arrested someone. I am so happy this is not going to go cold and the fact LE has the DNA to link this man to the crime with no question.

I am normally not a supporter of the DP but in some cases I am - and this is one of them. This man is a threat to society, he has been terrorizing women for years, he is a complete waste of space and is worthless to society, he should die for what he did to Anne and to all the other women he has assaulted. I can barely stand to look at his face with that blank, dumb expression on it.
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