GUILTY AR - Anne Pressly, 26, raped & murdered, Little Rock, 20 Oct 2008 #2

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If robbery had been his first priority, the house would have been ransacked. From the early photos taken of the house, this certainly did not appear to have happened. He may have planned to take more things and was scared off by her father's phone call.
He had to get the money for those rims somewhere... being he was unemployed.
I won't be surprised if they find this perp did come into contact with her in some way before this happened (I asked, but never got an answer if she stopped on the way home from the party). To me, it has the elements of her being singled out and less in the way of randomly being attacked. The rage and the sexual assault are not consistent with the sole purpose of a robbery. imo.

SS, After the party, she stopped by to visit her mother who was staying at a friend's home. For awhile, people were saying that her mother attended the party with her. But, that was actually not the case. I'm not sure how close or where exactly the mother's friend's home was in proximity to Anne's. If she stopped at the store or a gas station, I don't think they've made that public.

edited to add, maybe Anne was investigating/reporting on the string of burglaries that Vance was responsible for in his town. Does anyone know if she was involved in reporting that?
So aren't the fact or the documents on the case to be released today? When do you guys think we'll have access to them...or have I missed something?

This case troubles me so much! I can't get it off my mind. I am now afraid to take a shower in my own house unless my DH is here!
I can hardly cope with the case, especially now. After Anne passed I had seriously hurt myself and had to be hospitalized. I was pulling for her to somehow make it. It is just so emotional for me.

But its also like the proverbial train wreck... i can't not look. i need to know. need to share things. need to hear from other people.
I can hardly cope with the case, especially now. After Anne passed I had seriously hurt myself and had to be hospitalized. I was pulling for her to somehow make it. It is just so emotional for me.

But its also like the proverbial train wreck... i can't not look. i need to know. need to share things. need to hear from other people.

I hope you are feeling/doing better. I know it's hard for us to swallow - just imagine how her family must feel!!! I just want so bad for there to be some rhyme or reason to this - not just some random target. Don't know why I feel that way....but I do.
I am doing ok. My partner is really understanding NOW. Before she sort of brushed my feelings over this aside. I can't blame her. But I was hurting and she would sort of tell me not to be so concerned or upset over it. Not realizing how personal it is to me. But that was also before I found here. And this has been super. At least if I am going to obsess I can be somewhat healthy about it. It isnt doing my bipolar and ptsd any good.

Oh, I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach when I read these articles today. I've been following this story without commenting on it, but it seems like it has effected me in the same ways it has many of you. The fact that Anne was put through this makes me feel physically ill.

Carla Lashelle, I'm sorry this has been such a huge trigger for you...there is so much unfairness in this world. I'm glad to hear your partner is supporting you now - people don't always "get it" when it comes to PTSD and why things effect us the way they do. I hope you are able to take good care of yourself and find some comfort too.
Good evening folks- Along with whatever crimes Vance committed independently, he could easily be a "go to" guy when "persuasive" tactics are in order- silencing, money owed, favors, etc. and I wouldn't be surprised if he's killed before, maybe crimes were covered up.
His brutality proves he has nooo problem hurting and killing people. I think he knows lots of people in different counties. It's a small world in Ar. I wonder if he has ties and travels outside of the state? Memphis? St. Louis, Chicago? Cousins? cousin's friends, friend's cousins
Or else he's just a small town, small time, unemployed low life. wit rims...JMO
BTW, I do realize he hasn't been proven guilty as of yet
What Anne went through is similar to what Michelle Young went through. The awful, awful beatings...being pulverized by a demon. I hope both those demons burn in hell and fry on earth for what they have done.
Here's how it happened.. the DNA from Anne's crime scene was put into data base with no hit.

"Then last week, police got a hit. The DNA from Pressly’s house matched the DNA of a nameless suspect in an April rape in Marianna, the Lee County seat, about 100 miles east of Little Rock.

Little Rock detectives called Marianna’s sole detective, who gave them the name of a suspect on the basis of details of the Pressly case. "

It was a case of good detective work & DNA.
Her mother said "that monster stole my daughter's innocence" in regards to the rape. My first impression of that statement is that Anne was a virgin. :mad:

I was offline all through the holiday weekend and just couldn't believe it when I saw yesterday that they had arrested someone. I am so happy this is not going to go cold and the fact LE has the DNA to link this man to the crime with no question.

I am normally not a supporter of the DP but in some cases I am - and this is one of them. This man is a threat to society, he has been terrorizing women for years, he is a complete waste of space and is worthless to society, he should die for what he did to Anne and to all the other women he has assaulted. I can barely stand to look at his face with that blank, dumb expression on it.
Here's how it happened.. the DNA from Anne's crime scene was put into data base with no hit.

"Then last week, police got a hit. The DNA from Pressly’s house matched the DNA of a nameless suspect in an April rape in Marianna, the Lee County seat, about 100 miles east of Little Rock.

Little Rock detectives called Marianna’s sole detective, who gave them the name of a suspect on the basis of details of the Pressly case. "

It was a case of good detective work & DNA.

Can you imagine how excited police and DNA techs must have gotten when they registered a hit? The realization that now they know who is this guy is, the know his name, they know where to find him and finally there will be some answers and justice for Anne must have been so exhilarating and reiterated why they became detectives in the first place - too catch monsters like this.
It was awesome, I'm sure. What is really good that they solved this crime pretty quick before he had a chance to harm more people.
it is sad though that 2 crimes had to happen, and that without the other neigher might be solved. BUT no matter what he might have done in the past he isnt going 2 do anything in the future.

He better be sure he doesnt drop the soap...
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