GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 5

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Isn't it possible the hair follicle was on dad, to prove he was clean, so he could get custody? I am not seeing her name on the test.
It means she was not on any illegal drugs according to the hair follicle test.
Certain prescription drugs can skew a urine drug test causing false positives for illegal drugs, such as in this case with CL. Hair follicle testing is way more accurate than urine testing.
ETA: NJ said CL has fibromyalgia. I'm assuming she was taking prescriptions for fibro.
but she failed a urine test, I know that the hair follicle is more accurate, so wouldn't that mean she would fail that if she failed a urine test? It stays in hair for 90+ days... urine, maybe only 72 hours.... Am I missing something?
My husband and I always remove the key fob (which has the lock remote) on it and put it in our pocket when we go into a store, etc. We just don't like toting around the entire set of keys with us. Also, it isn't out of the realm of possibility that since she was in a non-populated area that she didn't feel the need to lock her purse up. She was in a private driveway in what sounds to be a rural setting, not a parking lot, etc.
I also take issue with the fact that people say she would NEVER have gotten in a car with them to go to the next showing. I know, I know, she was a smart lady, etc. However, we have probably all done things that in hindsight, were not the smartest idea, even though we may be very smart people. She may have felt a false sense of security with them. They would have presented as a nice couple, a small family with the mom going to nursing school, etc. They may have mentioned that the daughter went to dance school with her granddaughter, etc. in other words schmoozed her into feeling okay. Besides, if she had never had any problem with other clients, she may not have ALWAYS been in the mindset of thinking, "These people might kidnap and murder me." The point is, we have no way of knowing what her thoughts were. She may have had a temporary lapse of judgement that cost her her life. My point is that NEVER and ALWAYS are two words that get us into trouble when developing theory, especially when they apply to the human mind.
Now, another theory I read earlier on (and I cannot remember where) is that they may have thought of taking her to an office of her husband's business to perhaps gain entry to a safe. Did anyone else ever read that and was that theory ever expanded upon?

The fellow realtor that texted her the same night because she had locked herself out of one of BC's listings said they carry a key fob with them, which I assume means it is for the entry to the homes they are showing.

JANE CARFAGNO, FRIEND AND COWORKER (via telephone):" Well, actually, I had locked myself out, I was showing her listing and I had locked my keys in the
house. We have a key fob and then we use our phones and we have several other things we`re carrying and sometime it`s a little complicated. "

So if she had a key fob that was for use in connection with the phone for the lockbox or whatever, chances are she kept that and her car's fob with her as part of her routine. I also have a fob for my car. Like you, I do not keep it with my house keys because I like to be able to carry in my pocket and I often lock my house keys in my car so I don't have to carry them.

I really doubt that she left her car unlocked with her purse and wallet inside. She most likely had a routine when showing a house and did not want to be bothered with keeping up with a purse or leave it on a counter somewhere inside while working.

I do not think she would have willingly gotten in their car. For one thing, she would not have IMO left her purse and gone to another showing without it. If she had car trouble (as someone speculated) I believe she would have called her husband since they lived nearby.

She would not have left the door open and unlocked if she left the house willingly.

It has been mentioned that the house did not have electricity since it was a foreclosure. I believe it was her son who mentioned in an interview that was why she was showing that particular home first--so that there would still be daylight to show it.

I think she arrived there first and unlocked the house. Either she was surprised that someone was already in the house (using his 'magnet security breaching skills) or she was rendered helpless while showing it. Then either one or both of the accused waited until darkness to remove her from the house so neighbors would not see the struggle to get her out. I would guess that because it was now dark, it was not noticed the door was left open.

I do not believe she sent the fore mentioned text to her fellow realtor. Her co-worker said it did not sound like her "voice" and it was a short and curt sounding reply. Beverly was known to be outgoing and helpful. I think would given some offer of help or let her know when she would be able to come by or something along that line of thinking. That pushes me to believe two people would have been involved-- someone dealing with the victim and someone else able to handle the phone and reply to texts to keep them from being suspicious when she did not respond.I think could also explain how the phone ended up in their possession, it was being monitored and could have been put in one of their pockets or in CL's purse and forgotten until later. Then when it was noticed, the texts to her husband were hurriedly sent to hopefully keep him from calling LE any sooner.
Isn't it possible the hair follicle was on dad, to prove he was clean, so he could get custody? I am not seeing her name on the test.

thats a reason I don't get how she would fail a urine test but pass a hair follicle test...
but she failed a urine test, I know that the hair follicle is more accurate, so wouldn't that mean she would fail that if she failed a urine test? It stays in hair for 90+ days... urine, maybe only 72 hours.... Am I missing something?
Lol. I think so or maybe I'm missing something? Lol. I have it correct in my head and trying to figure out how to explain it to where it makes sense. In the meanwhile try reading these links:
Be back later. It's supposed to freeze here in OK tonight. Cattle tanks, water hoses, pressure tank, etc. are calling my name. Ugh!
Maybe AL and CL presented BC with whatever was in the envelope found at CL's house - BC realized these two were up to no good and started to call for help- AL snatched her phone - BC freaked and ran out the front door with AL and CL running after her - they subdued her and threw her in the car and didn't even think to go back and shut the door - I watch entirely toooo much TV lol

Expand on the envelope. I heard a mention of an envelope early on but no details.
but she failed a urine test, I know that the hair follicle is more accurate, so wouldn't that mean she would fail that if she failed a urine test? It stays in hair for 90+ days... urine, maybe only 72 hours.... Am I missing something?

That is exactly what I posted. I don't see how it is possible to fail a follicle test a few weeks later. On the follicle test results sheet, I don't see her name as the one who took the test. Does anyone have results that show her as the one taking them? If not, then this is what I am going with...

She took urine test...failed for PCP. Prescription drugs don't cause a false positive for PCP, that I know of. In order for him to get custody, he had to take one as well, seems fair. He took a hair follicle and passed.

I will only believe she took both if her name is on both results.
I do not think she would have willingly gotten in their car. For one thing, she would not have IMO left her purse and gone to another showing without it. If she had car trouble (as someone speculated) I believe she would have called her husband since they lived nearby.

She would not have left the door open and unlocked if she left the house willingly.

You are right. In my grabbing-at-straws thinking, I did not consider those two very important things.
Peoples' recollection about things from the past, when there was no significance attached to the event, are not perfect. The gym owner could be incorrect in saying CL only attended 1 competition or other sources could be wrong that she attended more than one competition.

Also, keep in mind, it is easier to prove a positive (I DID see her there) than it is to prove a negative, as in: she may have been there but a specific person didn't NOTICE here there, it didn't stand out in their mind that she was there.
Ok, I know this has been said.... But how did she fail a urine test but pass a hair follicle test?? Drugs stay in hair 90 days or more. So not really understanding that.

Because she took prescribed meds that are known to show up as pcp. This is why they did the hair follicle test, as it is more accurate.
Isn't it possible the hair follicle was on dad, to prove he was clean, so he could get custody? I am not seeing her name on the test.

Dad is in the military. He would be tested regularly anyway. CL never accused the ex of doing drugs but he accused her, therefore she was the one tested. I am not understanding why everyone is trying to not believe the report. Too me. It is not confusing at all. CL was clean.
Oct 16, Emergency order entered. Oct 17 order is what stated she tested positive for PCP, Nov 7th order states that on Oct 21 the 5 panel hair follicle test was conducted and neg results on all substances tested WE DONT KNOW the substances that they tested for. I don't know enough about these tests to say much. IIRC i read in the paperwork CL dtr said that AL did meth.
If you read this #6 clearly says she submitted a hair follicle. The results were for her test. I don't get why this is so hard to understand.
Also, keep in mind, it is easier to prove a positive (I DID see her there) than it is to prove a negative, as in: she may have been there but a specific person didn't NOTICE here there, it didn't stand out in their mind that she was there.

There is no way the gym owner can say which parent was there or as far as a child on the team yes because the team could not execute the routine with a team member missing. Each team has anywhere from 2 to 3 team moms that keep up with the kids on the team and if a child is not there they contact the parent. The teams normally meet and stay together until it is time to go back to the warm up area and the parents are normally there with them as well. Parents and team moms would be the ones to notice if CL was at a competition or not, not the gym owner.
That is exactly what I posted. I don't see how it is possible to fail a follicle test a few weeks later. On the follicle test results sheet, I don't see her name as the one who took the test. Does anyone have results that show her as the one taking them? If not, then this is what I am going with...

She took urine test...failed for PCP. Prescription drugs don't cause a false positive for PCP, that I know of. In order for him to get custody, he had to take one as well, seems fair. He took a hair follicle and passed.

I will only believe she took both if her name is on both results.

Many drugs even over the counter can cause false positives. My husband administers drug testing for the military. If you test positive then the next test given to you is the hair follicle. It is much more accurate, which is why it is given.

NJ stated at the beginning that CL failed her urine test and was tested for hair follicle. There was no reason for the dad to be tested.

Many drugs even over the counter can cause false positives. My husband administers drug testing for the military. If you test positive then the next test given to you is the hair follicle. It is much more accurate, which is why it is given.

NJ stated at the beginning that CL failed her urine test and was tested for hair follicle. There was no reason for the dad to be tested.

So, she was taking one of these

PCP Over-the-counter cold and allergy medications containing: Dextromethorphan (Nyquil, Robitussin Maximum Strength Cough Suppressant, Vicks 44 Cough Relief).
Prescription anti-anxiety medications containing: Diazepam (Valium)?

Was this said on here by the verified insider?
I asked the person I spoke with again, and she tells me that she knows for a fact that CL attended at least two competitions because CL and her daughter were late and they were having to track them down. The point being, even if it was only one time, that's all it would take for them to run across each other.

As to why the owner would downplay this? Her business has been in the news a lot. I would imagine that she would want to limit the exposure. Maybe she also truly doesn't believe that CL could be involved and is trying to help defend her. I dont know what their relationship was, but she must have felt fairly comfortable with CL to have been at her house that Friday night. Unless I'm misinformed about that too.

What Friday night was the owner at CL's house.
The test was done on the 2 children listed. Custody was almost given back to CL until she tested positive for PCP ETA: I believe the 5 follicle test was done on CL, because of this order. Hope I did this correct lol first post

No test were done on the two children. The son was not even in this state to get a drug test. The test was done on CL. Both the pee and hair follicle tests. She passed the hair follicle and the pee had a false positive for PCP due to the meds she is prescribed. Before she was arrested she was set to get her daughter back. I know this from CL and another friend who verified this information.
One thing that I have been thinking about. If someone wants to get to you there are many ways they can.

Anyone that has jobs like realtors or appraisers. Please be careful. Not just in setting up appointments but all the time. When BC's story was first reported, a realtor that had been attacked and raped said that she was just going by one of her vacant listings and was followed into the house. So, these things can sadly happen any time. So scary.
I must be dense or having a blonde moment.... Did she fail a urine test with PCP, but pass a hair follicle test? If so, how on earth is that possible? If it was the other way around, that would make sense as PCP stays in your urine for 72 hrs. How far apart were the tests? Maybe I am just confused.

Tests were same day within an hour of each other give or take a few minutes.
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