GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 6

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These kinds of questions have different answers if he was on meth... or not on meth, again. It's an important part of the scenario methinks. Here in Sleuthville we are seeking some flat out logical rationale for some of his erratic behavior and.... we might be off track by the simple fact that he was using during that week and the lead up to the crime. And then much of what he did might not have made any sense, even to him. I don't know what to believe from the court record in the custody case citing CL's daughter saying AL was a heavy meth user - and also said he had not been sleeping for days on end, as reported from VIs. Then there is the loud CL/ AL domestic fight the day before. What was that about?? I'll bet whatever it was it would be shed some useful light on all of this.

Just guessing but I would think the lack of money and him not working would cause alot of fighting. His flirting on social media probably didnt help either.
So did I. I was following the reporters tweets until they took AL from questioning to the jail to book him. They were also reporting alot of LE activity in that one town that night.I forgot the town. Is that the town BC body was found at? I dont remember.

I don't really know since I am not from there. I just know my husband kept saying "Baby you are getting too invested in this and you need to come to bed." Now I am here everyday and he just shakes his head. Ha.
Just guessing but I would think the lack of money and him not working would cause alot of fighting. His flirting on social media probably didnt help either.

as far as we know the short time at the concrete company is the only job we have heard of him ever having??
Just guessing but I would think the lack of money and him not working would cause alot of fighting.

That was my original thought too concernedmother, but I'm now opening up to some different possibilities and would really like to know if he was using during this time. If the deal was a strict kidnapping for ransom money the argument about the dire need for cash fits perfectly. If.... But maybe the argument was about him laying out his plan to grab some quick cash... a simple extortion call? Same circle in the end, until we know more, it's just speculation galore. :)
These kinds of questions have different answers if he was on meth... or not on meth, again. It's an important part of the scenario methinks. Here in Sleuthville we are seeking some flat out logical rationale for some of his erratic behavior and.... we might be off track by the simple fact that he was using during that week and the lead up to the crime. And then much of what he did might not have made any sense, even to him. I don't know what to believe from the court record in the custody case citing CL's daughter saying AL was a heavy meth user - and also said he had not been sleeping for days on end, as reported from VIs. Then there is the loud CL/ AL domestic fight the day before. What was that about?? I'll bet whatever it was it would be shed some useful light on all of this.

This is that part that my husband keeps telling me, I will never find anything logical about this. I guess as women, we want to figure it all out. My husband's career was LE and Military for over 30 years. He has seen the worst of the worst, in people and he is always trying to get me to understand that some people are just pure evil, and there is no explanation that will ever be found out as to why.
That was my original thought too concernedmother, but I'm now opening up to some different possibilities and would really like to know if he was using during this time. If the deal was a strict kidnapping for ransom money the argument about the dire need for cash fits perfectly. If.... But maybe the argument was about him laying out his plan to grab some quick cash... a simple extortion call? Same circle in the end, until we know more, it's just speculation galore. :)

CL had obviously had a good job for many years before meeting AL and him making her quit. Why did she not just go back to work if they needed money that badly?
CL had obviously had a good job for many years before meeting AL and him making her quit. Why did she not just go back to work if they needed money that badly?

My daughter got through nursing school while working full time and babies to take care of. It can be done. Granted, its not easy.
Makes more sense to me they were fighting over him contacting woman all the time...
I don't think he was washing his car from kidnapping BC. He had gotten stuck in the mud earlier in the day and flagged down a guy to pull him out, after the neighbor didn't help him. I assumed he was looking for a spot to bury her, and probably thought better of it since he had been seen there. I remember he told the guy that helped him, he was looking for a place to make out with his girlfriend and got stuck. BTW this info came from the man who pulled AL out of the mud, not AL himself. On a side note, I wonder where CL was that he didn't call her for help when he got stuck?

Maybe CL was with Beverly....
All the stuff we speculate on-watch it not even being close when the trial starts and stuff comes out. lol
CL had obviously had a good job for many years before meeting AL and him making her quit. Why did she not just go back to work if they needed money that badly?

I did not know he made her quit her job?? guess I assumed she quit to go to school..
This is that part that my husband keeps telling me, I will never find anything logical about this. I guess as women, we want to figure it all out. My husband's career was LE and Military for over 30 years. He has seen the worst of the worst, in people and he is always trying to get me to understand that some people are just pure evil, and there is no explanation that will ever be found out as to why.
my husband tells me the same thing when I ask why.... Or how.
I don't think he was washing his car from kidnapping BC. He had gotten stuck in the mud earlier in the day and flagged down a guy to pull him out, after the neighbor didn't help him. I assumed he was looking for a spot to bury her, and probably thought better of it since he had been seen there. I remember he told the guy that helped him, he was looking for a place to make out with his girlfriend and got stuck. BTW this info came from the man who pulled AL out of the mud, not AL himself. On a side note, I wonder where CL was that he didn't call her for help when he got stuck?

She was probably at "clinicals"
I did not know he made her quit her job?? guess I assumed she quit to go to school..

How do you "make" someone quit their job?

I have a question. If a person has fibro and is on tramadol, would that impact your ability to perform as a nurse? Is that drug considered a heavy duty pain killer?
How do you "make" someone quit their job?

I have a question. If a person has fibro and is on tramadol, would that impact your ability to perform as a nurse? Is that drug considered a heavy duty pain killer?
I don't understand how a woman could allow her husband to "make" her do anything but women do that all the time. CL is certainly not the first and won't be the last.
I was understanding NJ to say AL got the job at the concrete plant then CL qquit her job to go to school because he was working....imo- that is not making her quit..

NJ can you confirm please?
I was understanding NJ to say AL got the job at the concrete plant then CL qquit her job to go to school because he was working....imo- that is not making her quit..

NJ can you confirm please?

I thought NJ had said he made her quit when they got married, because he had enough money and she didn't need to work.
Guy in truck said:

"-- A tall, skinny, white man got out of the ....of the truck ... that pulled up behind her to.... uh ....that she was gonna show that house to"

For me it said something that he worded it "pulled up behind her" rather than "pulled up behind her car". It indicates that he may have either seen BC was there in her car when he pulled up or imagined that she was, maybe heard her turn off the engine or something. Otherwise it would be more of a natural inclination to say the truck "pulled up behind her car" instead of "her". IMO.

I would say "behind her". I don't know if we are back to being a southerner or what. But, I would probably say, "Just pull up behind her" if I was talking about my sister's car, even if she wasn't in it.

Geographically diverse forums and my voice texting both make me realize we talk funny. Today, I was talking to my text and said "If you see..." and it typed "If you say..." Yep, I guess I have a more southern accent than I think I do!
I was understanding NJ to say AL got the job at the concrete plant then CL qquit her job to go to school because he was working....imo- that is not making her quit..

NJ can you confirm please?
I was wrong NJ said CL quit her job in August. This link!&p=11163054#post11163054
Post number 1134 and 1138.

And this link!&p=11161203#post11161203
Post number 1072

Also here!&p=11161281#post11161281
Post number 1080
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