GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 8

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Going back to an earlier post by nojustice (snipped) because I think it provides some good insight into ALs MO when he's seeking cash. Most of us just work harder when we are low on funds, but AL scams and cons harder.

NJ said:

So in Jan, just 9 mos prior to the murder/ kidnapping, he was attempting to extort $5K from his girlfriend's ex (and they were married in April after this...) This was AL realizing he needed to get back to "work". And extortion was just one task amongst many in his line of work. He was kicked out and probably desperate for some get by cash. What to do? Extortion or theft or credit card scams? The call to CLs ex gave him an opportunity to seek revenge against her --and "earn a living" at the same time! A twofer.

It's very plausible in light of that recent stab at extortion, he could have intended to use Beverly for something similar. And to him, it was just another day at work.... until it wasn't and something went very wrong.

Might as well get used to it. We will probably be wildly theorizing here till the end of February! ;)

It was not in Jan it was in the summer, maybe June or July? I misspoke about the Jan date by accident. I was thinking June and typed Jan somehow. It was after they were married and the first time CL kicked AL out. I had already corrected that on the board after that post, but could not correct the post that you snipped.

As far as end of Feb. I doubt we get anything in Feb. I'm sure this won't go to trial for years. Is there still a gag order and sealed records?
Had to look up that Larissa Schuster case, TTF14. It was in California but it sounds like something that would happen in Miami. (Miami Herald & Miami New Times cover some incredible crime stories if you ever get bored. Miami Herald also has Dave Barry's column which is usually pretty funny and is what drew me to their site originally.)
Had to look up that Larissa Schuster case, TTF14. It was in California but it sounds like something that would happen in Miami. (Miami Herald & Miami New Times cover some incredible crime stories if you ever get bored. Miami Herald also has Dave Barry's column which is usually pretty funny and is what drew me to their site originally.)

I love Dave Barry :).
(snipped the Jan vs June stuff. Typos happen.)

As far as end of Feb. I doubt we get anything in Feb. I'm sure this won't go to trial for years. Is there still a gag order and sealed records?

You may be correct in your prediction but it seems like most "high profile cases" seem go to trial much quicker to me.

I imagine CL wants to go to trial ASAP. I've never been inside a county jail but I've read they are much worse than state penitentiaries. Plus, she might be found not guilty. Free anywhere is better than any jail or prison, IMO.
I know the records are sealed and they mentioned they may get a gag order but did the get it?
Since we saw the judge's rulings about the psychiatric evaluation of AL and the denial of his request to fire his attorney, may we conclude that procedural motions and rulings aren't sealed?
Similar to Grant and Amanda Hayes. They were tried separately for Laura Ackerson's murder. I watched both trials, and both were convicted of murder (Grant M1 and Amanda M2). The prosecution never proved beyond a shadow of a doubt who actually killed Laura. All they did was prove that they acted in concert to murder her.
Don't defense attorneys usually fight gag orders and seals?

Last I remember hearing they were all working with the same goal of keeping it quite, so they hadn't did the gag order. I think it was the news conf when CL was arrested. Been a while but that's last I remember.
The forum is pretty quiet and likely to stay that way until something new is released by LE, so I think re-reading from the beginning is a good idea.
It was not in Jan it was in the summer, maybe June or July? I misspoke about the Jan date by accident. I was thinking June and typed Jan somehow. It was after they were married and the first time CL kicked AL out. I had already corrected that on the board after that post, but could not correct the post that you snipped.

As far as end of Feb. I doubt we get anything in Feb. I'm sure this won't go to trial for years. Is there still a gag order and sealed records?

Ok thanks, I missed that totally, but as I said, I have really limited reading time lately. Will correct it on my now worlds longest timeline. Some people do jigsaw puzzles... some enjoy gardening... others draft criminal case timelines. ;)
What inconsistencies are you referring to? I only ask since the linked page goes to what I had posted. I would like to clear up anything you find inconsistent. I'm quite sure there is a logical explanation for what you find inconsistent.

I didn't click on any link, I just started at Thread 1, page 1 and am going to try and go back and read one old thread a day, (or with Holidays, maybe a half thread a day, lol). I don't know if that answered your question though?

ETA: Inconsistencies I was referring to (just to mention a few) were/was things like: Was it Beverly's listing, was it a referral, the mention on a pickup, whether lock box versus key was missing, where AL worked, where he was arrested, etc.
I didn't click on any link, I just started at Thread 1, page 1 and am going to try and go back and read one old thread a day, (or with Holidays, maybe a half thread a day, lol). I don't know if that answered your question though?

ETA: Inconsistencies I was referring to (just to mention a few) were/was things like: Was it Beverly's listing, was it a referral, the mention on a pickup, whether lock box versus key was missing, where AL worked, where he was arrested, etc.

Thank you for your response. The link that was in the post you answered went to posts of mine. I was just thinking out loud that if I had accidentally made any inconsistent statement I wanted to correct it. Such as the Jan vs June that I already corrected HA HA. Easy to misstate or have brain farts with so much stress.
Thank you for your response. The link that was in the post you answered went to posts of mine. I was just thinking out loud that if I had accidentally made any inconsistent statement I wanted to correct it. Such as the Jan vs June that I already corrected HA HA. Easy to misstate or have brain farts with so much stress.

I am sure we have all made honest mistakes. I know when I went to the link the first thing I read was someone posting that AL for sure had a car and a truck, and we know that has never been proven and the property records never showed him owing a truck. I for one have no time to go back and reread months of posts, but hats off to anyone who does. I have been trying to follow along on that Jessica Chambers and it goes so fast I can hardly keep up there, but boy has this gal who knows nothing about drugs or gangs, had some eye opening reads. Sheesh.
Thank you for posting this, I had not seen it. Such a beautiful lady, such a beautiful smile.
Prayers for her family and friends.

This is what should be remembered. What a lovely tribute! JMHO
Of the three that we are reminded we can sleuth... ONLY ONE IS, A VICTIM.... Beverly Lyn Carter. Fact.

Crystal Hope Lowery and Arron Michael Lewis have Both been Arrested, and Charged with Capital Murder and Kidnapping of Beverly Lyn Carter. Fact.
shanyw Sorry about your son. I cant imagine anything worse than losing a child. Even an adult one.
this is what should be remembered. What a lovely tribute! Jmho
of the three that we are reminded we can sleuth... Only one is, a victim.... Beverly lyn carter. Fact.

Crystal hope lowery and arron michael lewis have both been arrested, and charged with capital murder and kidnapping of beverly lyn carter. Fact.

thank you thank you thank you
This is incredibly sad!!!! She loved people. And people loved her. NO ONE had the right to kill her! No one! Keep your hands to yourself!!!!! No one has any right to take away LIFE from another human. It isn't yours to take! This family clearly loves her so much, and now, their photo stream has stopped. It has been forever altered. May they find some sort of peace in a place that I do not think I would be able to. She wasn't in an accident. She wasn't sick. She was MURDERED while she was at work. She was violated and took her last breath and the hands of intentional harm. There is no excuse whatsoever.

This video just brings it all back to reality and puts it in perspective. My heart hurts for her family. She was placed in a shallow grave but there will be a big hole in their lives forever.
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