Found Deceased AR - John Glasgow, 45, Little Rock, 28 January 2008

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His car being wiped clean of fingersprints, his brother saying he wasn't an avid hiker, no suicide note....I think this is foul play.

He could've gone to Pinnacle Mountain to jump off a cliff. It's much closer.

And I don't see him parking his car and walking over a mile to where he was found.
I don't see him having any reason to be that far away from home, on a Monday AM in the winter.

I think that's the perfect place to hide a body and leave his car to be found. I think he wasn't placed there until after the searches were over. .

Say it was a professional hit...where else would they take the car and leave it? No surveillance cameras around.

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soooblessed, I would agree with you more than 100% if that were possible.
The restaurant at Mather Lodge is quite nice with big windows affording beautiful views. So one could go there for lunch or any other meal actually. There also meeting spaces, and common spaces where one could meet with less privacy. Basically from that parking lot, it would be hiking if one wasn't staying there. There are cabins and also private rustic, sort of motelish, type rooms at the lodge, recently renovated (where we stayed). The question, I have now, was his car found in the Mather parking lot that day or the next day? Was he a hiker or wasn't he? I am still having a hard time believing he hiked to where his body was found, if he wasn't a serious hiker. If he was and a frequent visitor, perhaps but it could also be the place to meet someone. Yes, there are some folks who live on the mountain outside of the park. There is also the Rockefeller Retreat Center. An automobile museum, a few shops/stores etc. I believe there is still a Rockefeller Cattle Ranch. And the air strip. Win Rockefeller had a major retreat/home on top of Petit Jean which is now the retreat center. And various access roads to the mountain top.

His car was fund the next day, but a tourist photographed it the same day JG disappeared, IIRC.

As for hiking, I have friends that hike. They go out of Appalachian Trail for a week. Even if I could, I wouldn't enjoy that. I would go on walks through the woods, that would cover that distance.

Further, if this was suicide, it would have been a one way trip.
This was a hit. Wonder if any flights were landed that day. Guess you'd have to talk to groundscrew (if there are any) no flight manifests. Wonder if satellite imagery would catch that. (Is it only on tv that that can happen?

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Just playing devil's advocate here for a minute.

Someone that is in that state of's really hard for us to imagine what they may or may not do. Would it be reasonable for a non-hiker to hike that far? Maybe not, under normal circumstances, but usually when someone is at the point of seriously considering suicide, then what is "normal" tends not to apply. As was stated above, if he was planning to go into those woods and not come back out, then why not go that far?

Maybe he walked that far just thinking. Maybe he went that far as to be SURE to avoid quick discovery. It was rough terrain, but this was a marked, clear trail and someone very upset and deep in thought may have gone farther than he/she would normally.

As far as planting the body there after the search, I find it very, very difficult to believe that someone was able to carry a dead body even down the first part of the trail heading down from Mather Lodge. They tossed it off a cliff from above? Then one would think there would probably be some damage to the skull, which we know from news reports there was not.

I just don't think it's that far out of the realm of possibility that an upset, possibly suicidal man may have hiked that far down into those woods. He may not have even decided for sure or worked up the courage to do it until he got that far.

The police seemed pretty adamant with their statement that foul play was "absolutely not" suspected. They may have found evidence near the body that they have chosen not to release. I have a few ideas of "what if's" in my head that I won't go into here, but I do not for a minute discount suicide simply due to the location of the body. As a matter of fact, it tends to give me even more reason to think that is exactly what happened.
J.J., not quite sure about what you mean about the one-way trip was just responding to a comment about accessing the mountain...that there is more than one way up and down. Thanks for the info about the photo. The state park is only part of the top of the mountain...not the entire thing....I watched the Fox link above with the interview with the Clark person and then clicked into the whole unedited press conference with the brother ....the brother did say his brother hiked but wasn't a professional hiker. So, if he did go there on occasion, if he did hike the trails (this wouldn't be level like a walk in the woods, at least the woods around here, it is up and down steep inclines and boulder strewn, sometimes over slick rocks due to small water streams, etc., even the park website says to notify the ranger station if you are going on the Boy Scout trail and to take water, etc, with you as it will take all day. In January, wouldn't it still have been dark if he went straight there? If he planned to hike the Boy Scout trail (the closest to where his body was found) from where he parked, he would have definitely been looking at an all day deal. Odd, not to tell anyone, so maybe an accident. I don't think planned suicide. Other closer places to leap or to park even on this hike, let alone Pinnacle Mountain as someone mentioned that is closer to LR, I was thinking if someone threatened me like the one article indicated John had been threatened by the CFO for Dillards, that he could go to jail, if I felt I was being set up as a scapegoat,a likely course of action would be to contact the Securities and Exchange Commission or FBI and lay out what I knew...etc. My thinking is Petit Jean, since Glasgow appears to have been familiar with it, would be a good place to meet whether by plane or drive in and to run less risk of anyone seeing you. The question to me is, was he distraught like the Clark person indicated in the interview...did his family see the same? His brother is an attorney, seems like John would have confided in him. His brother said homicide more than once in the unedited press conference..but would give no reason he thought that. Could someone have felt like John was a loose cannon, so to speak? Was the air strip involved, I don't know. I do recall the park rangers swore they had covered every inch of that mountain and that he was not there. I would love to know what the searchers who covered the part where his body was found say now, because the mantra at the time the searches ended was NOT that it was a big mountain. Also they said the dogs never caught any scent on the trails. I would find it hard to believe that the rangers didn't do the entire Boy Scout trail, though it would seem unlikely he would be in that area. Also, it was winter...seems like the red jacket would have stood out somewhat depends on how the ledge was situated, I suppose. What kind of shoes did John have on? Just my opinion but I think either accident that became fatal or homicide. Maybe the test results will offer some clues. But if he contacted someone to meet, wouldn't they have come forward with that information? Hard to say.
Other closer places to leap or to park even on this hike, let alone Pinnacle Mountain as someone mentioned that is closer to LR

I want to point out something that I think some may not realize if you haven't personally been to both of those locations.

When you leave out from the trails at Mather Lodge (or really anywhere else) on Petit Jean, you go DOWN into the valley. Mather is on top of the mountain. You could probably find somewhere suitable for jumping without going far from your car. When you drive up to Petit Jean you drive your car up the mountain and that is where all the lodges, cabins, etc are located. The views are fantastic, btw. If the point was to jump, you could easily find somewhere at Petit Jean's grave or even just jump off right there at Mather at the overlook.

When one hikes at Pinnacle, you go UP. You start at the base of the mountain and work your way to the top. You would have quite a climb before you would find anything suitable from which to fling yourself.

In other words, if the point was simply to fling oneself from a cliff, then you could go to Petit Jean and accomplish that without having to hike and climb up a mountain first. Hard to explain what I'm trying to say, so I hope that make sense.

Also, I would venture to say that Pinnacle would be more crowded than Petit Jean at that time of year. Pinnacle is very close to urban areas with many more people residing in the vicinity.

Edit to add: Pinnacle:
See how far one would have to climb?

Petit can drive your car right up to this place. This is not the only such place up there.
Thanks for the information on Pinnacle. I haven't been there in many, many years. I do recall up.
Petit Jean I have been to recently. Yes, you go down...and then up, the point I was trying to make. We agree, there are suitable jumping places without going far from the car on PJ, which makes me question the parking of the car in relation to where his remains were found, i.e. down, than up to be where he was found. Unless, he simply was hiking and then ultimately decided to end it all. My other point, was that PJ would have been a good place for an out of the way meeting, so to speak. One thing, when I was at PJ a few years ago, my ATT cell phone didn't work well at all, was having a really hard time finding and maintaining connectivity for a business thing that came up even when I was at the lodge. Wasn't his cell phone found in the car? He could have left it, not thinking it would work and he wouldn't need it. Or he could have left it on purpose. I was just struck about how many times his brother said "homicide" in the press conference at the same time saying he didn't know where the Red Bluff trail was. Made me think the family knows something more.
Thanks for the information on Pinnacle. I haven't been there in many, many years. I do recall up.
Petit Jean I have been to recently. Yes, you go down...and then up, the point I was trying to make. We agree, there are suitable jumping places without going far from the car on PJ, which makes me question the parking of the car in relation to where his remains were found, i.e. down, than up to be where he was found. Unless, he simply was hiking and then ultimately decided to end it all. My other point, was that PJ would have been a good place for an out of the way meeting, so to speak. One thing, when I was at PJ a few years ago, my ATT cell phone didn't work well at all, was having a really hard time finding and maintaining connectivity for a business thing that came up even when I was at the lodge. Wasn't his cell phone found in the car? He could have left it, not thinking it would work and he wouldn't need it. Or he could have left it on purpose. I was just struck about how many times his brother said "homicide" in the press conference at the same time saying he didn't know where the Red Bluff trail was. Made me think the family knows something more.

You make some very good points, but play devil's advocate:

It's been a while since I've been to PJ, but I do remember having cell phone issues and what you say does make sense, if not for the following. In the Disappeared episode, the policeman that first searched the car said that the laptop case was found in the back seat and inside the laptop case were ALL of his company issued items. Laptop, keys, credit card, gas card and cell phone. My point being, that if he just left the phone behind in the car because of coverage issues, then why would he place it inside the laptop case? Why not just leave it in the glove box or console? Probably not due to a theft worry, because he left the car unlocked. His brother stated he never left the car unlocked, especially with valuables. I guess he was not planning on using the phone again? The phone battery was also dead. The brother and the wife both stated that it seemed like he purposely gathered all of the company things together in one place, as if to say he was done with that job.

Someone refresh my memory...was the press conference before or after the rest of the remains were found? I'm remembering that it was before. They had found the skull and nothing else? I do remember the family stating that due to the fact there was no damage to the skull, they thought it had to be homicide because if he had jumped off a cliff or had shot himself, then there would be damage to the skull.

Has the family made any statements since the rest of the remains and clothes were discovered?

I would respectfully point out that there are more ways to kill oneself than a shot to the head. Or even using a gun at all. Or leaping from a cliff. Some ways are much less "violent". I do not wish to discuss them here out of respect, but you can all read between the lines. And ultimately if it was suicide, it's a private family matter at this point.
Tourist Photo Aids in John Glasgow Search

by Gwen Moritz on Friday, Feb. 22, 2008 3:24 pm

Little Rock executive John Glasgow's Volvo SUV was parked at Mather Lodge at Petit Jean State Park sometime before 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 28, the day he disappeared, photos taken by a lodge guest show.

Two photographs taken by a Tennessee tourist refute earlier published reports that the vehicle wasn't in the parking lot until midday on Jan. 29, shortly before it was discovered.

Roger Glasgow, John Glasgow's older brother, said the family had contacted guests registered at the lodge on Jan. 28 and 29 in hopes of finding someone who had seen John or had photographs of the parking lot. One guest from Tennessee, whose name Roger didn't know, provided two date-stamped digital photos of the parking lot taken about 4:30 on that Monday afternoon, and the Volvo was in the same parking spot outside the lodge where it was discovered the next day.

Roger Glasgow provided a printed copy of one photo to, but the copy did not include the date stamp.
Thanks for the information on Pinnacle. I haven't been there in many, many years. I do recall up.
Petit Jean I have been to recently. Yes, you go down...and then up, the point I was trying to make. We agree, there are suitable jumping places without going far from the car on PJ, which makes me question the parking of the car in relation to where his remains were found, i.e. down, than up to be where he was found. Unless, he simply was hiking and then ultimately decided to end it all. My other point, was that PJ would have been a good place for an out of the way meeting, so to speak. One thing, when I was at PJ a few years ago, my ATT cell phone didn't work well at all, was having a really hard time finding and maintaining connectivity for a business thing that came up even when I was at the lodge. Wasn't his cell phone found in the car? He could have left it, not thinking it would work and he wouldn't need it. Or he could have left it on purpose. I was just struck about how many times his brother said "homicide" in the press conference at the same time saying he didn't know where the Red Bluff trail was. Made me think the family knows something more.
Yes they said his cell phone was in the car. But that the battery was dead. IIRC it pinged off of PJ around 715am? And the car was parked right in front of the lodge. I not sure what I think, but so many things just don't make sense. JMO
Right...that was stated in the Disappeared episode. A tourist photo (which they showed on the program...they appeared to be taking a picture of part of the lodge and happened to capture the parking lot as well. ) showed that his car was in the parking lot the same day he drove away from home.

I was able to find the photo online:
The press conf was right after confirmation that it was JG. I havesn't seen anything since, but it will take a while for those reports. I cant remb where I saw it, but there was IIRC he was a Doctor? stating that by looking at other remains you could get some knowledge. Like if landed on feet diff bones would show splintering and so forth.
Right...that was stated in the Disappeared episode. A tourist photo (which they showed on the program...they appeared to be taking a picture of part of the lodge and happened to capture the parking lot as well. ) showed that his car was in the parking lot the same day he drove away from home.

I was able to find the photo online:
In January, it would already be daylight at 7am... the phone pinged somewhere on PJ after 7am. Parking right up front like that, just doesn't give me the feeling he was going to harm himself. He sure didn't hide the veh. Maybe he was meeting someone to return the business stuff and quit?? And to have it all neatly in the bag, yet leave it unlocked? but as you said, we don't know what was going on in his mind.
I posted this in another forum but thought I'd bring it over here too ---

What sticks in my craw is that all the items relative to his job were so neatly placed in his vehicle - his laptop, cellphone, company credit cards, etc. as if to directly imply his leaving as related to his job. And MG's statements (in the Disappeared video) about those items project that.

*But* the fact that all the little details at home are totally out of character implies something totally different occurred IMO. He didn't take a shower like he usually did. He didn't put on his watch like he usually did. He didn't take his blood pressure medication like he usually did. He didn't make coffee like he usually did.

I think "someone" wanted the public & authorities to think his absence was related strictly to his job - but - they totally forgot about all those little details at home that IMO reflect he didn't do all those things at home because he *couldn't*....

And I don't know about you or others but generally our everyday habits are sort of ground in stone. I have been drinking a Dr. Pepper every morning since I was 17 years old and I'm 62. I curl my hair every morning - whether I'm going anywhere or not. I check my email. I make sure my lights are know -- everyday stuff like that...and the every day stuff that John Glasgow normally did just happened to fly out the window on the day of his disappearance.

JG's friends & family have said he was extremely predictable/dependable/mired in his routine. So, the things that occurred/or didn't occur - the morning of his disappearance - are totally out of character.

Personally, his not making coffee alone is a real stickler for me.
I hope I don't come across as picking apart all the other posts. LOL Sometimes I find it hard not to say "yeah, but..." It a character flaw. I own it. ;)

If one was planning on driving to a remote location with the intent to hike off in the woods and do away with oneself, would you bother to shower? Or take blood pressure medicine (what would be the point)? Was the watch something like a Rolex or other expensive brand that he wanted his family to have as opposed to being lost in the woods? He could have chosen not to make coffee and just grab a cup from a convenience store or McDonald's, as to not wake his wife. If he were intending to go kill himself, the last thing he would have wanted is to have a face to face with her before he left. She probably would have noticed something was wrong and would have questioned him. Maybe he was so stomach-churningly upset that he chose to forego the coffee all together.

Maybe he didn't do all the things he usually did because it was very, very far from a usual day.

In your case, if you were SO distraught over something that you were considering killing yourself, would you still drink the Dr. Pepper, curl your hair and check your email?
Not making coffee would certainly be odd for me...even if going out for a breakfast meeting still make coffee...........................interesting points....
On the coffee - authorities checked surveillance videos from businesses from Little Rock to Petit Jean looking for JG - they didn't find him on any, so I don't think he stopped for coffee.

And on my Dr. Pepper - I have never missed drinking my daily Dr. Pepper except when I was hospitalized & even then I *tried* to get one...LOL

JG's not making coffee is like a smoker not having that first morning cigarette. It's just really really hard for me to believe.
In your case, if you were SO distraught over something that you were considering killing yourself, would you still drink the Dr. Pepper, curl your hair and check your email?[/QUOTE]
I would still make coffee. The thing is, if we are surmising that he went think, hike, etc. and then "decided" , he probably would have done all of those things. If he went with mind made up, probably not....but why hike so far to "the place" , he could have parked closer or chosen another spot.

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