AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #1

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I dunno why but I think if he was a quiet little accountant or plumber and acted didn't get all political and give talks about how other people should live their lives I'd feel more forgiving and optimistic that he's truly changed his ways. But he's got a lot of nerve going round there moralizing about family values when he knows he's committed multiple sexual crimes within family. Wouldn't he be more humble if he truly thought he did something inexcusable to several young girls?

He says he's been so lucky that he's grown up in a home with a mother and father with Christian values and that institution is being threatened... (well but you became a sex criminal in such an environment... are you sure that it's working :O?)
Yes, that's what they did. She later admitted that no counseling took place.

Stupid me, I really believed he did...and the victims, too.

ETA: Wait...I thought they disposed of the case because a) statute of limitations had run out, and B) he had already received "treatment". I still believe none of this would have come to light if it hadn't been the victim who wasn't related. They had no choice but to address the issue then...even though they did a pi$$ poor job of it, IMO.
It is abuse. And mama duggar gleefully describes in her book how she would hide behind a corner spying on the babies to catch them disobeying and then rush up and "correct" them. She also stated how one twin baby boy would witness what happened to the other when "corrected" and how he would then not even try to move from the blanket.

Worse, these parents are strong adherents of the Pearl method of "training" children and have featured the Pearl's child abuse manual, To Train Up a Child, on their website, for years. Read the reviews on Amazon for the book. Google "Pearl Training Duggars" to see the connection. It's all about beating children into submission by spanking them as young as a few months old in what may be hours-long spanking sessions. A few kids have died at the hands of parents who followed these teachings.

I have no doubt the show will be cancelled. The hypocrisy is too much. Even reruns, watched knowing what we now know. Just weird. I don't think they can continue to be profitable.

He did though. They are friends with various other mega and fundamentalist Christian families and often these people stay at one another's homes. I think one of his victims was a non-family member.

Or not raise their kids with the strange dichotomy that the human body is sinful, and sex is evil until marriage, all the while constantly making out in front of the kids and exposing them to sexual innuendoes about the parents, while at the same time, and this is key, cloistering them from normal, day to day contact with other females near their own ages, or the ability to interact in a developmentally typical way with their peers, and telling them that they cannot watch tv and must avert their eyes in public due to the possibility of a woman or girl appearing who is not dressed "modestly", because immodestly dressed girls and women "defraud" men and cause them to have bad thoughts. (Google "Duggars, defrauding and Nike").

Yeah. The ages of the girls- likely between 8-13, is scary.
I agree with most of what you said. Another question is why didn't the parents of the non-familial victim turn him in? Was it the parent of that victim who wrote the "letter" outlining the sexual assaults then tucked it into a book to be found later?

I do understand he was a minor at the time, but given there was more than one victim and it went far beyond what could even be considered youthful offenses (imo)...someone should have taken this more seriously. I wonder if more victims will emerge from the church or other families? It is frightening for me to see yet again how religion plays a role in burying the truth while encouraging children to hide their feelings. If he molested 5 of the sisters and not one came forward to tell the parents...there is a huge problem and disconnect in that family (imo). I understand a single child may keep the silence, but the older girls should have felt a sense of wanting to protect the younger ones from the same treatment by speaking up. Were they also taught not to go against a male figure in the family?

Doesn't Josh D. have girls of his own now? Will Child Protective Services interview them? Or do they have no right to do so since the offenses were never charged and he is protected by the statute of limitations on the abuse?
consider that he was just a "regular" abuser rather than a pedophile. But i'm really reconsidering given the ages involved, especially of the youngest victim. And if he was just sexually frustrated or curious or whatever and he was an otherwise normally developed 15 yr old, he would not be interested in pre-pubescent females. Or at least it doesn't seem so to me-i'm not an expert on this stuff but i have do have 2 16 yr old boys and there's no way in heck they and their friends would be sexually interested in little girls-course they're sports nuts and not really interested in girls at all but you get my point. Doesn't this point more to pedophilia? In which case isn't it highly probable he is a continuing danger as isn't pedophilia something incredibly hard to stop without some kind of extensive intervention which he obviously didn't get.

I'm just so mad about the girls in the family who were probably forced to minimize their abuse and just "forgive" and get it over with so the family media brand could be retained unblemished.

Not to mention were any laws or mandated protocols broken here? How was it never investigated by a child protective agency? Did the *advertiser censored* cop manage to deep six the file? Isn't not acting on sexual abuse of your children also a cause for investigation-like even now? They keep staying the sol has run, fine, that's for criminal charges, but shouldn't child protective services still look into this now to make sure the girls are ok, at least the minor ones? Did jim bob ever even really "report" it? Or did he just go talk to his buddy who took a report and filed it away? I guess that would be on the cop/law enforcement rather than jb even though jb only went to someone he was buddies with and only after a significant period of time. Regardless of why it was never referred to protective services back then it obviously should have been and there's limitations period on child welfare is there?

Certainly after being disciplined over the first incidents he knew it was wrong but he did it again, several times.

I hope anna is watching their kids like a hawk.

Where are his hands....? :d

BBM - A heartbeat away from Sarah Palin's 'personal area'. :silenced: I also think it is eerie how much his wife looks like his older sisters. :moo:
Has TLC made any official comment yet? I see that the show (and videos) are still up on their website.
Unfortunately it's not very hard to figure out who the victims are considering the timeline and how few daughters they had during their first television appearance in 2004. I can't imagine how they are feeling. Maybe relieved that people will know the truth? Probably a long shot.
You know, I always sort of liked Mike Huckabee.

We couldn't be farther apart in ideologies, but I respect the way he holds his own against people like Bill Maher and Steven Colbert. He seemed like someone who was comfortable in his belief system without needing to force others to subscribe.

But now I think I agree that Huckabee is off his ever-lovin' rocker.

I understand MH's perspective to a point. Without going into a big long post, I am more appalled at JBD and Mrs JBD's behavior and how they handled it.

I can't imagine the level of violation the victims must have felt, and are possibly still feeling. I can only hope they overcome their circumstances and are in a place they are happy and comfortable - with whatever choices they make.

Add me to the list of those curious about the pedofile former LEO victimizing any of JD's siblings, or perhaps JD himself?

They're talking about parenting and being a safe place for children to to tell the parents anything, trusting that the parents won't be shocked and make it a prayer issue at the church, teaching them to not touch things that aren't theirs, to control their anger, teaching first time obedience and having to ask forgiveness if they're slow to respond to their mother's commands etc.

Somehow it upsets me that kids can get molested in that house and not allowed to express anger.

Exactly! The girls were molested and THEN the family agrees to a reality tv show that not only never mentions the problem, but focuses on modesty and chastity. The girls' voices were silenced, and that is just as damaging as the molestation.

The girls were used. They were on display, so pretty and sweet, for the world to watch.

I'm concerned about the girls. They might be feeling very guilty that the downfall of their family's reputation and brand was caused by them speaking out years ago. It is **NOT** their fault, of course!!

Their parents put them in a terrible position. It's never wrong to speak the truth.
Wow....Mike Huckabee....I don't know much about him, except now I know that he's delusional.

“Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, ‘inexcusable,’ but that doesn’t mean ‘unforgivable,’ ” Huckabee said in a statement posted on Facebook Friday. “He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story.”
It is all well and good to forgive Josh, but the family didn't deal with it openly and honestly with the victims or authorities, if what we are reading is true. How about showing some sympathy for the victims, Mike? It is not just all about Josh.
It's been over 20 years since I provided Counselling Services to pedophiles. Much has changed over the years with approaches yet several things remain the same. IMO one thing that remains the same is they are and remain a pedophile and will re offend. Will he? Hard to say given there is such much we don't know.
ETA- I cant comment on Josh specifically as I never had a Client with an upbringing like Josh's and certainly not one who had strong religious convictions. Now that he is grown will this be enough?

So do you think it's possible that a young person can sexually molest prepubescent children but not actually turn out to be a pedophile? I suspect it can be true but I'm not an expert. And since someone did the math above and determined one of the victims had to be about 6, oh boy. That's a bad sign. But I sure hope it's true that it could be other than pedophilia.

I just find the whole environment in this case of a very sexually charged/sexually focused atmosphere combined with extreme repression when it comes to the body, masturbation and even to normal thoughts a teen boy would have about sex, along with the kids not being able to socialize or even fantasize about members of the opposite sex who are their own ages, to be a pressure cooker for a 14 year old. At that age, sex is on the mind of a boy every minute of every waking hour. And he literally had no outlet. He didn't even have the privacy of his own thoughts without feeling guilt.

These people teach that you must not even entertain romantic thoughts, or read romance novels or daydream about members of the opposite sex until God calls you to court someone specific. And they have zero privacy. There are always a herd of other kids in their rooms, etc. They have little opportunity to even masturbate. So what do they do with all their feelings, physical and otherwise?

I just hope that once he was able to actually have sex, and be married, that he became more normal.
Sorry Mike but it seems to me that Josh discredited himself. How about some personal responsibility for one's own actions.
So do you think it's possible that a young person can sexually molest prepubescent children but not actually turn out to be a pedophile? I suspect it can be true but I'm not an expert. And since someone did the math above and determined one of the victims had to be about 6, oh boy. That's a bad sign. But I sure hope it's true that it could be other than pedophilia.

I just find the whole environment in this case of a very sexually charged/sexually focused atmosphere combined with extreme repression when it comes to the body, masturbation and even to normal thoughts a teen boy would have about sex, along with the kids not being able to socialize or even fantasize about members of the opposite sex who are their own ages, to be a pressure cooker for a 14 year old. At that age, sex is on the mind of a boy every minute of every waking hour. And he literally had no outlet. He didn't even have the privacy of his own thoughts without feeling guilt.

These people teach that you must not even entertain romantic thoughts, or read romance novels or daydream about members of the opposite sex until God calls you to court someone specific. And they have zero privacy. There are always a herd of other kids in their rooms, etc. They have little opportunity to even masturbate. So what do they do with all their feelings, physical and otherwise?

I just hope that once he was able to actually have sex, and be married, that he became more normal.

Thank you. You put into words what I was thinking but not able to formulate the words. I couldn't have said it better.
Sorry Mike but it seems to me that Josh discredited himself. How about some personal responsibility for one's own actions.

How do you feel Josh discredited himself? By lying about the counseling (iirc, it was Josh who initially mentioned the counseling?) or that the actions ever occurred?

I'm not at all familiar with Josh and the organization he resigned from. But his actions yesterday, were exactly what I would have expected from the average person. A yes I did it and regret it...... Our God is a forgiving God. I would hate to be judged by things I did more than a decade ago. Today is today, none of us can change our mistakes, but we CAN learn from them.

I feel like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop with this case.......
Exactly! The girls were molested and THEN the family agrees to a reality tv show that not only never mentions the problem, but focuses on modesty and chastity. The girls' voices were silenced, and that is just as damaging as the molestation.

The girls were used. They were on display, so pretty and sweet, for the world to watch.

I'm concerned about the girls. They might be feeling very guilty that the downfall of their family's reputation and brand was caused by them speaking out years ago. It is **NOT** their fault, of course!!

Their parents put them in a terrible position. It's never wrong to speak the truth.

I'm actually a little worried about the girls being considered "damaged goods" in their social circle. I know almost nothing about these people. I've never watched a show.....all I know is the mom has a 1987 hairstyle. I guess I'll have to learn about them now.
No money in the world could get me to expose my daughter to that risk. If that was the case, they still need counseling.
Absolutely! I never let my child molester uncle anywhere near my baby daughter! They are NOT "cured" and certainly not by praying it away!!! And I never forgave him. Some things are unforgiveable and not necessary. I will continue to trash him until my dying day. And I stomped on his grave!!!
IMO, Josh Duggar is a child molester, not some teenager expoloring his sexuality!:stormingmad::stormingmad::stormingmad:
This family continues to disgust me more than they already did for having 19 kids, and for using the Blanket method of abuse.
It is all well and good to forgive Josh, but the family didn't deal with it openly and honestly with the victims or authorities, if what we are reading is true. How about showing some sympathy for the victims, Mike? It is not just all about Josh.

Thank you! This sums it up perfectly.
So much in retrospect is making me think. Jana Duggar, the oldest, unmarried Duggar girl, at 26 has still not married and always seems so shy and sort of sad/wistful. She made a comment once about having to forgive those who may hurt you.

She also talked about praying a lot for Josh to find a spouse and being so happy when he found Anna - at age 20.

And Jill: “Dad reminded us that when we pray the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9–13) we are asking God to forgive us to the same degree we forgive others. It says, “Forgive us . . . as we forgive.” Dad asked us to think about those words and take them seriously. Even though we might not feel like forgiving someone, we must choose to forgive every person who offends us and do it even before they ask—and regardless of whether they ever do ask. We must come to the place where we say, “Lord, I choose to forgive (name of offender) for (name of offense).” It’s a choice we can’t afford not to make.”
― Jill Duggar, Growing Up Duggar: It's All About Relationships

Then there's Jinger Duggar. She was very emotional in a speech at her sister's wedding rehearsal, saying: "I just have to say that I am so thankful for … just … I am so undeserving," she said, before beginning to cry in earnest. "I just love Jessa."
The sisters hugged, and Jinger continued, "She has always been there. For my lowest points and stuff, she has been the one encouraging me, standing beside me, regardless of what I've gone through. It's something that I'm just so grateful for. …"

How do you feel Josh discredited himself? By lying about the counseling (iirc, it was Josh who initially mentioned the counseling?) or that the actions ever occurred?

I'm not at all familiar with Josh and the organization he resigned from. But his actions yesterday, were exactly what I would have expected from the average person. A yes I did it and regret it...... Our God is a forgiving God. I would hate to be judged by things I did more than a decade ago. Today is today, none of us can change our mistakes, but we CAN learn from them.

I feel like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop with this case.......

It's just that Mike Huckabee said that people are trying to discredit Josh.

People are simply reporting and reacting to what Josh did. It isn't really trying to discredit and ruin his reputation if it's true imo, it's simply broadening the picture. More honesty maybe.

Let's all hope that he was a misguided teenager who learned a hard lesson, is a good man deep down and with the help of his family will make something good out of this scandal.
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