AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #1

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consider that he was just a "regular" abuser rather than a pedophile. But I'm really reconsidering given the ages involved, especially of the youngest victim. And if he was just sexually frustrated or curious or whatever and he was an otherwise normally developed 15 yr old, he would not be interested in pre-pubescent females. Or at least it doesn't seem so to me-I'm not an expert on this stuff but I have do have 2 16 yr old boys and there's no way in heck they and their friends would be sexually interested in little girls-course they're sports nuts and not really interested in girls at all but you get my point. Doesn't this point more to pedophilia? In which case isn't it highly probable he is a continuing danger as isn't pedophilia something incredibly hard to stop without some kind of extensive intervention which he obviously didn't get.

I'm just so mad about the girls in the family who were probably forced to minimize their abuse and just "forgive" and get it over with so the family media brand could be retained unblemished.

Not to mention were any laws or mandated protocols broken here? How was it never investigated by a child protective agency? Did the *advertiser censored* cop manage to deep six the file? Isn't not acting on sexual abuse of your children also a cause for investigation-like even NOW? They keep staying the SOL has run, fine, that's for criminal charges, but shouldn't child protective services still look into this now to make sure the girls are OK, at least the minor ones? Did Jim Bob ever even really "report" it? Or did he just go talk to his buddy who took a report and filed it away? I guess that would be on the cop/law enforcement rather than JB even though JB only went to someone he was buddies with and only after a significant period of time. Regardless of why it was never referred to protective services back then it obviously should have been and there's limitations period on child welfare is there?

Certainly after being disciplined over the first incidents he knew it was wrong but he did it again, several times.

I hope Anna is watching their kids like a hawk.

Where are his hands....? :D

Just to clarify dates... this occurred at least a few years BEFORE the show started in 2008.
So they signed on to DO this show knowing this skeleton was in the closet.
That is somehow worse to me than continuing it after it happened if that had been the case.
I am most concerned about Anna and her children. Anna did respond she knew about the incidents prior to marrying Josh. Even scarier is they were never alone together to have a private conversation prior to marrying. What is so sad about Anna's situation is she doesn't really have a way out if she finds out Josh is not rehabilitated. She will soon have 4 children and very little ability to support them. Josh no longer has a job to support the family. Would her parents let her come back home?

To be perfectly blunt, she can write a book and live off the royalties.
Back when Josh got engaged there was an episode where he went out with Anna and his brother and sister and accidentally referred to it as a double date. Someone took notice and he made a joke out of it, "well, this is Arkansas."

Commenters here were LOLing about it but it gets disturbing undertones now that he's confessed to molesting his sisters.
About 15 minutes ago I put on TLC Channel awaiting an episode of "The Little Couple" it was already airing. When I pulled up the guide it was suppose to be an episode of the Duggars until 1:30. Looks like it may have been pulled?? Rightfully so! I am shocked that the Duggars were so convinced this would never come out! Again so appalled by this news.
Also mentioned in the report JB caught JD coming out of the bedroom in 2003 and had his friend the LE officer have a talk with JD. The LE friend is the same guy doing 68 years for child *advertiser censored*.
All the stories are mentioned in the police report, a victim reported it first to the father, a letter in a book was mentioned in the police report but Michelle and Jim Bob wouldn't tell the police who wrote it , and there was also an email to Oprah.
Just to clarify dates... this occurred at least a few years BEFORE the show started in 2008.
So they signed on to DO this show knowing this skeleton was in the closet.
That is somehow worse to me than continuing it after it happened if that had been the case.

The more famously righteous the bigger risk they were taking a huge risk that the information would come out, and risk their precious prince Josh's reputation and expose their girls as victims of sexual abuse and incest.

Even though it was hushed up officially there seem to have been so many people knowing about this after all that it seems near certain that some of them would talk, and there have been rumors long before this.

Hope the money was worth it.
To be perfectly blunt, she can write a book and live off the royalties.

She doesn't strike me as the type that would. Given her own belief system. IMO
She doesn't strike me as the type that would. Given her own belief system. IMO

But if she truly has no other way to support herself financially and the opportunity is presented to her, she may find it cathartic to tell her side of the story.
consider that he was just a "regular" abuser rather than a pedophile. But I'm really reconsidering given the ages involved, especially of the youngest victim. And if he was just sexually frustrated or curious or whatever and he was an otherwise normally developed 15 yr old, he would not be interested in pre-pubescent females. Or at least it doesn't seem so to me-I'm not an expert on this stuff but I have do have 2 16 yr old boys and there's no way in heck they and their friends would be sexually interested in little girls-course they're sports nuts and not really interested in girls at all but you get my point. Doesn't this point more to pedophilia? In which case isn't it highly probable he is a continuing danger as isn't pedophilia something incredibly hard to stop without some kind of extensive intervention which he obviously didn't get.
Snipped for brevity , bolded by me

Genise Wright was murdered by an older boy who 'liked' little girls.
This is not some small episode. I believe he could potentially be very dangerous.This was so mishandled , and what was up with sending Josh to 'talk' with a state trooper who is now incarcerated for child *advertiser censored* ??
Some predators do not 'get better' ; imo. :(
Reality tv is likely not the way to go if u have a huge skeleton in your closet. Didn't work out so well for Theresa and Joe who are a coupla fidiots anyway IMO. Two different issues of course but both have caused immense pain and agony for the children involved. IMO
Wow....Mike Huckabee....I don't know much about him, except now I know that he's delusional.

“Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, ‘inexcusable,’ but that doesn’t mean ‘unforgivable,’ ” Huckabee said in a statement posted on Facebook Friday. “He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story.”
"Blanket Training" sounds like abuse. :(


It is abuse. And mama duggar gleefully describes in her book how she would hide behind a corner spying on the babies to catch them disobeying and then rush up and "correct" them. She also stated how one twin baby boy would witness what happened to the other when "corrected" and how he would then not even try to move from the blanket.

Worse, these parents are strong adherents of the Pearl method of "training" children and have featured the Pearl's child abuse manual, To Train Up a Child, on their website, for years. Read the reviews on Amazon for the book. Google "Pearl Training Duggars" to see the connection. It's all about beating children into submission by spanking them as young as a few months old in what may be hours-long spanking sessions. A few kids have died at the hands of parents who followed these teachings.

I was momentarily excited.

I have no doubt the show will be cancelled. The hypocrisy is too much. Even reruns, watched knowing what we now know. Just weird. I don't think they can continue to be profitable.

Of course it was clear. It's not like JD had access to underaged females other than relatives.

He did though. They are friends with various other mega and fundamentalist Christian families and often these people stay at one another's homes. I think one of his victims was a non-family member.

Sounds like what they should have done is equip the doors with locked and tell them to lock themselves up at night.

Or not raise their kids with the strange dichotomy that the human body is sinful, and sex is evil until marriage, all the while constantly making out in front of the kids and exposing them to sexual innuendoes about the parents, while at the same time, and this is key, cloistering them from normal, day to day contact with other females near their own ages, or the ability to interact in a developmentally typical way with their peers, and telling them that they cannot watch tv and must avert their eyes in public due to the possibility of a woman or girl appearing who is not dressed "modestly", because immodestly dressed girls and women "defraud" men and cause them to have bad thoughts. (Google "Duggars, defrauding and Nike").

consider that he was just a "regular" abuser rather than a pedophile. But I'm really reconsidering given the ages involved, especially of the youngest victim. And if he was just sexually frustrated or curious or whatever and he was an otherwise normally developed 15 yr old, he would not be interested in pre-pubescent females. Or at least it doesn't seem so to me-I'm not an expert on this stuff but I have do have 2 16 yr old boys and there's no way in heck they and their friends would be sexually interested in little girls-course they're sports nuts and not really interested in girls at all but you get my point. Doesn't this point more to pedophilia? In which case isn't it highly probable he is a continuing danger as isn't pedophilia something incredibly hard to stop without some kind of extensive intervention which he obviously didn't get.

I'm just so mad about the girls in the family who were probably forced to minimize their abuse and just "forgive" and get it over with so the family media brand could be retained unblemished.

Not to mention were any laws or mandated protocols broken here? How was it never investigated by a child protective agency? Did the *advertiser censored* cop manage to deep six the file? Isn't not acting on sexual abuse of your children also a cause for investigation-like even NOW? They keep staying the SOL has run, fine, that's for criminal charges, but shouldn't child protective services still look into this now to make sure the girls are OK, at least the minor ones? Did Jim Bob ever even really "report" it? Or did he just go talk to his buddy who took a report and filed it away? I guess that would be on the cop/law enforcement rather than JB even though JB only went to someone he was buddies with and only after a significant period of time. Regardless of why it was never referred to protective services back then it obviously should have been and there's limitations period on child welfare is there?

Yeah. The ages of the girls- likely between 8-13, is scary.
But if she truly has no other way to support herself financially and the opportunity is presented to her, she may find it cathartic to tell her side of the story.

She may but I feel she will stay with Josh simply due to her belief system and pressure from his Family. Prolly telling her to pray harder!! If she ever wanted/needed out I think she would seek help from her own Family. Now Cousin Amy is a different story. She seems like a little firecracker. Rebel with a cause if she does speak out LOL. IMO
Babies crawling on blankets do not disobey, they are exploring their surroundings.

Beating them for reaching cognitive and motor development milestones such as ability to move is just evil.
She may but I feel she will stay with Josh simply due to her belief system and pressure from his Family. Prolly telling her to pray harder!! If she ever wanted/needed out I think she would seek help from her own Family. Now Cousin Amy is a different story. She seems like a little firecracker. Rebel with a cause if she does speak out LOL. IMO

She'll stand by her man imo... She said she married him knowing that he molested his sisters and if she didn't call it off there and then why would she now... He needs her more now :p
You can read the actual police report.
"A 2006 police report obtained by In Touch Weekly magazine revealed that one of the Duggar siblings, of TLC's "19 Kids and Counting," allegedly sexually assaulted four female siblings in the large family, plus an additional female victim."

Well, that case was open and shut pretty darn quickly. What was the statute of limitations?

ETA: I read it was 3 years. Seems way too short a time, IMO...especially when young children are involved.
She'll stand by her man imo... She said she married him knowing that he molested his sisters and if she didn't call it off there and then why would she now... He needs her more now :p

I agree. As another poster pointed out up until they were married they were always chaperoned. So what watered down version did Anna get. IMO
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