AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #2

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I have a friend who wears this type of swimsuit. She wears them due to battling skin cancer twice but she does not want to hold back her kids from having fun in water. She does not like wearing them though. She kind of just hangs out in the pool b/c she says she feel like her movement is restricted. Small price to pay to enjoy pool time with the kids.

I have sympathy for your friend. But I must point out that she is not wearing her swimming garb for the same reasons as the Duggars.

If I must say, I have a ton of respect for your friend for wearing that awful kit because she still wants to swim. My heart goes out to her.

Were I in her shoes, I'd likely wear chain mail if it meant I could 'swim' with family members; best wishes to your friend, and I would have to guess that most people would consider her a family hero for doing what she does
Sorry to hear that it happens so often, but just because it is frequent, does it make it right?

I don't really know. It is wrong for a 50+ man to marry a 9 year old for sure. Is it wrong for a 12 year old to try and have sex with an 8 year old girl the way he saw animals doing it? Only to our mature eyes.

I think back to when I was 12 and in 7th grade. If one of our classmates had been caught trying to have sex with an 8-year-old girl (in other words, a third-grader), I guarantee it would have seemed wrong to our immature eyes.
Is it wrong for a 12 year old to try and have sex with an 8 year old girl the way he saw animals doing it?

First, we're not talking about a 12 year old, for what it is worth.
Second, I don't think that the 14/15 year old saw any animals 'doing it' as he has admitted to 'doing it', i.e., molesting minor sisters and (I would suppose) family friends.
Third, are you really asking if it is wrong for a 14/15 year old to try to have non-consensual sex with a 5 year old?
I don't really know. It is wrong for a 50+ man to marry a 9 year old for sure. Is it wrong for a 12 year old to try and have sex with an 8 year old girl the way he saw animals doing it? Only to our mature eyes.

Years ago I think it was more acceptable, I studied my family tree some, I pulled the marriage records and I seen a lot of records saying the bride was 18 and they were not, bride 18, groom late 20's more like 15 and late 20's. that was in the 30's and 40's and little in the 50's.

when My parents got married they were both 19, not sure what the laws was 63 years ago to get married ? 21? . the judge called my grandfather to get permission? he said she going to do what she wants to do no matter what i say, so, yes I give permission. mom side was goody goody too shoes, dad side was well you know drinkers and such. but he did eat is words later he said mom was only child he didn't have to worry about dad got her ever thing she needed plus more and took care of all of is kids.

there was a big age difference between my husbands, mom and dad not going to put it in writing, but i can't disprove are my husband would not be here, they were together for 33 years before he passed, he was a good man.
"Dr. Phil" has slammed a report indicating the show sent requests for Josh Duggar and his father, Jim Bob Duggar, to take lie detector tests.

"There is absolutely no truth to the story whatsoever and is completely fabricated by RadarOnline," a spokesman for the daytime talk show wrote in a statement to the Daily News on Sunday.

•The typical offender is male, begins molesting by age 15, engages in a variety of deviant behavior, and molests an average of 117 youngsters, most of whom do not report the offense.
-Dr. Gene Abel in a National Institute of Mental Health Study.

Oh but the Duggars want people to believe Josh molested a few times and nothing for a year then did it again. Really! Imo he may have been up to no good nightly and when he wasn't he was fantasizing about it. Here girls sit across the breakfast table from your happy handed brother, by the way could you pass the toast. Jmo

First, we're not talking about a 12 year old, for what it is worth.
Second, I don't think that the 14/15 year old saw any animals 'doing it' as he has admitted to 'doing it', i.e., molesting minor sisters and (I would suppose) family friends.
Third, are you really asking if it is wrong for a 14/15 year old to try to have non-consensual sex with a 5 year old?

Montjoy I love your posts, but I think it would be wrong to have sex with a five year old even if she says it is OK
Oh but the Duggars want people to believe Josh molested a few times and nothing for a year then did it again. Really! Imo he may have been up to no good nightly and when he wasn't he was fantasizing about it. Here girls sit across the breakfast table from your happy handed brother, by the could you pass the toast. Jmo


Your expression about the 'happy handed brother' struck a chord with me.

I think it's easy for us (at least myself, from time to time) that some of the alleged/admitted victims had to live all of their lives with their alleged/admitted abuser. And yet he went on to have probably the best job that anyone in the family will have. (please note, I consider the job in question to be a travesty and a sign of moral bankruptcy, but I have no doubt it was lucrative and good for reputation, not unlike the entire "reality" show scam).
I don't really know. It is wrong for a 50+ man to marry a 9 year old for sure. Is it wrong for a 12 year old to try and have sex with an 8 year old girl the way he saw animals doing it? Only to our mature eyes.

No. It's always wrong.
Oh but the Duggars want people to believe Josh molested a few times and nothing for a year then did it again. Really! Imo he may have been up to no good nightly and when he wasn't he was fantasizing about it. Here girls sit across the breakfast table from your happy handed brother, by the way could you pass the toast. Jmo


Actually, they want people to believe he made a "teenage mistake" not molested. I don't believe they have ever treated this as incest and sexual assault, which probably gave him even more power to keep molesting. :(
Montjoy I love your posts, but I think it would be wrong to have sex with a five year old even if she says it is OK

As do I, and it's my failure in writing if you thought otherwise.

eta: I was not clear enough -- I'm not suggesting that sex with a minor is ever appropriate.
Your expression about the 'happy handed brother' struck a chord with me.

I think it's easy for us (at least myself, from time to time) that some of the alleged/admitted victims had to live all of their lives with their alleged/admitted abuser. And yet he went on to have probably the best job that anyone in the family will have. (please note, I consider the job in question to be a travesty and a sign of moral bankruptcy, but I have no doubt it was lucrative and good for reputation, not unlike the entire "reality" show scam).

Yes I hear ya, my remark about his hands was to say he was happily putting his hands were they didn't belong over and over who knows how many times. As for the job Josh resigned from idk how he was thinking the past wouldn't catch up with him based on his hypocrisy he should have taken a quite job cleaning pews in a church somewhere. Jmo.

As do I, and it's my failure in writing if you thought otherwise.

eta: I was not clear enough -- I'm not suggesting that sex with a minor is ever appropriate.

I know that. Just making a joke kind of like they did on MASH. So horrible you have to laugh
If a 14 year old transgender person did the same things that JD did, I would imagine most people would believe they should be dealt with the same. This is not to say that I think JD's actions were handled appropriately.

However I don't think this is what you're asking. If an adult transgender person did what JD did I would expect that the punishment would be different.

No. No teen sex predator should be treated as Josh Duggar was. He needed concerted, serious mental health assistance, not "counseling" with an unqualified sex abuser of young women and teens. That applies to any kid- trans, gay, straight, strictly religious, etc.

I saw the "burkhini" ads and thought they were kind of cute if you have to be covered to swim. When I saw these, I thought 'I'd go to the beach if I could wear that!"
The undergarment is sort of like a short-sleeved, knee-length wetsuit in a quick-drying fabric with the black "jumper" for modesty...

Yes. Everyone should be able to wear what they feel comfortable with in most situations. But I would die wearing that! The feel of wetsuits or fabric on my skin in water, oh I loathe it. I keep thinking how these poor kids never have feel the free, floaty, serene feeling of swimming through water, unfettered, without much hindering your movements or feeling heavy on your skin. And oh gosh how bad that must feel when you get out and are sitting around - cold, wet stuff clinging to you. Eeesh.
I didn't read the whole thread, and while I can't stand for his actions and think he should be in prison for many many years, he finally told the truth, not the whole truth I'm sure, I feel so bad for those poor girls smiling into the camera because they love and "forgive" their brother

I don't understand how the parents wouldn't want actual counseling for all involved, there are christian counselors! But for them to endure with I of course assume is the devil got in him, and you should forgive him it wasn't "really" him is sickening

Spending family time with him had to be extremely uncomfortable even if they "forgave"

I was raised in RLDS with my grandpa as the pastor, be was also a chemistry teacher, and the greatest most loving person I've ever known

Not all religions are evil, but the pedophiles who infiltrate pretending to represent god are!

Using god as a shield makes you just a little more evil imo.
Also (i know im long winded lol) The most strict religions in America where women must be covered and submissive reminds me of some other place that America is at war with and most Americans are in the middle of(and funding) this war of completely opposite religions, my son has wanted to be in tbe air force since he was 6, he is 15 now, I refuse to let my son die for some wars, which I'm sure will be more by the time he is 18, that I have no idea is the purpose at this point, no clue, they tell the parents they died fighting for their country. God bless the spouses children and parents!

I just have lost the point of all this i guess, refer to my tag, I may never understand.
As much as I dislike Faux News , I can tolerate Megyn Kelly ( and hottie Shep Smith). So I've decided to watch the interview, although I dislike the Duggars as parents. I hope Megyn doesn't disappoint me and softball the questions. I really don't understand why they are getting paid for this interview, greed?. I don't expect the interview to change my opinion of the parents or Josh, I'm just curious how they will try to spin it to the public. Wonder if Hucklebee will be there for " support":rolleyes: Why isn't Josh going to be there? He's an adult, he can't speak for himself? JMO

Is is common practice for major cable news outlets to pay for interviews? I know Dr. Phil does, but I think that's the only way he can get guests to appear.

Someone may have answered this already, but typically the networks will pay "expenses" and then exhorbitant licencing fees for photos and videos ;).

To me, the fact that Josh is not doing this speaks volumes. Michelle and Jim Bob have nothing to say that is of interest to me-it is pure spin. They made grave indefensible errors deliberately shielding one over the well being of others and the behavior was criminal. They are well aware that their obligation was to report this as a criminal matter, not pass the buck to their church and a pedophile friend of the family. They knowingly made Josh unavailable for police interviews but made the victims available.

This is another attempt to grab more gold and attention before they slip back into obscurity, please God.

Josh admitted what he did. The Duggars admitted what they did. They are making a desperate attempt to continue the paycheck imvho. It has nothing to do with grace and everything to do with gold.

I guess now we know why Fox stayed so silent from the beginning-they were finalizing this deal which the Duggar's likely had in play before the initial media hit. Again jmvho
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