AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #3

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Another article --

"The shocking development means that Josh and his parents Jim Bob and Michelle could be forced to give depositions and testify about Josh’s molestation scandal. The Duggars likely will have to answer every question as they will not be able to invoke their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination because the criminal statute of limitations has expired."

The victim is the one non-family member Josh reportedly molested
The statute of limitations has run out on filing criminal charges, but in Arkansas civil suits can be filed years later

The family is also still being investigated by local law enforcement and the Department of Human Services

'I have heard that the [non-family] victim is preparing to sue,' said the insider.

'This whole sordid affair with Josh rattled a lot of people, including the victim, who had to relive this nightmare all over again all while watching Josh's parents go on TV and whitewash what happened.'

Disgusting. That poor victim must have been nauseous from the 'dog and pony show' these hypocritical parents presented; and worse, forced their daughters to actually use the words (paraphrased by me), "... it was a LIE, really...". :(

I say GOOD for this non-family victim!!
She has to go public with this because of the Duggar parents actions and it is going to be an uphill battle for her. I'd imagine the Duggars will fight this , and I seriously think she needs to look out for her own safety.
There. I said it.
I have no idea to what lengths the Duggar parents will go to prevent her testimony.

If I were Anna, I'd be thinking about finding a better man right now.

So much more I could post, but others on this thread have been saying it. And it might mostly be swearing.
:banghead: :furious: :furious: :deepbreaths:
It always bothered me when the two Duggar girls were interviewed on Fox, and one of them assured Kelly that the non-family member had also forgiven Josh. What gave them the right to speak for her? (Or, for that matter, any other family member?)
It always bothered me when the two Duggar girls were interviewed on Fox, and one of them assured Kelly that the non-family member had also forgiven Josh. What gave them the right to speak for her?[\b] (Or, for that matter, any other family member?)


A: God.

At least the Duggars seem to think so.
It always bothered me when the two Duggar girls were interviewed on Fox, and one of them assured Kelly that the non-family member had also forgiven Josh. What gave them the right to speak for her? (Or, for that matter, any other family member?)

Exactly. I'd love to see this victim speak out for herself. I see that Fox has picked up the story:

The Duggar drama may not be over. According to a report in In Touch magazine, the non-family molestation victim of Josh Duggar is reportedly preparing to file a civil suit against him.
"You can sue the parents of Josh Duggar for negligent supervision," New York-based lawyer Eric Subin told FOX411. Subin also explained that as the statute of limitations on criminal claims have run, Josh Duggar "runs no risk for going to jail" or "being prosecuted in court for any criminal violations" so he cannot call upon the Fifth Amendment.

That means the Duggar family could be required to answer every question asked of them surrounding the incidents.

I hope this is not just a rumor; the Duggars deserve to have their asses sued. If they had dealt with Josh properly in the first place his final victim count wouldn't have reached five.
I, too, am concerned that this may just be rumor... or may be settled out of court...

If so...this would be unfortunate... since JB and M Duggar... as well as Josh... should be held to their offenses...

Exactly. I'd love to see this victim speak out for herself. I see that Fox has picked up the story:

The Duggar drama may not be over. According to a report in In Touch magazine, the non-family molestation victim of Josh Duggar is reportedly preparing to file a civil suit against him.
"You can sue the parents of Josh Duggar for negligent supervision," New York-based lawyer Eric Subin told FOX411. Subin also explained that as the statute of limitations on criminal claims have run, Josh Duggar "runs no risk for going to jail" or "being prosecuted in court for any criminal violations" so he cannot call upon the Fifth Amendment.

That means the Duggar family could be required to answer every question asked of them surrounding the incidents.

I hope this is not just a rumor; the Duggars deserve to have their asses sued. If they had dealt with Josh properly in the first place his final victim count wouldn't have reached five.

Agree, but would add "that we know of". I wouldn't be surprised if, because JD was not being given the kind of support he would need to control his inclinations, and the culture of sexual suppression and female subservience within the fertility cult to which the family belonged, as well as the tendency of perpetrators and their enablers to minimize the seriousness and numbers of incidents, there could well have been other, unreported victims.
"The victim reportedly is very upset that she has to relive the horrible events that took place at the hands of Josh and is hurt that his family is attempting to minimize the pain he put her through." You know, while I imagine that the Duggar parents or their spin doctors told the girls to say that the non-relative who he molested had forgiven him, maybe they decided to do so on their own. Even if not, they decided to say that he was forgiven, when they could have just said "you'd have to ask her." And so, while I do sympathize with the girls for the parents they have, they do bear some of the responsibility for minimizing a victim's pain. They're married adults who could have said whatever they felt was right -- and perhaps they did so.
"The victim reportedly is very upset that she has to relive the horrible events that took place at the hands of Josh and is hurt that his family is attempting to minimize the pain he put her through." You know, while I imagine that the Duggar parents or their spin doctors told the girls to say that the non-relative who he molested had forgiven him, maybe they decided to do so on their own. Even if not, they decided to say that he was forgiven, when they could have just said "you'd have to ask her." And so, while I do sympathize with the girls for the parents they have, they do bear some of the responsibility for minimizing a victim's pain. They're married adults who could have said whatever they felt was right -- and perhaps they did so.

And that, IMO, is what makes this whole situation even sadder. These young women may have been able to stuff down their anger and hurt in order to maintain the serenity that comes with being in a state of denial (such as I'm assuming they have been in), but it likely won't last forever. It may last, though, until their own children hit they age they were at the time of the incidents of molestation to which they were subjected. So, for sure, they are undoubtedly trying to live up to the image they want to portray, and to meet the standards of their cult. They are saying what they think it the "right thing to say" to the public. However, what they feel is right may change with time.

Or it could change if the suit by the unrelated alleged victim goes forward and they are required to speak truthfully in a court of law.
By the way, these sex obsessed quiverers have even twisted the derivation of the word woman, as well as twisting the value of female human being to be limited to her fertility and ability to endure multiple pregnancies.
Quiverfulls believe in having lots of children. One of the gurus of the movement is Nancy Campbell, whose organisation is called Above Rubies. As mentioned in the BBC article, Campbell likes to cite the 1928 edition of Webster's dictionary, which states that the word woman is a combination of womb plus man, therefore a woman is 'a man with a womb' or 'a womb man'...

This is not the current understanding of the derivation of woman. The word woman developed from the Old English wifman (which had various spellings), where the i was pronounced /iː/, like the ea sound in the modern weave. Wifman was made up of the words wif + man, where wif was a woman (as in Chaucer's Wife of Bath, or a fishwife, housewife etc) and man was a person of either sex. ... The f of wifman gradually disappeared, in a process similar to what happens when people say 'give me' quickly ie the v disappears and it becomes gimme.

I find the term womb-man repugnant and another attempt to erase the importance of the feminine.
I hope that you all get a chance to enjoy some brilliant music and fireworks displays tonight.
My family and I have enjoyed the chance to spend Independence Day in Disneyland, New Orleans, St. Louis, Boston, San Francisco, Spokane, and, NYC.
Always exuberant. Always fun.

Happy 4th of July, neighbours!

Now the shamed leader of the IBLP - a group followed by the Duggar family - has revealed he gave the order to send the '19 kids and Counting' star to the special facility and divulges every element of the counseling program the then 15-year-old received.

Bill Gothard, who founded the IBLP in 1961, claims Duggar was 'cleansed' by a 'godly mentor' at the group's Little Rock Training Center in Arkansas, where he is said to have turned his life around and found 'salvation'.

And he reveals the program included a bizarre mix of carpentry, 'lust counseling' and private classes on Jesus' 'seven stresses'.

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While working on a campaign for an Arkansas politician in 2004, Jim Bob and Michelle‘s disgraced eldest son, now 27, was accused of watching *advertiser censored* on company computers, In Touch reports.

“The politician lost the election— and full blame was put on Josh,” a church insider tells the magazine.*advertiser censored*-work-computer/
While working on a campaign for an Arkansas politician in 2004, Jim Bob and Michelle‘s disgraced eldest son, now 27, was accused of watching *advertiser censored* on company computers, In Touch reports.

“The politician lost the election— and full blame was put on Josh,” a church insider tells the magazine.*advertiser censored*-work-computer/

Well, that confirms my dim recollection of Pa Keller (Anna's father) talking to Josh before the wedding and asking Josh to allow Anna to monitor his internet use.
Not to get caught up in a theological discussion, but their choice of translation of the bible is pretty low down the list of the problems with their religion/ministry/testimony.

Well, their choice of translations does factor in quite a bit! With the reformation came two unwanted things in King James' eyes:women trying to enter the ministry
and starting to take their place in royal succession as a matter of course.
Like the Duggars, he was a misogynist who really emphasized women as the evil "vessel" obviously meaning vaginas were beyond disgusting, etc. and there for one and one reason only:to give birth.
The patriarchal role of the male, over emphasized
by the elevation of St. Paul as the most important person in the New Testament, became popular with the King James version. The Duggars and their ilk love this version of the Bible for a reason.
Some scholars believe that the King James Bible was
thoroughly peppered with this kind of thing, and his translation is a travesty of errors and just plain sucking up to the King.
King James suceeded one of the most powerful and intelligent women the world has ever known. He was trying to make that never happen again, and he failed miserably and died relatively young, compared to Elizabeth I.
Let's not think for one minute that by following his translation, the Duggars were not trying to change history. All of these uppity women getting college degrees and running things is anathema to them.
Keeping women "barefoot and pregnant" suits their agendas.
Not to mention economically, the quiver people know that with women at home and having babies, more jobs for menfolk. Hey, don't get me wrong, I love men, I just don't want them running the whole show, lol.
Now the shamed leader of the IBLP - a group followed by the Duggar family - has revealed he gave the order to send the '19 kids and Counting' star to the special facility and divulges every element of the counseling program the then 15-year-old received.

Bill Gothard, who founded the IBLP in 1961, claims Duggar was 'cleansed' by a 'godly mentor' at the group's Little Rock Training Center in Arkansas, where he is said to have turned his life around and found 'salvation'.

And he reveals the program included a bizarre mix of carpentry, 'lust counseling' and private classes on Jesus' 'seven stresses'.

Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

While working on a campaign for an Arkansas politician in 2004, Jim Bob and Michelle‘s disgraced eldest son, now 27, was accused of watching *advertiser censored* on company computers, In Touch reports.

“The politician lost the election— and full blame was put on Josh,” a church insider tells the magazine.*advertiser censored*-work-computer/

pass the barf bag
Yeah, Anna probably has no recourse to escape, if she even wanted to.

That is probably so true. Why does she have her hand on her stomach in every single picture? Is it to protect the baby or is it because she is afraid the baby is plotting to escape? I'm only half joking here!
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