AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #3

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Very informative article I just came across and wanted to share.

Just 10 Percent of the Problem

The myth of stranger danger—“dirty men” lurking in parks or malls, luring our children away from us with puppies and candy—is itself a danger. The reality is, the overwhelming majority of predators are in the victim’s family photo album or social circle. Ninety percent of children who are sexually abused know their abuser. A 2000 study found that family members account for 34 percent of people who abuse juveniles, and acquaintances account for another 59 percent. Only 7 percent were strangers.

Yet conversations about child sexual abuse often focus on horrific examples of stranger danger. We find comfort in searching registries to find out whether registered sex offenders live in our neighborhoods. We tell our children not to talk to strangers. And we label men and women who abuse children as monsters. This demonizing of strangers is extremely dangerous, considering that 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys are sexually abused by the time they turn 18, and around 90 percent of individuals with developmental disabilities will be sexually abused at some point.

“We have an idea that I would know [a sex offender] if I saw one, and I can avoid it and keep my child away,” says Karen Baker, director of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. “We need to get over the idea that we can tell who’s a good and bad person.”

The Catholic Church sex abuse cover-up and the Jerry Sandusky case, in which the former assistant football coach at Pennsylvania State University was convicted of sexually assaulting 10 boys, prove just how wrong that notion is. So do two more recent revelations: Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert allegedly paid a former student millions of dollars to cover up allegations of sexual abuse, and Josh Duggar, the eldest son on 19 Kids and Counting, TLC’s popular Christian family values reality show, molested five girls when he was a teenager, including four of his sisters.
Warning. This is slightly off topic rant, but it jumps off from the posts which have discussed the fertility cult to which the Duggars belong.
Please feel free to scroll on by.

Similar restrictions on sexual conduct and gender specific roles within a closed community of true believers is, obviously, not restricted to the Christian relgion. That wives are considered incubators and unpaid servants seems to be an accepted part of many conservative, orthodox, and ultra-orthodox organizations. As the discussions on these threads have revealed, the potential for domestic abuse is staggering. Sadly, such behaviour has been ongoing long enough to be considered "normal" within those communities.

Until recently, I had not realized how these deeply ingrained beliefs truly impact the day to day decisions that people make in caring for their families. However, in light of these discussions, I re-read the coverage of the tragic fire in NYC this past March that claimed the lives of seven of eight children in a family who belonged to such a community. It was illuminating. When I first read brief news reports on the day following the fire, I had felt very sympathetic to the mother and daughter who, though badly injured, escaped the blaze, and the father who was attending a religious seminar and was away from the home at the time of the incident. The grief, I thought, must have been overwhelming. I wanted to read more follow ups to see how that poor woman was coping all the pain from her ordeal and her loss, and seeing if there was a fund for her to which I could contribute. And that's when I found the reports from the NYFD.

I had just finished reading an interview with Deborah Feldman (who wrote Unorthodox), in which she describes what her life was like growing up and it gave me a different perspective. ["I remember always being in the front seat of a car when I was a kid, without a seat belt. It comes from this idea that you have so much faith that you don’t really have to do anything because God will protect you. It’s a very lackadaisical attitude toward health and safety. No one ever took me to a doctor." Later in her life, she lived with the same attitude as it was held by her husband when it came to the family car. "And then I got into this really bad car accident on NJ 80. My tires were thin, and I was driving fast. My car flipped over three times. I was convinced I was going to die. And there was no way I was going to waste another minute of life. My husband rushed to see me in the hospital. I’d been talking to him about changing those tires for six months, and he wouldn’t. I said, “Our son could have been in that car.”] "

There were several articles about the fire, the tragedy for the family, and the aftermath within the larger community as well. Firefighters, LEOs, community members were deeply affected by their participation in fighting the fire and being unable to do anything to save the children. The NYFD investigated the blaze and had found no working smoke alarms in the kitchen, or living room, or stairwell, or bedrooms. The only working smoke alarm was in the basement. No plan for escape. No ladders from windows to the ground were in place. No automatic sprinklers installed. A faulty kitchen appliance, used in order to follow religious edicts, had started the blaze. And there was nothing to warn the sleeping family. NYFD went through the neighbourhood explaining to members of the community the steps they should take to prevent a recurrence of the deaths.

When I first read the articles, I found the total lack of attention to basic safety to be incomprehensible. Fire alarms don't always work. The tragedy could still have happened, but the mechanical failure would have been at fault. But, there were eight children in that home! How could an intelligent parent not put safety guards in place? After reading Feldman's article, I at least had a hint that this wasn't so much a lazy shirking of responsibility or lack of care (as in if it was God's will that they were created, it was God's will that they died) but a test of faith that God would protect those whose faith was strong enough. So, I wondered if the quivering communities, and those like them, also left such things to God's will.

Then I read that just hours after the burial of his children, as his one surviving daughter was in intensive care and his wife was continued to be kept in a medically induced coma, the grief stricken patriarch was reported to have gone to his house of worship where he asked his spiritual leader something of extreme importance to him. Not about divine intervention in restoring the health of his wife and badly injured daughter. Not about forgiveness, for he believed he had already been forgiven by his seven children who had died in the fire. He asked for assurance that he would have more children.

That shocked me. I probably shouldn't have been surprised. However, even making allowances for the fact that he was undoubtedly in shock and suffering from some form of PTSD, I find the idea disturbing that he could even think of trying to force his wife's body to give him babies number nine, ten--whatever. And I'm sure that despite, the extensive damage to her physical, emotional, and mental health, she might agree. This extreme circumstance, IMO, starkly displays the repercussions, the unintended consequences of religious philosophies and practices even beyond the physical and financial stresses of continued reproduction.

I wonder if in their so-called hit series, MD and JBD demonstrated concern about the safety of their children. Were they shown telling the children what to do in an emergency? Were they shown rehearsing an evacuation? (There are a lot of little guys to be accounted for, and home fire drills are recommended safety practice.) Were they shown the family meeting place so if something happened and they were split up, the children would know where to find the rest of their family? Anyway, that's rhetorical.
Ive been reading a lot too and some of my information comes from sources I can't remember (like the idea that quiverfull dads don't work outside the home I think actually came from Cheryl Lindsey Seelhoff's old blog under the pen name "heart" and not the link I posted above).

I can't remember if it is my assumption or if I actually read that the Duggars also believe Michelle is protected from any harm in having so many kids because of her faith in God. That may also come from the story about the first girl Josh was courting whose dad lost an election so the dad believed someone in the inner circle of the campaign had committed a sin and so God punished everyone and the guy lost the election. Sin = punishment. Faith = protection. Michelle has been vocal she wants another child: apparently has little concern for her advanced maternal age (And her last pregnancy outcome).

If you truly want to be horrified, read about the lawsuit Cheryl Lindsey Seelhoff had to file after a bunch of fundamentalists conspired to ruin her business and her livelihood because they decided she had to be punished for leaving her quiverfull abusive husband (11 kids with him). Most settled before court but the one who didn't tried to insert "God's Law" as a defense. The judge apparently was exaperated with this lawyer by the end of the trial and had to actually state to him that God's law is not a legal doctrine that excuses violation of Sherman anti-trust laws!!!!

Its shocking and disturbing that these women sound like kept slaves with no intervention because it's all tightly controlled in the name of God.

I have become increasingly worried for the Duggar girls after learning more about this. I truly hope if any of them decide to leave the movement, they will be allowed to with little drama.
Respectfully snipped/bold by me...
Originally posted by SCHMAE;

But there are some circumstances where I don't believe that family member deserves support and it' s certainly an indication of how differently this family thinks than most that the victims are swooping in to protect that family member.

I respectfully disagree. This is actually very common in families where there is/has been sexual abuse committed by a member. Far too often families have knowledge of a member's sexually predatory behavior and remain silent - EVEN at the expense of continued child victims. I have seen it time and time again in families, even absent religious beliefs, where they will lie, make excuses, cover for, and enable the family-member-offender. Just as an example in a high profile case; Jessica Lundsford - Couey's sister initially lied to the police. Unfortunately this is far more the "norm" when it comes to offenders within the family.

Reading this, I tend to agree. I guess it's just all that much more sickening. My mother protected her abuser until many years after his death BUT she lived in terror of him. These girls are likely afraid and even spiritually afraid that if they do not ' forgive ' him like they are told to, they may go to hell. So sad and demented.
I agree with that-- I believe the girls may fear for their eternal salvation if they don't tow the line.
Yeah, Anna probably has no recourse to escape, if she even wanted to.
Yes, especially the part about the dads not having jobs so they can keep an eye on the wimmen and children (and conveniently setting up an environment where no one can ever escape)

RSBM Emph. mine

There's an old saying , "..If you can't say something nice , don't say "nuffin' " at all..." Or words to that effect.
I've been reading this thread and have to back away for a while , so I do not explode. SMH.

Unspeakably disgraceful, JimBob and Michelle are, imo. That they need professional help goes without saying; but I fear they'd reject any offers. Maybe they feel they are perfectly right and the rest of the wicked world is persecuting them ?
Right now it would seem the girls who want to should be allowed to leave, or at least have a chance to talk to outside authorities about what's really going on.
Mostly I wish those daughters and possibly some of the sons could be rescued from the beliefs they are made to endure.
This is infuriating and so tragic !


Thanks to everyone for the posts and articles you've linked to; even when they are difficult to read due to the content therein. :(
According to "a source" his siblings are busy comforting him because he was forced to molest them and people now think he's a creep.

While he’s been forced to internalize a lot of feelings since his unseemly actions as an adolescent, he’s been able to unload on his eighteen siblings — and his parents, Michelle and Jim Bob who have been more than supportive. “He is getting alot if support from family and friends,” our insider explains. “It’s a rough road he is dealing with right now but he is getting through it. Faith is obviously helping him through as well.”
God Told Duggars: Get Out Of America! Jill And Derick Are Asking For Donations For Their Departure

Well technically they're Dillards I guess.

After much prayer and seeking Godly counsel, we realized that taking this opportunity and moving overseas in order to serve is the best option for our family. Earlier this year we shared our plans with our families and in May, I shared this decision with my manager at Wal-Mart, where I was working in the Tax department. I recently left the company and we are currently preparing to leave the US and begin our new endeavor in July.
If you feel led to support our mission effort we would be so thankful to have you as a partner. You can give here on our website. Your prayers and your support mean so much to both of us as we begin this great new chapter in life!

WTH?? As opposed to, say, saving up money from your job in order to move overseas? What is with these people who feel that it's the burden of strangers to support their lifestyle choices?

I really, really want to go to Scotland and Ireland. If any of you feel "led" to support my vacation I'd be so thankful. Cash only, no checks please. PayPal and all major credit cards accepted.

What chutzpah. :furious:
If you feel led to support our mission effort we would be so thankful to have you as a partner. You can give here on our website. Your prayers and your support mean so much to both of us as we begin this great new chapter in life!

I agree it's a good time for them to leave the country. Perhaps TLC can turn this into a reality show along the lines of the Dillards meet the real effects of over-population and under-performing economies in a world circled by war and famine and disease. If not, surely considering all the episodes they performed in, TLC should just hand them $250,000 and a camera, to finance the "research" part of pre-production for future consideration of a documentary. Though, I'm betting that a measley $250,000 is far less than the millions they intend to snaffle with their appeal for funding.
Compare and contrast this:

Just moments after the decision was announced, members of the famously conservative Duggar family made their feelings known with a Bible quote posted on their official Facebook page:

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways," the message reads. "Then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

To this:

Rainbow White House.jpg

After much prayer and seeking Godly counsel, we realized that taking this opportunity and moving overseas in order to serve is the best option for our family. Earlier this year we shared our plans with our families and in May, I shared this decision with my manager at Wal-Mart, where I was working in the Tax department. I recently left the company and we are currently preparing to leave the US and begin our new endeavor in July.
If you feel led to support our mission effort we would be so thankful to have you as a partner. You can give here on our website. Your prayers and your support mean so much to both of us as we begin this great new chapter in life!

WTH?? As opposed to, say, saving up money from your job in order to move overseas? What is with these people who feel that it's the burden of strangers to support their lifestyle choices?

I really, really want to go to Scotland and Ireland. If any of you feel "led" to support my vacation I'd be so thankful. Cash only, no checks please. PayPal and all major credit cards accepted.

What chutzpah. :furious:

I don't think there is anything wrong with asking for donations for charity and mission work. Lots of people do it.
I don't think there is anything wrong with asking for donations for charity and mission work. Lots of people do it.

You know, just to see them get out from under Jim Bob's influence, I might even donate one days "lunch" money.

Come on now, free one, maybe get a chance to free them all kinda thing?

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk Blue
Just my own opinion, but when I hear about the Duggars proselytizing or doing ministry work in another place, or another continent, I think of how viruses spread in different countries or continents. The last thing that Asia needs would be Duggar converts. It may even be a crime in some places, with good reason.

This is nasty stuff, IMO. On the one hand, it could be religiously or ideologically subsidized travel. But what is worse is that the Duggars might persuade even one person to see things as they do. Asia does not need this, just as America did not need this. For what it's worth, any life forms in our solar system do not need this.

I really hope the Duggar kids know that they are not bound to their parents' delusions.
RSBM Emph. mine

There's an old saying , "..If you can't say something nice , don't say "nuffin' " at all..." Or words to that effect.
I've been reading this thread and have to back away for a while , so I do not explode. SMH.

Unspeakably disgraceful, JimBob and Michelle are, imo. That they need professional help goes without saying; but I fear they'd reject any offers. Maybe they feel they are perfectly right and the rest of the wicked world is persecuting them ?
Right now it would seem the girls who want to should be allowed to leave, or at least have a chance to talk to outside authorities about what's really going on.
Mostly I wish those daughters and possibly some of the sons could be rescued from the beliefs they are made to endure.

This is infuriating and so tragic !


Thanks to everyone for the posts and articles you've linked to; even when they are difficult to read due to the content therein. :(

anyway, divide the $$$. Those kids are actors on TV, not character slaves. They need attorneys, or one good one. Get away from the toxic parents. And get your money on the way out, you have certainly earned it.
News flash, the cop *advertiser censored* perv family friend was probably egging josh on all along. Then, Josh is "released" to this guy for punishment and guidance.
These people are truly deranged, and sexually perverted. Not even one kiss, and then screw like a bunny when you're hitched. Where's the in between? Lost in their blissful ignorance.
Dad or mom will give them a bleach enema if they have the flu. Or whenever they see fit. gross. and very, very unhealthy although I am aware that they can be healthy.Mothers should not be giving these to boys, ditto reverse dads, etc.
No one wants to take kids away from parents, it is unnatural. But, in cases like this when there is just such an insular vacuum around these kids, as nosey and distasteful it is, the public sector must step in and see if there's anything amiss and if anyone needs help.
IMO, that is the the case. If these young Duggar kids knew tyhey could get out of their situation, still have the financial means to survive and help from concerned adults, would any of them do it?
Matthew 7:21-23 one of my favorites. (As a victim of brutal religious corporeal punishment for 8 years of my life, I can attest that yes, ADHD can be beaten out of you, but is that the humane method? Just say no to people who think they know what
Jesus wants them to do:)

"I Never Knew You"
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

not being religious, but here's Jesus saying there are lots of phonies out there. whose to say the Duggars aren't some of them?
You know, just to see them get out from under Jim Bob's influence, I might even donate one days "lunch" money.

Come on now, free one, maybe get a chance to free them all kinda thing?

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk Blue

I like the way you think! :thumb:
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