AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #3

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Sadly for Anna, I'm afraid there may be someone willing to sell her story of being with Josh.
Looks like the statement has been edited a couple of times. Removed bit about Satan and the age of the molestation.

Also looks like he took out the *advertiser censored* addiction line as well.
Apparently the "Nike" word had no effect on Josh!!!! Lordy!
IMO, he was definitely not only viewing *advertiser censored* for the last few years. Also IMO, I think he was likely viewing child *advertiser censored*.

I wonder how many more skeletons there are with him.
Looks like the statement has been edited a couple of times. Removed bit about Saten and the age of the molestation.

Also looks like he took out the *advertiser censored* addiction line as well.

I think he realized that (*advertiser censored*) was information that wasn't made public. Oops!
Looks like the statement has been edited a couple of times. Removed bit about Satan and the age of the molestation.

Also looks like he took out the *advertiser censored* addiction line as well.

WHAAAT -- so that leaves what? I'm a hypocrite, please pray for me.

These people are really something.
If any humor can be found in this story...........
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Josh's public relations folks said "Holy Cow Josh!! Nobody MENTIONED ponography!" I guess that cats out of the bag now!
If you are talking about Duggar's statement, it didn't go poof.
"I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have been unfaithful to my wife."

Yeah, it's out there all over the place. Even on Josh's and Anna's personal website there's a link to the statement.* Oh, and I had to laugh (in the pathetic rather than haha sense) at what's on Josh's home page:

We would like to encourage the young people out there who are considering a relationship or getting married, to wait for God’s best in their life partner. If you have made mistakes, start from where you are and let God be the sole proprietor of your life… including your love life! We all make mistakes, but God looks at our heart and says that when we give him what we have left, he can take it and do great things! God is interested in you & the relationships in your life!

God Bless You!

* The statement now goes to the May 21 statement, not the current one. Either I read it wrong or it's been edited. It's getting hard to keep track of the various Duggar apologies...
Reducing all this in the news as "mistakes" is mind boggling. No Josh you need help. Big time! IMO
Josh, the *advertiser censored* accusations are NEXT week! get with the program!
Can LE go seize his computer and be sure it's all ADULT *advertiser censored* ?
Glad I read the link - because when I saw the profile image I thought to myself "that is NOT Josh Duggar...the guy in that picture is pretty one in their right mind will believe that is actually JD". :laughing:
and he says he's a number cruncher...he crunches a number. Apparently only one.
So when will the third shoe drop and we see the photos of Josh with an underage male prostitute?
I think if hackers wanted to get him, they would have done far more damaging revelations.

Since the blog site cannot be accessed, by me anyway, is there any chance it has been hacked and the story entered by hackers?

I imagine Michelle did not have a lot of safety features.

I am not defending them. I am just curious about the issues with the blog.
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