AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #3

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His wife is preggo for most of the time. Which probably means she can't have sex all of the time. Even assuming she would agree to have the type of sex he wants.

I had extreme morning sickness from the very beginning of pregnancy to the very end. I could hardly breathe without vomiting. In and out of the hospital, all that jazz. You know what never crossed his mind? Cheating. You know what did? Waiting until I felt physically able to and had the desire to. That's the deal you make when you get married.

Oh! Can I please have a couple of weeks to process this Ashley Madison thing first?

If history is any indication we can rest assured he won't confess unless someone has hardcore evidence and he knows he is about to be exposed publicly. Maybe that person will have mercy on me and hold off for a few days... lol

Boy isn't that the truth. I need a few to just process this latest news.

Breath....just breath...
So if he saved the first kiss until marriage he's been wanting it back with interest afterwards... but he's such a hypocrite the chaste act might have been just for the TV.

Anyway how sad is it when the nicest thing people say about you is that you have two Ashley Madison accounts? At least people there are consenting adults.

A heartfelt apology that, unfortunately, sounds familiar to the ones we’ve
heard before. But hey, maybe this time he means it.
I wouldn't bet the farm on it.
Daily mail has all the different versions.

Well, I went straight to the source "Michelle's Blog" site called "The Duggars"..and read what it said...I think many of those other versions could have been the use of poetic licence to convey "His Apology"...Am I allowed to post it here?/ I'm never sure what links are allowed :facepalm:

By the way..As I was reading the Intro to his statement ( Josh) by his parents..I immediately thought of Jimmy Swaggart's confession for his sin's. His tears etc...I'm wonder since much of what Josh said in his apology for his sins and asking forgiveness and prayer's etc...Why didn't he do his own youtube version of this himself???
Jim Bob Duggar Wants To Counsel Sexual Abuse Victims, Pitches New Reality Show
According to a report in the August 3 issue of Star Magazine, the show would focus on counseling victims of child sexual abuse. Yes, Jim Bob and Michelle would be doing the counseling.

Read more at:

A word of advice to JimBob and Michelle: Fire up Plan B because the reality tv gig that has supported your family over the years is OVER. Kaput. Fun while it lasted but, as the old cliche goes, all good things must come to an end. You guys have reached the end.

Stations need sponsors. Sponsors willing to advertise their product during a particular time-slot when a specific show airs. An informal endorsement, so to speak. Pretty sure you guys are smart and savvy enough to figure out what that means. Your television days are history. Maybe follow in the steps your daughter and son-in-law and do some mission work. Probably do a soul good anyway.
I don't want particularly want to see them doing mission work because I'm afraid that eventually it would be just another hypocritical show. Hey look at what godly people we are, we're preaching to the savages and there's no air conditioning. They'd just give religion a bad name in another country.
Is it too early to diagnose Josh with a sex addiction and say he is ill like if you had rabies, or should we leave that to the parents?
I am in shock. When I first read this I thought 'oh heck more Dugger bashing'.

Now I am asking 'how could he'?

I have always been a huge Dugger fan and defender. It was a program I could watch with my grandchildren. I remember saving the no kiss til marriage ceremony episode so my granddaughters would know it's ok to say no and be pure.

Now I think I was looking at something that wasn't there. Truth, honesty, respect and perfection.

How very sad for everybody that ever loved him. What kind of monster is Josh Dugger?

Poor Anna and those darling little children she is raising so lovingly. I used to love seeing them on the show. They are smart and so very not shy of the camera.

What will happen to all of them?

Again, how could he do this? What evil dwells in his heart?

I don't think he's a monster. He's clearly someone who doesn't attempt to resist his urges and thinks he can wipe the slate clean by professing an apology each time he is caught. After all he was raised in an environment in which anyone harmed by his actions has been expected to forgive him hd has never learned consequences. His attitude is clearly that it is others responsibility to forgive him again.. Not that he should resist or change his behavior. It's all outside his control. He's shown who he is..he has no interest in preventing succumbing to those nasty outside influences. Take him as is or leave him. There can't and won't be any change until he accepts his part in all of this and if the past 15 years or so is indicative of the future we can excpect the same.

He really hasn't owned it yet.
I don't want particularly want to see them doing mission work because I'm afraid that eventually it would be just another hypocritical show. Hey look at what godly people we are, we're preaching to the savages and there's no air conditioning. They'd just give religion a bad name in another country.

Sorry, I should have been much clearer.

I was thinking about real honest-to-goodness mission work. Yes, the kind where you aid the less fortunate ... but the difference being - the driving force stems from an internal place of selflessness and goodness without any expectation of thanks or recognition.

Oh, nevermind. Who am I kidding here? :sigh:
Ok, so I don't know why there is NOT probable cause to search his hard drive. He has admitted to molesting children and now has admitted to watching *advertiser censored*. Aren't his own words enough for probable cause? Search that hard drive, LE !

Oh! Can I please have a couple of weeks to process this Ashley Madison thing first?

If history is any indication we can rest assured he won't confess unless someone has hardcore evidence and he knows he is about to be exposed publicly. Maybe that person will have mercy on me and hold off for a few days... lol

Josh Duggar. Jared Fogle. Matthew Kuppe - local camp counselor. Eric Junod - local band director. (Both discussed elsewhere on this board). All four cases this week :eek: I feel like I need a bleach bath :D
I have no idea how reliable this story is? (But I didn't know the AM-Josh connection was legit until he came clean. )

Josh Duggar Friended Strippers On Secret Facebook Account — Even More Dirty Details Of His Double Life

Well..guess what..the Duggar Family website has removed their confessions..Talk about damage control!!!

This is what shows up there NOW!!!
The page you have requested does not exist or is undergoing routine maintenance.

Me thinks these folks realize by confessing to this actually validates the AM site....But the problem is..They had a month's notice that the hackers were going to release this INFO if AM Didn't stop promoting "Infidelity within Marriage"..( even AM solicited $$ to delete personal information of subscribers of their 39-40 million's to delete that..THEY DIDN"T!!) So AM being defiant..said NOPE!! ..So one month to the date..dowloaded information...Who's at fault on so many levels?? the Subscriber? The Site that solicited and profits? The Hacker that exposes the "Double Lives" who preach with fork tongues demands of voters or followers of some religious leaders?? There's a boatload to blame here..

This information is prompting many to BLAME the Messenger versus blaming the hypocrites...It certainly is Food for thought :thinking:
A word of advice to JimBob and Michelle: Fire up Plan B because the reality tv gig that has supported your family over the years is OVER. Kaput. Fun while it lasted but, as the old cliche goes, all good things must come to an end. You guys have reached the end.

Stations need sponsors. Sponsors willing to advertise their product during a particular time-slot when a specific show airs. An informal endorsement, so to speak. Pretty sure you guys are smart and savvy enough to figure out what that means. Your television days are history. Maybe follow in the steps your daughter and son-in-law and do some mission work. Probably do a soul good anyway.
BBM - That's exactly why the TLC special doesn't have any sponsors because nobody was going near that with a 10 foot pole. If anyone thinks TLC is airing that thing commercial free out of the goodness of their hearts, they are fooling themselves. :moo:
Ok, so I don't know why there is NOT probably cause to search his hard drive. He has admitted to molesting children and now has admitted to watching *advertiser censored*. Aren't his own words enough for probable cause? Search that hard drive, LE !

Am trying to be DONE with this family.
But Schmae's post and pics of JD and his family on DailyMail and other sites makse me think he should not be in a household with young children---or any children at all.
Are his kids safe from him ?
Sounds like accusations without any evidence to back them up; it's just what he's already done in his past. And I don't think he is "cleansed", or whatever the heck his parents had him do way back then, when he abused his own siblings. :maddening: :sick:
If I was his wife-- I'd be telling him to pack his bags about now. Seriously. I would be terrified for my kids.
I don't want particularly want to see them doing mission work because I'm afraid that eventually it would be just another hypocritical show. Hey look at what godly people we are, we're preaching to the savages and there's no air conditioning. They'd just give religion a bad name in another country.
I agree. If the Duggars truly have a heart for missions, then get after it. Quietly. In some little village in Indonesia. Without television cameras. Or running water.

You know, like thousands of other men and women who have given their lives for missions.
IMO from all I have read of this Family and their beliefs I doubt sex between these husbands and wives is nothing more than to create Family. Josh has been raised to these teachings. Not defending him at all. Even if Anna enjoyed sex for procreation and was open to some fun slutty sex Josh would still be "troubled". IMO. What chaps my arse the most was the hypocrisy. Slamming folks and I know a few who are same sex married. Wonderful people. Oh and the Parents actually thinking they could handle this. Breaks my heart the victim trail is still going on. Anna? Her Children?
There are no words. JD's apologies are hollow. NO substance whatsoever. Forgiveness does not occur without an honest attempt tp resist or correct the sinful behavior. Owning up to the behavior doesn't absolve him even though his actions seem to think it does.

Never mind I'm baffled as to why he can't seek the requests he made on AM within his marriage. What about his God doesn't allow for that type of intimacy within marriage that he feels he has to go otside his marriage?


His was an arranged marriage to an almost carbon copy of his mother. He had no chance to date to determine what type of person he might want. And his wife is endlessly bloated with child or recovering from being bloated with child.

And he came from a background that made sex and purity and controlling the body -especially men controlling women's bodies- and patriarchy, an obsession.

Frankly, his desire to have other sexual encounters is not surprising to me given his background and life. I'm actually surprised that he wasn't seeking super deviant stuff from his Ashley Madison "encounters".

I think his culture is a perfect environment for extreme sexual problems, IMO. It's all understandable to me.

But the incredible efforts to legislate other's reproduction, and to deny others their civil rights, while preaching purity and the family and how gay and trans persons threaten the sanctity of family, while hypocritically engaging in activities that actually threaten families and children...that's unforgivable to me.
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