AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #3

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Not open for further replies. TLC cancels 19 Kids and Counting in wake of Josh Duggar scandal but will feature two female family members in a one-time special about child molestation

This worries me. I don't want the Duggars to have another forum where they can tell America that their reaction to the situation was reasonable and appropriate. Abuse victims do not need that nor do they need to hear these girls defend their brother. TLC cancels 19 Kids and Counting in wake of Josh Duggar scandal but will feature two female family members in a one-time special about child molestation

A big "No Thank You" to the special program with the Duggars about child molestation. What is with these people? If they really want to do this as some sort of public service, let it be for awhile and do it later. Producing a show so soon after discovery of cover-up reeks of insincerity, not to mention insensitivity to the girls.

I'm guessing they will see this as part of their mission. But wise missionaries know that you don't always have to be PREACHING. In fact, wise missionaries don't preach.

Grrr.....what is with this family?!? (And I was a fan!)
This worries me. I don't want the Duggars to have another forum where they can tell America that their reaction to the situation was reasonable and appropriate. Abuse victims do not need that nor do they need to hear these girls defend their brother.

The Duggar family released a statement soon after TLC announced the cancellation of the show.

'Over the last several years people have said to us, "We love your show!" We have always responded, "It's not a show, it's our lives!" Our desire in opening our home to the world is to share Bible principles that are the answers for life’s problems,' wrote Jim Bob and Michelle.

'With God’s grace and help Josh, our daughters and our entire family overcame a terrible situation, found healing and a way forward. We are so pleased with the wonderful adults they have all become.'

They closed by saying; 'We know Who holds the future and are confident that He will work all things together for good. We love each of you and look forward to unfolding the future with peace and joy.'

I'm disgusted; what could any of the Duggars have to say that will help promote the proper handling of child molestation? "God wants you to forgive your molester?" "It was probably your fault anyway?" "The bible says it's no big deal?"

It turns my stomach to see the family using SM to repair their "godly" brand and now they want to stick their self-righteous noses into matters of which they have no understanding. Grifting for $$$ IMO.
19 Kids and Counting Canceled by TLC

Chris Harnick, eonline
Seconds ago

God giveth and TLC taketh away: 19 Kids and Counting has officially been canceled, E! News has confirmed.

The reality series, which has become a sensation in recent months thanks to various marriages and babies , became embroiled in scandal after reports of sexual abuse by eldest son Josh Duggar surfaced. Josh was underage at the time of the alleged events.

"After thoughtful consideration, TLC and the Duggar family have decided to not move forward with 19 Kids and Counting," TLC said in a statement Thursday. "The show will no longer appear on the air. The recent attention around the Duggars has sparked a critical and important conversation about child protection." ...
They should be delighted they got a dream home for all those kids paid for by TLC already. Should be easy enough to raise the rest of them, financially speaking.
A molestation special by any of these people is not something you want other victims to see.
A big "No Thank You" to the special program with the Duggars about child molestation. What is with these people? If they really want to do this as some sort of public service, let it be for awhile and do it later. Producing a show so soon after discovery of cover-up reeks of insincerity, not to mention insensitivity to the girls.

I'm guessing they will see this as part of their mission. But wise missionaries know that you don't always have to be PREACHING. In fact, wise missionaries don't preach.

Grrr.....what is with this family?!? (And I was a fan!)

TLC will "milk" every drop of this whole story. It is disgusting.
Unless TLC features the Duggars’ response to sexual abuse as an example of what not to do, then the documentary will simply serve Jim Bob and Michelle’s purpose: giving us the answers they want us to hear and not the answers abuse victims need.

Here's hoping TLC reads this and does the right thing. The article says TLC is partnering with the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network & another advocacy group on this documentary. I hope that it is a true partnership and that RAINN has at least some control over the content.
A big "No Thank You" to the special program with the Duggars about child molestation. What is with these people? If they really want to do this as some sort of public service, let it be for awhile and do it later. Producing a show so soon after discovery of cover-up reeks of insincerity, not to mention insensitivity to the girls.

I'm guessing they will see this as part of their mission. But wise missionaries know that you don't always have to be PREACHING. In fact, wise missionaries don't preach.

Grrr.....what is with this family?!? (And I was a fan!)
BBM money:jail::jail::jail::jail::jail::jail::jail::tantrum:
The Duggar family released a statement soon after TLC announced the cancellation of the show.

'Over the last several years people have said to us, "We love your show!" We have always responded, "It's not a show, it's our lives!" Our desire in opening our home to the world is to share Bible principles that are the answers for life’s problems,' wrote Jim Bob and Michelle.

'With God’s grace and help Josh, our daughters and our entire family overcame a terrible situation, found healing and a way forward. We are so pleased with the wonderful adults they have all become.'

They closed by saying; 'We know Who holds the future and are confident that He will work all things together for good. We love each of you and look forward to unfolding the future with peace and joy.'

I'm disgusted; what could any of the Duggars have to say that will help promote the proper handling of child molestation? "God wants you to forgive your molester?" "It was probably your fault anyway?" "The bible says it's no big deal?"

It turns my stomach to see the family using SM to repair their "godly" brand and now they want to stick their self-righteous noses into matters of which they have no understanding. Grifting for $$$ IMO.

lol so true. Next thing you know they'll open a few cushy rehab centers for ministry/associate sex offenders like the catholics. Michelle Duggar will then present herself as the uppermost authority on sex offendng within families an tell us all how to overcome this, be forgiven, and then go on making money, and so on, it's circular.
I would only watch this IF the two adult victims were required to take part in a round-table discussion with victims outside their insular world to see how the other 99% of people deal with abuse. They need to learn it wasn't their fault and it wasn't from their lack of modesty that they were abused. Oh, the guilt they must carry, along with the crammed-down anger.
Here's hoping TLC reads this and does the right thing. The article says TLC is partnering with the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network & another advocacy group on this documentary. I hope that it is a true partnership and that RAINN has at least some control over the content.

Links to more info on the participation of RAINN in the documentary:

The recent attention around the Duggars has sparked a critical and important conversation about child protection.

Over these past weeks, TLC has consulted regularly with leading victims' rights and advocacy organizations in the U.S., including RAINN and Darkness to Light, to discuss how to use this moment to address the issue and make a positive impact. Unfortunately, child sexual abuse is not an isolated issue; it affects many children and families around the world. To that end, we are partnering with both organizations on a multi-platform campaign to raise awareness and educate parents and families about the issue. In the first phase of this initiative, TLC will work closely with both groups and with the Duggar family on a one-hour documentary that will include Jill and Jessa and other survivors and families that have been affected by abuse.

We are pleased to be partnering with TLC to fight child sexual abuse, and appreciate its efforts to spur a national dialogue about this issue. Child sexual abuse affects millions of families across the nation, and we all have a responsibility to work together to end it.

TLC’s Child-Abuse Documentary Should Not Include the Duggars

Until the Duggars have fully stepped away from an abusive religious environment—or at least publicly renounced their affiliation with it—it’s impossible for Jill and Jessa to present a helpful model for recovery. Why? Because they are still being victimized. In my case, it took years of therapy after leaving my fundamentalist church before I began to understand that I was abused. It took even longer for me to understand the systemic forces and religious structures that enabled it.

Unless TLC features the Duggars’ response to sexual abuse as an example of what not to do, then the documentary will simply serve Jim Bob and Michelle’s purpose: giving us the answers they want us to hear and not the answers abuse victims need.
And in other news:

"We are so excited to announce that we have safely arrived on the mission field and we can now tell you that we are in Central America!" the couple wrote on their family blog.

It turns out that 4-month-old Israel is a natural in his new home.

"Israel seems to be adjusting to the new climate, culture, food (via mom's milk), and language faster than Jill and I are," his dad, Derick Dillard, wrote. "In fact, he has been the talk of the town. Everywhere we go, people here (sic) about and want to see and hold the, 'big blue-eyed, white baby' LOL."

The family also shared a link for fans to help support them financially. In late June the couple announced their intention to move abroad for a long-term mission project.

Read more:

Because God wants the blue-eyed white people to teach the dirt-poor locals to have as many babies as they can pop out. Oh, and that sperm gives women cancer and VD unless they're married. :banghead:

I wish these self-righteous donkey butts would leave everyone the heck alone, get off of SM and instead spend their time on much needed self reflection.
And in other news:

"We are so excited to announce that we have safely arrived on the mission field and we can now tell you that we are in Central America!" the couple wrote on their family blog.

It turns out that 4-month-old Israel is a natural in his new home.

"Israel seems to be adjusting to the new climate, culture, food (via mom's milk), and language faster than Jill and I are," his dad, Derick Dillard, wrote. "In fact, he has been the talk of the town. Everywhere we go, people here (sic) about and want to see and hold the, 'big blue-eyed, white baby' LOL."

The family also shared a link for fans to help support them financially. In late June the couple announced their intention to move abroad for a long-term mission project.

Read more:

Because God wants the blue-eyed white people to teach the dirt-poor locals to have as many babies as they can pop out. Oh, and that sperm gives women cancer and VD unless they're married. :banghead:

I wish these self-righteous donkey butts would leave everyone the heck alone, get off of SM and instead spend their time on much needed self reflection.

BBM Yanqui go home!!!! No Central American reality show, please! and thank you. What gets me is, what kind of training do these dunderheads
have to be showing these people how to live? Better watch that P/Q
man around the little brown eyed girl AND boy babies!! And watch out, don't let the P/Q woman enable him by leaving him alone with defenseless toddlers and children. And the young women and boys. Pack up the babies and grab the old ladies indeed.

This reminds me of one of the worst cases of pedophilia in the catholic church, it was the priest who ended up getting killed in jail, when he finally
got sent there--first the church stashed him down in Haiti after finding out he was a serial, serial, serial child rapist--they sent him to a childrens school down in Haiti, or was it Barbados, anyway, he abused a few dozen kids down there, before they tried to move him back up here, "rehabilitated"
and people got wind of it, made a big ruckus and he finally went to jail.
I know he had been in charge of the entire city of LA, I think he handled the church's real estate for LA.
Long story short, hope this "missionary" I mean "money-grubbing- dolt- who- can't- spell- hear" guy or any of his buds don't mess with any of those Central American kids--or any of those people don't even think they are thinking of messing with their kids, KWIM? They will kill them.
And if I find out exactly where they are, I will be the first one to send the
local mayor an air mail and I mean it too.
These Duggars are like a big centipede thingy that when you start cutting it up, the pieces break away, and then they start sprouting up.
Like a, tree, yeah, that's it. A big nasty centipede money tree.
Feeling frisky--just got off a grueling shift, and felt moved to exalt
with a shot of tequila and an ice-cold beer, praise the Lord!
Paul Baier of Survivors First, a victim advocacy group based in the Boston area, said he wasn't sure what to say when a "convicted pedophile is murdered."

"His sentence was not to die, so this is unfortunate. The good news is that Geoghan will never rape a child again," he said.

Daniel J. Shea, a Houston lawyer who formerly represented Garry Garland of Boston, said he warned the Boston archdiocese shortly after Rev. Geoghan was sentenced that accused priests could be in danger and should be afforded some protection.

ok the murdered priest was from Boston--so that means the LA priest is still out there, BRB

and here he is....Baker must register as a sex offender, but he was not listed on the state's online sex offender registry as of Wednesday.

Baker was initially charged with 34 counts of molestation involving six victims.

Those charges were dismissed in 2003 after the U.S. Supreme Court voided a California law that allowed the prosecution of cases involving acts that occurred before 1988.

However, allegations by the two boys and one other man allowed prosecutors to file charges against Baker that were within the statute of limitations.

In January 2006, the former priest was arrested at Los Angeles International Airport as he returned from a vacation in Thailand. He was later sentenced to more than 10 years in prison, but was released early due to time served while awaiting trial and credits for good behavior.

released early? Maybe they should ask him WTF he was doing in Thailand, a catholic priest? vacationing in Thailand? Pedophilia capital in the world?
Shout out to catholics everywhere, wake up! you paid for that vacation with your hard earned money. in the collection plate!

Everyone, everywhere! don't give your money to ANY religious organization unless they are reporting ALL of the money they receive to our government. No more tax free dollars. If anyone sends the Duggars money, be aware they do not have to pay taxes on that money.

We pay taxes on every dime we make. If these religions want people to send them money so they can sit on their butts and tell us how to live,
let them at least pay the taxes on it!

Henry VIII, King James' great-grandpa, had the right idea when he took away the Church's right to tax and plunder the people.

We should do that here.
How is Jill going to be able to participate in the sex abuse thing if she is in Central America? Let me guess, they have a TLC camera crew with them.

The first thing I thought of when I heard that Anna was past due with her fourth child (second daughter) was that either she or baby girl really didn't want to be born anytime soon because then Anna would have to worry about TWO daughters being around Josh.
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