Are the Ramseys involved or not?

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Are the Ramseys involved or not?

  • The Ramseys are somehow involved in the crime and/or cover-up

    Votes: 883 75.3%
  • The Ramseys are not involved at all in the crime or cover-up

    Votes: 291 24.8%

  • Total voters
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BigAppleDetective said:
I believe that the Ramseys were NOT involved in the murder of their daughter. I also believe that the Ramseys would not cover up JonBenet's murder, or shield the murderer even if it was one of them.
What we don't know is how Thacher Alexander or Thatcher Alexander stayed UNDER the radar when he lived in The Priscilla and Fleet White house only two doors away. The phone there [four phones by the way] originally was listed as Fleet Oil Company. Now WE ALL KNOW that there was no Fleet Oil Company at that address - just a listing. Everyone has skeletons in their closet. Fleet White knew that the best defense is a good offense. So he pointed fingers at Patsy and John and those fingers ARE STILL POINTED AT THEM! There is no evidence that JonBenet WAS or was NOT murdered in Fleet's house because no one searched HIS house two doors down. I have a PRIME SUSPECT but I don't know if she had access to that house. I don't know if she was house-sitting that house or if that house was empty or had someone there over the holidays. The Whites moved away from that house.
But it is not impossible that there were some shady dealings done by the UNEMPLOYED Fleet White, and everyone felt defensive.

Why would T. Alexander be suspect?
Give me a break already! Now the Whites live only 2 DOORS away from the Rams?

My gawd! I think I'm having a "Lighthouse" moment...

Notice someone bringing up Fleet Oil? The company was listed in Calif, not Colorado if I remember correctly...
Seeker said:
Give me a break already! Now the Whites live only 2 DOORS away from the Rams?

My gawd! I think I'm having a "Lighthouse" moment...

Notice someone bringing up Fleet Oil? The company was listed in Calif, not Colorado if I remember correctly...

No, the Whites didn't live two doors away, they owned a home two doors away, this isn't new information .
Thatcher isn't a suspect, he's the occupant of that house.
In the early days, the address pulled up a phone number for "whites".
I am not certain that anyone lived in the house on Christmas day, 1996.
Thanks sissi, however the way the post was written didn't clarify anything like that. I don't remember hearing or reading that the Whites owned a house that was only 2 doors down from the Rams home before. Of course I could have and then forgotten about it since it was dismissed as not being relevant to the case.
Seeker said:
Thanks sissi, however the way the post was written didn't clarify anything like that. I don't remember hearing or reading that the Whites owned a house that was only 2 doors down from the Rams home before. Of course I could have and then forgotten about it since it was dismissed as not being relevant to the case.

I may be in error on this, but I believe that is how the Whites and Ramseys met, when the Whites lived in this house two doors away.
sissi said:
I may be in error on this, but I believe that is how the Whites and Ramseys met, when the Whites lived in this house two doors away.

That's correct. The White's RENTED that house two doors away from the Ramseys. The White's moved to their new house, which they own, well before JonBenet was killed.

The Pineapple tells me that JonBenet was up snacking on the night she was murdered. Its possible it was used as an inducement or reward for her to engage in intimate activity.

The flashlight may have been used to move around in the dark, or if the perp posed JonBenet, then maybe the perp photographed her using the flashlight as lighting.

The Ramsey's appear to be involved in a cover up. if BlueCrab is correct in assuming Erotic Asphyxiation , then it points towards the possibilty of familial incest. My ignorance prevents me from understanding how a 10-year old boy would have the nous to, or gain any satisfaction from engaging in such a practise!

Anecdote: The majority of criminals who are forensic aware and cleanup behind them, are known to the police, the police factor this into any profiles and searches.
UKGuy said:
The Ramsey's appear to be involved in a cover up. if BlueCrab is correct in assuming Erotic Asphyxiation , then it points towards the possibilty of familial incest. My ignorance prevents me from understanding how a 10-year old boy would have the nous to, or gain any satisfaction from engaging in such a practise!


Erotic asphyxiation (two participants) and autoerotic asphyxiation (solo) is a young person's extremely dangerous masturbation technique. In addition to pleasuring one's self, the danger of using the technique is likely a part of the equation that attracts mostly young males from the ages of eight and into the thirties. Males as young as nine have been found dead after accidentally asphyxiating themselves while practicing autoerotic asphyxiation.

The device wrapped around JonBenet's neck was definitely a sexual device designed for erotic and autoerotic asphyxiation. The Ramseys and the police admit to this but, to curtail embarrassment, do not publicly enforce the point.

The FBI estimates that between 500 and 1,000 persons in the U.S., most of them young males, accidentally asphyxiate themselves each year while using EA and AEA.

BlueCrab said:

Erotic asphyxiation (two participants) and autoerotic asphyxiation (solo) is a young person's extremely dangerous masturbation technique. In addition to pleasuring one's self, the danger of using the technique is likely a part of the equation that attracts mostly young males from the ages of eight and into the thirties. Males as young as nine have been found dead after accidentally asphyxiating themselves while practicing autoerotic asphyxiation.

The device wrapped around JonBenet's neck was definitely a sexual device designed for erotic and autoerotic asphyxiation. The Ramseys and the police admit to this but, to curtail embarrassment, do not publicly enforce the point.

The FBI estimates that between 500 and 1,000 persons in the U.S., most of them young males, accidentally asphyxiate themselves each year while using EA and AEA.


To Whom It May Concern:

Some of my posts fly out into cyberspace never to be heard from again. The one above was posted by me on November 12 but didn't appear on this thread until today -- 2 weeks later. I guess it must have reached a habited planet somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxie and they sent it back as undeliverable, no such address.

Teen aged kids! The same kinds that pleasure themselves knocking over old ladies with canes! Whoever did this to Jonbenet was a bit more evil than someone who was into only EA. IMO
Boulder wasn't that pleasant of a place to live, evil lurked everywhere, Steve had dead cats delivered to his door, and experienced other evil attacks.There are some sick puppies involved in this! Maybe Steve would have found the killer of Jonbenet if he would have pursued the killer of that cat!
Again: Erotic Asphixiation gives pleasure to the who's air is being cut off....not to the person doing the cutting off. Jonbenet was much too young to get any pleasure from this, and if Burke had been...he would have been doing it to himself, not to her.

How do you guys deal with the fact that there's absolutely no evidence of an intruder?
wenchie said:
Again: Erotic Asphixiation gives pleasure to the who's air is being cut off....not to the person doing the cutting off. Jonbenet was much too young to get any pleasure from this, and if Burke had been...he would have been doing it to himself, not to her.

How do you guys deal with the fact that there's absolutely no evidence of an intruder?

If you look closely at the picture of the window under the grate you will see a recent disturbance.
After the murder there were listed several windows and one door unlocked.(yes the police knew this)
There is a considerable amount of evidence pointing to an intruder, some just choose to ignore it.
sissi said:
After the murder there were listed several windows and one door unlocked.(yes the police knew this)
There is a considerable amount of evidence pointing to an intruder, some just choose to ignore it.


There were no unlocked doors or windows in the house. Officer Rick French checked every door immediately after arriving and ALL were locked. John Ramsey also told Detective Arndt that all of the doors and windows were locked before he went to bed. The rumor about the butler's door being unlocked was proven not to be true. John Fernie showed up at that door shortly after 6 A.M. (it's where he read the note on the floor) and it was locked. He had to go to the front of the house to be let in.

There was no evidence of an unknown intruder breaking into the house. There's a good possibility there was a fifth person in the house that night, but he had to have been invited in by a Ramsey. Otherwise, the Ramseys wouldn't be lying, refusing to fully cooperate with the investigation, and carrying out a coverup. The Ramseys would be doing this ONLY if a family member was involved.

sissi said:
If you look closely at the picture of the window under the grate you will see a recent disturbance.
Just WHERE are you looking, sissi? The crime scene photos of the window are available on the net, and they CLEARLY show that the dirt on the window sill has not been disturbed in WEEKS! You can actually see the droplet marks in the dirt from the last rainfall. There was no rain the night of the crime or even the week of the crime.

Steve Thomas said on GMA that they all climbed through that window and it was not possible to enter without touching the sill. Lou Smit proved that on the Today Show when he entered the window by sliding in across the sill.

Furthermore, Lou Smit admitted that what he initially thought were footprints in the window well were not footprints, but marks in the concrete which still exist to this day.
sissi said:
If you look closely at the picture of the window under the grate you will see a recent disturbance.
After the murder there were listed several windows and one door unlocked.(yes the police knew this)
There is a considerable amount of evidence pointing to an intruder, some just choose to ignore it.
Sweetie, are you ok?
Sissi is fine. She just ignores the back slapping like the the others totally ignore the evidence of an intruder. They cant get beyond a Ramsey did it no matter what. No there was no invited 5th person there that night. There was no cover up.
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