Are there other victims?

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Four year old Amanda Campbell was kidnapped from Fairfield on December 27, 1991 and has never been found. This was 6 months after Jaycee's disappearance. She was also blonde, and riding her bicycle when she was taken.

Does know why she isn't being referred to in the current investigation?

Interesting that she was riding a bicycle. Looking through the photos of the backyard, there are numerous bikes and bicycle tires. Wonder how many other missing kids/teens/ adults were riding bikes when they vanished.
Interesting that she was riding a bicycle. Looking through the photos of the backyard, there are numerous bikes and bicycle tires. Wonder how many other missing kids/teens/ adults were riding bikes when they vanished.

Was Amanda kidnapped "bike and all" or just her? It would be harder to take a child and a bike.

One of the kidnapped girls was with a friend who witnessed the event. She says that the Garrido's car matches the description.
Was Amanda kidnapped "bike and all" or just her? It would be harder to take a child and a bike.

One of the kidnapped girls was with a friend who witnessed the event. She says that the Garrido's car matches the description.

Her bike was found abandoned in a field, from what I recall. I just thought the bikes in the compound warrant some attention and might be related to other missing persons.

I don't think that Amanda was kidnapped by Garrido; just a feeling I have.
I would think by now LE has asked Jaycee if she remembers any other girls being brought to the home or staying at the home and what they looked like.

A neighbor once reported seeing 5 girls in the backyard.

I do think that Nancy is going to "talk" to at least minimize her sentence. If she is linked to any murders, then she'll talk to avoid the DP.
We don't know that Jaycee would actually tell LE anything even if she knows anything. If she is suffering from Stockholm syndrome, she might be trying to protect Garrido.
I think a map plotting all the possible victims, the location of their abductions and the distance from the Garrido homes would be most advantageous. Here is an example of one compiled on another case:

[ame=""]Maps and pictures of the area - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

(Click on the google map.)
We don't know that Jaycee would actually tell LE anything even if she knows anything. If she is suffering from Stockholm syndrome, she might be trying to protect Garrido.
I agree with that- I read an article last night stating Jaycee said Garrido didn't touch her girls and hadn't touched her in years... not sure I believe it.
I agree with that- I read an article last night stating Jaycee said Garrido didn't touch her girls and hadn't touched her in years... not sure I believe it.

Can you link to the article?
Thanks for the link to the article, LinasK . . .
Almost from the start, police have had to ponder the disturbing possibility that kidnap-rape suspect Phillip Craig Garrido sexually molested the two girls whom he is suspected of fathering with his alleged hostage of 18 years, Jaycee Dugard.

Now comes word that the answer appears to be "no" - at least according to Dugard.

"She's saying he didn't touch her kids," says one law enforcement source who is following the investigation.

Read more:

Why don't they ask the daughters?

Also, there's abuse other than sexual abuse.

Wonder if this explains the charges, which don't mention anything after age 18, as I recall.
I agree with that- I read an article last night stating Jaycee said Garrido didn't touch her girls and hadn't touched her in years... not sure I believe it.

I hope police wouldn't just take her word on it and check into it further. She of course could be telling the truth, but, again, if she is suffering from Stockholm syndrome, she could be trying to protect Garrido. And she could be suffering from it-even her stepfather had said she has "feelings" for Garrido.
It might take a long time for her to be "de-programmed" so to speak.
I agree with that- I read an article last night stating Jaycee said Garrido didn't touch her girls and hadn't touched her in years... not sure I believe it.

Well, that would be consistent with what Garrido claimed in his jailhouse interview, and with the charge sheet.
Well, that would be consistent with what Garrido claimed in his jailhouse interview, and with the charge sheet.
The "powerful, heart-warming" statement from the victim that he's learned to control his urges???:banghead: I think NOT!!!:snooty:
The "powerful, heart-warming" statement from the victim that he's learned to control his urges???:banghead: I think NOT!!!:snooty:

Agreed. We SO do not need to hear a story of his redemption . . . esp. at trial.

When you're brainwashed and abused, you can't understand just how brainwashed and abused you really are. IMO.
Last night on Geraldo (Fox News) he spent about a half-hour on this case. His brother, Craig, and Dr. Baden were at the Garrido property watching an investigator use the ground penetrating radar, with Dr. Baden explaining about finding bones. Dr. Baden said that they can extract DNA from bones that will determine age, sex, and identity of a victim. He mentioned finding Civil War dead and being able to identify bones that are 200 years old.

Geraldo then did an interview with Michaela's mother, Sharon Murch, and the girl, now an adult, who was with Michaela the day she was kidnapped and was a witness to kidnapping, describing the suspect and the vehicle. She would only say that the man bears an uncanny resemblance to PG.

Geraldo may do more coverage of this case tonight.
The "powerful, heart-warming" statement from the victim that he's learned to control his urges???:banghead: I think NOT!!!:snooty:

No. The bit about not doing anything to the girls and undergoing a life changing experience when the second girl was born (ie, not raping Jaycee anymore). That would be consistent with what she allegedly said.
No. The bit about not doing anything to the girls and undergoing a life changing experience when the second girl was born (ie, not raping Jaycee anymore). That would be consistent with what she allegedly said.
I've already pointed out to you how he had been claiming that his life has changed back in 1978. Why would you base anything on his claims?

That's what he was saying back then:
""I have set my goals and find myself well on my way," he said in neat cursive. "In all respects, my life has changed." He said that he was "ashamed" of his past and added that his life was "now in control."",0,5457808.story
I've already pointed out to you how he had been claiming that his life has changed back in 1978. Why would you base anything on his claims?

That's what he was saying back then:
""I have set my goals and find myself well on my way," he said in neat cursive. "In all respects, my life has changed." He said that he was "ashamed" of his past and added that his life was "now in control."",0,5457808.story

Because Jaycee is apparently making corroborating claims. Unless you think she is not telling the truth as well. What he said in the past after his last conviction about how he would act in the future is irrelevant. The jailhouse interview he gave was about the events of the last 18 years, not about his future behaviour or what he thought his future behaviour would have been 20 years ago. If she is essentially saying the same thing as him about certain details, logic follows that those details are most likely correct, unless she is being deceitful. It is allways possible that they might have made a cover story prior to the visit to the parole office, but there is no evidence to support that.

Just because PG is an evil person does not mean that he is lying about everything. It means you can't trust him, but when there is independent corroboration on certain facts, it is not unreasonable to conclude that he is being truthfull on those facts.
The claims he made back in 1978 about his life changing don't struck you as similar to ones he is making now? This is the person who has been claiming how he had found god for years. This seems to be theme with him.

"Along his twisted trail of drugs and sexual violence, records and interviews show that Garrido invoked God at every turn before he was arrested Aug. 26 and accused of kidnapping, raping and imprisoning Jaycee Dugard for 18 years in his backyard.

Again and again, he claimed he had found God. To a woman he had abducted and was about to rape. To the judge who sentenced him to 50 years behind bars for the crime. And later, to business clients and neighbors in Antioch, Calif."

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