Are there other victims?

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Keep in mind that those reports came from European tabloids and haven't been expanded on in any subsequent reports, so in all probability they were fabricated or embellished for sensationalism. That is what those tabloids do routinely, that is how they sell copies. People like to read about other people being pigs. Usually however the truth is much more mundane, but that doesnt make for good copy.

The same is true for a lot of the more lurid reports that came out of the early days. If these things really did happen you would have expected to hear more details emerge as time went by, but we have not heard so much as a squeak about them.

Natal, I hope you are right and that the neighbors lied on camera.

Bu I will keep praying all the same!
I hope and pray that it was one occasion when the sound proof shed was used to lock up all three girls and that there was someone else in the tents. I pray that I am not wrong on this point.

I really have to believe if the parties did happen.
Then Jaycee & the girls were kept in the shed or in the house.
He may even had left them in the neighbours house during parties.
We don't even know what year these parties were & if they happened the way the useless old man reported.

If I'm wrong then there will be more charges added against PG for that and shouldn't LE be hunting down the other rapists?
I was shocked and felt horrible for Jaycee & Family when Jimmie Le spokesman for contra costa sheriffs Dept. Broad-casted his arrogant assumptions on his doubt as to whether Jaycee had given birth to only two children during her 18 years of captivity.

He was the cause of a flurry of articles guessing that the monster had probably killed any baby boys. This had to have caused Jaycee & Family more trauma. Truth or not.
It should have been left to Jaycee to share that kind of information with the world.
It was a sleazy thing to do.

I would like to have seen him replaced with a more ethical spokesperson.
They are supposed to be trained to protect the privacy of rape victims.

He has no clue as to why she only had 2 children & he should have kept his big mouth shut. It really was none of his business to say that.

I wish he had used his big mouth to give a phone tip line for people to call in about more missing children. And to ask any other victims or people to give details on PG..
Instead he waited what another 7 weeks or so to give a public comment & tip line
for the missing girls? Use lesss....
GREAT POST JMV...:clap::clap::clap:
You need to post more often. :dance:
You are right, anything about JC's privet hell is hers to tell or not tell.
The LE was looking to run down PG and he was not thinking.
I always said there is much we do not know, much we may never know, and much that is none of our business.
We need to find the other children....The rest is not something we may ever really know.

It too Elizabeth 6 years to let us know that she was raped 4 times a day.
And we still do not know much more, that is enough.

I can only say I am glad LE is also looking and thinking about the possibility of other children,
but no it did not have to be said.
I think there are still many secrets that will come out in this case that we don't even have a clue about yet.

I can not in good conscience believe that there were not other as of yet unknown victims before Jaycee. After Jaycee who knows? I highly doubt that a self professed evil person only committed crimes on three known victims and two unknown victims (prior to KC) and after Katie stopped until Jaycee then never did harm to anyone else.

I don't think it's possible either that there were only 3 victims nor that he cured himself of pedophilia. I guess what I am wondering is to what lengths he would go to - two known kidnaps. Would he progress to something even worse? I don't remember what his MO was with the first victim other than she was 14, right? He went to great extents to plan out the second one. Weird that he even tried to keep contacting her. Then Jaycee he plans out and keeps around. What is the psychology behind this? I guess I'm trying to figure out if any of his known behavior would predict his other behavior. Would Garrido kill his victims? I'm think of Lisa Norrell. Would he get rid of some of them because there's no other viable options, it doesn't fit with other plans he has going on. He couldn't bring any more back to the house and he wasn't probably going to go out for days and concoct something like he did in Nevada with the storage unit. Maybe this is where the Institute idea came in.
I don't think it's possible either that there were only 3 victims nor that he cured himself of pedophilia. I guess what I am wondering is to what lengths he would go to - two known kidnaps. Would he progress to something even worse? I don't remember what his MO was with the first victim other than she was 14, right? He went to great extents to plan out the second one. Weird that he even tried to keep contacting her. Then Jaycee he plans out and keeps around. What is the psychology behind this? I guess I'm trying to figure out if any of his known behavior would predict his other behavior. Would Garrido kill his victims? I'm think of Lisa Norrell. Would he get rid of some of them because there's no other viable options, it doesn't fit with other plans he has going on. He couldn't bring any more back to the house and he wasn't probably going to go out for days and concoct something like he did in Nevada with the storage unit. Maybe this is where the Institute idea came in.

he doesnt seem to have an MO. he changes everything around. which i guess means he's capable of murder too.
my question is why keep jaycee for 18 years? the one thing about his other (known) crimes seems he was just using them for his needs. why the need to destroy a young girl and then continue it for almost 2 decades? grrrrrrrrr
What's that old saying, "those that can't, teach"? Anyway, my point is maybe PG got off by using his "skills" to his advantage. Perhaps he set up the parties, brought in prostitutes and drugs and became the "guru", so to speak to the party-goers. Just a thought.
he doesnt seem to have an MO. he changes everything around. which i guess means he's capable of murder too.
my question is why keep jaycee for 18 years? the one thing about his other (known) crimes seems he was just using them for his needs. why the need to destroy a young girl and then continue it for almost 2 decades? grrrrrrrrr

I can't remember where I read it, but there was a quote to the effect that Jaycee was pure. You hear so many varying reports about how she was treated after her second daughter was born, that it's hard to separate fact from fiction. Some reports say she was treated more like the wife. Some say it never got any better for her except that the sexual abuse stopped. Obviously she met a need somewhere in his sinister heart. Thank God she did or she wouldn't be here today.

I also don't think Katie would have been found alive if the circumstances had turned out differently.
I can't remember where I read it, but there was a quote to the effect that Jaycee was pure. You hear so many varying reports about how she was treated after her second daughter was born, that it's hard to separate fact from fiction. Some reports say she was treated more like the wife. Some say it never got any better for her except that the sexual abuse stopped. Obviously she met a need somewhere in his sinister heart. Thank God she did or she wouldn't be here today.

I also don't think Katie would have been found alive if the circumstances had turned out differently.

well i dont consider her being 'allowed' to clean his house and take care of his supposedly wacko mom qualifies as 'marriage'.
i know that's what jaycee supposedly said, but she was 11 when she was taken. she doesnt really know what marriage is other then garridos warped vision of it.
The NE for Nov.2 will be on the news stands tomorrow.

The article says Garrido MAY have fathered a son and then murdered

the boy and his mother. According to a "close friend" of Garrido, Phil

wrote a song about a man killing a woman and her young son, admitting

he was the person the song was about. According to the NE, LE is

investigating. Jimmy Lee is the Le source for the article, friend is un-named.

Please don't kill the messenger!
I can't remember where I read it, but there was a quote to the effect that Jaycee was pure. You hear so many varying reports about how she was treated after her second daughter was born, that it's hard to separate fact from fiction. Some reports say she was treated more like the wife. Some say it never got any better for her except that the sexual abuse stopped. Obviously she met a need somewhere in his sinister heart. Thank God she did or she wouldn't be here today.

I also don't think Katie would have been found alive if the circumstances had turned out differently.

BBM. I saw an interview somewhere with KC, I think it was the Dateline special, and she said that the police found something in the storage unit that led them to believe that PG was planning to kill her when he finished with her. She said she didn't ask what it was and didn't want to know.

It made me very curious about PG's MO. Obviously he planned to keep Jaycee alive, at least for a while. I wonder why? Did he just wanted a long term victim, or was it something else? Some grander scheme? And I wonder how he planned on covering up whatever he was going to do with KC?
BBM. I saw an interview somewhere with KC, I think it was the Dateline special, and she said that the police found something in the storage unit that led them to believe that PG was planning to kill her when he finished with her. She said she didn't ask what it was and didn't want to know.

It made me very curious about PG's MO. Obviously he planned to keep Jaycee alive, at least for a while. I wonder why? Did he just wanted a long term victim, or was it something else? Some grander scheme? And I wonder how he planned on covering up whatever he was going to do with KC?

I know this is "over the top", but I still wouldn't put it past him trying to please Gramma with some grandkids....she said how much "she wanted to have girls".
well i dont consider her being 'allowed' to clean his house and take care of his supposedly wacko mom qualifies as 'marriage'.
i know that's what jaycee supposedly said, but she was 11 when she was taken. she doesnt really know what marriage is other then garridos warped vision of it.

I don't feel that way at all. Remember the statement that Carl made, where Jaycee said it was "like a marriage"? Also a person who had been in the house stated that pg treated Jaycee like his wife and made nancy do all the cleaning. So at this point we really know nothing except the horror that she experienced in the early years and the fact that she was made to live in a tent.
The NE for Nov.2 will be on the news stands tomorrow.

The article says Garrido MAY have fathered a son and then murdered

the boy and his mother. According to a "close friend" of Garrido, Phil

wrote a song about a man killing a woman and her young son, admitting

he was the person the song was about. According to the NE, LE is

investigating. Jimmy Lee is the Le source for the article, friend is un-named.

Please don't kill the messenger!

when was this supposed to have taken place exactly?
I don't feel that way at all. Remember the statement that Carl made, where Jaycee said it was "like a marriage"? Also a person who had been in the house stated that pg treated Jaycee like his wife and made nancy do all the cleaning. So at this point we really know nothing except the horror that she experienced in the early years and the fact that she was made to live in a tent.

i know what jaycee told carl. but jaycee's mind was still messed up from garridos sick view of the world. so according to garrido, that was his idea of 'marriage"
and im not trusting a damn word that comes out of anyone's mouth that was in that house and saw jaycee.
The NE for Nov.2 will be on the news stands tomorrow.

The article says Garrido MAY have fathered a son and then murdered

the boy and his mother. According to a "close friend" of Garrido, Phil

wrote a song about a man killing a woman and her young son, admitting

he was the person the song was about. According to the NE, LE is

investigating. Jimmy Lee is the Le source for the article, friend is un-named.

Please don't kill the messenger!

Oh my frippen goodness sakes!!! Why in heavens name would LE leak this information??!!?? This case is getting stranger and stranger from a LE standpoint. Oh my gosh, I just thought of all the Mothers of missing girls/women and the heartache and anguish this will cause them.
i know what jaycee told carl. but jaycee's mind was still messed up from garridos sick view of the world. so according to garrido, that was his idea of 'marriage"
and im not trusting a damn word that comes out of anyone's mouth that was in that house and saw jaycee.

Ok, that's totally your right to have any opinions you wish to have, but, you are aware I hope that I am not disagreeing with you? :waitasec:
Hi Harmony! I've lived in the older part of Antioch a little bit more than 40 years. I hope you don't mind that I help with the maps. If one wants to map the distance from Garrido's house to the locations where the adult victims were found, it is best to enter his complete address of 1554 Walnut Avenue, Antioch, CA. He would use the "back roads" - either Wilbur Avenue or East 18th Street, connecting to 10th Street at A Street, then straight down Old Highway 4 to California Avenue, Harbor Street, or out to Willow Pass Road - not the freeway itself.

Yours is the very likely route a person like Garrido would drive to get from his house to 111 West 10th Street (the IDES Hall, which has since been torn down) where Lisa started her walk down 10th Street in Antioch with the intention of walking 4 or so miles straight down 10th Street, which turns into the Pittsburg-Antioch Highway, or as we call it here, "Old Highway 4," to get to her home in Pittsburg.

If you drag the map right, you can follow her path as she walked west down 10th Street. We do not know how far she walked, only that 8 days later her body was found "down the road" on Old Highway 4, near the garden center 2.2 miles away.

The road where 32 year old Rachel Cruise was found has been re-configured in that one can no longer get to that particular area of California Avenue with a simple left turn off Old Highway 4 as they did in 1998, they have to go around via Loveridge Road. The map results are actually advantageous to WebSleuths as Google's blue pathline encircles the industrial area where she was found.

Once Old Highway 4 crosses over Loveridge Avenue, the name changes to 14th Street, Pittsburg. The road area has also been slightly re-configured around here since 1998 but 24 year old Jessica Frederick was found at Harbor Street near Old Highway 4.

J&M Enterprises (Auto Wreckers aka Auto Dismantlers) is currently located at 1215 Willow Pass Road, Pittsburg. Reportedly James and Cheyvonne Molino have been doing business at this location since 1991. One of the adult victims was found at or near this business in 1998; and Rachel Cruise was reportedly found "near an auto wrecking yard" and "in a ditch on California Avenue" around the same time. I'm curious if the Molino's also owned a wrecking yard at one time in this area or if that is a coincidence. This is the map to the Willow Pass location.

I hope you feel better soon!


edited Tuesday night to add map to one of Phillip Garrido's customers. The recycling center is very near the locations of the industrial areas mapped out above showing where the Pittsburg prostitute bodies were located:

Bumping this here to take another look
The Song he wrote for his musical CD, was in the 70's.

Picture of Garrido singing, long hair, cowboy hat.
I don't feel that way at all. Remember the statement that Carl made, where Jaycee said it was "like a marriage"? Also a person who had been in the house stated that pg treated Jaycee like his wife and made nancy do all the cleaning. So at this point we really know nothing except the horror that she experienced in the early years and the fact that she was made to live in a tent.

Wow, Sunnie... thanks for the info. Who made the statement about seeing them in the house? I thought it was said that Jaycee had to do the cleaning?

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